n n RED TOP CABS phnc 349 pionc C. MclNTYRE j.KASrER Stand; nupcrl Tobacco Store, (across from Ormes) DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE luge DiaCK lart Found Lnrfrrd of Thousands of pilars of Goods Involved in 'ije Waterfront Tnens at alifax riFAX 0 A huge water- thCIl HUB sutumi's It fax docksldc into inland ,da and Involving hundreds thousands of dollars worm I it. V, a luinn tin. Iiicrcnaiiuiac red by the Royal Canadian bntcd Police. It was disclosed klslence of a black market tnizatlon which spcciali2PQ kily and almost exclusive In rnsive British textiles was ialed by an intensive six h- investigation by Royal Ldian Mounted Police of- $ in Halifax, Toronto, Mon- and intermediate centres i the focal point of the probe ifallfax. Llue of loot in textiles alone r lunts to "several hundred Lsand dollars," the R.C.M.P. Jo have the British Columbia cf C :mmlsslon appoint a finding committee In con- !'i:n with the mnttrr nf t ij thi.: area, i:thcr re dutlon passed by we .1113 supported the "Job3 ;A1, A' :ciatlon in Its picket-. oi unadian National officer m demand for continued vlty at the local shiobulldlns l-.t SHNACII EATERS (enturicj before America was JVC thl Phln... ,... "... w.tiiiidw ni;ig 2 spinach, They lhenvnTw,lcar,y 100 miles I ".IV, hkt?fPrinco Albert -..s us presence lil Is' If m "lutTia Hall- TlJ and c CPfi u'ry. But 3? " cver ao such a "-""r Alberta Rail- NORTHERN AND . CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER TAXI TAXI She 537 DAY and NIGIJTSERVICE, Published at Canada s Most Strategic Pacific Port Bill and Ken Nesbitt is. VOL. XXXV, No. 42. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS SCORE PERISH IN BLAST IN NEW ORLEANS Apartment Building Levelled ' By Blast in Residential Area of Southern City NEW ORLEANS O) A terrific explosion followed by fire levelled a three-storey apartment building in a downtown residential area here today, killing an undetermined number of persons and injuring a score of others. It was estimated that 20 or more of the persons, all Negroes, lost their lives In the blast or fire while a score of others were nJured. Cause of the explosion is not determined. STEEL MILLS ARE REOPENING NEW YORK 0 -The steel strike officially ended for more far no arrests have bcenhan 380.000 C.I.O. steel work-i era Monday but only a handful e police said they have ob-' erc ba ' thc Uls. begln-d evidence pointing to in-! nln8 a slow process of readying ment of a considerable j the furnaces for full-scale prober of persons in the ring ! Auction. Meanwhile, negotiators. ... . . i I-.,! tt,.A - . e booty was oDiaincd irom lu "IU cwumuu evuu landed in Halifax by ixs .slncss firms In Halifax and trcal arc among those mi to be implicated but the I'-itie of the firms Involved jbeinj withheld for the time ID POWER CIS HERE upolntmtnt of Committee Irjfd by Fishermen' Union iip Wrrk ricket Supported : niw tin? on Su.ndayjolght tpd Fishermen's and Al-Workers' Union passed a Won urging the city coun- between General Motors and the C.I.O. United Auto Workers, were balked during the weekend by the union security Issue. A United States Steel Corporation spokesman said li will take three or four weeks to attain full production after a four-week stoppage by 750,000 steel workers. The firms, which settled with the union on a basis of an lSlc hourly wage Increase, are compensated by a $5 a von boost In the selling price of steel. NEW YORK PAPER WANTS TO KNOW, NEW YORK -The New York Times demanded to know Monday what the United States government was doing In regard to checking espionage activities In North America. It charged that American Influence had been brought ;o bear on Prime Minister Mackenzie King of Canada to discourage him from taking action along these lines in Local Tides Wednesday, February 20, 1946 High 4:02 20.5 feet 16:14 18.9 feet Low 10:13 6.0 Tcct 22:20 5.6 feet EVELOPMENT OF PEACE RIVER AND SINCE RUPERT WITH TRANSPACIFIC Dy PAOE RIDEOUT When the (W;mi Ti ;'11KI Trunk Pacific sinrl Tntm'rnlmiinl vailwavs ''e brought toother to form the Canadian Na-la' system it moved a number of what were main o f the map. 1 lie l iin.m imii M,...l .:.. t:.. ut ti A.!-.. H 1111 n .. "in iuiiuuiu iiiiuu line ueiucvu nu- In "ilJl 13 now " o oi what was iwctlon. The two end J up at Saskatoon and AiKS.'Cal bra"chcs. The co cc Albert nnH un i bernm """"e une . i BCComc local to thn rft 3 by onc Pasnger " n making ti,- UhC 11,10 lsab't Of IU1 n Prouorlu f 4u- r-National "'."i ."I' B Brh " unn would . iiiization be nonn fh in were disposed of. li. , "lcre was an imnoster I "b IIS nr.i!o.,. . nty it -'""itu on a to-fcWA " Prince ways each year, it ls only reasonable to suppose tho present owners would be anxious to dispose of the property and forget it At the same time reports coming out of Prince Rupert would Indicate our northern port Is surplus property, forcing Its presence on the very reluctant owners. The foregoing covers the country through which our rail artery would