Prinrc Rupert Dnflj? r3clus Thursday. October 10, 1916 : Totlay FULL SCALE BOXLA LEAGUE PROMISES - FAST, EXCITING WINTER SPORT HERE One of the fastest and most thrilling sports played anywhere in the world, will make its debut shortly in the form of a Prince Rupert Senior Lacrosse League. Thls sport is generally consider-- ed a summer sport as hockey holds the limelight In the winder where facilities are available. However, Prince Rupert, lacking hockey facilities should provide an ideal setup for a winter boxla league. Several exhibition games during the summer were the first lacrosse tilts witnessed here since the early 1930s when field . i ... latiusse was piajeu wun sucn old timers as Dtck Woods, Brick Skinner, Prankie Derry, Slats Erickson, Nipper Woods, Ernie Webster and other familiar athletes starring. j lacrosse, the - indoor version of 4Vln vrtw.n U In fcucj ti iir riri lii lit- ui.ivrii ill this city and it is hoped it will receive considerable favor from local sports fans. FIRST GAME OCT. 18 for the league with the first game on .October 18 between i the Legion and another sponsored team. Full scale practices will get under way tomorrow night and all lacrosse players and those interested in playing are urged to bh at Roosevelt gym. -Practices are held Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays until 'games start. Some of the outstanding players showing here will include Bud Schuman, formerly of Richmond Farmers in the Vancouver- -jicw caiiuuiaici League, nan Sheardown who. incidentally, is back from a holiday and whos? absence was greatly felt in the Uganda series, formerly of Sal-monbelliejs and other southern Interior teams; Charlie Maun-drel, who also played in the south, and several other players with experience in top-notch lacrosse leagues in B.C., not to -mention many local atnietes who have readily taken to the game. ALSO JUNIOR LEAGUE A junior lacrosse league also is in the formation stage with sev eral, dozen of the younger fry ! attending practices regularly, i some of whom look very prcm lsing indeed. From all accounts this sport should climb to the upper bracket in the local sports scene and it is expected it will be given due support by sport fans throughout the city. FIJIAN PHARMACISTS SUVA, Fiji, P) A proposal has been made to the Fijian government that men of the Islands should be trained locally as pharmacists. In the plan, Fljians could serve theij- apprenticeship in Fiji, then to New Zealand for a brief period to study for and take their final examination.- LONDON, 0) Westminster Council has 'requisitioned 26 bombed sites for conversion into car parks. in Sports I TJff)f) P HP A T T UUi SJJ. Now that it is getting close to the opening night of the 1946-47 basketball season we should take a look at some of the younger talent that will show this season. In the Junior loop we will see four teams, namely Gyros, High School, Grotto and Watts St Nickerson. The Watts i Nickerson outfit. winner of the league last season, will strip an entirely differ ent squad with as much punch as their predecessors. At centre will be Ray Spring, lacrosse star, which most of us saw in action against the Uganda on their last visit, to Prince Rupert. Filling the other two forward spots will be Bob Scharf, Billy McChesney, Kenny Bozo and Sidney Scherk. Guards will be Lawrence Garner and Gordon Sharum who are strangers in the city and will be seeing their first year in competition here. Most of last year's W. Si N. team is now playing for Bo-Me-Ill Rainmakers in the intermediate section of the league and, according to Alex Bill, Bo-Me-Hi coach, they will definitely prove a great asset to his team as the season progresses. GROTTO'S TALL CENTRE The Grotto, formerly known as the Sea Cadets, will be out in full strength for their first game October 15. They will sport at centre big Jim Hebb, their six-foot lad who played for the same outfit last season. Hebb will : able to use his height