I9rinre Uupcrt Dai!? J3rtos 3JU&. Thaxi Argeoe. Pnaoe Bspet. 0. A. Hum IK, Vantnf Miter. 80B6CSIFTIOX RATES: frr Yar tf tWL p-r eostJi -ftr Ttmr t ABC i (AntlicrtaK! i Seeead CJ laa. Poet OT3c ; Indians and Liquor ! If general talk around the city h to be credited, and some rather ;F : riou8 incidents attributable to ; liquor getting among the natives I have occurred to bear the talk out, jit is time something was done about tightening up on the situation as re-'.gards the supplying of liquor to In-jdians. We know that it is difficult ;for the police to obtain convictions 1 in'these kind of cases which depend ! to large extent for evidence upon ' native informants themselves, who ;a;e often unwilling. It is neverthe-jfess serious that there should even jb: death, the underlying csu&e of I wlich might have been mauth'n in-i dgtrttein spirits by the poor vic-; ti?is tbeswelve. Certainly, if any-j thlnfiean be done to stop a situation Unthis regard which is generally said tfrbe deteriorating it should be done. .One thing that might be done wsuld be the restoration of a Dominion police officer attached to the rlndian Department such as we for-rnerly had for many years. Sometimes the Indians themselves claim-ed undue prosecution under such a :,et-up but, be that as it may, con-".xlifcions were probably better in those lays than they are now. Emergency in Alaska TRYING TO Alaska is, apparently, as badly AnPU nAirx if not worse off than the British Col- (jPtN KUAD : umbia coast in shortage of shipping tnnnQira TKa Iacc nf tVio ctPQmpr , Gearing Snow From Western Yukon makes the situation even the . mnn cprinn. Arirlwl to that the biff Saxon prefix of negation. : Goering's Aeronautical Research Plant "Undetected by Allies Until End of War 'HT1? ll,"JIen. from the Allies throoghout the war, the Hermann Goerine AeronauUcal R. tearcb Plant was visited by four of the 40 Canadian scientists sent by the Department of Eeeonitni UOn t(f &9R tKo 9limnrment nf Rimini,', otitis;. I. rn.. wininw .... . : w o .iniiuiu. jckiuiu. i.e lour square mues ol Dlant hi4dn ma forest was found intact by Dr. J. J. Green, Chief Aeronautical Research Engineerof the Air transport Board. (ire&tt oHrnncow u'en nAa rr Ramn.i (n V.U.k. Vfu j rocicet power and wind tunnels for testing new designs. When Germany surrendered the above wind tunnel was being constructed by the Nazis in the Otztal Alps. The working section is 26 feet In tAe0me M feet. This 100,000 h.p. tunnel was to be driven by direct water power -TrSM "laJi1-Below isthe Walther bl-f ael (Uqald) rocket JSt.. -V7 Beauty Lane Salon Beulah Lavlgne (late of Modern Beauty Parlor) has purchased the Annette Powell Beauty Shoppe from Peggy Saunders and Is continuing as Beauty Lane Salon 1 .Fourth Street, opposite Post Office Phone Blue 917 MOTT ELECTRIC (Prince Rupert) LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial - Industrial Marine Electricians Home Wiring and Repairs Phone Black 307 23C Second Avenue West 'Part f Prinee Rupert Hithway A PubUe Works liners Aleutian awl Columbia, for-if merly operating to Alaska, are on the the Prince Rapen HiRhxay. t Hawaiian run. ; approachins the Rainbaw Lake The outlook for pleasure travel, ' SBmmil ab30t 15 ma" asl of or even lor business travel, to Alaska, during the coming .summer and fall, is far from bright the city with the immediate ob jective of opening up the road a fir as Tree and possibly Telegraph Point; District Engi- - To relieve the Situation and tOjneerJ. C. Brady said this mora-nhviatp a raisins af tariffs. Alaskans! taS- Saov conditions on the hfefa- are k .urging the government to build ivay east o Point Iiew ships and turn them over at ; particularly at Kinitsa. There half price or thereabouts as Alaska j a vx-iooi srwirsiide has covered carrier5 the risht-of-war. ulth the mo- Meantime, another means of hGj "? . . ' .. , .. slides coming dovn the motin- meetmg the