travel between Wln-(Contlnucil on Page 0) LOGGERS WANT WAGE INCREASE VANCOUVER H Harold survcynri t nas I Pntchctt; district presiueiu oi he Nnpti, c La Blche. I the International Woodworkers' Z&0 deficit , eport N"nllway Committee Association (C.I.O.), said Monday he had received the last of letters from fourteen locals, representing the membership among the province's estimated 30,000 woodworkers endorsing" the 20tJ an hour wage increase, the 40-hour week and stlffer closed shop agreements in 1046 agreements which come before the employers In March. '6. ARREST NUMBER STILL SECRET Round-up of Conspirators With Itiissian Uovernmrnt Spreads to Various Cities OTTAWA ? -The 'exact number of those being held In custody as a result of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police countrywide investigation Into the espionage conspiracy of a foreign power corrupting Canadian pfflciaU still remains an official secret. The Associated Prcs says that one of hose arrestee" Is an official of rank close t that of deputy minister. It Is also reported that one of the suspects arrested In thP R.C.M.P. roundup last Friday-was a young woman on the staff of the cipher branch of the external affairs department. The report comes from an Ottawa newspaper, the Morning Journal. Police are said to have taken a large amount of papers from the woman's room, Icavlne behind a copy of Tolstoy's "War and Peace" and a Russian-Eng lish dictionary. Authorities at the R.C.M.P. barrack$:have re-i fused to confirm or deny that ! a -woman -Is among persons held iur questioning. At the same time. the" Asso elated Press in an Ottawa dispatch declared that one of the men held In the probe is one of the highest top-ranking civil servants In the land. Rumors are that the arrests have spread to various cities and Washington dispatches said that the capital was "Intensely aroused" by the Ottawa exposure of leakage of secret Information. Both! United States and British governments arc still silent. JEW CRISIS IS FORESEEN VIENNA A United States member of thc Anglo-American Palestine Inquiry, Bart ley Crum, Is nredictlng a wave or suicides if European Jews arc not permitted to leave refugee camps and settle and rehabilitate themselves. Crum declares that a grav? emergency exists nnd tension is fo high that the Jews may even try to fight their way into Palestine. BIG INCREASE POLICE BUDGET Vancouver Commission Is Askinc for Almost a Half .Million Dollars More VANCOUVER The Vancouver police commission yesterday called for an Increase of police estimates for thc year of $167,-000 over last year, a total of $1,000,000 being budgeted. Thc commission calls for ICG addi tional members on the police force, a special policewomen's division, new cars and motorcycles and a new police boat. The police commission receives its appropriation from the city council In Its estimates for the year. Weather Forecast Prince R u p c r t Fresh to strong southeast winds, reaching gale force over Hecate Straits. Cloudy and mild with occasional light rain in afternoon. Peter Parkvold was sentenced to seven days In Jail and his driver's licence was revoked for three months when he pleaded guilty before Magistrate W. D. Vance In city police court Monday to a charge of driving while Intoxicated. STORM IN VIENNA VIENNA Four persons were killed and 200 were injured as a 00-niilc talc swept Vienna. Kiiililings were blown down and many persons were rendered homeless. MISSINT. FltOM BOAT VICTORIA Hoy Davies oi (angrs in (lie flu If Islands lias been missing; since he dis appeared on Sunday from his "8-fnot rriiiser from which he was fishing. U. B.C. I'LEIUSCITI-: VANCOUVER A plebiscite is bring field among students of (hf University of It. C, as to whether political parties should be allowed (o organize as rlubs on Hie 'campus. The Iabor-PnnresslTcs had sought to organize. LONG JAP JOB TOKYO Premier Shidehara said today it would br 19GG before Japan could be rebuilt, .liforslfn-trade. restoration was. essential, he declared. STORM V CAMPAIGN T iking Official and Woman In Espionage Ring E, rado and Spy Probes Are Linked Prime Ministers King and Attlee Consulting New Turn In Investigation; Black Market Qranium Gone Bulletins BUENOS AIRES Shots rang; out and rotten eggs were hurled at a bolster campaign, meeting- here last night, i 1 FEIX FROM FERRY VANCOUVER A Chinaman fell overboard from the West j Vancouver rcrry at 10:30 this morning and was fished out unconscious after having gone under twice. He was taken to hospital where he was later reported to be doing well. Oil) GLORY TORN DOWN BOMBAY A mob of Indians Monday night tore down an American flag from the United States information service in Bomay and burned it in the, street. The official in charge cf the office says' he is awaiting instructions concerning filing of a protest to the Indian and British governments. MADE CHURCH PRINCES VATICAN CITY The Roman Catholic Church yesterday created 32 new cardinals the largest and most