B B a B B D B B B B if V i' G Idtituc Uupcrt Daily JSelus Monday, November 18, 1910 Timely Topics from Terrace TERRACE SCHOOL DISTRICT MEET; MANY ATTEND GEO. GLASS FUNERAL The annual meetinir of the ratepayers of Terrace School District was held in the Terrace Elementary Sehool on Thursday evening with Floyd Frank as acting chairman. C. W. Alger was secretary. With a fair crowd in attendance, an interesting discussion look place regarding the Cameron Report. Trustees tlectcd were C. N. Michlcl, C Adams and Mrs. Fred Hall. The funeral of the late George E. Glass was held from the Pentecostal Church on Friday morning with Rev. G. V. Graham In ihargc. The church was filled with friends of the deceased who came to pay their last respects. The many floral wreaths bore evidence to the esteem in which Air. Glass was held in the community. Vernon Glass, the eldest Son, with his wife and family fame frcm Smithers to be present. Another son, Frank, had arrived from Victoria. Interment took place at Kalum Cemetery. Pallbearers were It. Cory. C. L. M. Gi-AKcy, J. Smith. G. heste, T. E. Brooks and Floyd Frank. J. McKay and son were In charge of funeral GLOVES THE PEOPLES STORE WAY from Cutknlfe, Sask.. to visit wiUi their parents, Capt. and Mrs. Davidson. Mike Kohut returned Wednesday from a business trip to Prince Rupert. Ul-Fitting Teeth Bring On Headache SYDNEY. -Australia -Badly-fitting dentures may be the cause of many inexplicable headaches. Dr. James Bell of Perth says. He says ill-fitting false teeth can cause buzzing in the. ears, dizzy spells, painful jaw movements, burning and Mrs. McKie and her sister, I prickling of the tongue, metallic Miss Davidson, arrived recently taste and dryness of the mouth. B B B B B B B B B Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kerr, recently married, arrived Tuesday night from Vancouver and are at present staying with Mr. and Mrs. George Dover on Lak-clse Avenue. BIBB BBBflflBB j k Dress up those hands with smart gloves the Peoples Store way. Choose from cloth, chamois, suedes, kid and pigtex. All colors and styles RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Cold Weather's ' Around the Corner... Gel the most out of your coal this winter by pulling your furnace in shipshape condition. And get the most heat out of your furnace by filling your bins with our coal. Order now and fill up for winter. Our clean quick service is well known. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Phones 116 and 117 PERSONAL Xmas Cards Orders Completed Within 24 Hours . . . Cards of Your Choice . . . Print of Your Selection . . . Printing in Gold, Silver or Mack Imprinting first dozen 75c, others 50c dozen Orders taken for t Personal Box (imprinted) 25 for 1.00 si Look At Your Hands. : Everyone Else Does! Z 'MOOSE HEAD WELCOMED ON (VISIT HERE I I Prince Rupert Lodge, Loyal Order of Moose, was astir with week-end activity during the visit of Carl A. Weis, deputy supreme secretary of the Supreme Lodge of the order, and of more than a score of lodge members from Ketchikan, who made a special trip here to take part in initiation ceremonies and social activities connected with Mr. Weis's visit. Arriving here on Saturday night's train, Mr. Weis met informally with the local lodge and the Ketchikan delegation that evening. Oh Sunday afternoon he was cpeaker at a public meeting held in the Civic Centre, then presided at initiation ceremonies at which 15 new members were Inducted into the Prince Rupert Lodge. Hie Saturday night function was an Informal gathering which welcomed the Ketchikan dclega Hon and, during Its latter part, greeted Mr. Weis, who is on a tour of Alaskan lodges from his headquarters at Mooschcart, Indiana. The gathering enjoyed refreshments prepared by the Women of the Mouse. Three Hundred Hear Discourse Sunday afternoon, more than 300 people, mostly lodge members, heard Mr. Weis outline the objects of the Moose fraternity in a 20-minUte ipecch, then saw a talking film which showed the day-by-clay workings of Moosehcart, the home for children of deceased Mooschcart members. Mr. Weis outlined the development of the Moose fraternal movement since it was founded In 1333 at Louisville, Kentucky, attributing it3 growth to the benefits which its members The organization, he said, offers benefits which relieve fear of economic jeopardy due to sickness or unemnloyment. family destitution due to