STEURIZATION CAMPAIGN GAINS MORE StlPPOftT .,l r..,nil and Parliameri irv committee Tass Kesoiu- ii,s Kackins Efforts of Healili PTF UC Vir a Cnnnnrt for the .amni tn oi uie ueaiui ... r rnnnda which is alm- ?uc v- at obtaining compulsory pas-nt miii. through the foront v trnm iwn on came - it vivp sources me uo- nui'r'1' rmnirii of Health ana oii.tmpntarv voiuntars ..waa An TTpnlth. t nrt'Jtrm. uies. i L l In Ihn nMlll ith fomnulsorv mllK ne u" .iu t (tr. nnnnal mfpMnir LII. ti.M .... 3 nn1 4 Hp frtilnurinn' ,.1..J u4 l- ri ; nnnnMI nf Health com. . ut (Via Ucx-iltVi T oirrtito taivLt . - . I I Wl U lA tJ www -r-,- rization of milk throughout i mm r r LADItb.'.' Trie Council mernbershiri In- cludei the federal and provincial deputy ministers of health. The Parliamentary Committee approved the following resolution: "Resolved that this Voluntary Committee on Health of members of the Senate and House of Commons go on record as expressing the opinion that universal pasteurization of milk is in the interest of the Canadian people. That as this matter does not come within federal Jurisdiction we express the hope that MODERN METHODS BRIDGETOWN, Barbados 0 Modern methods of cotton spinning have come to Barbados with the erection of a buildln? and installation of the necessary machinery for an experimental plant. The finest grade of Seal Island cotton is grown locally. Advertise in The Dally News. LADIES We are giving you a chance to buy a coat at a real saving! EVERY COAT IN THE STOllK IS GOING ON SALE FUR COATS AND UR TR MMED COATS 25 CLOTH COATS Vz PRIGE 50i OFF Annette's Ladies' Wear Now open for Business After Repairs and Alterations A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED Becoming more popular every day Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL 0:30 A.M. to 2:00 A.M. We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. HOME SERVICE CLEANING AND REPAIRS Chimneys, Stoves, OH Burners, Furnaces Window Cleaning and all Home Repairs PHONE BLUE 934 or 743 IWe serve you nothing but the best Special Red Brand Beef, Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN DURING REGULAR STORE HOURS Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat Pies, Roast Chickens, Fish and Chips daily. We are ready to serve you Chinese dishes Chow M'ein, Chop Suey, etc., io take out. Cooked with delicate taste and quick service. TRt US! RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Thlrrt Av Wt TIptt. R.nval Hotel the provlncJ41 government will nrrnlt-l nnnnl J . ,L. .... u w.w.. l,V U.tUilltJ' of enactlntr legislation forcfc pasteurization." '! - .. ! Permanents O.K. ( Fish Suppers Otil LONDON. 0i Disturbed by advertisements like that which offered a permanent wave for 60 cents with a fish supper thrown in, the Hairdressers trade Association is setting minimum prices for such work. The association, which includes most barbers, will require these minimum prices: Permanent wave, $0.75; bleaching $3.35; cutting, 84 cents; haircuttlng for stylinj $1.20. For men, a haircut will cost a minimum of 24 cents. Officials said these proposed rates represented the minimum charges. Those now levied in London's West End usually are higher. ROAD T0p10 PRIMROSE PATH Agencies and Schools Point The Way in Charm Technique But Few Girls Attain Career TORONTO, Q Lanadian aspirants to a .modelling career have had a slippery path to success in that field sanded down in recent months with the appearance here of several model agencies. Until recently, girls who ' attempted to break into the business in Toronto, wore, out their trade-mark smiles walking from one clothing manufacturer to another. Now both the girls and the manufacturers are enthused about the work of the agencies, some of which train as well as supply models. At the "charm" schools, which operate for a fee, the prospective model learns carriage and posture, effective speech, make-up technique, clothes, color harmony and applied psychology. But graduation does not necessarily mean success. Every year about 1,000 young hopefuls in this city begin and end their modelling careers with their first picture. Only about a dozen girls are successful in entering the business each