prince Rupert Daflp r3ctos . Thursday, October 9, 1946 Vancouver Bralome 10:30 B. R. Consolidated 10 ; b; r. x. .12 Cariboo 2.70 Dentonia ,. .32 , Grail Wlhksne .10i - Hedley Mascot 1.30 Minto .05 . Pend Oreille 250 ; Premier Border .07 : Premier 1.15 ; Privateer .52 Reeves McDonald 1.05 ' Reno .12 Salmon Gold '.19Vft Sheep Creek :.. 1.08 -Taylor Bridge 60 i Whitewater .03 ; Vananda .30 Congress , ,10 Jj . Pacific Eastern 65 ; Hedley Amalgamated .. .12 Spud Valley 18 ; Central Zeballos 10 Oils ; A. P. Consolidated 10 Calmont '. .24 ". C. and E 1.60 Foothills 1.70 Home 2.45 ONLY Distributed by: BUILT BY CHRYSLER An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding Prince Rupert and an me communities tuinfiuuig normern ana central uritlin Coiumoia. (Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Olflce pep't Ottawa) Toronto Aumaque .65 Beattle . 1.19 Bobjo 15 Buffalo Canadian .20 Consolidated Smelters....77.00 Eldona 42 Elder .: 1.15 Giant Yellowknife 6.10 Hardrock .60 Jacknlfe . .13 Joliet Quebec .62 Little Long Lac 1.52 Madsen Red Lake 2.80 MacLeod Cockshutt .... 1.15 Moneta ...... 60 Omega 13 Pickle Crow 2.75 San Antonio 3.85 Senator Rouyn 45 Sherrltt Gordon 2.11 Steep Rock 2.18 Sturgeon River 2212 Lynx Lapaska Gods Lake Negus Aubelle Heva Gold Harricana .25 .42 60 k 1.90 .42 .55 .21 McKenzie Red Lake 92 27? I i FULL POUND I NEW THEORY ON ATOM TOLD TO PHYSICISTS Chrysler! Mopar! Chryco! Automotive Parts and Accessories RUPERT MOTORS LTD. PHONE 566 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert 0? Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, ' British Columbia. Q. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. O. PERRT, Managing Director. SUBSCRIPTION RATES . i PI wy carrier, per week, 15c; Per Month. 65c; Per Tear, 17.00; By Mall, per month. 40c; MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS CANADIAN JUGGLING DYNAMITE EUROPE'S BALKAN COUNTRIES are still the powder keg they always were and a third world war Qould be touched off over night. :;The dove of peace has not faced stormier weather since the battle against the Axis powers ended. : Civil war in Greece is so serious today and has such wide ramification it may well flame Europe and Asia into another orgy of bloodshed. . Appeal of the-Greek government for arms to battle "bandit" forces places Great Britain in a ticklish position. Her refusal to comply would jeopardize her relations with Greece, which are none too happy Ut .present, while her help would en-flame the growing resentment of Russia. ? Russia has demanded from Turkey the right to establish military luises on the Dardanelles, ostensibly to assist Turkey in the protection of these important straits. Appealed to by Turkey, Britain has advised that country against direct negotiations With the Soviet, saying the future control of the Dardenelles could he decided only after international discussions. Add to this precarious position the antagonism of Yugoslavia and Russia resulting over the stand pat policy of Britain and the United States Per Tear, 14.00 AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION on the Trieste headache and you have everything for an explosion even the match. TO A GROUSE DRINKING There Is no quietness like this Nor woodland hush so still; This Is silence's last word. The morning's feet unheard Upon a hill. Beyond the silver pool the dark trees Watch and listen; On the silver pool stray sunbeams Pause and glisten. The grouse bends to the pool,' And silver ripples run. In silver rings disperse Into the dusk and widen Into the universe! ARTHUR WALLACE PEACH. THROUGH OTHER EYES NEW HIGHWAY NEEDED We need a good