ways Seek 30 238 Works Department Lrnier Covers bk a close in the Prince td wound up in at three h colleagues and porks estimates Irt, I shall have I shall (because em that I know lis needed here," friendly Oallic pcn;i" Ite that when I luollc Works ln- I really inspect- Inot sit comfort- and merely let bings," Mr Four- rter who accom- his energetic fcity's waterfront ding. It of stature, Mr. in energy and I propelled him to fry matter which -and they were I by Mayor H. M, hen T N, Young IKay, Col. Keith lent of Transport George Andcr- ishermen's.Unlon his secretary ' Mr Vburnttr ! V lDMaxtmenW,..o: iRawinnne a. ior If the new West-, Is floats. 1 MARKETS rterlty of an Iberjack on his River, Mr. Four- ay out onto the I ieted floats. He t was regrettable 1 hortages have left phed for months, fcrted that neeleet !xport markc ts satisfactory solu-rrt shortages In da's economy, i wrong, but It Is if of myself and nbers of the gov-;he protection and If Canada's export pal Importance for t the country." he Ize that shortages Ifftcult In Canada te aiming to placrj avorable condition amble for export perhaps five or Lnow," O A I) 4 turvcyed route for road to the West-hich, Mayor Dag-ould cast an cstl- tw build, the Mln- I agreed that the e told Tim rinii,, i te Public Work's "llds an lnstalla-P makes allowance (ruction of an ap- lowcver, 1,700 feet oach. I don't know that the govern-How" ftmrmer Inspected Pert Dry Dock, and rouSh the plant by Kfrt Cameron, He trt In the many ln tor repairs and r..iIs Unfortunate N . " ITALIAN TROOPS READY TO CRUSH FURTHER RIOTS ROME Q) Strong rc-inforce-ments of stcel-hclmetcd Italian troops and police, alert to prevent a repetition of yesterday's Moody riot.'ng, guarded all ap proaches to Vlmlnals Palace today as the Italian cabinet met to attempt to end the threaten ing labor crisis. Two persons wero killed and 141 Injured in yeserday's riots, paid to' -'55iej kley of Five y Fliers JN Yugoslavia J In reparations "'elve men killed he tw0U5. planes ovw that country, !8 authorities state not .closed, how. fawllibeasked fi 'ePatlons of :e lo Planes. NORTH"" NT) CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER TjIbrai2s: June WW Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port rmixur. uurjutr, tf.u, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1946 Minister Takes Projects the Waterfront look at his department s re Rupert area Wednesday his tour on an obvious note hours well spent. could not get larger Jobs, more in line with it? nuge capacity. He took a keen J.iterest in the wartime construction record of the Dry Dock. EXPRESSES PRIDE However, the Federal Building turned out to be the minister's real price and Joy. "It Is .certainly a fine building and a credit to the community," he declared as he stood survey ing It fr.m In front of the pdst office stejis. ,tT Introduced to Post Morlson, the minis" 1 latcd him on thetl A dltion of lhc buiJfXA I construction tructlou o o X," .ranee wholly r ffc Depart- mcnt t of yfks, Lspircd him to tP'A A irlprcssions of praise ieflVlAf Ijitef ..u- v. j. driven to the Nl; .i Eark Ave. ln'rr.r. n" JfMA. u;gett ary Mc- IWestview i mueniieu s ir. tiournier ana Mr. 1F0 ortlerTthe ' mfnlsTer left' on last night's train to return to Ottawa which he left on September 20 on his western tour. Minister of pubiic Works since 1912, he has cx-: represented the constituency of Hull in the Federal house since ; 1930. "Prince Rupert, the Key V.'HEHS AIRLINER CRASHED ttv huge transAtlantlc plane Newfoundland. Although 25 of THE WEATHER Synopsis ( t ;eZi".K temperatures were general nr the '.nterior of D.O. early this,mc r'hg as a result of clear skies associated with high pressures over the province. The northern coast was experiencing cloudy skies and showers early today and temperatures there renerally stajed up in thc high forties overnight. The cloudiness over the northern coast Is expected to spread gradually down the coast as the high pressure area continues tomqve terlor of the!provlnce skies will eastward. However In the In-remaln clear today and tomorrow with temperatures moderating slightly. Forecast Prince Rupert, Queen Charlottes and North Coast Overcast, occasionally .cloudy today, tonight and Friday. Widely scattered showers ln northern districts this morning, spreading over entire region by early Frl- J O LAI. 1.. .