cosmopolitan group ever raised to the purple In 1900 years of church history. Among the new princes of the church is James Caidinal McGulgan, archbishop of Toronto and first English-speaking church, dignitary to represent Canada in thc College of thc Cardinals. CIVIE SERVICE SALARIES OTTAWA A royal commission is being appointed to study salaiies in the federal civil service. It has been said that a range of $5000 to $10,000 is not high enough for 'top-ranking civil servants. IRAN TURNS TO RUSSIA Cabinet Minister Resigns And Pro-British Chief of Staff Dismissed TEHERAN Onc or the Iran-Ian delegates to thc Moscow conference between Iran and Soviet Russia ha3 resigned from his past as a cabinet minister. Meantime, the chief of staff of the Iranian army, General Arfa, has been dismissed. Arfa ls described by left-wing publications as being pro-British and Is .accused to reactionary tendencies! I OTTAWA (CI') A! j new angle into tho espion-j ! age investigation has been i offered by a Montreal re-, port declaring that the El-; dorado Mine investigation i and the espionage probe are ; linked. Thc report states that : the. Soviet Union, before and ! after the government exproprl-1 ated Eldorado Gold Mines Limited, purchased more than $500.-OCQ worth of black market ura-; nii;m. Thc uranium purchases vltil to the production of atomic 1 energy by present methods is ; said to have not been sent out i of Ihe country. RUSSIA QUITE NON-COMMITTAL ; MOSCOW (f The Moscow i radio has broadcast the statement made last Friday by Prime Minister Mackenzie King telling of a leakage of Information In Ottawa. No comment was made. Ottawa observers, declare, the l it was definite that Russia would be named as the power COUNTER CHARGE IN HOTEL CASE Former Accountant Says He Was Ordered By Proprietor To Falsify Rooks VANCOUVER Frederick Whyte, former book-keeper of the Grosvcnor Hotel here, testified under protection of thc Canada Evidence Act at his own trial yesterday that he had been ordered by the owner of the hotel to falsify the books of the hotel. He told an Assize court Jury that he had been instructed by E. G. Baynes, under an Implied threat of losing his Job. to alter the books so that Baynes would not have to pay such a high Income tax. Whyte is accused of stealing $28,000 from thc hotel company between January 1944 and December of last year. The money was allegedly taken In thc way of shortages on dally cash returns. UNITED NATIONS APPOINTMENTS Important Posts Arc Filled Announcement by Secretary 'cneral LONDON -Secretary General Trygvc Lie announces four appointments to thc United Nations secretariat as final items of business disposed of following adjournment of thc security council. The new appointees are Abraham II. Feller or New York who will -bc general counsel for thc secretary general with thc rank of;director: Arkady A. Sobolcv of Soviet Russia, assistant secretary general In charge of the department of security council affairs; Adrian Pelt of the Netherlands, assistant secretary general In charge of thc conference and general services, and A. D. K. .Owen of Britain, executive assistant Ip the office of the secretary general with the rank of director, . ANCIENT CATTLE-BREEDING Domestication of cattle ls sail io have begun 10,000 years ago. SPY RING ROUND-UP No members of thc Department of External Affairs, past or present, are involved in thc spy ring, it was stated authoritatively in Ottawa today. Prime Minister Mackenzie King is informing Progressive j Con'crvativc Leader John : Bracken rf particulars cf Ihe ! investigation, ! - i Minister of Justice St. I-ur- cut said today that a public statement on the progress or the investigation would be issued as soon as it was possible to do so. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police throughout Canada arc checking up particularly on quarters sympathetic to thc .Communist parly. An official at cilawa said that (here had been contact frcm Canada with a French Communist organization which had planned Hie establishment of a base on thc east coast. ' . f . . . ment of an atrmic research plant in Britain have been removed from Montreal. Big 'Phone Strike Off At Least One Labor Dispute in United States Is Settled For Time-Being , NEW YORK 0 When 1000 long distance telephone operators in Philadelphia, who had left their Jobs, returned to work today following agreement on the basic Issue of promotion methods, a nation-wide strike of telephone operators was obviated for the time being at least although there Is still some discontent on thc question of wages, a threatened dispute over which may yet disrupt telephone servicesboth local and long distance. In Philadelphia thc 1000 operators left their jobs and virtually halted long distance tc and from that city. A countrywide sympathy strike was threatened if the dispute was not settled within 24' hours. The set tlement came In time. In Memphis, Tennessee, Joseph Belrnc, president of the National Federation of Telephone