l3rillfC RtlllCrt wiill t5afl0 iuiwj JrVllS An Independent janj newspaper devoted to the upbuilding ot .mj..v..i Prince Rurjert and all the communities comm-lslne Wednesday November 20, 1946 : LAGOS, Nigeria, 0 Village scribes in the Katslna Province o Nigeria are attending vaccination courses and are learning simple medical treatment in addition to their administrative duties. They have also formed niass education classes to reduce illiteracy. KWONG SANG HINO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 Seventh Avenue West (next to King Tal) will be closed until further notice for outside orders phone the HOLLYWOOD CAFE l.'J.T northern and central British Columbia. (Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Office Dept Ottawa). Putltthed etery arternoofl etcept Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia, a. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By City Carrier, per week. 15c; Per Month. 65c: Per Tear. 17.00; By Mall, per month. 40e; Per Tear, 14.00 MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS HB AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION Good Old Britain! WHO MIGHT HAVE THOUGHT that. the Attlee government of THOSE Great Britain was facing any serious crisis within its own political ranks will now know, as a result of the outcome of the vote of confidence over it.? foreign policy, that such is not the case. British governmental foreign policy now known as Bevinism close friendliness with United States and comfortable aloof-ness from Russia has been the only cause for dissension in Labor ranks. The dissension now appears to have been little more than ;the typical kind of British "grousing." When the dissidienta came down to brass tacks, they would not vote against the government so either voted' with it or refrained from voting in order to make the expression of -confidence complete. Also typically British, the government itself displayed a little obstinacv by refusing to permit the withdrawal of an unfavorable jamendment. They choose to see the fight through. : The Conservatives showed their good faith by agreeing and announcing their intention beforehand of supporting the government on the one issue on which it could possibly have been in danger on a Parliamentary division even had the Labor dissidients been numerous and determined enough. Everybody showpd good common sense. The critics of the government got in their say-so. The government strength was maintained in a critical thne in international affairs. The world knows where Britain stands. ; If other nations of the world had the internal solidarity and the domestic democracy that Britain has, things would be easier on the international Fcene than they are and it would be easier to get some of the world's problems straightened out United States and France, for example, might take a lesson from Britain's book. THE LATE JIMMY WALKER AMERICA'S LARGEST CITY had a new type of man to wear its .mayoralty robes- when James J. Walker, product of Greenwich Village, pianist and composer of popular songs, became New York's mayor. In the past, tfhe city's mayors had come from many walks of life, but this was the first time "Tin Pan Alley" had seen one of its sons in the office. The new mayor boasted a versatile career. Young Walker attended LaSalle College and then St. Francis Xavier, and later, entered New York Law School where he studied three years. He starred in school athletics and bne season played semi-pro baseball jvith Jipboken team. ' , ; For A while, he held ax secretarial position in an accounting concern; later he was member of a company launching an ill-destined subway project to go under the East River to Brooklyn, then a separate muni-tipality., i Song writing was a hobby. His flair for the stage led Walker to pn association with members of "Tin Pan Alley." He was a pianist pf ability and for a while played Jhe piano on the vaudeville stage. One of his lyrics was set to tune by Ernest1 Ball, the song composer, and achieved something of a hit as ihe song, "Will You Love Me in December As You Do in May?" : He was always a Democratic partisan. He fought for Sunday baseball and movies, sponsored legalized fioxing and the bill that bears his name, supported 2.75 beer (afterward declared unconstitutional), voted for the resolution to Congress