-.1 I - 1A V, ' day. SoiJ'herly winds, 10 m.pJi Little change in temperature. Low tonight Port Hardy, 42 Massctt, 46; Prince Rupert, 45. High Friday Port Hardy, 55; Massett, 50; Prince Rupert, 53. Local Tides Friday, October 10, 1946 High W0 21.7 ft. 13:35 22.4 ft. Low 7:25 3.8 ft. 19:53 2.3 ft. TEAR LID OFF U.S- RED PARTY URGES CHAMBER WASHINGTON P - United States Chamber of Commerce demanded today that Congress rip the lid off the Communist party to end its power and Influence in the American labor ranks and, within the government Itself. Declaring Chat Communists arc still operating under a national Comintern bent upon world conquest, the organization added that because the party "thrives upon deceit" and Is loyal, to a "hostile" power, it shouid be forced by law to reveal Its membership, sources of money and all Its activities. Jv t r c j per cent. Freight to the Great Northwest" PRICE FIVE CENTS NEAR GANDER, NFLD., WITH 44 ABOARD Shown above is which crashed in the thickly forested area near Gander Lake, the passengers lost their lives, 18 miraculously survived. Free Commerce On Danube Is Demand St. Louis Sets Series Record with 20 Hits In Stunning 12-3 Victory Red Birds Rout Six Pitchers Before Amazed Fans to Even Race For World Pennant BOSTON (CP) St. Louis Cardinals tied an all-time World Series record with 20 hits today as they dwarfed the Boston Red Sox vaunted power with a 12 to 3 series-squaring victory that assured the 1910 World Series of going at least six games. George Mungcr, very much the undordqg in pro-game figuring, was able lo coast home to an easy nine-hit win as the Cards routed Tex Hughson and blasted five other hurlcrs to even the classic at two wins each. A crowd of 35.G15 faas sat in stunned silence as the Red Minis rioted all over the plate, the big three of their lg order, Cnos Slaughter, Kurowski and Joe Garagiola. In the complete rout of the Red Sox, Joe Cronln equalled an all-time series mark by using six' pitchers. Four more Joined the 22 previous stars who each had four hits ln the series game. St. Louis .... 303 010 10412 20 1 Boston 000 100 020 3 0 4 Batteries: Munger and Garagiola; ilugson, Bagby (3), Zuber (6), Brown (8), Hyba (9), Drelse-werd (9) and H, Wagner. Of Britain and U.S. "Peace Substantially Related to Avoidance of Economic Barrier," Claims Senator Vandenberg y PARIS Uriitpd, States. Senatoc.Arthuf.&anden- berg led 'bfflne Peace Conference discussion on the' Romanian treaty draft today with a determined demand for free commerce on the Danube and free trade throughout the Balkans. He said: "Peace is substantially related to the avoidance of economic barriers.1 Foreign Secretary Ernest Bev-In said the Russian proposal which sought "to restrict the use of the Danube River exclus ively to countries along its banks not oniy a retrogressive ... step but a deliberate discriminatory action against their Allies." Devin said Great Britain asked for equal treatment for all on a commercial plane. No Clemency For Convicted Nazis KERl'lN TO Allied Control Council today rejected all clemency pleas of Hermann Gocrinjr and 15 'other convicted Nail leaders. Comet Display Best Show of This Century By the Canadian Press Canada and most of the United States were treated to a spectacular display of shooting stars last night as meteors shed by the comet Gfacobinl Zlnner burned across the skies in what some scientists said Was the most brilliant exhibition seen in North America this, century. Scientists used radar and for the first time recorded reported they "saw" a display of meteors beyond fog and clouds. Assures Cars For Grain Transport VANCOUVER N. B. Walton, vice-president of the C.N.R., said here that the Canadian National Railways can be depended upon to provide Its share of grain cars for moving 83,000,000 bushels of prairie wheat tills year to Vancouver for shipment overseas. A shortage of freight cars for grain has been reported across the country TAXI. TAXI 537 DAY and NIGHT SERVICE Bill and Ken Nesbitt HOWE PRAISES C.N. RAILWAYS CO-OPERATION MONTREAL A letter of appreciation for the aid extended to the Dominion government by the Durchasine department of the C.N.R. in the handling of requirements for the armed forces during the war has been recelv ed by R. C. Vaughan, CM.G., chairman and president of the Canadian National Railways, from Rt. Hon. C. D. Howe, minr ister of reconstruction and supply. "Your company was good enough to agree to operate of? fices on our behalf at Halifax, Moncton, Montreal, Winnipeg and. Edmonton," Mr. Howe's letter states, "and these five offices placed orders covering stores and services to a total value of $146,000,000 representing not only a tremendous vol ume ofi work, but also a great responsibility.'