HAVE YOU THOUGHT OF SELLING YOUR HOUSE? THERE ARE STILL MANY PEOPLE WANTING TO BUY List Your House Today With . . . COLLART AND McCAFFERY LTD. COMPLETE RENTAL AND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SERVICES STORAGE and Furniture Crating hydeIransfer Phone 580 I I c The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON BOOKS NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 join ana jupporc THE JUNIOR CHAMBER of COMMERCE Keep in Step Witl Progress PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE 320 Second Avenue P.O. Box 772 Phone 632 SEE US NOW (or SHOE BARGAINS LADIES DKESS SHOES Reg. $5.00 to $6.00 NO" $2.S OXFORDS Reg. $4.00' to $5.00 NOW .i:.."0 SLIPPERS Reg. $1.50 NOW iW MEN OXFORDS Reg. $5.00 NOW .$2.0!) OXFORDS Reg. $0.00 NOW $:;.!) Sale Started Friday, Jan. 18 BARGAINS FOR ALL AT CUT RATE SHOE STORE ASH SALES NO EXCHANGES NO REFUNDS Keep your Orders well Ahead for our Quality Coals! .4' II III II i PHONES 18' 1 11G - 117 ALBERT A N I) McCAFFERY KYVONG SANQ KING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open a p.m. to 2 am. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 BEST SELLERS Cass Timbcrlane (Sinclair Lewis) The Peacock Sheds His Tail (Alice T. Hobart) The Mack Hose (Thomas B. Costain) Most Secret (Nevil Shute) The .White Tower (James It. Ullman) Officially Dead (Quentin Reynolds) . . Three o'clock Dinner (Josephine Pinckney) jast Leaves (Stephen Leacock) The White Deer (James Thurber) 3.25 , 3.25 . 3.00 . 3.50 . 3.10 3.25 2.75 3.25 Local News It Cecil Brind left last night on the Prince Rupert on a business trip to Vancouver. Douglas Frlzzell left last night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. 1 Sons of Norway meeting January 13, 8 o'clock. Dancing commencing 9:30. Everybody welcome. (15) Mrs. A. O. Landcls and daugh ter, Kathleen, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver on a month's holiday trip. Nick Christopher sailed lait night on his way back to Vancouver after a week's business visit to the city. A Hear Maurice Rush, Provincial Organizer Labor Progres sive Party. Oddfellows' Hall. Sunday, 8 p.m. (It) Constable W. H. Richmond of the Terrace detachment provincial police, arrived in the city last night on prisoner escort duty. Pte. Matilda Larson, C.W.A.C., who has spent the last two weeks as guest at the home of Mrs. W. F. Robertson, left last night on the Prince Rupert on her way to Vancouver where Rhn pvnppt.s in hp riUrhnrirpri ASPIRIN EASES SIMPLE HEADACHE NEW LOW PRICES 12 tablets 18c 24 tablets 29c 100 tablets 79c GOES TO WORK IN 2 SICON0S Genuine aspirin marked this way mm SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala, 1 :30 p.m. 'Friday SS Cardena, 10 p.m. Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR II pain Chlropractlcl If nerves doubly sol Smith Block Green 995 Plumbing and Heating Engineers t)lL AND COAI. STOKERS Barr&Anderson LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 ROBERTSON BOTTLE BUYERS Phone Red 296 after 6 o'clock. We will call for them. INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. ' Phone 881 I ems Supper Dance Saturday night, 50c cover charge. Old Landmark (Reld's Cafe). (16) R. S. Traquair left last night on the Prince Rupert on a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wood left last night on the Prince Rupert on a trip to Vancouver. For a reliable taxi, Phone 32. Open 7 a.m. to 3 a.m. (tf) Miss Ida Wilson, who has been employed here for the last two years with the United States Army, left on the Prince Rupert last night to return to her home in Seattle. Constable Thomas Maxwell of the provincial police McBrlde detachment, arrived In the city on last night's train from Mc Brlde on prisoner escort duty. He expects to return to the interior on tonight's train. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver- Monday ss Princess Adelaide, 10 p.m. Tuesday ss Catala, 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss Prince Rupert, 11:45 p.m. Friday ss Cardena, 10:00 p.m. Princess Norah Jan. 28, Feb. 11. from the Army Pte. Larson re-'From Vancouver- turned last month from overseas ! Sunday ss Catala, 4 p.m. service. I Monday ss Princess Adelaide. .' - Wednesday ss Prince Rupert 10:00 a.m. January 24 Princess Norah. For North Queen Charlottes Jan. 18, Feb. 1. For South Queen Charlottes Jan, 20. Feb. 3. From South Queen Charlottes Jan. 18, Feb. 1. i For Alaska Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, midnight. Princess Norah, Thursday Jan. j 24, Thursday Feb. 7. From Alaska ss Prince Rupert, I 7 p.m. j Princess Norah, Monday Jan. 28, Monday Feb. 11. Hotel . . . arrivals Prince Rupert A. R. Sharpe, Vancouver; B. V. Law. Ketchikan: E. T. King. Ketchikan: J. H. Mair. city; M. W. Sutton, Vancouver; F. W. Penfold, Edmonton; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown, Pacific; W. E. Brown, Pacific: W. R. Haddock, New Westminster; W. II. Mllroy, Prince George: B. Wan-amaker, Detroit Const. T. K. Maxwell, McBrlde; M:. and Mrs W. Swankey. Vancouver: C. F. Bruce, Truro, N.S.: S-Sgs. C. E. Mayo, Terrace: Mrs. M. Daly, 1 Ketchikan; James Daly. Ketchi kan; J. M. Smith, Caspaco; F-O. R. F. McConnell. Vancouver; C. B. Armstrong, Vancouver. Announcements All adverusomenvs ii rnis column will bt charpod lor a full mouth at 25c a word. Lenin Memorial meeting Sunday. January 20, 8 p-m., Oddfellows' Hall. Burns Banquet, Friday, Jan. 25, First Presbyterian Church. Cambral Valentine Dance, February 8, K. of C. Hall. United W. A. Tea, February J.4. Valentine's Dance at the Armouries, Feb. 15. $1.00 a couple. Good orchestra. Refreshments. Modern dancing every Saturday night, Recreation Hall, 5th Ave. East. Admission 50. SMITHERS AROUSE D BY SNOW TIE-UP -ACTION BEING TAKEN BY GOV'T SMITHERS In view of the unprecedented snow fall throughout the district, trucks and cars have been tied up. The Telkwa Collieries at Telkwa has been closed down and children have been unable to reach school in the Telkwa area because the school bus has not been able to buck the drifts. The Smithers Dis trict Chamber of Commerce has1 communicated with the Hon. E. T. Kenney. minister of lands, asking that immediate action be taken to alleviate the situation and the Smithers-Telkwa Haul ers' Association has sent wire? The Smithers District Chamber of Commerce has taken up the matter of a medium power repeater station in North Central B. C. with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Sa far they have been unsuccessful but will continue pressing catholicTadses bridge - whist Twenty-two table's were in play last night at the Catholic Women's League bridge, whist and cribbage party In the Knights of Columbus Hall. The party was the first of a series which will be held by the Catholic ladles every two weeks. Convener was Mrs. J. J. Gil- lis, C.W.L. president, and refreshments were served by a committee headed by Mrs. J. Murray and consisting of Mrs. T. Fortune, Mrs. J. A. Smtih and Mrs. C. E. Bilton. Mrs. J. Mac- Arthur,., was in charge of the door, .i Masters of ceremonies were C. E. Rimmer in charge of the bridge. Mrs. C. Lahti in charge of the whist and Mrs. E. J. Fltz-pa trick for cribbage. Prize winners were: Ladies Bridge Mrs, H. Chris- tensen, Mrs. Emma Denault. Men's Bridge H. Christensen, j C. P. Balagno. Ladles Whist Mrs. Tetrault. Laura Cloutier. Men Whist J. Guimette, .Mr. Wallingham. Ladies Cribbage Mrs. A. Astoria, Miss Mary Astoria. Men's Cribbage A. Astoria, L. V. Astoria. Raffle of a pair ol pillow slips, conducted by Mrs. A. Turgeon, was won by Mrs. J. Guimette. JJNEXPECTED DINNER LONDON, tf: Two boys, accused of stealing a duck, were told in juvenile court, "you've stolen someone's Christmas dinner. Now you won't get your 6wn." They were sent to a remand home, where the menu was turkey, Christmas pudding and mince pie. SWEDEN SEEKS TRADE HULL, Eng. tf) A delegation of 53 Swedish businessmen arrived here recently on a trade mission. They were accorded a civic reception. Some of the delegates later left Hull for London. Other parties went to Manchester, Lcj3, Bradford, Sheffield and Liverpool. THIS AND THAT r Tlir Miilllirw Adam Smlif, Inf. 