RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Our Ladies Hosiery Headache! 1. Hosiery Will Still Be In Short Supply. 2. The Rupert Peoples Store Obtain a Monthly Quota. 3. After Arrival of Each Quota, Cards Will Be Given to Customers in the Store Each Card Good for One Pair of Hose. 4. These Cards Will Be Distributed at Different Times and On Different Days in Order to Insure Fairest Distribution. 5. Please DO NOT ASK FOR A CARD. DO NOT ASK WHEN THEY WILL BE GIVEN OUT. 6. We Cannot Show Partiality. These Cards Will Be Given Free to Customers in the Store Only at the Time Distributed. , 7. This Is the Fairest Method We Know. There Are Not Enough Hose to Go Around in Either Canada or the U.S. Some Good Customers Will Not Get Any But We Will Do the Best Possible. liiport Peoples Store At All Times Your Humble Servant' SPECIAL one week only BEACH BABY BUGGY GO-CART BABY BASSINETTE EDUCATIONAL SET KINDERGARTEN DROP-LEAF SET Limited Sale one purchase to each customer only KiRMTURE TAFT & ODOWES NOVELTIES (Formerly J. II. Mair) OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT V LING : THE TAILOR : VTe are taking cleaning and ,; pressing and steam pressing I while you wait. 'PHONE 649 220 Sixth Strvt fi'2 l.r, Ji.yr 8.1!) 0.70 (J.70 COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Warm comfortable rooms with plenty of hot water. Reasonable weekly rates to reliable tenants. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No. 991 PHONE 676 Wood's "BR0MPT0N" Canada's Finest 1 a p cr Towel K. 20 Industrial Kraft W. 20 Hospital White Immediate Delivery Towels and Cabinets from stock. Factory Prices on all Wood's "Sanitation for the Nation" Products. PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE 330 Second Avenue Take invigorating steam baths and massage to relieve that tired feeling. ( R. Y. WALKER Graduate Masseur Reducing. Facial and GencralJ Swedish Massage Phone Green 507 evenings for appointment 937 THIRD AVENUE WEST P.O. Box 772 Phone 632 LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Furniture Repaired Upholstery a Specialty Phone Green 974 117 2nd Ave. W. Opp. YMCA FOR SALE Business House known as Poulson's Block combining: Grocery, Butcher Shon and Cafe. a.s a eoinr ranp.m Splendid investment for right party. Any reasonable offer. Apply at Store. Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS a : n! I n a a ni II 1. What Is wrong with thU sentence: "The abbreviation of Louisiana is La." 2. What is the correct pronunciation of "hospitable"? 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Enterrplse, vulcanise, compromise. 4. What does the word "animosity;? mean? 5. What is a word beginning with ar that means "laborious"' Answers 1. Say. "The abbreviation for Louisiana is La." 2. Accent first syllable, not the second. '3. Vul canize. 4. Violent hatred leading to active opposition. "Their animosity burned with redoubled violence a few years later ' 5. Arduous. DEVELOPMENT OK JJEACE RIVER AND RUPERT (Continued from Page 1) nipeg and what should be our port on the Northern Pacific. But, while we are lost In won derland trying to find Just 'why we are balled up as we are, we would do well to turn our attention to other sections of Can -ada and observe how they have fared since completing the amalgamation which created the railway position we are now in. We hare Just heard of the reduced train service now onthe six divisions between Jasper and Prince . Rupert. We also know that the former Canadian Northern main line between Winnipeg and Port Arthur, that was once travelled by the crack trains the "Superior Express." Is now served by a tri-weekly schedule. "! May I suggest to our western M.P.'s on their next trip to our capital they might go by what was to be the despatch route between Winnipeg and Quebec City, and check up the class of train they would be on, and they might write and tell us as to the hotel accommodation at