! cannot speak too highly of the efficient manner in which the work was performed on our behalf." After expressing thanks to the railway management for the service of the employees who operated these offices,, the' ministers letter adds: "I shall appreciate It very much If you will be good enough to extend to all officers concerned my personal appreciation of the whole-hearted co-operation that they extended to the government in a critical period?' RUMOR BRITAIN MAY SET BASES IN EAST AFRICA LONDON JJi A War Office spokesman has declined to comment on reports that a British military mission is ln East Africa examining suitability of the aijca as a British base and headquarters for the Middle East. It was indicated, however, that Kenya colony already had been decided upon as a base area. Ask Emergency Powers to Ease Housing Problem OTTAWA (CP) Canadian Legion today asked the government to use Its emergency powers to provide immediate temporary housing and warned delay might result in subversive elements inciting ex-servicemen to take lawless action. View of the Canadian Legion were submitted Hon. CD. Howe, minister of PARLEY ENDS ON TRIESTE COMPROMISE PARIS The Peace Conference finished its work on the Italian draft treaty early today after finally approving of hotly-' disputed French- compromise , proposals for government of the free territory of Trieste. The decision on Trieste came after a series of ballots ln which Russia and Slavic states were voted down 15 to 6 ln their last attempt to have the conference approve their ideas for terri tory at the head of the Adriatic. The Trieste problem has long been a serious stumbling block ln the progress of the conference. CHINA NOW HAS CONSCRIPTION, WARTIME BASIS NANKING Nationalist China has been placed on a -wartime footing by a declaration of Chiang Kal Shek. Conscription has. been Intro duced for all men between 18 and,31.s..the;lkNatlonaltKQvero mem sicppea up lis war program against the Communist forces Maritime Strike Talks Bog Down WASHINGTON Errorts to settle the United States martlme strike bogged down again Wednesday night and as representatives prepared to go home they were advised to stand by for a resumption of negotiations at a later date. Gives Formula For World Peace NEW YORK. O) General George C. Kenney, No. 2 man ln the United States Army Air Forces, said Wednesday that the eventual abolition of national' armies, navies and air corps in favor of an inter national force was the answer to world peace. He, added, however, it might take years to accomplish. REVOKE BAN ON FLIGHTS OVER CZECHOSLOVAKIA LONDON Unexplained suspension of American plane flights over Czechoslovakia was lifted suddenly today by United States headquarters. The military ban), however, continued on all flights by either civil or military planes over Romania and Hungary. One report said the ban may be connected with Soviet army manoeuvres. SERVICES MEDALS FOR B.C. POLICE VICTORIA Forty-three members of the B.C. Provincial Police stationed throughout the prov ince, will be presented with long service medals. The medals will represent scr vice of 20 years or more. Rate General Increase Asked By Railway Association Export'Import Rates Also Affected MONTREAL (CP) Canadian railways 'announced today they have applied to the Board of Transport Commissioners for a general advance .of 30 per cent in freight rates. Application was made by the Railway Association of Canada for its 23 members. ApplicaUon also has been i ' made to Wartime Prices and Trade Board for concurrence in increases if approved by the commissioners. The increase is asked for all freight charges except those for coal and coke, where It is suggested an Increase be given of 20 cents per ton in rates to and including $1 per ton, 30 cents per ton ln rates from $1.01 to and including $1.50 per ton. RATES AFFECTED Rates affected by the pro- posed increase would include those on freight from and to the United States, through Canadian border points,, and on import and export traffic through Canadian ports moving at rates not related to rates ln effect from and to United States port. The minimum charge for a single L.C.L. shipment between CANADA MOST VULNERABLE TO FUTURE WARS WINNIPEG Canada runs a greater risk than most nations of becoming involved In any future International struggle, Mr. Justice .T, C. Davis, former high commissioner to Australia, told the Canadian Chamber of Commerce convention today. "We are as much Interested as any nation on the face of the earth that International policies shall be adopted and pursued which will eliminate the threat Swar HUGE LOSSES IN CHARLOTTETOWN WATERFRONT FIRE CHARLOTTETOWN OO Fire here early today