asking modification of the Volstead Act to permit the use of beer and light wines under proper state re- -strictions, and helped pass the law wJuch forced the Ku Klux Klan to make public its membership and the laws bringing about reduction of 25 percent in state income tax, workmen's compensation, widow's pen-pensions, and emergency rent laws. In his campaign speeches for the mayoralty, Walker promised to dig new subways, maintain the nickel subway fare and give the city a clean, economical administration. New York Democrats gave him a plurality of 100,000 votes over Mayor Hylan in the primary fight, and the city elected him over Frank D. Waterman, Republican nominee," by a majority of approximately 100,000 votes. Walker was not a great mayor of New York, He was typical of what one might expect from . the combination of Tammany and "Tin Pan Alley." He was spectacular and colorful. THESE CHILLY DAYS THIS IS THE KIND of winter weather that many places would glory in clear ckies, bracing air, zestful frost, fine skating, happy coasting. Those of us who have lived in the parts of the country where that weather is typical remember how we enjoyed it as much as the hopeful, trickling days of spring, the balmy, warm summers, the fragrant, colorful autumns. But here in Prince Rupert it does not seem natural, we are afraid, even if some of the younger folk do get their thrills out of the skating and the coasting which are more navel than customary. The most of' Prince Rupert people like their mild rain and their drifting breezes for winter climatic fare. The coldest November days we have had in sixteen years seem a little hard for a lot of us to take, even though Old, Sol does smile a few hours a day and the trees and undergrowth glisten. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER New... from SOUTH AMERICA comes TUYA . . THE PERFUME OF ROMANCE TOILET WATER, DUSTING POWDER, ETC. AVAILABLE IN PERFUME, COLOGNE, BEAUTIFUL GIFT SETS . . . from 1.25 10 1.1.00 McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LTD. 3rd Ave. at Cth St. j,,one Hi "t.3L" ail J' TRASS' n.wain cas trom Gordon Head military hospital, were guests new'r'vic "ef 2" ,u fst P?""K-nyJng i -shl from Victoria to Seattle when the Shoooranhi W' Ext'.a "tewardesse.. tttn assigned to the trip and. were Bemirir Mrv piLihe h rtT. ,,r ?,rrival ln ber"u lim " they are: Peter double amp and lost both legs at Ortona during tr, I',j,:..r. campaign. Poppies For Valour TERRACE HEARS Delayed in arrival) 'Acroa the troubled years a whisper eomes, Deeper, more poignant than thi roll of drums. The tramp.of marching feeti The r::.r!et Poppy speaks to us again, Hpt silken chalice, born of blood and flame. Shines in the busy strett." "Reirember them" her neddini blossoms say. Who- in two bitter wars flun? life away. Youth's glorious times to be: Who- dared-the heights, the furious Icy seas. The burning lands, tliat we meht Jive in Pce, And prireless Liberty " "We brine; voti ooppies, red as Hero Wood, By brave hands fashioned " In similitude Of that f'rst Flanders Flower; That, i" the quiet of falling years, We "i-y lve thanks for Valor thnvnh with tears. In this Eleventh Hour." ; mkrratn'o. - brass. SteamshiD Sailings For Vancouver Monday ss Princess Adelaide. 10 pm. Tuesday CoquUinm, 1:30 pm. Thnrsday s Prlncp Rupert 10 p.m. Friday Catala. 10 pjn. -nm Vnnrmrrer Sunday as Coauitlam, 2 pm Mrmday--j Princess Adelaide. Wednesday 's.s Prince Rupert 10:00 a m Tor Alaska-Wednesday jw Prince Rupert. midnight From Alaska ss Prince Rupt-rt. 7 djh. C.C.F. MEMBER TERRACE Under the auspices of the local branch of the e.C.F. party, a social evenin was held Monday ln the Orange Hall. About 30 people spent a pleasant at cards and games. Guet t speaker Rev. J. H. Matthews, M P., East Kootenav. irave a talk of an Informal character. He anaiyzed poliUeal affairs of Canada. The evening finished up with the serving of coffee and lijht refreshments. Rev. Mr. Matthews is the guest of Rev. A. McAllister. United Ciiruch in-umbenl here. XF.W IRISH CO. LONDON MaJ-Gen. G. W. R. Tern pier has been appointed :oione! of the Royal Irish Fusl-Hm with which the IrLsh Regiment of Canada, Toronto, is omnes A good many times it's better to be what you ought to be than being ywirself. If you've got a lot of push, the pwH will take care of itself. I a i I Legend A lie that has at-ta-rned the dignity of age. Civic 3evi A commodity formerly obtainable in restaurants. ! Discipline Before you flare up tt anyone's faulU, take time to ! count 10 10 of your own. Marriage Two can live more cheaply than one wants to. a Woi A person who knows all th: ar.iles CET YOURS TODAY!