6 ! ! ( f; i Prince Rupert Dailp J3ctos Friday. January 11. 1M6 RCA VICTOR Leads Again 1946 RADIOS Model M46 6 tubes 79.00 Model M47A 7 tubes 99.95 Push button, long and short Wave band- spread. SCOTTY'3 Old Country if y. HP miHaaii v -A We're Tootin'Our Own Horn! Stock On Hand and More to Come FOR BOYS RUPERT MEN'S & BOY'S STORE FOR GIRLS AND INFANTS WALLACES RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Start The Hew Year Right HE SURE YO'JR EVES ARE RIGHT! ilake appointments now for Complete Examination. ; EYES EXAMINED GLASSES PRESCRIBED . (only if necessaryt Broken Letues and Mountings Duplicated Km Telephone 593 for appointments, or 'write Box 1277 Cotj 3rd Ave. and 5th St. Room 4 STONE OPTOMITRIST BLOCK OPEN FROM 5 P.M. TO C A.M. Fish, and Chips , Corner of Third Avenue and Sixth Street ICISII AND CHIPS TO TAKE HOME , Phone 861 PHONE 543 FOR PHONE H. Letourneau Expert Plumber, Tinsmith and Roofer INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 8i 'UE KING'S CAFE for coffee while at NEW HAZELTON Lunch Counter for Meals EMPIRE CAFE (Fo.eny LD.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY 11 am. to 1 an. I KETCHIKAN HOOP1 I TEAM WOULD PAY VISIT TO CITY i Waiitr C Blanton of Ketchi-: kan has written to S. P. Wood- j side of this city inquiring into ! 'l the possibility of an interna- 1 tional senior basketball series be- i! rttr orronffpH vtirpn t h p tarn .;ti.. irWSV. . l 1 n ' travel, it seems, as soon as ar- j tangements could be made but 1 the uncertainty of a venue here , : is still a matter of difficulty . Hew ver. it may be posib!e to ! take care of this after the "ivic j centre building becomes avail- i able in 'early spring. j SECOND HALF FOR BOWLING j The second half schedule fo; the Mens Ten Pin Bowlln-League is announced as follows: January 11 Engineers vs. Savoy. McMeekin's vs. Imperial Oil, Pioneer Laundry vs. Plumbers. January 18 Imperial Oil vs. Plumbers. Pioneer Laundry vs. Engineers. McMeekins vs. Savoys. January 25 Engineers vs. Plumbers. Imperial Oil vs. Savoy. Pioneer Laundry vs. McMeekins. February 1 Imperial Oil vs ers. Savoy vs. Pioneers. February 8 Savoy vs. Plumb ers. Imperial Oil vs. Piotfdjpri McMeekins vs. Engineers. V i Advertise in Th Daily News With Minora Blades! Greater comfort, plus economy that's the lawdown on Minora. h't the quality blade In the low-price field. firs you. Doimf-rocE sazoi 113 TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (H. SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERRACE Our Store- THIS AND THAT ""Look, mother, fish! How do the seals know it's Friday?" Today in Sports Henry Cotton, outstanding i Engineers. McMeekins vs. Plumb- fntsf golf professional, has a few ideas which he hopes will ! make the game as big a spectacle i as other sports events. He was ! eadv with an answer when the ' skeptics wondered how it will be financially possible to double the ! $2,500 prize, money in the British j open at St. Andrews next July, j It s perfectly simple." said Cot- ton. 'Erect stands at selected j points on golf courses where play I can be seen in comfort and com- : mentaries on the progress of leading players heard through j loud-speakers." He predicted , hundreds of spectators would be j willing to pay $3 or more for ; tickets enabling them to follow j play daily during the tourna-merit, in addition to thousands of ethers who would pay five shtl- ! Hockey Scores WEDNESDAY v Pacific Coast League- Seattle 5, New WJnllt National League Toronto 5, Montreal 4. Detroit 2, Boston 1. ed. One Drtgnt spot the track itself Is undamaged. Cats are cats, even v.; aristo cratic racing greyhousds.. Six