destroyed 10 buildings, causing damage estimated at hundreds of thousands of dollars. Originating in a foundry, the fire raced through other buildings ln Stewart's wharf area. General Stillwell Critically Sick SAN FRANCISCO ) General "Vinegar" Joe Stillwell, hero of Burma campaign and now com mander of the United State) Six Army, is critically ill ln hospital here. He is suffering from a liver condition believed contracted ln the jungles of Burma, his physicians said. TAX STRUCTURE IS WEAKNESS OF CANADA "WINNIPEG 0 Failure of the Dominion and provincial governments to reach a fiscal agree ment would leave Canada open to "Ideological aggression direct ed against our economic and po litical system by socialist and totalitarian groups," Premier Stuart Garson of Manitoba told the annual meeting of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce last night. He said the gravest defect ln the Canadian system was its tax structure. The rejection of the Dominion proposals simply meant that provinces were left ln the same unsatisfactory po sition of the past. LONG AND NARROW New Zealand is about 1,000 miles long, and no wider than 280 miles at its widest point. U, S., BRITAIN, TURKEY RESIST SOVIET'S DARDENELLES DEMAND WASHINGTON (CP United States. Britain and Turkey are presenting a solid front of resistance to Russia's renewed demands on the Dardenelles, while leaving the way open for a full discussion of revised Soviet rights in the straits. The Soviet has demanded Russo-Turkey defence of the straits. Jump any two stations will be 100 lbs. at first class rate but not les3 than 75 cents. Recognized differentials via all rail and rall-water-and-rall routes are to be preserved as far as may be practical, even though certain rates may result which are lower or higher than they would be otherwise. PERILOUS POSITION Canadian railway companies point out they are ln the unlqus. and perilous position that they, have been operating under rigid freight rates in the face of steadily mounting costs,, not merely since the adoption of price control ln 1941, but since the outbreak of war. In the first two years of the war, Industry generally took, full advantage of Its freedom to increase prices, and when price control became effective In December, 1941, industrial prices were frozen at such higher level. Subsequently, however, Increases in the prices of many products have been authorized by the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. RATES UNCHANGED Railway rates, on the other hand, have not been Increased since the outbreak of war, with the exception of increase limited ln their application to International through rates, and Im port and export rates .so far as. they are. related to rates in, ef fect from and to United States ports, following certain interim Increases in rates granted to the,. United .Statesrallroads by the 'rnteree'domhierce'cbm-mlsflon.' The general level of freight rates has not been Increased over the reduced level established by the Board of Transport Commissioners in 1922, but in many Instances rates had actually been decreased prior to the war. Talk of Pulp r?:: Mill Is Met Wearily Here Establishment of a.chain of pulp mills in British Columbia, including one at Port Edward, was forecast in Victoria last night by a reliable source close to the government. According to a Canadian Press despatch, the forecast is based on enquiries received by the provincial government regard ing B.C.'s timber resources from business firms. . f 'i - TORT EDWARD "IDEAL" One source, described In the Canadian Press story as "informed", described Port Edward as an ideal site for a large pulp mill undertaking. There ls; a good chance of three new-pulp mills being established in the province within the next two years, it asserted. The undisclosed speaker said that there Is sufficient pulp wood now available for two mills in the Prince George area. another at Quesncl, one ori,,the west coast of Vancouver Island and one on the lower Skeena River. Local citizens, presented with this statement this morning, took a slightly weary view, of the whole thing. "Pulp mill again?" exclaimed one. "We've been getting one for the last 25 years. Talk like that doesn't excite me any more. I'll believe it when I see it working." . "There are better places than Port Edward for a pulp mill,'' commented another. "I don't think there Is enough water there. But I dont think we netd to worry about It much. We have beard those rumors before and nothing has happened." LONDON, g A black market ln coupon-free suits at $120, jo $200 Is worrying tailors. "Tin r 1