east-to-west trunk highway. We should have It, wide and Inviting, to tap the vast reservoir of motorists to the south of us. We need it. we can afford It and it will pay us back. Kamloops (B.C.) Sentinel. BUSY TRUSTEES One of the disadvantages of the larger school area is the great amount of additional time which the larger district demands from trustees. Already one of the valued Kelowna trustees has found it necessary to resign. It is one angle which proponents of the scheme probably did not consider. Perhaps it can be overcome. If it can't, the larger district is already on the road to failure. Kejowna (B.C.) Courier. UNFINISHED BUSINESS As Canadians we still have a chore, brin. in? the country to a state that Is passably fair as peacetime countries should be. and PioL1 en .lKthe tniggle that began in 1939 be brought to a successful conclusion. Elmwood (Man.) Herald. :: TODAYS STOCKS :: Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. HKHjK0lOK00HKH0o5HKKl 0OOHJOKHKKKJOOOOHOt PRINCETON, NJ. A new theory which may revolutionize ideas now held on the forces binding the nuclei of atoms together was put before the gath "CQWLESS COWBOYS" In competiUon with the cow is Aircraftsman Jim Skinner, Winnipeg, Man., whose job in the peacetime R.C.A.F. will be the re-constitutlon of oovdered whole milk. He has Just completed a course in Toronto Inttha art of making fluid milk out of the powdered product. He will be posted to Labrador or Newfoundland where a cow on the hoof is a curiosity. Cowboys without cows are the specially-trained airmen who provide hundreds of gallons of milk for ue on isolated R.OA.F, stations. Milk is an Important part of the balanced diet laid down by R.CJV.F. nutritionists. To provide this milk where cows cannot be maintained, nor a iresh supply obtained, dried milk is flown in and reconstituted. Reconstruction calls for special trainlng. and recently two aircraftsmen, slated for duty at Gander, Nfld.. spent a week at Borden plants in Toronto and western Ontario studying the process from start to finish. At Gander the two airmen will have the responsibility of providing more than 500 gallons of rrllk dally. This Is the equivalent of the production of more than a hundred cows, So intrigued are the "cowless cowboys" "c ictuiuiHuiins macmnes inai iney nave given them Mvine names. "With no stable duties and no rounding up of the nerd K's a cinch 1" say the boys. J I that an electron is an electric BUSY BEACHCOMBERS I charge with an electric field SOUTHEND, O In five ! which has energy and mas3. The months, cleaners of Southend's j Idea was proposed 40 years ago beach have gathered 166 tons of 1 but was discarded because of waste paper and rubbish, 10 tons i lack of a mathematical proof, of broken glass, 2,820 bottles and j Dr. Dirao yesterday supplied Jars and as much as three tons of I evidence with a complicated rubbish daily In the busy season j series of equations and Ideas - i which brought the comment : from Dr. Albert Einstein, "I did j not think that It was possible," ' according to his friends. Dr Einstein believes that it will start a new trend, of thought i Professqr Dirac's talk was ! given on the second day of the first Conference in Princeton's series of 15 discussions to be held throughout the academic, year. The discussions during the day were of an extremely tech- ering of natural scientists at nlcal nature under tha general Princeton University's Oraduate j heading of "nu-clear phylcs," College as Dr. P. A. M. Dirac, as the 100 world-known natural Porfessor of Mathematics at scientists talked only a'.ng the iamDnoge -university, England, lines of theoretical science. and