i i 9f liriiuc ttupc ct Dailp nctos Tuesday. February IS, iWG HOME WAVES CAUSE HARM Doubly Important Hair Conditioned When Premanent Done at Heme NEW YCRK 9 Economical, simple-to-use home permanent wave Jobs may do wonders for your purse strings but how about your hair? Improperly managed, a home permanent nave can cause thin, broken hairs and a bad disposition. You can ?ive yourself a professional home wa?e, however, if your hair is properly conditioned. This is doubly important when the wave is to be done al horru instead of at a shop under the watchful eye of a competent operator. Though it is important to have hot oil treatments before-the hair is waved, either at home or in the shop, your pre-per- ' manent shampoo should also b? of the utmost concern to you. A shampoo which is highly alkalized is likely to leave I a film on the hair which not on! Tnnw nrevant nnfitrif inn 11 f Vir permanent wave soiuuon dui also can be harmful to the hair. Beauty parlors usually use i ; shampoo which can lubricate the hair shaft internally and also help maintain the normal oil balance if the hair durin? and after the permanent wave. Shampoos which have been used in the past only by beauty operators are being made available to Mrs. Housewtfe. who can now give herself a home permanent with the proper shampoo. One of these is a pink cream which can be squeezed from a tube or scooped out of a Jar. Now Mom and Sis can do their waving at home witiou: fear of dire consequences caused by permanent wave chemicals. British sanors neckerchiefs we're changed to black In 1805. to commemorate the death of Lord Nelson. The Brockville Recorder has just marked its 125th anniversary of continuous publication, with not an issue missed since 1821. AMATEUR RADIO SYSTEM FORMED Being Organized in Canada To Co-operate With Royal Canadian Air Force OTTAWA Air M.r.itcr Gibson has announced p.ar.s f r tlie organization of an aj- fjrc amateur radio system. The new system to include so-ca. d radio "hams" 'srill comnrse a irans-Canada radio network. The amakurs will use ur.cd equipment and be a practical radio auxiliary of the R.C.A.F. The organization will consist of grovjtt of amateurs affiliated with R.C.A.F. auxiliary squadrons and in radio contact with squadron signals personnel. Air Commodore A. H. Keitfi Russell of Toronto, formerly . , .. 1 ; t ri Wireless Sehool at Guelph. Ont.. has undertaken organization of the system from the civilian end. ARE QUITTING WEST INDIES Canadian Troops Being Withdrawn From That Area This Spring OTTAWA After a vital but colorless static defence role in the British West Indies, Canadian troops will be withdrawn from there this spring. Department of National Defence headquarters announced today. Last Canadian troops in the West Indies are the First Battalion, Brockville Rangers, and two special infantry companies of Pictou Highlanders. The Winnipeg Grenadiers and the First Battalion, Irish Fusiliers, Vancouver, also served there. The presence of Canadian troops kept at strength of about 1200 ensured against the use bf the area for U-boat and spy bases. It also served as a sort of advanced training base for Canadian troops who eventually saw action In Europe. There are more than COO :;pecles of wood in Venezuela's forest- URGES CO OPERATION- R. C. Vaughar.. president of 1 Canadian National Railway : GRIM TALE (If- I f K K ( 1 K Sole Survivor of Small Nova Scotia Freighter Tells of Harrowing Experiences DIGBY, Nova Scotia 0-Capt. Arthur Ells of Port Granville. Nova Scotia, the sole survivor, told a grim tale of how 12 persons lost their lives from exposure to Irigid weather condi tions as they huddled in an open lifeboat in the Bay of Fundy I after their ship the 265-ton coastal steamship Robert G. Cann foundered on Saturday eight miles off Swallowtail Light. Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick. Mountainous seas and a raging gale drove the open boat into the sea and it was 19 hours after the order to abandon ship before the 17-foot craft grounded at isolated Riley's Cove. BUTTERFLIES SCARCE About 20.000 different- kinds of butterflies are found In South America, while North America has only about 700. People consider brand names a guarantee of dependability; 83 per cent interviewed in a recent Brand Names Research Fcundat.uu survey said thry pre-fe.:rsd i buy weiL-known brands I hardline 'LITTLE EXCITEMENT OVER NYLONS Prince Rupeit Women Taking It Easy In Hosiery Bujruir There was little excitemcn; un the nylon front" in Prince Rupert today Women of this city were nonchalant as the new type of hosiery, so greatly coveted in many places. went on sale for the first time. Since stocks were scarce at this time, the most of the local women, apparently, decided to bide their time until it is easier to shoo. At tha there was a line-up at zv.e st jre where cards were being issued for future delivery with only a limited number on actual spot sale. For a short time after opening the doors were closed at periods as the store became ;too full. Vancouver reports there was a rush of buying today and some of the stores were hard-pressed to cope with crowds. LOAN TALKS PROGRESSING British and Canadian Representatives Oettiug Down to Brass Tacks at Ottawa OTTAWA 0 Loan discussions between Great Britain and Canada have passed the stage of formal meetings and now have reached the point where seme detaik are being worked out, it was learned today. It is understood that talks have not reached the stage where a definite amount can be set. Before then it was. learned that representatives of the two governments will have to calculate how much Britain owes Canada as a result of the termination of mutual aid last September. The amount Canada owes Britain for services and supplies to Canadian troop3 overseas also will have to be determined. British food contracts with Canada are also said to enter the picture. It was Indicated that Britain will keep her food imports from Canada on a practically wartime level if a satisfactory loan from the Dominion can be concluded and satisfactory prices for foods maintained. jj if ; Bc Wcttt. , At NABOB COFFEE Time! . Jj ' --- - 9B' When the game's over and it's time pungent aroma it's the quality in ' f 11b Jat-'?f that's "when a cup of Nahoh Coffee lerfully blended, perfcction-roaMed, mr' j I 'B; 1 f hits' the fpot like nothing else on this is the coffee that cheers and MO tiL ,f ' ' '' earth ... So, have everything handy. revives, radiates happiness, in many O'yS D , i mu, But hefore you put your Nabob Coffee thousands of Canadian homes. ut !ff c f :" " i .on to brew, open the package and Throughout this land Nahoh Coffee 'W I 'inhale the fragrant goodness. M-m-m! is the day-by-day favourite, the iL'OSKX i Th're'" no mistaking that grand nation's family beverage for 30 years. i Pl 1 FIRST LIME FOR FARMERS , Home Needs Wilt Be Taken Care of Before Export VICTORIA 0 The Pacific Lime Co. of Texada Island has undertaken to supply three thousand tons of dehydrated lime to Fraser Valley farmers by March 15, Hon. Frank Put- nam. minister of agriculture inas been notified by the Prices Board. He said Monday that the company will supply seven thousand tons of crushed limCj rock. , Last Friday Mr. Putnam had asked the Board to cancel the i company's export permits to j assure that the lime be delivered ; to Valley farmers first. LEGISLATURE MEMBER DIES James Paton of Vancouver-Point Grey Passes Away Suddenly VANCOUVER James .Alexander Paton, member of the Legislative Assembly for Vancouver-Point Grey, died suddenly today. He was 60 years of age and had been a member of the legislature since 1937, being first elected then and re-elected In 1941 and 1945. He was a former member of the Kerrisdale municipal council and a former alderman. He was a member Ot the Perry committee on postwar rehabilitation council. Born in Ontario CO years ago. Mr. Paton came to Vancouver in 1905. His