such points as Nakina, Hearst and Cochrane where they are obliged to stop over night in transit. . ' May I say I am citing these facts to demonstrate the over- t,.Jn..Jnn " I I , I- . expecting either or both our, railway systems to build our Pacific railway and establish our port on the Northern Pacific for they Just will not do it. When the G.T.P. was ln'-the making some 40 years ago, the Trans-Siberian railway was the talk of Europe and Asia. That railway established Its Dort at floating dry dock at Prince Ru pert, now idle, or nearly so. Here It might be well to remember Russia' Is no more the land of the Czars. The Russia of today is a new-born nation and she has received a wonderful baptism In European , and American ways of commerce. When Russia was wrapped in a life and death struggle with, the foe of the world she knocked on our door and our door was opened. When she asked for bread, we did not hand her a stone. When she asked for planes, the planes winged away. When she asked for tanks, the tanks went rolling on. When she BUY MORE WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Welding and Body Repairs No job Is too large or too small for us. Our mechanics are J experts in body repairs. Dependable, prompt service. TERRACE MACHINE SHOP box 202 & GARAGE terrace W. C. OSBORNE r V. IMHOFF WAS SAILOR FROM FIRST Career of New Manager of Canadian National Steamships : Captain R. A. Clarke, new general manager of Canadian Na- tional Steamships, was born at' Brigus, Newfoundland, In 1893. ' As a youth he spent his summer vacations at sea with his: father who was both shipbuilder and ship's captain. Shortly after the outbreak of the First World War, he Joined the Royal j Naval Reserve, serving In the I Atlantic. ! Coming to Canada in 1920, j uapiain juiuiu uk MAI. He served as master on a number of the Canadian government merchant vessels and in 1930, was appointed assistant marine superintendent at Kingston, Jamaica. Returning to Canada in 1933, he served successively as captain of the Lady Hawkins, the Prince David, the Lady Drake and the Prince Henry. He was appointed assist ant general manager of the line in August 1940. R. B. Teakle, retiring general manager, a native of Quebec City, has had more than fifty years of general and executive experience in the steamship world. "7 " "ut,i. u" After serving a number of im- railway systems in Montrearand, Unt Qsts wUh tnc Aan Vancouver and the main lnw jj h a tated manager between. We are only con- r fh r.naMan ' to waste valuable time tinulng . Merchant Mar!ne ln m9, WHth headquarters at Montreal at a time when one ship of the fleet had been launched and others were under construction. He became manager of the C.N.SS. in 1937. In the course of his work, Mr. Teakle had visited most ports of the world. Vladivostok on the Japanese; of friendship with our near Sea where the Japanese current neighbor beyond the waters of came from. The late Charles the Northern Pacific, which Is Melville Hays was the driving a strong nation today and will force in the G.T.P. Drolect. Mr. be mighty power of commerce Hays' great ambition was the tomorrow, does It not behove us establishing of a line of fast to cultivate that friendship by boats between Prince Rupert . extending our trade with our and Vladivostock thus the s neighbors through their ocean $3,000,000 shipbuilding rjlant and i PH"t and terminal of their great railway? As Vladivostock is 1,000 miles north of Hong Kong why not allow the C.P.R. to continue the monopoly of the latter port while we proceed to consolidate the odds and ends of rail line we have referred to into thoroughfare through our country including the south terminal, of the Hudson's Bay railway and procure a few of the government's surplus ships and establish a complete and independent transportation organization between and including Vladivostock, Prince Ruptrt, our Peace River country. Prince Albert and Winnipeg, and thus asked for guns they were soon boost all our country out of the belching destruction on the "back -concession" stage and enemies of the world nor did! place us on a par with other we tarry to discuss the odds. I parts cf this North American Having established that mound continent. ' nftr T U'j.I J h5v rJISfii HB Tf H TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERRACE Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 ALL THIS AND INLUINb TOO TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY .at i:uu - z:oo - 4:oS - 7:00 . 