i 4 i 4 lprfncc Rupert Daily r?clus Tuesday, October 15, 1916 'ft Fall-ing in Line with WALLACE'S Fail Coats HIGH FASHION NOTES Loose fitting 1) o x styles or form fitting and belted all around. You'll find them all at Wallace's. The pick of Fall Coats. ALL THAT ARE NEW IN FALL COAT STYLES WALLACE'S Of Course i General Contractor REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPEIir HOTEL Chop Suey Chow Mein Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 0 ajn. to 2 a.m. PHONE 173 NEW CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS ALTERATIONS GREER & BRIDDEN Builders and Contractors PHONE RED 561 pi0. uox 721 IBB IIBaiBIIIRIBDBIIIRIIINIIIBIIBklBIIin A. MacKeniie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" See us for MATTRESSES - SPRINGS BEDS and BEDDING Phone or send in your mail order I'lnjiic 775 : 327 Third Ave. We do4 basements, reshingling, build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings.. 10'0 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL BLUE (510 and we will give an estimate, i'.o. uox C54 : prince rupert FUKNITURE REPAIRING Uliliohtcriiiff - Slip Covers Drapes Car ami Truck Cushions Repaired and Recovered Out-of-town orders given special care. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Phone Green 971 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre mm SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala 1:30 pjn. (Standard Time) Friday SS Cardena, 10 p.m. (Standard Time) Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every, fortnight. Further information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 5G3 PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY NEWS-rCIRCULATION COUNTS 5 if ! i 2 TEEN TOAVN MAYOR (Continued from rage 1) Ity. By a shift of circumstances. which may later toe incorporated into election policy, he will take a seat on the Board of Aldermen. When nominations were opened for candidates for the eight-man Board of Aldermen on October 2, only seven names were presented. These seven were acclaimed, and the eighth seat left open. At the conclusion of Saturday night's voting, It was decided that as defeated mayoral candidate, Mel Thompson should fill the vacant scat on the Board of Aldermen. It is understood that the Teen Town officers arc seriously considering following this practice in future elections. VICTORY DANCE After the decision of the voters had been announced Saturday night, the Teen Towncrs held a I victory dance in the Civic Centre auditorium, at which retiring mayor Thompson formally turned over his gavel to incoming Mayor Lavigne. About 350 Teen Towners attended the dance. Music was provided by a record player. The full panel of Teen Town officers for 1946-47 are: Mayor Reg Lavigne. City Clerk Mickey Murray. Police Chief Bob McChesney. Board of Aldermen Betty Hamilton, Eddie Ciccone. Vina Lavigne, Fred Orlmble, Rosa line Thaln, Chon Curric, Bill Anderson and Mel Thompson. MANY IitOJECTS Leadership of the teen ase community will be no "soft touch" If projects already laid down toy the organization arc fulfilled. As a result of a questionnaire which was circulated through Booth Memorial High School several weeks ago, several projects urgently requested by the young people themselves stand before the Teen Town heads. Mayor Lavigne announced Saturday night that these projects would be tocgun "immediately." They arc: 1. A Teen Town newspaper. 2. Ski Club. 3. 4. 5. C. Jive Club. Rifle Club. Archery Club. Fencing Club. As these projects get' under way, others named by the citizens will follow. A meeting of the Board of Alderman has been railed for this week to lay plans for starting the projects. Officers who conducted Saturday's voting were Bill Anderson, returning officer; and Poll Clerks Doug Marshall. Alex Gomez. Syd Youngman and Bob Gillis. Steamship Sailings For Vancouvei Monday ss Princess Adelaide, 10 pjn. Tuesday &s Catala 12:30 p.m. Thursday ss Prince Rupert, 11: 15 p.m. Friday ss Cardena, 9:00 'pjn. Princess Louise, p.nu From Vancouver Sunday s Catala, 4 p.m. Monday ss Princess Adelaide. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, 10:00 a.m. From Alaska ss Prince Rupert, 7 p.m. For Alaska Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, midnight. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert WE'LL KEEP YOU WARM NEXT WINTER If 'you order your coal for next winter NOW. By orderino todnv you protect your fam-ily and yourself against being caught without coal when winter comes. Philpott, Evitt & CO. LTD. Phone 651 and 652 RESERVE DIVISION TO BE SET UP HERE Prince Rupert's naval establishment, H. M. C. S. Chatham, is to re-open as an R.C.N. V.R.. division with an enlisted strength of 150 men, according to an announcement made in Vancouver Sunday by Commander L. L. Atwood, R.C.N. V.R., Ottawa. VANCOUVER AIR BRIEF PRESENTED It will 'Do commanded oy ucui. Commander Qrme Stuart, .who was commanding officer of the pre-war reserve division prior to serving overseas. The announcement follows a visit a month ago by Commander K. C. McRae of H.M.C.S. Discovery, Vancouver, who felt out VANCOUVER- A brief urging ! local reaction to the restablish- cstabllshment of a scheduled air ment of a reserve division and service between Vancouver and