mother died only two days ago. Business and GAIRDNER'S CONSTRUCTION Jackings - Building - Repairing Alterations and Cement Work PHONE GREEN 482 -House of Better Cleaning" EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY . Authorized "FLEXFORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mail Orders Box 99 UKRTS TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 303 3rd Ave. W. Books, Magazines, Newspapers Phone Blue 810 Res. Green 355) CAROL ELECTRIC Electrical Installations and Repairs Reasonable Rates Estimates Free Phone Blue 318 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branche.' 206.4th Street : Phone 655 ' . For Your FOUNDATION GARMENT Made-to-Measure MRS. PERREAULT representative of Spencer Supports (Canada) Ltd. 1313 OVERLOOK ST. Box 1177, Station "B" INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools CANADIAN, LIMITED Montreal, Canada a r. I.OVI.V. Phone Own 874 HeprwentatlT Box 528 117 2nd Ave. W. Opponlte YMCA PKINCE RUPEkT, B.C. ANDY ANDERSON PAINTING & PAPERHANOING 633 Tatlow Street Phone Green 937 (After 7 p.m.) HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners Phone Green 486 Evening Green 337 SLAUGHTER WAS HASTY Russian Prosecutor Tells of , Frentied Killing of Civilians i NUERNBERG The Rus- slan prosecutor described iy thi international military tribuna today the frantic ha te wit which reireating N':-. ar charged with having -:au"hSer-ed thousands of Russan civilians and prisoner's of war in 1943. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LE5 Q. Where is a stag dinne. usually given? A. In a private room of a hotel or restaurant, or at a club Of course. It may be given in the man's home, but In this instance no women are present, not even for a short time. Q. Should the man or the woman take the initiative in indicating that It would be pleasant to meet again? .A. Itts proper for either to do so. Q. What is the proper way to eat a custard? A. With a spoon. GENUINE ASPIRIN MARKED THIS WAY Professional If it's a Rock Job-Call a Rock Man can M. SAUNDERS Blue 666 Concrete Sidewalks, Basements I don't take work I cannot do myself. JOHN H. BULGER Optometrist JOHN BULOER LTD Third Avenue PARTRIDGE, GUNSTON & RICE General Contractors P.O. Box 1489, Station B Phone Green 417 House Repairs, all kinds. Cabinet Work - Foundations Estimates Cheerfully Given Prompt attention all work. H. J. LUND Painting Paperhanglng Interior and Exterior Work P.O. Box 1286 Phone Black 823 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 Night Calls Especially 552 TAXI (Tom Harvey) Stand: Westholme Rooms, 2nd Ave. Floor Sanding and Finishing Repairs and Alterations VAL SPIDEL Green 880 Box 1430 St. "B' FOR PROMPT ind EFFICIENT SERV1CI mill ((our qUtsti to COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO.LU M UTMOURtl VAMC0UYER.aC INCOME TAX Returns Prepared Bee R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 8tt i The Lady Megan Lloyd George. Justice of the Peace andt ber of Parliament ftfr Anglesey, who Is frequently heard k-. isn uroaacasung uorporauon overseas listeners, giving tai Parliamentary affairs. Lady Lloyd George u the daVit the late Earl David Lloyd George of Dwyfor and waj" Wales. She has been Member of Parliament for Angles 1S29 and in 1936 was President of the Women's Libc.jft" Hon. She made her first broadcast In 1929 and has lot reguiany since men. FORMALS are back . . . See our windows for a Wonderful Display of Evening Dresses Tl II .1 I men waiK in tne store ana see Some more. You will be thrilled We arc keeping Up our Reputation "Wc Lead . . . Others Follow" A I - Aa' n C LdU n VYCG ft v . 1 . V f ' i , l . -j i . m lU 'A? I Jl r- TV -v ni Hi, R r.m In 2:30 JJ-VrT at a happy holiday sp KATY'S KLEEN KITCHf 703 Fulton Street PHONE: Keep your Orders well Ahead for our Quality Coals! HOME COOKINO AND Bl AITKKNOON TEA -Kathleen Davis, Propriety Phone Bin1 112 TAXI ON CALL NIGHT AND DAY PHONES no - in ALBERT AND McCAFFBJ