Nobel Prize winner in 1933, proposed that electrons have no size or shape and so may be brought closer and closer together, providing an immense force between each particle. The electron, according to Dr. Dirac's theory, consists only of an electric charge which has mass. This contradicts the Idea NEURALGIA Are NEURALGIA and the Hammerlr.i Headaches it causes blinding you wito cruel pain? Gt fast. Bale relief an otheri have, with Teupleton' T-R-C'a. Don't delay another dy. Start now to relieve thatain with T-R-CWthe remedy enthusiastically pitlaed by thousands. At all druggist! 50c, - T-22 WHAT GIVES 'COCOA ITS FOOD VALUE? The high food value of Cocoa depends almost entirely on its Cocoa Butter content. PERFECTION COCOA guaranteed to contain 22 Cocoa Butter, which gives you the maximum obtainable of rich, energy-giving, body-building properties. For a delicious food-drink, be sure to ask your grocer for PERPECTION COCOA. Regardless of price, there is none better. Yet PERFECTION COCOA costs less! Buy Canada Savings Bonds! WESTERN BRIDGE imt rmieiTOM VANCOUVHL Rt rTYTTTYTTTVTTTTTTTTTTTTT Briefs Jrom Britain LETCHWORTH, Hertfordshire, Eng., iff Nine times a bridesmaid. Miss Joyce Brazier has married IVYCHURCH, Kent, Eng 0) Six couples spent their honeymoons at the same time In one house here. IBSTOCK, Eng., Q Blowp Inland, a cormorant is being fed fish and will be sent by crate to the sea for release. BRAINTREE, Eng., CB Brain trtc Urban Council has banned thj use of air-raid sirens for calling out the National Fire Ser vice. BRIDGEND, Wales, 0-Chil dren of nearby Mile End are or ganizing a petition to the local council for construction of a new playground. CROYDON, Eng., O The Darbies are marrying the Joans at a club for lonely old-age pensioners here. Three old couples were married recently. ; LONDON, O-Llners Acqult-'anla and Empress of Australia, jboth 32 years old, are likely to I continue in service another three or four years. CHESTER, Eng., Thomas Pate, 84, .has started his 60th year as organist of Holy Trinity Church. DONCASTER, Eng., tt-A wire rope 1,640 feet Jong. I0',i Inches in circumference and welshing 22 tons has been made for aerial conveyor use on the continent. PRINCE RUPERT TO VANCOUVER VIA OCEAN FALLS "Primes Adelaide'' F.erv .Monday. 10 p.m. ALASKA PORTS FOR SALE BY TENDER Bldg C.S. 24x80 2 wings 24x58 CROWN No. 44 OR's Mess C.S. 24x53 and 10x12 1 wing 24x 104' No. 47 Wireless Hut 15x20 envelope plainly marked Tender No: 403.339 FOR, 5 Buildings Area "C AT Prince George Brigade Camp, Prince George, B.C. Addressed to: BRANCH SALES MANAGER, 1108 W. Georgia St., Vancouver; B.C. ASSETS "I'rinrest Noroh" "Princcii Lotilte" Full Information on talliiift from local ttekml anf, or irritr O, Brura llurper, O.I',J., C.P.K. Station, loncoiifr. TYPE OF ASSETS: 10 Buildings 5 Buildings (Area 'C") and 5 Buildings No. 2 OR's Qtrs. No, "Area "II"). rnnce oeorge i5ri?aue Lamp, PKINCE (iEOKGE, B.C. War Assets Corporation will receive offers to purchase all or aav of the Crown -Ownpd Buildings described below. The purchaser shall remove the bulldW or buildines fill in excavations and restore the ground to its original elevation, leaving (Vie site In a neat and tidy condition In a manner satisfactory to an authorized representative of the Corporation 5 BUILDINGS Area "C No. 1 OR's Qtrs. C.S. 24x40' and 24x25' II Hut, 2 wings, 24x120' No. 13 OR's Qtrs. and Mess OS. 24x113' 2 wings 24x92' 2 Cent, wings 24x30' No, 40 Bde HQ. No. tl OR's Qtrs. CS, 24x40 and 24x25' H Hut, 2 wings, 24x 120' OS. 24 x40' and 24x25 II Hut, 2 wings, 24 x 120' 3 OR's Qtrs. C.S. 24 x 40', 1 wing 24 x 120' No. 30 Garage, 3 -stall 