received names of those Inter-Prince Rupert was presented at ested in enlistment, a private holiday session of the ! The training staff Is about to Canadian Air Transport Board here Monday by G. A. Hunter," former vice-president of thu Prince Rupert Chamber of The resolution was read before today's open session of the board, with W. A. Rundle, chairman of the transportation bureau of the Vancouver Board of Trade, holding watching brief In the absence of Mr. Hunter, who left the southern city last night to return to Prince Rupert. Both Canadian Pacific Airlines and Queen Charlotte Airlines arc preparing to apply for licence to operate a scheduled air service from Vancouver to Princa Rupert. USED COSTLY COMBS Combs of ivory or boxwood have frequently been found In early Christian tomb3. T hi be assigned. 2-CENT TICKET WINS $60,000 LONDON O Mark William Saunders, 39-ycar-old bricklayer, won more than $00,000 in a football pool on a 2-cent ticket. CONTRASTING VIEWS Dispute at the Peace Conference, degeneration of relations between the East and West In Europe all provide an alarming picture. There are optimists, however, who argue that the continent's marathon crisis will eventually resolve In stable settlements of all problems. BIG COFFEE PORT Santos, Brazil, is the leading coffee port of the world. Hand of Cougars Hunted In South HARRISON, B.C. -A band of cougars that has feasted on stock and chickens In the Harrison Mills district is being sought by a group or residents. On iprcvlous occasions cougars have caused serious damage" to stock In the district., MARRIED HERE SATURDAY NIGHT At a quiet wedding ceremony held in First United Church manse at 0:30 Saturday evening. Mrs. Jenny Poulscn, formerly of Stewart, became the bride of Peter Vlkdal of Prince Rupert. Rev. R. A. Wilson officiated. Wearing a blue lace dress of street length, with corsage of red roses, the bride was attend cd by Mrs. Paddy Ivarsori, wearing a dress of blue crepe with corsage of yellow roses. Groomsman was Paddy Ivar-son. Following the ceremony a reception and dinner was held in the Commodore ball room, at which 28 friends sat at table. Toast to the bride was proposed by the groomsman and responded to by the bridegroom. Mr. and Mrs. Vikdal hav" taken residence at 137 Fiftli Avenue East. Mr. Vlkdal Is a fisherman In Prince Rupert. LONDON, Vlckcrs-Arm strong has received orders for two complete cement plants. CASH MONEY and some of it may come your way! Yesterday Farmer Neilson got over $800 cash when he sold his grain. Through the processes of trade and com-merce, somo of that money may come to you. Banking service enabled him to obtain his money quickly. TllC farmer doesn't have to wait for his money until his grain reaches the consumer . . . this is important to you, no matter where you live or what your work. Farmer Nielson, and thousands like him, spend money for household and farm equipment, food, clothes, radios, paint and a hundred other things. This helps keep people busy all over the Dominion. - Your bank advances crcdi! also to help farmers plant, cultivate and harvest crops of all kinds, to buy and raise livestock. Banking service is something like the good oil in fine machinery, you never notice it. But it is a prime factor in your prosperity ... in the Canadian way of life. i r j f Advertisement i s S p o n s o r e d by your Bank UNRRA IMPORTS ROME So great Is the Increase In UNRRA shipments ar riving in Italian ports th.it emergency measures are now being taken to prevent bottlenecks and to secure the most econnmi. cal use of the very limited num- ber of frcLght cars at present at the disposal of the Italian State Railways. All ports are to be brought Into fullest operation and more use Is to foe made of road transport, coastal shipping and Inland waterways. A central transport committee has been formed representative of all ministries, the UNRRA Italy Mission. European Central Internal Transport Organization and the Allied Military Forces, which will examine all demands for transport and co-ordinate BH '""Banian, HI 0mc " shlfcNI miPs sailed t.?i!l Kingdom 11,1 7l ports. HI from ik,. . KM active V"sml attain n.i. . Yii THE GREATEST OUTDOOR $a-r ROMANCE V4I SAl OF THEM ALL... J lt.INjfI Scir -IoelM -w iillif..i,,i.,li, j urifln Dunii ALL the ROMANCE SOIHIV III . , , tUrj l tilt Kill M ail tht beauty Barbara BrittonTayM t fUrntftf ... imiwif r -" MATINEES i .91 ' EVENINGS ' IM MARCH 'fl"' I KB Auction Sale . OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS Thursday, October 17th, at 2:30 p at Clapp Mock (oHo.ite Civic Centre) CONSISTING OF: .1 firiiflin r.mwh, 9. rhnstprfiekl Suites, I amel Range, 2 Boxes Carpenters' Tools, "! ettcr Suite (natural fimsiij, i ronw" tu 1 nuctn.f:nu T.,Wn ') Ilrpsscrs.Zil odes, 2'Iieds (complete), Pictures, D fans, etc. MUST BE SOLD TERMS CASH GEORGE J. DAWES 5 The Auctioneer Still Talking Watches... If ever we were able to WAI JJ about the We won't say anyihins grades-net this time HutsUirUnBatJlWanduijto any price within rcason-t b si att talk cci tainly in a position to THE WORLD'S STANDARD MAKES THAT W& riMT.v MOVEMENTS GUARANTEE. racy chccwa "P.. 1 l...1 .innlimP.V our electronic 'watchmastei . i..:ri.. un 1 nnv watch CO M I E IN AND I'1' inicnt mm mm -mmw .w m a m3W