a member's ' death; economic dependency due to old age, and finally, allows a ! feeling of comradeship for members in any part of Canada and the United States wnere a member might travel, due to the far-flung nature of the order. Mr. Wei,j was introduced to the audience by Mayor H. M. Daggett, who welcomed the visiting Moose leader, and also the Ketchikan delegation. Mayor Dag- IN THE SUl'ItEME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OP ARTHUR MELVILLE WILLIAMS. DECEASED. TESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order ot KU Honour W. E. Fisher. made on the 31st day of October. A D. 1946. I wax appointed Executrix of the Estate of Arthur Melville Williams, deccannl. and all parties having claims against the Bald estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified to roe on or before tlio 15th day of December, AD. 1946, and all parties Indebted to the estate arc required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. H.C., this 31st dav of October. A D. 1946. HILDA FLORENCE OSBORNE, Executrix of the Estate of Arthur Melville Williams, co W. O. FuUnn. Barrister, rrlnce Rupert, B.C Non-Profit Meals Pay County Fair MIDDLE MUSQUODOBOIT. N.S. 0.1 It still holds: the way to a man's heart (and pocket book) is through his stomach. George Dickey, manager of the Halifax County Exhibition, revealed here how he reallzeu a profit this fall from the fair, the first time in Its 38-year history there has been a surplus. Explained Mr. Dickey: "We have a dining room on the. fair grounds and we give a good meal, even though we don't make any money on It. It pays in the long run." Attendance figures backed him up. Second day of the fair more than 5,000 persons saw the show at Middle Musquodo-bolt, which is about 35 miles northeast of Halifax antl has a popualtion of less than 200. Net profit? About $2,000. Students Must Train In United Provinces NEW DELHI ? Compulsory military training for university students in the United Provinces has been ordered by Premrr Pandit Govind Ballah Pant. He stressed, however, that the government was not trying to prepare young men for world domination or aggression. The object was rather to revive discipline among the youth of the country. One year's Intensive social service work will also be compulsory and no student will be allowed to enter university or any government service until he has completed this term. This training will be practical, enabling students to live In villages and with laborers to study their conditions and try to improve them. gelt was presented by Fred Scaddcn, an officer of the local lodsc, who acted as chairman. At the conclusion of the public meeting a group of Women of the Moose sang a Moose hymn which was followed by God Save the King. Fifteen Members, Arc Initialed ,. Initiation rites were held in i the Moose Temple Sunday after-jnoon at 1 o'clock during which j 15 members were admitted teethe local lodge. Those Initiated were tj. Long, C. II. Collins, Q.-. L. Davidson, II. Langholm, E. W. Friesen, II. Hermanson, J. McLean, T. E. Moran,'H. A. Duncan, A. K. Nelson, P. Welter,; M. Karasosky, C. A. Brind, L. Hilton and R.J. Duncan. The Ketchikan delegation, which arrived Saturday evening on the vessel Catclvst. Capt. Fred McKay, sailed early this morning to return to the Alaska city. With them went Mr. Weis. who will make a tour of the Alaska Iod.ges. The delegation consisted of Mr. and Mrs. H. It. Eames, Mr. and Mrs. N. K. Drewcs, Mr. and Mrs. George Tcchar. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams, J. A. Dur-gin, O. H. Klnbcll, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dugan, Jack Body, O. D. Ncsoff, Alfred Schlalr, W. L. BaTcer, Mrs. Wickstrom, Mrs. K. Moulding, William Auld ,'and John A. Anderson. 