dogs were streaking aftt the electric hare in the secou ; race at Harringay Stadium in London when a black cat ran out on the track. The dogs lost Interest in lings for regular entry. Cotton, I ihe hare and wen; lhe cat W.n , . ! "rtey managed to catrh it. .but it 1934 and 1937, said players are ; was rescucd iorc being too often hampered and "their K,,ii miA - chances of winning are destroy- ' ed by the rushing cr6wd3." St. ; Andrews, a narrow and cramped j course, is particularly tough for j name players who attract'large I galleries. The open wa? last held run after the rest of the card was completed. Britain is grooming lis lawn tennis teams to represent the in 1939 when it wis won by Dick j country In future Davis Cup and Burton of Sale, England. The Derby returns to Epsom this year but race-goers wfll find many changes at the famous track. Sports writers arc calling it the ' Austerity" Derby. Enemy action and military occupation caused damage estimated at 30,000 and permits have been granted for only 6.000 in repairs. "The main number-board and grandstand have suffered direct hits and much of the bark wall oi the stand must be remov- TERRACE MACHINE SHOP W. C. Osborne AND GARAGE V. Imhoff Expert Repairs on all makes or cars Reconditioning Motors Tractors Road Equipment Machine Work Diesel Acetylene and Electric Welding BOX 202 TERRACE, B.C. Will be Closed Monday, January 7 to Thursday, January 10 inclusive, for decorating and alterations. A. MacKenzie Furniture kbHuaHsiiiHVvi Quality Style L I M I T E I) ARROW SHOES FOR MEN5 Quality and Style at Popular Prices Sow featured at the Cut Hate Shoe Storej l L JL Wlghtman Cup marches. Tht Lawn Tennis Association, governing body of the game, already has chosen a number of young men and women, nearly all under 21. for special training at Wimbledon; I.ost of the youngsters gained prominence with the Junior Club of Great Britain during the war. 4C. F. Walters. Worcestershire j and England cricketer 'vho re- j tired from first-class cricket in 1935, will turn out once more next season. The 40-year old cricketer has played for England in 11 Test rmtches. BOWLING IN EAST END IS RESUMED .Men's anil Women's Five Pin League Get Under Way Again After Suspension Over Holiday Season The East End Bawling Leagut ?.ot under way again this week after a two weeks' suspension of activities during the festive season. Good play featured the league fixtures in men's five pins. Artists won three games to nil from Packers and took thr Caulkers into camp two games to one. Accounts won by default from Rlvettcrs and Alley Cats took two to one from Traffic In spite of Maurice Irving's three-game total of 732. Stan Scarr was also a heavy scorer for thf session with 662. In Ladles' five pins Canadian National Telegraph Girls took two to one from Lipsett's Quints while Cosmos blanked Moos? three games to nil. Barbara Moran had the high single of the night. 266. and Amy Mon-tesano was high for three games 510. 'Complaining Of Tactics Chicago Black Hanks Protest Rough Hangers Play CHICAGO, O Manager John-j ny Gottselig of the National j Hockey League Chicago Black Hawks has taken a new tack. A : dispatch the other day quoted . Johnny as saying he would be satisfied to see his team wind up in fourth spot in the final league standings although his boys are currently tied with Montreal for i" Gottselig explained that his players are on the small side and ! j cuffing around from other league players. The dispatch indicated i that Gottselig was not moaning about the injustice of it all, just , ! merely noting it. But apparently ' I Johnny was hotter under the col- ' j lar than was indicated, or than t j he himself realized at the time. ! 