30x67' No. 38" OR's Mess OS. 38 x 40 and 24 x 25 II Hut, 2 wings, 24x83 A cetrlfied cneque or bank draft to the value of ten percent of the tender price, made payable to tha War Assets Corporation must be forwarded with the tender In a sealed Tender No. 402-318 FOR 5. Buildings Area "H" AT Prince George Brigade Camp, Prince George, B.C. Addressed to: BRANCH SALES MANAGER, 1108 W. Georgia St., Vancouver, B.C. TENDERS WILL CLOSE AT TWELVE O'CLOCK NOON PACIFIC TIME OCTOBER l8lh, 191(5 tnrefmWJrfS't ffe S?nMl p,umbln and heatln, fix- BUILDINGS to be sold for removal and restoration of the site. ALL AREAS AND DIMENSIONS GIVEN AHEJ APPROXIMATE The tenderer must state the use to whlc'i the bulldlmr or building nr mirprinu .., tained therein will be put as this will be a determining fnrtnr In rinMrtlnr (Via nnnnnt of any Tender. --n n-w.m.4., ULLCULd I" Tenders received after closing time cannot be considered The hiehest or anv tpnrw not necessarily be accepted. Cheques or bank drafts wllll ? returned k unsSSf ul SdeTers The successful tenderer will, when notified of accentanrp nf hU nr W tj v quired to furnish cetrlfied cheque bank ?for remalniL &nhd.e,r.rbe a or draf the 00? of hi, Je and in addition, a certified cheque or bank dra for at f SSSunt eaSlto th?tim5tWe.r; of restorlnsr the site or sites, as a guarantee that he will como'v lth nil t?rmf JatC0St WAR ASSETS CORPORATION MM WEST CEOKOIA STKEET, VANCOUVBI. B.C. Note: Passes for inspection of the above buildings must be obtalnprf (mm fh nffi . ,,r Assets Corporation. 1108 W. Georgia St., VancouverVB C uo m l Lan?lev f?t fv.e,35. War LaiSIey 6'-. Victoria, from Mr. E. F. Blart, Prince Rupert Office or Opal or Tourmaline October Birthstones For those born In Oetobe, there is a choice of blrthstonei-Tourmaline or Opal, No two opals are alike and therein lies their glamor and mystery. Unique beauty y d(, rived from-the flashing color! mum 11c nut in me stone itaelf but are caused by the lnterfer-! ence of light through reflection. One of the earliest descrin. lions of Opal in English was written In the reign of Queen Elizabeth by Dr. Stephen Bat-man, "This stone breedeth only In Inde and Is deemed to have many virtues, as hlewes and colors." The opal seems to have appealed to Shakespeare as a fit emblem of Inconstancy, for in "Twelfth Night" he makes the clown say to the Duke: "Now the melancholy Ood protect thee, and the tailor make thy garment of changeable taffeta, for thy mind Is very opal." III Simple as ABC If you intend to buy QnlJ4 SivmpBai no doubt you do) all you need to iltT A. Act now by telephoning or Min., J ... . .r,...v.i.u j Um or send 1 sm,,;,, with cheque attached. D. He sure to eive vnnr tn . , , . ? ' "Milt BK m clearly so there can he no m,.t.-.;l registering your BonJ and deliver-,, S1I fn rri O I C Count on us to attend to 1!! deauJ complete satistactiori-at no rtm us, HASTI 1 j i 1 i j 11 -- YOU r...' ! SJ PhiU 'hone 631 Denominations: J50, $100. $500. to Interest fi0 Every Bond registered, If it; M. stolen or destroyed it will be tr. ,rs by Canada upon proof of t. ,I,j1 I Richardson m HASTINftH Foimetii comft f MTAKJtMCO MP owe vwrai e MArine 8511 I? rom Montreal to X.A .irect pite m D n . n . .1 t rrince rcupert rottie v.or.t ALSO MESSENGER SERVICE fhnntB We buy . . . All :: Perfex Beer Whiskey, C Bottles Bottles Wine to PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVE mm McBtlde Street :- Some New hi I A trim A new shi "Congoleuffi and other M rugi See them n I Gordon Hardwaf Goods Things arc still far frf We have a lew ui -at present: HONN LIGHTERS WjgJ REYNOLDS BAlIjPE U WATERMAN "'ppvfllil sterling NEW SOUVENIR SPOO.