4 3-Piecc Modern SSfiSf ' BEDROOM SUITES SB j 1 $130- Choose the Dresser OR Vanity Just another example of the values that have made mi many friends for this friendly store. This smart modern suite Is sturdily constructed of beautiful matched walnut veneers . . . with waterfall lops and interesting contrast. If you. want a really stunning gift for the home, here's jour "buy." BBBBBBBBBB ' VB " i BBBBBBBBBm 'KIbBBbI KflBkUl NEW OIL MANAGER To provide for a steadily increasing volume of operations throughout the northwestern section of the province. Standard Oil Company of British Columbia Limited announces the establishment of a new sales branch to be known as its Prince Rupert branch. Stanley M. Cameron has been named branch manager for this district with headquarters at Prince Rupert. Ills territory, which will extend' from Bella Coola north to Stewart, including the Queen Charlotte Islands, and east along the Canadian National line to Houston, was formerly administered from Vancouver. Standard plant at Prince Rupert will continue to bf operated by N. R. Bcrt) Young. Mr. Cameron, who started with Standard or B.C. in 1940 as a service station salesman, is no newcomer to this city, having been employed at the Prince Rupert plant during the peak of the war activity In 1943 and 1944. He arrived here on November 14 to assume his new duties. "PAINTERS" PARDONED NOTTINGHAM, England a Five students "sent down" from Nottingham University for painting the city's stone lions have been pardoned. I o. a. jiangrimson is leaving Tuesday on the Coquitlam on a trip to Vancouver. I il SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Coquitlam 1:30 p.m. Friday SS Catala, 10 p.m. Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight. Further information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone' 5C3 WflCllCi Dover Citizens Plan Mcmoral DOVER, England Cfc An appeal for 250,000 ($1,000,000) has been launched for construction of a Dattlc of Britain memorial hospital on the 14-acrc Castlc-mount Plateau, just below Dover Castle. The new hospital will replace the 130 -year -old war-damaged Royal Victoria Hospital and will include in its fixtures a permanent record of the name of every airman who fell in the Battle of Britain. A light turret, flashing a regular signal to passing ships, will be known ! as the Beacon of Thanksgiving. fTTTVTTTYTYTYTYYTTTTYTYT' Briefs from Britain numtiiittiiiiiiiititi WINCHESTER, Eng., SS -Winchester College War Memorial I I will be a $300,000 school hall and a $200,O0O'Iund for scholarships. KIRK IRETON, Derbyshire. Eng., tf .An ancient burial ground, believed to date Iran about 1500 B.C., has been discovered here. OTHAM, Kent, Eng., -After searching a month for an "un-explodcd bomb" sappers discovered that the "crater" was an old well. WINDERMERE, Eng., Walter Beggs, master of Lake Windermere steamers who Is known to countless tourists, retired after 38 years' service. IN 1 1 1U M I II 1 IB KMi hi k mm UINUINE ASPIRIN I5f v MARKED THIS WAY W0U immsmm WE'LL KEEP YOU r LIU m WARM NEXT WINTER O 'you order your coal for next winter NOW. By ordering today you protect your fam-ily and yourself against being caught without coal when winter comes. Philpott, Evitt & co. iri). IMionc G51 and 052 GLASSWARE ELECTRIC GOODS HARDWARE CROCKERY FURNITURE A Great Stock in Our Toy Department "E VER Y Til IN 0 FOR THE HOME" GORDON & ANDERSON The Newest and Largest Store in North Central B. C. TODAY COMMUNITY SINC roi'ULAit scii:nci: CAKTOON "EOKCK I WHITE'S scAttl "DEAD MixAll A story that will dip deep down into 2 , a.,u Buiej- up an the wondcrj emotions that are hidine tW rl this great book is even greater as a pit J mm tirrin VERONICA J SONNY TUI JOAN CAULI - ilh Billy DcWolfc-Rcoaji ml LILLIAN GI MATINEES EVENING A. Mackenzie Furnitu mm nil) " A OOUD PLACE TO BUY DOM. CAKUIAGIS Colors Mcrton Blue ai Rrn ped with brakes and mud guards, large aisd lot i ior cons, ncigin 01 nanaie 30 . Priced CAHVINR SETS Made by Wade and Butctir: si famous for steel with keen edge, stairless tffl. handle. Set: carving knife, sharpenua- steel jm rncca ai Nil. ..it and Mall your orders for these goods now thrv bt I'lionc 773 to you at once or &cnt C.O.D. if di-md. ALWAYS . . . 327 3rd Ave, I'rinct Rupcr Bulkley Market W K DKLIVU! Il Jrd Avenue rM Why not a SIGNET RING for MM '( " r ni We have many new ilnUm show von a Mlcmlil .selection. All our rings solid gold and heavy cnonj i they will not easily bend on a Some have bright natural sold tops and some have while sow I,.,. wiiii f:incv sliuiilclv if ' i ....... i.iiihiilii" to mm special 1 TTl UVi UUl Unn ..v. n ... .,.i .,r,;.i.P vim an artistic l'rlccd reasonably from $5.00 lo $20 or heavy weights -plus ta' l" 11 We'd be glad to show you and you be pressed u ouy NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTIONS r.Ll.J.uvnnj.,Ji . "i rAW""1 Expert Foundation Work and Intcrlo CONTRACTS LARGE OR Planning and Designing 3 STONE BLOCK Phone 5C3 ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEW'.' P.O.1 Evening "