- A CARDtN IN THE MAIN Pmjr C-f u-itb lit Slitir VOU MUST HAVE BEEN A BCAUTIFUL BABY frrrf Cmo irkb lb SMhitt BLUE SKIES (brlnlnf BH;) Issued in CeU'oration of 0 Pirn como ween Nov. 15th. to 22nd. HITS YOU'LL ENJOY OVER AND OVER AGAIN CIRL OT MY DREAMS ' ftrtj CM0 tlTTLE MAN YOU'VE HAD A BUSY DAY Pm (. uUb lit Stlhlltti KENTUCKY BABE Perry Cm bluxic I lla Care anil His Orehratra McRAE BROS. LIMITED THE THINGS THAT MONEY CAN'T BUY Healths a happy homfj opportunity ,for your children; your own peace of ml ml these are priceless gifts. You can't huy them with money. But reasonable financial security, based on a planned programme of personal saving, can help to guard and guarantee hem. Take your Victory Honds, for example. Pretty reassuring to have them rucked away S a financial reserve, always ''on up-- in time of opportunity or need. Pretty convincing proof, too, that you really r save vilun tlirre'va real saving job to be done. Perhaps today's rising costs or other factors are making it hard for you to carry on your savings programme. Ily the time you have met all jour expenses, perhaps there's mighty litde lift for that all important item marked "San'ngs". Try putting savings first, not last, on PEARKES (continued from page li pend on the Initiative and enterprise of the people of Prince Runes ; No city can develop unless it? people are 100-per cent b. hind i and have confldenee in I brr,,r' XMAS GIFTS T.lve HER Lovely Lingerie Nightgown. Slip and Pantle. m heavy satin, sizes 32 to 12, in white, blue or rase. Deposit, $2 70 Balance. $10.79 COD. Send color, size, deposit, and address to SYLVIA'S Rcudy-to-Weur OCEAN FALLS, It.C Delivery in 3 weeks Quality Repairs Kronotny Prices at PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR '3rd St. (Near the Post Office Cold Weather Has Arrived your budget list Owe ymrulf a definite amount each month, and make sure yo collect it. If means careful budgeting) and putting off buying a good many things you'd like to have. ut never forget this is ymr share of what you earn. This is the part of your income which will help to assure for yourself and your family all the things that money can't buy. PfKIIAPS VOU are already one of the hundreds of thousands of thrifty Canadians who have a savings account with the Royal Dank. If not, we invite you to come in and open one. Perhaps your first deposit will have to be small; don't pi) let that worry you. The important thing is to ilarl. It will be a pleasure to serve you. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Piinre Itupert Branch A. FLATEN, Manager A K A I A I A A i A A A A A A A A A A -;.a...j.fcs.xMtx.j.xkkvJs.j.J a a, , ,, M; '..r,. "'-TO NEW I PRICES llUblMl He 24 loWtH Jtt tOOtabtaH 7V ii iv it Their efforts must be helped i C!l ir ' by he various governments of J T H "Yd- p,.. ' 1 he c tuntry." t vnf'v ra,o..,v, ' Thanking the citizens of Prinp.lhe ff 1 uupert lor their hospitality to he thousands of troops which ! were .stationed here during th -war he suggested that, in turn, he war had given Prince Rupert an awareness of its greatness a-1 a potential shipping port to - -wr I Kir) Jul Aft 1 lev ,.u. . COAL WOOD i nu nit U .4 - . VAI.EXTIM TP U VI 1L III! Drastic Discount Sal Cll 1 nf I .1 icitf n f a: All , t i r a N'ovetnber 1. tl' t,.r lljn.ln.. -- I. , . ..... in iiiiit limr iui 1 1 1111 nil inr njii, PII2I8 W. GOLDBLOOM "The Old Reliable" M,.l.r, ... .... j : I .i . s. . r uuiug Ui ana inr supply Miuaimn b n' 0 Von arp adtKrif in Lrn vnnr nri'.m aril ia juu iippnra, a 1 DLnT o li.r Arrrnu nn 11 1 111 t I Vi TII I M MI I 11 BT-m B- U m.Bl ft. E 1I.S.B1I I I B I if Phones 116 and 117 Ii'fTff tvn iirm iuvp i ITIM'H! . B 4 m S If 111 IIJII11II i'l Wm. FRANC of v.;ii""WI ! . ....- in Prln'f is nun in Wm H Francfc Is this city until No' Francks u at t! " pert Hotel ar "X" nolntments ADDCintme'iti made a 1 " mil i-l 1 I I IV I a . from ,rt- DllP r AkirFII tun v-"" r" 41 " South-' . t nnr.uai " . Otinf Nortb-JW' j FuI, details. re-t tmrn Any m m