and experience to great advantage and great things are ex pected of him by Coach. Maurice Tens. Teng will show at forward positions Bob Currie, Sid Young -man and Red Anderson who are all playing their second season in organized basketball. , At guard will be Andy Owens and Barrie Watson also twd-year men. Bobbie Anderson, the only rookie on the 'team, will take a forward position when called upon and is showing promise of becoming a regular before the season gets far under waVi This team, although they made a disappointing effort last season, ending uo well down the win column, will have to be reckoned with with all seriousness by their opposition as they will carry the experience gained last season to aid them in the quest of their first league championship. GROTTOS STRONG Last year's runners-up to Watts & Nickerson, Syd Wood-side's quick breaking Gyros will again be the team to contend with as they will have the same boys as last season, when they were the only team in the league to take a game from the winners. Working from the sides will be Alan Mostad, the boy with the nonchalant left handed shot, and Don Scherk, late star of Watts & Nickerson, at left for- II I THERMS NO OTHER TOBACCO JUST UKE I 9 I OLD CHUM The Toba((o of Quality S I ward, while the right lanes will be ably looked after by George (Joe) Haugan and Billle Sun- berg. ' The centre position will be taken care of by Doug Shier, who is one of the most Improved players in the junior loop and one of the fastest breakers In the game. Guards are "Hack" Laurie, a tall, rangy lad- who is coming into the picture more in every game he plays, partnered by Eric Moore, who is the workhorse of the team and is here, there and everywhere, always fighting to give his team possession of the ball. The guard will be strengthened by the addition of Oscar Mercer, a newcomer to the game who has all the prospects of becoming another "Sonny" Beynon. JUNIORS IMPORTANT While great things are ex pected from the operation of the Junior League, it is believed that the basketball league cannot pay too much attention to this division, as from it will come the players of the years to come. The importance of good handling of the games especially the refereeing and umpiring, should be stressed. Bad habits acquired at this stage of the game can become disastrous to the young player when he advances to the more senior divisions. Kiereeing should be just as efficient in the Junior division as it is in the senior loop. V mli;ht also bo suggested to the executive that the Juniors get a chance to show their wares before the public by alternating this division with" the girls as very few of the ticket buyers will be on hand at 6:30 p.m. to see the first game. Nothing will give these lads more tvmfidence than playing before a crowd. It will also give some of the senior representatives a chance to look .them over with an eye to future talent of which there is ample. - - Classified Advertising - - ClsAalflrdsi 2e per word per Insertion, minimum chares, 50c Birth Nader 60c; Cards of Thanks. Death Notices. Funeral Notices. Uarrlaze and Engagement Annourcementi : 12. WANTED WANTED Oil burning range. Phone Red 443. (240) WANTED TO RENT Two or three room unfurnished house Frank Burdett, Station "B," City. (243) FOR RENT ton kent rurnished 3 room house. Phone Green 378 or call 354 Biggar Place. (tf) FOR RENT 4 roomed house with oil range. 