situation, temporarily tainside. make it doubtful if at least, is receiving a large measure that pan of the road win be Of support particularly in SOUth- cleared in the near future. eastern Alaska, namely the further' Horaer. the department is suspension of the Jones Act whfch would enable Canadian vessels to j depth ranges from a foot to help Alaska in its current shipping) three feet emergency. Wrong Symbol Is Best Now someone discovers that there is no such thing as the United Nations Organization. The San Francisco Charter says just "United Nations." No one seems to know who LETTERBOX j ample. SHARING JOBS t Editor. I Daily News It was a good thing to see ihe picket line in Prince Rupert on ( Saturday. The Labor-Progres- tacked on the generally accepted Or-: mg to get more work for- the ganization. But there is a slight ef- dry dock in shipbuilding so the fort afoot to change the designation i nedT may haT bJ aad mfa from U.N.O. to U.N. lXTl 1 1ir - ... their families. Yet we have a e confess an allergy to the cur- , maa and his wife, both employ-rent and inevitable alphabetical des- jed as school teachers, going out ignation of practically everything. ' on picket Hne and asking urn, ii we must cnoose, we will take ,ir X. I Z:S. That's the reason why stogie TTvn 1- v r U.N.O. in preference to L.N. Cer-, woa!en Jlnd Jobs. w tamly the .Spanish word for one is a j are sharing our food. Let tu do more appropriate symbol for the the same with our jobs. The United Nations' goal than the Antdo-1001 m,ght an " D mm F. MILLER. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. VANCOCVER Bralorne ISjOO BJl. Con. . . 2 BilJC. 1935 -. .. .18 Cariboo Gold ." 3.15 Dentonia .45 Vi Grull Wihkjne - 73 U. Hediey Mascot - 2 75 Minto j:1. - jmt Pioneer 650 Premier Border .13 Premier 3i5 Privateer .79 Reeves McDonald 1.50 Reno .13 Salmon Gold 2H Sheep Creek 155 Taylor Bridge . 1X1 Whitewater M Vananda .55 Congress .15 Pacific Eastern tyt Hediey Amalgamated .. .15'i Spud Valley 20 Central Zeballos 22 Oils AP. Con. Calmont . ,.. C. & E. Foothills Home ...... '.42 2.60 150 350 TORONTO Aumaque 12Z Beattie i.C0 Bobjo 2C Buffalo Canadian 20 Con. Smelters KM . Eldona MO Elder 1.22 Giant Yellowknlfe 8.00 Hard rock 1.09 Jacknlfe ,36 Joliet uebec 138 Little Long Lac 3.10 Madsen Red Lake 455 MacLeod Cockshutt .... 3.55 Moneta .75 Omega - 25 Pickle Crow 4.45 San Antonio 5.50 Senator Rouyn 155 Sherritt Gordon 1.89 Sturgeon River jg God's Lake .66 BLACKHEADS Gt two mmm f prila pcrxltr from TOvt iruttitt. Eartakl bo. t doU ud ipclr to tli ( (at)7 Kry Uuk. W4 wul t rmdv4. Tl m Mft. rart u4 im(.U war to mo llttkbmi. THE REXALL STORE To Our Visitors At fire Is the morning the moon's still aglow Looking dovra on oar mountains tinted vith scot. The ocean's a mirror in which he does smile. I wish you could see it, 1 would be worth your uhlle. So come to Prince Rupert and see for yourself The wonderful scenery in -which we abound; Dont let anyone tell we're on the shell, I heard that expression, but here's what I low ml: A nice little city sloping down to the sea Where people are friendly towards strangers like me. YouH find yon are welcome whene'er you come In, But the way folks razz it, it's really a sin. We grant you we get lots of rain. But we can smile as we explain When others get their frost and lee. We think the rain is pretty nice. In summer the days are so long and so bright. The sun works overtime, late in the night It's a beautiful sight as it goes to rest. Sliding down o'er the mountains away to the west Just beyond our harbor you may go for a swim. Salt Lakes is the place to get Tigor and Tim; It's a beautiful spot but a lot we must do To make it more pleasant for people like you. As I finish my poem the moon fades away. And the sun lakes its place to brighten the way. The crows are calling, they tell you twill be A very nice day for you and for me. MISS AUSTRALIA I WP a" 8 made by the Aus- pAMAHA traUan Wo0' Board and she will TOVIQ,T 1 VIOii LAlAUA ibe completely fitted out with BRISBANE. Australia Q Miss an all-wool wardrobe. "Dinner i ly won the Miss Australia con-, suits will be Included in Mis test will visit Canada this summer on her tour of the North American continent and Great Britain. Arrangements for her Kelly's wardrobe. Classified Ads bunz results SALAD i J.