year. At pres-ent.thcre are only about 25 models in Toronto who are in large demand by photographers. There Isn't enouph work to keep the average model busy every day but she usually makes $50 a week for holding that smile. Young Matron Type In Toronto, the average model is a 24-year old housewife with high cheekbones, melting charm and a handspan waistline. Her teeth show she was plied with orange juice and cod liver oil as a child. Her hair is long so It can be done about 17 different ways at the whim of the photo grapher, including pigtails. She tries to keep her five-fooi-six figure down to 118 pounds. She Is all this plus a certain poise, grace, and dramatic ability that allows her to be a slinky siren or coy eo-ed according to the dress she is wearing. The attractions of higher pay and wider recognition draw the best models from this city to New York. An example of this Is June Taylor, a Toronto girl now a Powers model, who is said to have made the most money out of modelling locally. Before she was able to meet the qualifications set by the top agencies. Miss Taylor had to seml-starve herself until her cheekbones and waistline em erged from her formerly well-rounded figure. With news from fashion centres pointing to the abandonment of the pencil-slim lines, it appears that models now will be certain to take extra time out for a good lunch and their bosses won't mind. J.H.Mair Auctioneer Sales Arranged at Your Convenience SALES ROOMS 171 Third Ave. E TWO WONDERS OF THE WORLD After seventeen years oi total darkness, Bernice Biggs, 30-year old native of Vancouver, British Columbia, realized her greatest ambition, when- after an intricate operation which restored her sight, she viewed Niagara Falls from one of Trans-Canada Air Lines big 21 -passenger aircraft When the rare operation known as corneal transplant proved successful, it was the first and most important wish of Miss Biggs to see Niagara Falls from an . airplane. T.C.A, officials were not long in volunteering to arrange A flight to fulfill her desires. She is shown above looking down at the Falls from the window of the aircraft "I see now why they call them the Horseshoe Falls," she exclaimed. "I didn't know before. I never dreamed that anything like this could happen to me." In connection with the operation, it is explained the cornea Is the transparent membrane which curves over the iris and pupil, like the crystal on a watch and admits light. It is possible to cut a tiny window in a cornea which has become opaque, insert a clear pane cut from the healthy cornea of another eye and thus restore vision. The tissue must come from a person whose eye has been removed because of injury, but not affecting the cornea, or from a dead person who has offered to give the blind the sight they can no longer use. The latter was the case with Miss Biggs, thanks to the eyes of someone she will never know. The Experts Say - - This Is the time of year when people are passing along hints oh how to fight colds and the flu. It's still pretty hard to beat the three old ones: cleanliness, nourishing food but no overeat ing, and plenty of sieep, says the nutrition division. Of first importance Is a good breakfast. Usually preceded by a 12 to 14 hour fast, this meal should supply npt less than a third of the daily food requirements, much more than, most persons get In the morning. At least three essential foods should be Included In the breakfast menu: fruits, whole-grains and milk. A citrus fruit like oranges or grapefruit or tomato Juice is a daily "must" and breakfas't'islTgbod time for It. Cereals are not only essential but add variety to breakfast and in winter the cooked varieties are most satisfactory. The darker cereals like oatmeal and cracked wheat are whole grains. Toast should be .made of whole wheat or Canada Approved bread. More foods can be added and certainly should if energy expenditure is greater, but the three groups: fruits, whole grains and milk, must rank first. It has been experimentally proven that if any one of the vitamins is completely lacking in the diet, normal, let alone optimal health, cannot be en-Joyed. "Proteins," however, have been referred to enly as plain "proteins" when this term means "anlmo acids" to the scientist. There are different groupings of these acids, some of which, like the vitamins, have been found to be absolutely essential for growth and normal health eight groups are sufficient for normal human growth. To get all eight you need a variety of foods in the daily diet. Canada's Food Rules, prepared by the nutrition division, were planned to take care of this particular need as well as all the other nutrient require mentsit is hard to gb wrong if you stick to them. When apples were plentiful one of the favorite salads was the Waldorf Salad since everyone loves the flavor of apple, celery and nut combination but we can hardly expect to find it on the table today with its "equal portions of diced apples and celery." This is a chance for the housewife to use her Ingenuity In stretching that precious apple. Probably you have served diced, sliced or mashed parsnips, but have you tried them raw? You'll be surprised to find that fined shredded parsnip resembles cocoanut in color, texture and even in flavor. , Parsnip Salad requires three cups finely shredded parsnip, one medium apple, unpeeled and diced, one medium orange, diced, 'i teaspoon salt, and V cup of salad dressing. Toss all Ingredients lightly together. Chill and serve on lettuce. This makes six servings. Buv more War Savings Stamps Returning Service Personnel Records Are Being Sought The Daily News is anxious to completely record the arrival of all service men and women returning home from the war. Accordingly, it is requested that Information be made available to this office regarding the date of acrlval home, the service with which the veteran has been identified, in what theatres of war. If wounded, ill, etc. If Inconvenient to call at the office, the Information may be written or telephoned In. Pictures would be particularly welcome. Street and Postal addresses and telephone numbers are also requested. THIS AND THAT V v ..''.nwpfc.js. y a. Iv TV. Cfff Mtnnt Ahim imlw, tr. U "I think Daddy found your missing roller skate. Junior. TERRACE Twice-Widowed War Bride Becomes Wife of Popular Young Returned Man and Power Plant Alanage'r TERRACE Mrs. Dorls Ethel Attree. widow of the late Sgt. Harry Attree, who was killed In action overseas in the recent war, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hllder of Hastings, England, became the bride of Edward Finlayson, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Finlayson of Terrace, at a wedding ceremony of unique and unusual Interest at St. Matthew's" Anglican Church here on Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Rev. ROlarid Hills officiating. The charming young bride, who was given In marriage by Emll Haugland, chairman of the board of village commissioners, wore a turquoise blue two-piece suit with brown accessories and had a corsage of pink carnations, also wearing a gold watch which was the groom's gift. Mrs. Sally Stewart, sister of the groom, was matron-of-honor In dusky pink with black accessories and, corsage of pink carnations. William Martin, brother-in-law of the groom, attended the groom, who wore a Masonic signet ring which was his bride's gift. Mrs. Dan lllc-Millan presided at the organ to play the Wedding March. Following the church rite, the wedding party and invited guests repaired to the Silver Tip Cafe banquet room where a re- ceptlfin was held to duly celebrate the happy occasion. The toast to the bride was proposed by Rev. Hills and responded to by the groom. Feature of the wedding repast was a handsome three-tier weddins cake which was duly cut by the bride. The costume of the bridegroom's mother was a striking dark purple gown. The bride, who had been twice widowed as a result of loss of husbands through being killed in action, had been in Ter race since May, coming over from England with her small daughter and son aiter Sgt. Attree had been killed. In spite of her brief residence here, she is already highly esteemed and popular. The .groom, who is well known lh Prince Rupert where he lived as a boy with his parents and attended school, served overseas four years in Italy, France, Holland and Belgium with the B. C. Dragoons, came