Workers, said a majority of fifty Independent unions, comprising thc National Federation, favored a strike of Its claimed 250,000 members In support of demands for Increased wages. TAKE OVER "OLD LADY" LONDON Thc chancellor of ' thc British exchequer. Hugh Dalton, signed papers Monday to .formally nationalize the Bank of England. Transfer of the 250-year-old bank was completed in yesterday's formalities. MOTHER OF ALEX PATON IS DEAD VANCOUVER 01' Mrs. Anne Paton. mother of Alex Paton. Coalition member of the provincial legislature for Vancouver-Point Grey died during the week-end after an Illness of 18 months. She was 86 years of age INFORMATION LEAKAGE CORRESPONDENCE SUBJECT LONDON (CDpPrime Minister Mackenzie King has been in pommuiiication with Prime Minister Cler ment Attlee of Britain regarding leakage of secret information in Ottawa but the British government-leader does not intend to make a statement on the matter he told the House of Commons today. 4t .... . -'ti LEAKS ALARM UNITED STATES WASHINGTON, D. C Unit ed States Armyv sources ex NEW GOV'T IN BELGIUM Head of Catholic Party Takes Over Reins After Election premier Achiilc Van Acker - has resigned to make way for thc formation of a new govern ment by the Right Wing Catholics who are pledged to return King Leopold to the throne-won the largest number of seats In Sunday's election. tlons arc to be In thc hands of thc mayor by February 28 In preparation for a general meet- Ing to be held March 5 by which time they will have been consolidated for consideration by thc gathering. Following the general meeting it ls planned to send a delegation to Victoria before the opening of the next session of the Legislature to present thc strongest possible case for thc Implementation of recommendations having In j view the postwar industrial dc- j velopmcnt of this area. i Among the matters upon which it Ls suggested representations from the public at large might deal arc shipping subsidies, aids to navigation, removal of Ripple Rock, export of grain, coal export facilities, utilization of warehouse storage space, dockage, dry dock contracts, highway development, survey of Groundhog coal fields. The Industrial Development evening with gett in the chair, J. S. Wilson, B. Micklcbursh, T. N. Youngs and W. M. Watts, secretary, present. Correspondence showed that strong representations had been made to R. C. Vaughan, chairman of the board of directors, Canadian National Railways, regarding statement of policy of the railway In fullest utilization of the local dry dock "Including bidding competitively for the reconversion, repairing Mr. AUlcc answered "yes when Anthony Eden, leader of the Conservative Opposition, asked if the Canadian Prime Minister had been hi toqeh jvith. him on the matter. Answering another question, pressed alarm Monday at the 1 Mr. Attlee said he did not think manner In which secret in formation In regard to atomic ienrrgy was .leaking out. The leakage, becoming most widespread during thc past four weeks, might encanger this country's economic leadership. It proper to make a statement. RUSSIA IS JUSTIFIED In Obtaining Atomic Secrets By Espionage, Says Former i Ambassador HAVANA, Cuba 0 The U.S. ambassador to Moscow, Joseph E. Davies, has de fended use by Russia of mill- Canada, the United States and Britain. Davies declared that Russia in self-defence has every moral right in using Intelligence agents to learn atomic secrets since her former fighting allies have excluded her from that PUBLIC ASKED TO SUBMIT IDEAS ON INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT HERE Strong Delegation to Be Sent to . Victoria to Press For Attention On Various Important Matters All people in Prince Rupert who are interested in the industrial development of tc port and district and wlio have any constructive ideas' to offer- as'to how that development may ,bc more efficaciously brought about arc being invited to present their suggestions in writing" to the Prince IUipert Industrial Committee. These rcprcsenta- and construction of ships. ips. No No answer had been received atjth'c time of the meeting A wire had also been "scnTTo sent to the minister of trade and commerce at Ottawa re subsidizing of ocean steamship service from this coast. CANADIANS ISOLATED jk, V AMSTERDAM K Thc Cana dian occupation forces -area ; in Germany lias been practically Isolated by washed out bridges duo to floods. Actual dmige in the Canadian area was" small, but because of transportation break - downs in surrounding areas, the leaves of Canadian occupation forces have been cancelled for the paovweek. THREE KILLED IN Committee was In session last ppnCQIMP PD"A'CU' 1 Mayor Mayor'H.'.M. II: M. Dag Dag- ""w--av BRANTFORD, Ont. Oi Thr.ec brothers were killed arid' their father injured In a collision between a truck and a train near Brantford, Ontario, yesterday The dead are: Andrew Kowal-chuck, and hU brothers Harry and Lome. Temperature (Last 24 Hours) Maximum 49 Minimum 44 'i i r.1 r V