528 11th Ave. Apply No. 2 Aldine Apts. Phone Red 241. (238) FOR RENT-J'urnlshed houee. Phone 844. FOR RENT Sleeping room, 801 Borden Street. (tf) FOR RENT Fully modem furnished 3-room house near Seal Cove Cold Storage. Va-ant Oct. 18. Phone Blue 825. (239) FOR RENT 2 single housekeeping rooms. Single men only. Apply 221 5th Ave. East (243 FOR RENT 2 room furnished apartment. Apply 801 Borden Street. (tf) ROOM AND BOARD ROOM and table meals. Home away from home. Green Rooms, 622 Fraser St. (244) HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Woman or girl to mind baby, 9 to 6 weekdays. Phone Black 390, 117 4th Ave. W. Call after 6 p.m. (238) HELP WANTED Female general hlp, business hours. Good wages. Reference at Gold-bloom's, 322 Third Ave. (240) WORK WANTED WANTED Housekeeping position for widower or bachelor. Would consider hotel work. Phone Black 695. (238) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern end up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf, TERRACE TRANSFER AND TAXI (Harold Smith) TRUCK AND PASSENGER SERVICE Charter TriDs to Any Part of District Scheduled Trips to Lakelse Lake Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday P.O. Box 167 TERRACE MIXED FIVE PINS PUSHOVERS C. Whatman 109 178 179 J. Warren 148 169 111 N. Cameron 227 138 90 C. Barrie 159 167 139 M. Scharfe 132 122 88 C. Scharfe 167 150 148 Handicap 118 116 116 Totals 1058 1040 871 READY KILOWATTS M. Sylvester .160 183 135 A. Alger 81 224 176 J. Berg' 69 89 83 S. Saville 181 202 207 D. McLean 118 171 78 R. McLean 155 140 225 Handicap 59 59 59 Totals -....823 1068 963 KING PINNERS L. McLatchie 135 141 149 S. Comadma 159 124 148 A. Pierce 98 194 119 W. McLatchie 133 99 200 J. Shenton 93 143 216 N. Klnslor 166 174 144 Handicap 49 49 Totals .....833 924 102S MIDGETS B, Hamilton 118 119 122 Earl Pierce 132 173 186 J. Hamilton 205 172 203 G. Andersen 121 198 182 M. Montgomery ..125 148 199 D. Mackay 139 145 172 Handicap 82 82 82 Totals 982 1037 1146 McMEEKIN F. Leland 70 P. Menzies 121 B. Windle 127 E. Hlntz 159 is T. McMeekln 214 A. McMeekln .230 Handicap 56 'S S Totals 977 THISTLES Mrs. J. Davidson .... 61 J. Davidson 162 Mrs. D. Owens 7$ D. Owens 96 Mrs. J. Tomp3on .117 J. Thompson 101 .Handicap 194 Totals 809 m loss FOR SALE FOR SALE Small house, modern. Two bedrooms, modern kitchen and living room. Furniture including radio, t 2 stoves, 2 beds, washing machine, floor covering. $2300 terms. $2,000 cash. Apply Collart and McCafferyLtd. (240) FOR SALE-M ton dodge truck, 1928 Model: Apply at Suite 15, Mclntyre Block, between 6 and 7 (tf) FOR SALE Farm located lot 647 Kitwanga approximately 165 acres under cultivation, 70 acres fenced In, 2 room house partly furnished, barn 34 by 34, 4 sheds, chicken pen, hog pen, 2 creeks running through farm. For Information write L. Palletti, Broadway Hotel, Vancouver, B.C. (238) FOR SALE New Restaurant at New Hazelton, B.C., on highway to Prince Rupert, next to hotel; running hot and cold water in kitchen; putting electric light In now; six furnished, bedrooms upstairs. Apply Gust Christlanson, New Hazelton, B.C. (256) FOR SALE -Used folding chairs In good shape $1.50, dressers $14.50, used blankets, all wool $4.50; smoking stands, $1.25; dining room sets from $30; coal and wood heaters and stoves from $22.50; hassocks. $2.50; rug 6xl02 price $18; chesterfield in good shape, $65; Philco 7 tube radio, $25; new mirrors from $2; large selection of scatter rugs, lovely designs from $1.65; paint brushes from 40c. All kinds of new and used furniture. B.C. Furniture Co. Black 324. FOR SALE 1940 Dodge Sedan. Apply 13 Taxi. (tf) FOR SALE Furniture Including Monarch oil stove. 735 5th Ave. West. (240) FOR SALE Singer sewing machine. Single-barrel shotgun, like new. Bed spring and mattress. Phone Blue 953 aftef 6 o'clock. (238) FOR SALE Dining room suite, good condition. 974 Ambrose Ave. Red 752. (238) FOR SALE 1 single bed, like new; 115 firebrick, 1 drill press with blower, 2 gas tanks with stand for oil burner. 1148 8th Ave. East. Phone Blue 942. (243) FOR SALE Live and Dressed Poultry, Laying Pullets, pure bred New Hampshlres, $2.00 each, express extra. Leroy's Ranch, Kitwanga, B.C. (249) LIPSETTS ' ' - P. Elklns :.:187 213 77 B. Elklns - 155 212 123 F. Gllmour 142 114 97 B. Gllmour .221 84 128 H. Hanson. 