home last S;ptember and is now manager for the British Columbia Power 'Commission. Mr. and Mrs. Finlayson have Ettry womtn would !o to own Sterling dreiiepurt. Eiptcitllr if tJitjr precii!f bctorjr.liitinj quality nd imirtntis for ihtir dresser. INTERNATIONAL STERLING dreiierwirt offers til three ind tt Such low prices ts low tt $26.2) for Mirror, Brush ind Comb sets. Drop hint this Christmss. Let "biro" know of your wish to own Sterling Drenerwsre gift you will cheriih forever. Drop In soon sod see our lint of lovely sets id INTERNATIONAL If. JOHN BULGER JEWELERS Third Ave. (6pp. Post Office) diU(t Uttprri Dallg JQctos Friday, Jaflilary 18, 104.6 SERVICEWOMEN ARE VERSATILE Canada's ex-service women are as versatile in peace as they were in war, Hon. Ian Mackenzie, Minister of Veterans' Affairs, observed as he noted tne wide variety of occupations for which women veterans are fitting themselves under training provisions of the rehabilitation program. Mr. Mackenzie drew from a fctatlstical breakdown of nearly Bridget Is Good Foxhunter At 90 LARAGAN, Eire, Oi-Bridgel W. McCormack, 90, is a fox-hunter of reknown, and horseless and barehanded one at that. Seeing a fox trying to escape from her poultry-house with a turkey, she seized the beast by its brush and dragged it to her kitchen door wnere her son killed It with a pitchfork. Mrs. McCormack received $1.76 from the Leitrlm County Committee of Agriculture, which is trying to stamp out rox pests. taken up residence on Lakelse Ave. The wedding guests were Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Flnldysbn, Mr. and Mrs. William Martin arid family, Mr. and Mrs. H, Stewart and family, .lr. and Mrs. Emll Haughland, Wilfrid and George Haughland, the Misses Dolly, Irene and Pearl Haughland, Miss Helen oumerville and Rev. Roland Hills. MOTHER YOU'RE AS OLD SWEETHEART TO I GIVE US AUNT JEMIMA'S! SCOTTY'S Old Country y,000 women who have been granted training benefits, to show the extent of their postwar interests. While clerical and kindred occupations attract a heavy percentage, there is no dearth of extremely specialized vocations which women veterans favor. Among the professional occupations are listed 10 women training as occupational therapists, four as physicians, three as pharmacists and three as -social workers. There are 10 artists, 12 public health nurses, as well as a newspaper reporter, photographers, clinical workers, physiotherapists, dental mechanics, and one .girl Is qualifying as an assessor. The field is very wide, including even the printing trades, for a lintoype operator and a bookbinder are among ex-service "women in training. Several want to be mechanics stea menglne, airplane, motor arid radio and two are training as egg-grading inspectors. 'Their Interests are legion, and- these women veterans are making excellent use of the training benefits which come to them through their service.'' Mr. Mackenzie said. OXFORD, Eng. (Reuters) An Oxfordshire woman who found her 24 chickens had been stolen also discovered a wallet containing 120 ($540) had been dropped in the chicken Coop. WW ARNOLD! jKk MSSED Air LIKF vTyi.l ' I ft T- QW Oil CmmT Cutis LiailW f Hfr-VjtTff I . OPEN FROM 5 P.M. TO C A.M. Fish and Chips ; Corner of Third Avenue and Sixth Street FISH AND CHIPS TO TAKE HOME ' Phone 8C4 We are pleased to announce that conditions now permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAND" SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPERS SMOKED ALASKA BLACK COD SMOKED MILD CURED SALMON ; Try them today from your Butcher or at your favorite restaurant. ; Canadian Fish I AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL and MARINE ELECTRICIANS HOME WIRING AND REPAIRS GOOD WIRING AND GOOD LIGIITINO Does Not Cost It Pays MOTT ELECTRIC (!) LTD. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 326 Second Avenue WESTOCK GATES "V" BELTS Phone Black 3G7 OFFICES IN VANCOUVER AND NEW WESTMINSTER For Comfort in the Home! HASSOCKS $3.7.". OTTOMAN $8.50 COFFEE TABLES MAGAZINE RACKS (glass) $.05 CHENILLE BED SPREADS, Priced , $11.05 to .$20.75 furniture TAFT & ODOWES NOVELTIES (Formerly J. II. Malr) OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT