FUND SOON mount of $221 che tuna oe- Ible 3 local boy, .,, to receive -ipcmlist a ,, siv. hu life, contri- tunned $2b 5 2 S 3 1 2 2 2 10 5 V A lY'S JXITURE AND KED CRATED, ALL PARTS OF JCK, EITICIENT, 3ne LINDSAY'S FOR crior sale for In Only Steel Uncral Motors littrd with AJAX, ONTARIO .ulars may las West Georgia IIUUMIITIONS h i :rcnase pusnditlons: STORED AND SHIPPED CANADA AND VSJl. CAREFUL AND RELIABLE SERVICE 60 or 68 SALE or withdrawal, War Assets Cor-7ilablc sale: Bodies (Personnel Carrier) Corp.; Model No. HU5-X-Z tables and seats, etc. be obtained from War Assets Street, Vancouver, B.C. ' merchandise are invited subject to i wi Dy inc Corporation. V'nh Street Local News Items Long trips or short, day or night, 99 Taxi at your service. Mrs. A. W. Allaire nlans t.n sail Tuesday on the Coquitlam on a trip 10 Vancouver. Street, Wcstvlew, and fracture her arm. She Is now In the Prince Rupert General Hospital, resting comfortably as possible. Arthur BrooksbanK, who has been on a holiday trip which Included visits at Vancouver. Victoria, Port Albcrni and Harrison Hot Springs, Is returning home on the Princess Adelaide this evening. You are interested in the vital post - wa r problems facing CANADA. Do not .fail to hear MaJ. Gen. 0. R. Pcarkcs V.C.. MP., at the Civic Centre on Tuesday, Nov. 19th, at 8 p.m. (270) A UAH BAGS CARTAGE & STORAGE HOUSEHOLD GOODS LIMITED operation shall have the richt to accept N r jcti. any or all offers In whole or in it i. is accented, sale will be on an "as "? basis, without warranty of any U icxcpnt as to the Crown's title), and will Hlivct to the other usual Sales- Conditions -CceDtiner of nffer. nnrchase nrice will be fable in full. fdiscn will be rpnnlreri In take delivery of Irchandlse sold (or to remove from the t:r..cs ' at their own expense within a time ':: .Ttlod so as to reach the address noted before the 25th rinv of November. 1946. will ?' J unic-s an oifcr satisfactory to the Corpora-f-n received and accepted prior to that date. lActs Corporation, 1108 West Georgia Street, ASSETS CORPORATION Vancouver, II. C. MACHINE SHOP & GARAGE TKKRACE, B.C. in GENERAL MOTORS Products W0UK r.AS and KIKCTKIC WELDING DIESEL and TRACTOR REPAIRS For minor repairs and fas Hywood Cafe F'H'E RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT LL-COURSE MEALS I ROM n A M TO G yvJVI. dinner Evorv c:r.,in,r .r.nm inR n.m. fWESE DISHES A SPECIALTY CATER TO PARTIES P SUEY CHOW MEIN OUTSIDE nnnvps iunvr las P5 Third AVENUE WEST e Rupert Bottle Collector SStNCER SERVICE phno IJIUC 737 . Mrs. J. R. Elfert had the mis fortune at noon today to silo outside her home at Seventeenth James H. Thompson returned to the city at the end of the week from a brief trip to Van couver and Victoria. Legion W. A. Bazaar, Wed. 2:30 pjn. Home Cooking, Sewing and Raffles, Bingo and Games in the evening. Legion Hall 3rd Ave. (270) C. O. Rinuncr of the Prices OnH Tm Ho Tr1 A rffnn V-nt-n muv uuai u unite iiv it) ... ' 1 A A ( who convracvea pneumonia wnne on a recent visit to Princj George, Is now a patient in the Prince Rupert General Hospital. Tonight's informal meeting with MaJ.-Gcn. Pearkcs, V.C., in the Canadian Legion Hall, has been cancelled due to late boat arrival. (269) G. W. Nickcrson is sailing Tuesday on the Coquitlam for Vancouver enroute to Seattle where he will attend the annual conference of the International Fisheries Commission of which he is chairman, on Novcmbci 20. George Anderson, Deep Sea Fishermen's Union secretary, is leaving Tuesday on the Coquitlam for Vancouver and Seattle, where he will attend the forth-comllg International Fisheries Commission conference as Prince Rupert delegate. G. R. S. Blackaby, manager of the local branch of the Bank of Montreal, who suffered a heart attack a couple of months ago, is still confined to bed at his home but is making steady progress toward recovery. It will be some time yet, however, before he will be able to resume his active duties. Major General G. R. Pcarkcs V.C.j M.P. for Nanaimo, and Mrs. Pearkes are arriving in the city on the Princess Adelaide this evening from the south for a visit of a few days. General Pearkes has a number of speaking engagements while here. Mrs. J. T. Harvey will be hostess at a tea in the Civic Centre tomorrow afternoon when General and Mrs. Pearkes -will meet many local men and women. Announcements All "advertisements in thla column mill be chnrprd for a lull month Bt 25c n word. W. A. Canadian Legion Fall Bazaar, November 20. St. Peters Fall Bazaar, Nov. 21. Card Party. Catholic School Hall, November 21, 8 p.m. United Church Turkey Dinner November 21. Fishermen's Welcome Home Dance, Civic Centre, Nov. 22. Lutheran Tea and Home Cook ing, November 23. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar. November 28th. St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar, November 30. Scotch Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Nov. 30, in aid of Pioneers Home. United Church Bazaar, Dec. 5. Toe II Orand Variety Concert, December 6. Civic Centre. Orange lea and home cooking Mrs. J. G. Anderson's, 303 4th East. 2:30 to 5. Dec. 12. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. Third Avenue and Sixth Street Phone 804 PRINCE RUPERT Sewing Machines Repairs Machines For Rent Hemstitching and Covered Buttons Sewing Notions Sewing Hoxcs and Blankets Trims Buttons Collars Dickies. (208) BLONDIE THIS AND THAT MS wf ?. olUL "Emma, you don't have to be so J. J. Little, general manager of the Northern B.C. Power Co.. after having been confined to his home for some time with illness, has again been admitted to the Prince Rupert General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Watson, who have been visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Good, for the last few days, will leave Tuesday on the Coquitlam to return to their home In Vancouver! Mr. and Mrs. Hcdbcrg and family are returning tonight on the Princess Adelaide to their home in Vancouver after having been here for the past few months while Mr. Hcdbcrg was" with the Highway Construction Co. Alex McDonald, another member of Highway Construc tion staff, Is also leaving for the south tonight. TIMItllt hALi: xw.-.m healed tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands and Forests at Victoria, B.C.. not later than 11 a.m. on the 27th day or ueccmwr. 1946, lo rthc purchase oi Licence X40548, to cut 23.560.000 tect of Spruce. Cedar and Hemlock on an area comprlsltiR part of lots 19'lii Timber Licence 6751P. Lot 1013 Tim ber Licence 6752Pi Lot 1914 -Timber Licence B753P and adjoining unsur-veyed Vacant Crown Land, Gordon Bay. Cumshewa Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands Land District. Three (3) years will be allowed for removal or iimoer Further particulars of the Deputy Minister of Forests. Victoria, B.C. or ; District Forester Prince Ilupcrt. B.C MAJ.-tiL'N. G. R. PEARKES, V.C.. M.I'. Hotel... $ arrivals Irinic Rupert J. A. Durgin, A. H. Kimball, i C. W. Rosoff, Mrs. K. A. Moul ding, Mrs. M. Wickstrom, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Eames, Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Drcwes, J. A. Anderson, W, C. Auld, A. Schlals, J. Cody, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. G. Tcrhar, W. S. Baker, Ketchikan; M. L. Clark, Georgetown; H. L. Rorcth, Prince George; B. W. Webster, Vancouver; F. C Hamilton, Vancouver; John Hockzema, Anchorage; W. H. Manuel, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs, Roy Frcderickson, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. K. Holtc, Butedalc; Mr. and Mrs. D. McGeachy, Alert Bay; J. J. Fairley, Vancouver; S. Cameron, Vancouver; A. Benseh, Vancou ver; Capt. J. A. Gray, Vancouver; Sgt. F. J. Lockart, Vancou ver; Mr. and Mrs. G. Middleton, Smlthers. ASTHMA SUFFERERS Get welcome relief from the wliwiir.E. nrerinp. Fuffuins strucelc for bftatn I... A..I...... T.,l UA7.M&II. liectally inatie to relieve itcny. streaming ryes, cliokcd-up bronchial tubes, difficult breatliine and harassiu coughs caused bv "Asthma. Chronic BroncMUt, Hay lever. At drureiats 50c. SI. R-24 I.O.D.E. HEARS MRS. SPROTT Official Visitor Was Active During stay Here Last Week Mrs. R. J. Sprott, official visi tor to the local Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, has left for her home in Vancouver after highlighting several social events in Prince Rupert as a guest speaker .and generally enjoying the well known local hospitality. Accompanied by her hostess, Mrs. D. C. Stuart, 1649 Second Avenue, Mrs. Sprott was taken on a sight-seeing tour by Mrs. G. R. S. Blackaby as far as Miller Bay Hospital, where they were shown through that institution by the matron, Miss McDiarmid, and Dr. Galbralth. After a promenade through the Civic Centre with Don For ward disclosing the accommo dations and benefits of that building, Mrs. Siprott was certain that Prince Rupert indeed has an advantage over Vancou' ver. Large Tea On Thursday . One of the larger affairs com plimentlng Mrs. Sprott was a tea on Thursday afternoon in the I.O.D.E, Hall, under the auspices of the local chapters. Members, friends and special guests numbered between one and two hundred. Airs. Gilbert Brown made the tea hour more charming with songs. An address by Mrs. Sprott, de lightful, tactful and talented. sent the ladies homeward all re solved to be better neighbors and citizens. Men never made a success of anything without the help of their womenfolk," she asserted. and we'll never have peace and security until women are granted equal political rights the world over and allowed to take their riehtful place in the govern ments of the world. "To prepare themselves for this- task," she stated, "women should begin by working peace fully together In their small or ganizations; Stop making petty criticisms of your neighbor once you have probably railroaded her into taking an office," she ad monlshed. "Do your own part well, and any organization will do more for you than -you will ... -w u4 ' . r-locdfiort Artrf Icintr Pavel ausDlccs of the ft ft ft ft ft ft ft free of nails $10 per cord j TRANSFER Office: Frederick Street By Chic Young v,.o.. Everybody Welcome.-, Tm Wm. H. FRANCKS Optometrist of Vancouver is now in I'rincc Rupert Win. H. Francks is visiting this city until Nov. 25. Mr. Francks is at the Prince Rupert Hotel and open for appointments. Appointments can be made at the hotel. thorough in your dusting!" HEAR.. An Outstanding Canadian Maj-Gen.G.R. Pearkes V.C., M.I. in a PUBLIC ADDRESS . at the Ci'ui'c Centre Auditorium TUESDAY, NOVKftlKKK 1!), at 8 p.m. Under the Incc Rupert Progressive-Conservative Association ; Fine Wood for Sale! NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 100 Cords of Seasoned Scrap Lumber First class 14-inch lengths, Second class trimmings up to 14-inch lengths, $8 per cord third class, various lengths uncut $6 per cord FOR COURTEOUS AND RELIABLE SERVICE HEMMONS Phone Blue 739 Night Phone: Black CG5 P.O. Box 1131 Station B r ( ( now. give ) r" n F (5 ME THAT S f t c . t H bubble-gum;) c ' L - 1 '' prince Hupctt Daflp I3ciujj Monday, November 18, 1943 Value.. or your money Yes, there's real value in these honestly made suits by Fashion - Craft and, equally important, every style detail is' correct . . . While our showing is not as extensive as it was prewar it is well worth your while to see our Fall range ... Priced from $33.50 to $53.50 "THE MEN'S SHOP" w a Arm m w m (KITIIIMi 532 THIRD AVENUE TOY DEPARTMENT . . . Now Open! If it's toys you are after, you will find most everything you need at THE VARIETY STORE. Our range of toys and games this year Is as complete as possible, including several items that haven't been shown for a long time.. 1 wn i u;isiiiu-s THE VARIETY STORE "WHERE YOUR DIMES ARE LITTLE DOLLARS" Special Announcement Union Steamships Ltd. are pleased to announce the addition of a regular weekly sailing: with our SS. "Camosun" leaving- Vancouver Wednesdays 9:00 p.m. and bcgiimiiis on Wednesday, November 20th, for Ocean Falls, Piincc Rhpert and Ketchikan, Alaska. SCHEDULE Lv. Vancouver Wednesdays 0:00 p.m. Arr. Ocean Falls Thursdays .". 9:00 p.m.:. Lv. Ocean Falls Thursdays 10:00 p.m. Arr. Prince Rupert Fridays 3:00 p.m. Lv. Prince Rupert Fridays Midnight Arr. Ketchikan Saturdays 9:00 a.m. Lv. Ketchikan Saturdays 11:30 am, Arr. Prince Rupert Saturdays 7:30 p.m. Lv. Prince Rupert Saturdays - 11:15 pjn. Arr. Ocean Falls Sunday 2:30' pjn. Lv. Ocean Falls Sundays 3:30 pjn. Arr. Vancouver Mondays 3:30 pjn. Weekly Schedule will be maintained until further notice.,, Excellent Accommodation Available UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED (270) PHONE 345 Sc. if it s toys and games, drop in and look around. We feel sure you will be pleased with the fine selection now on display at THE VARIETY STORE. There are all the festivii wrappings, cards, seals and trljks that make your packages look so wonderful, too, all right here. O LOCATION NEW STOCK EQUIPMENT COMII1NED FOR A COMPLETE CANVAS (iOODS SERVICE O WE CAN RE MAKE PAIR TLACE ALL CANVASS PRODUCTS PHONE BLUE 12C EDMONDSON Awning & Sail Works HiO East Third Avenue (Next to McMcekin's) For That Party ... PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, U.C. CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN 7:00 am to 11:00 pin. General Contractor ii a We do basements, rcshingling, build fenccSj z1 sidewalks, remodel your kitchen.. ' Demolish or move buildings. 100 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL BLUE 610 i and we will give an estimate. P.O. BOX 654 PRINCE RUPERT ALL SIZES Bppr WhicL-nv f!in and P Bottles Wine Bottles UMPx AND PnTTOTTri'Yifa ccrjtrrr'W T