188 220 135 Irene Hanson 118 145 71 Handicap 139 139 139 Totals 1150 1127 773 CO-OP O. Rudderham 155 192 164 A. Astoria 155 F. Hallgrlnson 143 139 106 M. Halverson 163 180 1G0 B. Rudderham 278 153 120 S. Mintenko 224 159 231 J. C. Kurulock 43 54 Handicap 54 43 54 Totals 1172 1096 093 HEADPINNEHS N. Withers 166 204 103 B. Withers 78 197 214 E. Murray .....126 188 192 J. Murray 149 221 285 V. Wrathall 140 181 171 J. Comadina 203 193 162 Handicap 44 44 44 Totals 1105 1228 1176 ATOMICS J. Taylor Ill 100 153 J. Schroeder 109 183 181 II. Stone 82 125 77 Halg 116 199 193 Grant 97 105 84 J. Naylor 901 11 191? Handicap 195 195 195 Totals 914 1083 1006 i 1 I LADIES' BOWLS "B" League October 10 Co-op vs. Watts it Nickerson, Revenuers vs. Peoples, Bankers vs. Dockettes, Khatadas vs. WPTB, Whirlwinds vs. Atlln. October 17 Revenuers vs. Watts St Nickerson, Bankers vs. WPTB, Khatadas vs. Atlln, WPTB vs. Watts & Nickerson, Dockettes vs. Revenuers. October 31 Khatadas vs. Whirlwinds, Atlln vs. Peoples, WPTB vs. Revenuers, Dovettes vs. Watts &t Nickerson, Bankers vs. Co-op. " Buy Canada Savings Bonds! i TS so 6000 ) ! YOU JUST KNOW I 'J iSllf y0UR FAMltf DESERVES AYlMEft QUAUjy TENTS - PACK SACKS TRAPPER NELSON PACKBOARDS WATERPROOF GROUND SHEETS PROTECT YOUR LUGGAGE WITH CANVAS COVERS " - r .., i. .... . .Edmondson Awning and Sail Works 330.SECOND AVENUE P.O. Box 302 : . PHONE 632 Business and HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branche i 206 4th 8treet : Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chlmneys'and Oil Burners PHONES: Green 486 Red 894 P.N. Kllborn w. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baggage Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls, Green 977 Prince Rupert If it's a Rock Job-Call a Rock Man ca M. SAUNDERS Blue 668 Concrete Sidewalks, Basements I don't take work I cannot do myself. JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue PIRATES . C. Hlnton .'. 103 A. Hlnton ,,168 M. Burnle ... 86 R. Burnle 211 W. Slater 133 A. Slater 153 Handicap 116 138 99 142 127 118 122 208 232 114 185 2C8 286 116 118 Totals 972 1104 1107 ROCKETS O. Mostad 251 208 197 D. Evans 109 151 106 E. Cameron 96 08 44 0. Wynn 110 130 172 M. Ross 181 121 172 1. Cameron 171 200 109 Handicap 155 155 155 Totals 1073 1033 955 Professional PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Bulbs Novelties MODERATE PRICES Prompt attention to mall orders. Box 516, Phone 777, 300 3rd Ave W. H. CORRINS Painting and Decorating FREE ESTIMATES Phone Blue 451 FRANK H. PARTRIDGE CONTRACTOR Estimates Given On All Work Phone Green 417 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 p.o. Box 274 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Complied Besner Block Phone 387 JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth Street Red 808 KM PROMPT nd EFFICIENT S3MCI ull ((our tli$t to COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO. Lit ik vuuarviKJU. SKI CAMP SITE WILL BE LEASED TO LOCAL CLUB Mount Blaine 3ki C'.u'j bers, negotiating to pU ' j", seven former military b:u from Highway Constructs , "q. have been advised by otv they do not ned to movo tVaj from the present site on Mount Hays. Assurances to this effeo .. . contained in a letter from H,m u. j. AoDoii, K.C.. mincer qf national defence, to ll. a. Ar-v bald, M.P. for Skeena. The club will be contact i m connection with the draw.:;, ,;p Appetizing fj (.LOVER LEAF ROUS y Mod In Conoid want Flrischmann's act;Ve Fresh Yesst-M with the familiar yellow label that la J favonte for over 70 years. Order socstodaj! Always fresh.otw Prepare for Winter GRADE LUBRICANTS CAR HEATERS DEFROSTERS ANTI. FREEZE S. E. PARKER "THE HOME OF FRIENDLY SERVI Third Avenue I Terrace Corner MRS. FLAMBLY HOME-MADE T ninn r, xtrMTTTOI ICC f 1 LUNCHES FOR TRAVEL! On the Main HighvWl TERRACE MACHINE SHOPSl TERRACE, B.G Dealers in GENERAL MOTORS and ELEC OAS MACHINE WORK - 1 nmllltS DIESEL and TKACTUK u nJ lu repairs For minor 1 1 At -sac Yes, FlBsciaaai J Yeast helps yoabatij Clover Lesf rc!!t J wnrkjfastbeaainj It saves you ofcitJ IF YOU BAKEAnl ALBERT & o ... a. i "1 v 1108 fcr.-,.. 5v 'WSJ 9 McCAffl 117 Pknns 116 an j