'ySo-Joe Nooman recommended you. By the way, Joe tell you he owes me $146.00?" for better radio service throughout the North Central area. Twd young men dropped off the passenger train In Smithers a few days ago and went into of protest to the minister of the iocai confectionery and puDiic worics. me pudiic utilities commission, and their parent organization, the Motor Carries Association. They have received replies that the general foreman over the Telkwa district has been authorized to obtain snow removal equipment where-ever possible to open tfce roads in that district. At the present time the road between Smithers and Ilazelton is closed to all traffic. stole a handful of cigars. The proprietor pursued them for two blocks at which time he played out but walked on down to the train and caught them in a pas senger coach and accused them of the theft. They denied all knowledge and the proprietor came back up town and tele phoned the police. The two young fellows were picked up at Terrace and returned to Smi thers where they were sentenced to seven days for theft. New Officers For Kincolith W.A. KINCOLITH The following were elected officers of- the Women's auxiliary of Christ Church at elections held recently: President, Mrs. Lily Stevens. Vice-President, Mis. Ellen Alexander. Honorary President, Mrs. Green. Honorary Vice-President, Mrs. Lucy Doolan. Second Vice-President, Mrs. Matilda Stewart. Dorcas, Mrs. Edith Doolan. Chairman, Mrs. Celena Nelson. Treasurer, Mrs. Maggie Angus. BRIDGE THE TIGRIS LONDON Q: A United Kingdom firm of engineers have begun work on a big road and railway bridge across the River Tigris at Bagdad. The work has priority over other developments In Iraq by the desire of the Iraq government. TOO LATE TOO CLASSIFY FOR RENT Single sleeping room. 801 Borden St. (20 1 much more c a g e r 1 women arc followin the n e w s p a p e r ad these days? . 4 0 I?tfnce Uupctt Dnn tortus Friday, January 18, 1940 ST. PETER'S ANNUAL MEET East End Anglican Church Had Good Year At the annual meeting of St. Peter's Church, held on Thursday evening In the Parish Hall, reports of the year's activities were read by members of the various committees and proved very satisfactory. The chairman, Rev. O. H. Smith, gave a full rector's report In connection with his work at St. Peter's. Canon W. F. Rushbrook opened the meeting with prayer. Officers for 1946 were elected as follows: Rector's Warden, W. Skinner. People's Warden, Robert Cap-stick. Secretary, Jean Smith. Treasurer, Frank Baldwin. Delegate to Synod, Mrs. O. H. Smith. Tea is the Refreshing Beverage w & n5C 703 Fulton Street Alternate Delegate, Mrs. II. Henderson. Building Committee Robert Boddle, Albert Dalzell. Sidesman William Priest, Robert Kelsey. Hall Committee Robert Boddle, Robert Kelsey. It was decided to revert to the original time of the Sunday night service at 7;30( The closing benediction was offered by Canon W. F. Rush-brook. - FUNERAL NOTICE Funeral service for the late Henry Sharp Mlsner will be held from the Grenvllle Court Funeral Chapel at 2 pjn. Saturday. January 19. Rev. A. F. Mac-1 Sween officiating. Interment will follow in Fairvlew Cemetery. B. C. Undertakers". The price of refrigerators has dropped $180 in 14 years, mainly due to the mass production methods made possible by brand, advertising In newspapers. SALADA HOME COOKING AND BAKING vAFTERNOON TEA Open Daily 5 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. & at a hannv holiday snot. Kathleen Davis, Proprietress. KATY'S KLEEN KITCHEN rhone Blue 882 Watch the way Women are reading Newspapers Today... Have you noticed how 1 That, is because the ads tell them so much that's NEWS about things they want to buy. That is the reason why it means more attention to your store if you advertise in the local newspaper. IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR GOODS NOW OR A LITTLE LATER ADVERTISE IN YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER! And, if you .arc still short of goods, remember you stay in the business news by keeping your name before the public. If you want to stay before the public, the surest way of doing it is by advertising in The DAILY NEWS m ( (