-iu Km ELDERLY NATIVE DIED OF SHOCK A eoroner's jury called by Coroner XL M Stephens at Metla katla on Mondty found that Jacob Cooper, elderly native who died Saturday evening, perished of shock due to immersion and exposure after falling overboard from the trailer Rubina . near MettekaUa. No blame was attached to anyone for Cooper'-i death. The Jurors were native of MettekaUa. SIMPLE SimSTTTUTE Sometimes graicii rsnoi, can be used 35 a s..b.i:iu.e for pineapple in a re: oe nd the substitution iS iiordly noticeable Rhondda Kelly. 19 -year-old , gowns in black wool crepe and! nHRnNii: RRflNnHITIS , a vt i . ......! , -i . , ; Vlli-inv wiiwiiwiia aw urcuauiiu uiuuuc, uu inxir. i Aiumuan nana woven iwrea D&fi a ftubbcra Ironchial tough, (dtfcct ptUetay or Cry and hackisu nil jv (ixUt. iK bne. ktcp )xa awak ai(hu' Rtijfrre it cowl Do ai thoa ; kaodi bare dont jrt Irinplrtos'a RA2 MA11 and atop Oat cuuthl KAZ-M AH hai htlprd (Xltrri in it Mp you. SOc tl at oruuifta Trrrbre. K-14 A A i " ill. i Who Wants To Go Back To Candles? Have your prescriptions filled here with confidence. You can be assured that only the purest and finest quality ingredients are used that every prescription is compounded accurately by a registered pharmacist. Our label is your guarantee. Ormes Ltd. TThs Pioneer Druqgtsts 33 a m vb n aj -m m .y mm s 9 mm mmtmm- m . r -mm 1 w ar 1 r 1 mm; m. a II Of way 0 pjolish Slverware 1 mUom 7h polish it complex In a singlt paptr then DISPOSABlI IMXPE.VSIVI k - u ii Nm ladies sometimes like the dim. flattering ught of candles. Bat mo3t people, even if they could get far greater illumination from candles at far less cost, would prefer electric lighL Considerations of health, comfort, con venience. cleanliness and safety, have become more important to the modern way of life than the factor of cost. Nevertheless, it costs money to survey new power sites, harness waterfalls, and build transmission lines, so that when you flick a switch or set a thermostat you can be sure of light and heat at your fingertips. Quite possibly a part of your own life Insurance premium has been invested in the public utilities which render these services. Government supervision of all such investments safeguards the money laid away by more than four million thrifty policyholders, united for their common security in the great cooperative burl-ness of Life Insurance. 25 P This portion of every aouar invested out of Life Insurance funds helps to finance thousands of building. and transportation projects, public utilities, industries, etc, which create employment throughout the country. The remainder is In municipal bonds, farm and town mortgages, etc. In addition, $500X00 is paid out in direct becicfiu every working day to policyholders or their loved ones. It is good citizenship to own LIFE INSURANCE A Message from me.Lie Insurance Companies In Canada. Phone 81 and 82 PRESCRIPTIONS Watch for the New Ford It's SMART BIG THRIFTY TO OPERATE - RELIABLE . . . When you want the best in motoring pleasure look to FORD. Re-member: "THERE'S A FORD IN YOUR future;." S. E. PARKER LIMITED The Home of Friendly Service" KO. Bo 38 170 E. 3rd Ave. IflHN BIIIG! if 1 r J. L. CURRY HIPJ IMWfTOR pain l-nrv. :b'.v so! SAV01 H0TEI Carl Zart-lli, nr Plione37 r.u.i-- KR AS KR STREET Prince Rupert CENTRAL t Transient ltnn" NEWLY DECORATED ForW ennvf i:lence . Cafe In Connection MCENSED (Ri'iiovaH' riioNK 51 Plumbinir and l'fal Engineers OIL AND COAI- S UUI I ami"1" Corner 2nd Ave Phone Red 389 . 3 ItB ano P.O. v