1 In any case, it was disclosed1 yesterday that the Hawks have launched a complaint to N. H. L President Red Dutton that star. forward Bill Mosienko had knee ligaments ripped as the result of an illegal low dive by New York Ranger defenceman Bill Moe at New York December 30. Gottselig said his club had been informed by Dutton that the Nil! head j would investigate the injury suffered by Mosienko. Gottselig declared that both Moe and the smaller Bill Juzda, also of New York, have consist, ently used clipping tactics on der ft4nce. The Chicago pilot went on trj declare that Detroit and Toronto had joined the Hawks, in protesting Ranger play to the league head office. Said Gottselig: "If that stuff doesn't stop, we can play rough, too. Well turn some of our big boys loose and let me tell you that our Johnny Mariucci can dress up anybody in this league- but good." Reaction From Rangers' Camp Reaction to the Chicago blast wasn't long in forthcoming. In New York, Ranger Ccach Frank Boucher said it was childish for the Hawks i to be crying because they were hit fair and square. Boucher asserted that Bill Moe stopped 'iiiieuko with a fair body check, adding that body check ig is part of a defence-man's job. Said the New York coach: "If hockey players can't Tommy's Taxi Stand: Grotto Cigar Store Day and Night Service 77 phone 77 After 10 p.m. and Sundays PHONE BLUE Hi!) Tommy Chrlstoff, Proprietor J.H.Mair Auctioneer Sales Arranged at Your Convenience , - SALES ROOMS 171 Third Ave. E. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP PHONE GREEN 974 Cabinets and Toys made to order Furniture Repaired Upnolstery a Specialty 117 2nd Ave. W. Opp. YMCA DON'T KID YOURSELF . . . It will be some time before you get your new car! AVOID TROUBLE Don't put off necessary repairs. HAVE IT DONE NOW! YOUR CAR PROTFPT YOUR FAMILY YOUR NEIGHBOR Phone 566 RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED DISTRIBUTORS OF CHRYSLER PRODUCTS. 0 take a body check they shouldn't be In the game. In Toronto, meantime, Coach Hap Day said flatly he had no knowledge of the Gottselig complaint to Dutton. ne stated that the Leafs had made no protest against Illegal tactics by any National League club and did not contemplate making any such protest. "I know theie has been a little crying emanating from Chicago lately," said Day. "but I don't know why. At no time have I made a protest against illegal play by any team and I'm not going to start no'." BILL NEWALL Phone 50:; .teMm. Hotel... arrival Prince Ittrptrt N. Christopher Vai.;.. II. Miller. Sunnys.f' a. Humpback Bay J S Sjl caspaco; a. a. Hur; race; Georze A. S:r. j, George: R ,.H Gar ' pr Michigan: Mr and Mi kJ deen. Winnipeg Buy more War Sav..- suJ TODAY and SATURDAY IX7PA! SPOUTSREEL COLORED CARTOON NEWS SHOWS AT 1:00 - 2:43 - 4 52 6:56 9:00 SATURDAY MORNING 10:30 SPECIAL KIDS' SHOW TEX O'BRIEN in jl 'V'TRAIL OF TERROR" EDGAR KENNEDY COMEDY SPORTSREEL DISNEY CARTOOS Open 6 am REX CAFE Under New Management Chinese Dishes, our specialty. Cbop Suey - Chow .Mein 12 Second Avenue West Specializing in Second Avc:.ue We: WE ARE GIVING YOU A CHANCE TO BUY A COAT AT A REAL SAVING! Every Coal in lhe Store ii going on SALE FUR COATS AND FUR TRIMMED COATS 25 ''?FF 50 - price CLOTH COAIi ANNETTE'S ' LADIES' WEAR GENERAL CONSTRUCTS CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL PLANNING AND DESIGNING ESTIMATES NORTH WEST CONSTRUCTION C Evenings Gr-c '1 OUR REGISTER PHARMACIST KNOWS THE ' IMPORTANT OF FILLING ACCURATE tl i You can r on us. McCUTCHEON PHARMACY Third Avenue at Sixth Street PL-