9:(H) SUBWAY HIDES . ART TREASURES Shirt Worn ly Charles I Part of Cache Stored During War LONDON O Buried under London in an underground railway tunnel is a treasure hoard over which thousands, unsuspecting, walk every day. The underground railways oi London have provided safe hideouts for many of Britain's most valued treasures during the war. Scattered in dUsused corridors are a variety of treasures. Including the thirt that Charles I wore at the Whitehall scaffold, stained glass windows from St. Margaret's and priceless antique Jew:-Iry which survived the Great Fire of London In 1666. Not one item has suffered damage. Many are back on show In the museums but War Office official state it will b? some time before the treasures from the British Museum can b3 restored. WANTED WANTED Furnished housekeeping room, close in. xApply Box 85 Dally News. i46) WANTED Typewriter, any condition. Phone Blue 884. (42) WANTED TO RENT Small furnished house, close in; early occupancy. Write full particulars Box 83; DaUy Mews. i46 URGENTLY WANTED Chromatic harmonica (mouth organ. Phone Red 808. (46) HELP WANTED i WANTED Housekeeper, small ) family. Apply Box 84 Daily ; News. State wages. iVn FOR RENT FOR RENT One furnished suite and two single rooms. 2C9 5th Ave. West. (44) FOR RENT OR SALE Furnished house. $75 revenue. Apply 549 West 9th Ave. (47) FOR RENT Two-room suite, 960 1st Ave. West. Apply 221 5th Ave. East. .Gentleman wanted. (42) FOR nENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 344 Sherbrookc Ave (46) PERSONAL LLOYD'S CORN AND CALLOUS SALVE gives immediate relief from corns and callouses. 50c at Ormes Ltd. (46) LOST AND FOUND LOST Saturday, black zippered wallet, containing money, personal papers, registration c d. Finder please phone Green 882 or leave at Dally 1 News. Reward. (42) FOUND- -Fountain pen, Thursday noon. 3rd Ave., front of ' W F Stone's. Owner may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this ad- vcrtisemcnt. tf) LOST Wallet containing sum of money and papers, Friday afternoon between Post Office and Alfred St. Reward. Mrs. D. Moore, Phone Green 751. (43) LOST Friday night, white brocade evening bag, containing sliver comnart u;ith Inlllnls j M.C.A. Finder please phone Blue jot, or leave at the Dally News. (40) RADIO SERVICE RADIO SERVICE For guaran- 6 and an Associated Radio Technician will call. McRae Bros. Ltd. MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C (t DEBORAH KE2R DONAT ROBERT W0M MMIKl CANADA CARRIES ON CARTOON Copitol INTERIOR WAGE NEGOTIATIONS ARE TERMINATED PRINCE GEORGE There j was abrupt termination of ne gotiations between Local 1-424. International Woodworkers of America, and the Northern In-' terlof Lumbermen's Association ; when union representatives In sisted on changing from a yearly basis for wage scales to one allowing only "20 days' notice by cither parly. The operators contend that it would be no agreement at all and 'hat the 30-day provision would constitute a constant unknown factor In predicting costs and would prevent them from determining in advance programs in the woodj and mill-in.? operations. Union Representative Ernie DaUkog pointed out that since negotiations got under way, 'federal controls have been lifted on 300 items of consumer goods and that it would be unfair to tie some 900 unionists to a year's agreement with the fear of inflation to be recognized. Advertise in The Dally News. Classified Advertising - - - - lastlflitis: 3c per word rr Insertion, minimum chArze. 60c. Elrth NyUcci: &Oc; Cords of Thank. Death Notices. I'untril Notices, LUrrlige and Kngnctmcnt Announcement: 12. FOR SALE FOR SALE Bedstead and mattress, in good condition. $10 Call at 731 5th Ave. West, rear of 729 or phone Red 875, after C. 144) FFOR SALE Oil burner range, must be sold by Thursday. Cheap for quick sale. 1102 6th Ave. East. (43) FOR SALE New electric heavy press irons and electric hotplates, very special prices. jioipiates now $4.75; prcs irons $7.03. New .1946 mantel radios. B.C. Furniture. Phone Black 324. FOR SALE Chesterfield, double bed, kitchen suite and household effects. 1217 8th Ave. E. (44) FOR SALE High chair ln good condition, $4.00. Phone Black-Sit (42) FOR SALE Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until noon of Thursday, Feb ruary 28th. 1946, for the purchase of Lot 17, Block 4, Sec tion 2, City of Prince Rupert. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms strictly cash. G. F. Forbes. Acting Official Administrator of the Estate of Henry S. MLsner, deceased. (50) FOR SALE New secondary lumber for sale. 20M. from 2x13 down. Alsa miscellaneous timbers. Will accept good portable typewriter or musical instru ment in part payment. Snap for cash. Box 407, Prince Ru pert. (42i FOR SALE Modern duplex apartment, stucco front. 327 2nd Ave. West. Phone Red 889. (tf) FOR SALE Large stock of new and used furniture at the lowest prices. One fireproof safe, one electric sewlns machine, studio couches, can be made into double bed, chesterfh Ids slightly used, used chairs fiom $7.50. DOrtable Bramanh'jnc. beds and low prices, two mninx room suites at nan. B. c. Furniture. Phone Black 324. tn FOR SALE 221 5th Ave. East, 8-room house, completely furnished. Di,iwing rental income of $12350 per month. $5000. Apply H. O. Hclgcrson Ltd. (45) FOR SALE 060 1st Ave. West, live 2-room apartments. 4 single completely furnished rooms. Drawing rental income of $162 per month. $5000. Apply H. a. Helgerson Ltd. (45) FOR SALE Large furnlcette heater, $20; also linoleum suitable for kitchen and bedrooms or large 4 wartime house. Best offer. 1102 6th Ave. East. (42) BEES RED-BLIND Bees seldom visit red flowers because these Insects are blind o rd, THE ENTIRE Ql NYLONS FROM niAStB , PAYNE DRY GOODS STOfc has been donated t THE THEATRE FOR DISTRIBUTION To ONLY. DRAWING J fX TUES. - NED. t,, POST-WAR PROBLEMS Inlrrrstin; Drama Shot, In "Vacation Prom ai Capitol Theatre Starrfn" v r? the noted En; ress. Deb m: K From Mani;r ing with the d :tv cf a younsr rnu r war scrvi-i : feature piu-p Theatre hern t : row. Donat. bei irp a dull clerk r::t " Mis Kerr and existence in ,i I ment. While he :cn V-J Navy, she Jn!r w .each bernmr.j ;i personality d-car' ual resumpti " married llf" Hi Is solved makr- ' with interest a 1 tensity. Backzruurnl ' ' London throu;'i! '. Interwoven w lives of D ina! ; Many of thr? actually shot, at na ments and . m : were filmed u; events as D-D;. Paris and the v.n many. The sutport.nj manv'pmmKiC!:' ' English stae ani Ml 'Hi ' It I Four out of . ;x si; III best Insurance T.-t i'1 ti'lng were won by paper adds of C ; . panics in a rr"' ' ' new York wh;; ";i ' ixom all over the JAPANESE INVENT!! The J.i;a:. ' folding fan .n t!:n -veni tury. NOTICE OI' AFPUm"" CONSENT TO THANSFII I Or BERK Ml U LI IIK U.ll " ." - Uquor Control Boapl ' tMM !.... In m-;nri't rf rT' r,."'.'.'"...".?r':.-i---ri.riir City of Prince Import Prl Tvi-o (2 of Section Or. Prince mvnl U: 1 R' ..IV iu "iv .. , of Prince nntxrt Brl. 3 " th Trn:ifcrr' . .r DATED t Pri:: H-P.Jl Mtli day of Jrr,,4J5iK'. Jules Var.irrbflLj; . Stearosl OCEAN FALLS POWELL FUVtf VANCOUVER Tlmrulnv at ll:15 1 i . . t to KETCHIM Wednesday 3I'nl4 ," at CITY TICKET 0 . rr.i.irH Avenue and DEPOT TICKET EMPIRE 0 rt i (Formerly POLL MEALS. L PHOW MEIN, U