DIVORCEE JILTED fMR NOW WHIJE SYDNEY Australia, 0 A, 45-nid divorcee claimed In the fiiwrtni; c iurt that ne,r nalr natl i jned' white after her CO-yeat d jover had Jilted her. . Th divorcee, Mrs. Linda. Crow-ft of Sydney, said that her hair Cjaei white with sho:k. when ,iiaiuifacture syd u- w t)lve -ty, marked another woman In February 1845. Mf. Crowley said she had , , D)v since 1937. had be- ;,(. elated to him in 1940. t' ne r.ao kept breaking off the i rasement and. putting cff the :.iP wi' granted $500 damages " (Dreai:li of promise. . Mj-'ietoe Lt a parasitic ever-pfn shrub which grows hang- g from various trees. ske sweeter, tastier bread! The Experts Say. '- auri oi tile Save lh t.v.ri campaign fuod authorities hav- lasen several major steps tywarj of. it. Here are some of the eps The government has made available an additional 45,003,000, bushels of cats und approximately 200,000 bushel ot low grade wheat for shipment to ths hunger areas. In orde to bring Into the market all available supplies of wheat the government has modified income tax ar-rangsments in such a way, as to prevent the farmer from suffering by the immediate sale of stored grain. Since April 1 farmers can count the price of wheat thsy had not intended to ,se FLEISCHMANN'S " .WcZ FRESH NO WAITING no extra steps! Full-strength Fleischmann's fresh active Veast goes right to work. Makes sweeter, finer bread! And makes it faster! You can be sure of tender, smootJi texture lightness delicious flavour every time! IF YOU BAKlj AT HOME, insist on Fleiscliraann's fresh Yeast with the fcmiljar yellow label. It's depend-able Canada's tested favourite for more than 70 years. MADD IN CANADA "TIIK CKM1IT HOUSE OF (JUALITi" P7 The very latest Wg&Fk in slack suits for Vc These brisht Summer Days Stylish -- Alluring ALSO New Wash, Dresses budget plan-no carrying Charge. No Interest Terms In accordance with W.PT.B. Regulations. - 1 i ll J. KESTEN Furrier 731 DAVIK STKKKT, VANCOUVUK, B.C. FUR STORAGE safe-iVkliawle and insured 'E TAKE TKADE-INS AS PAYMENT ON YOUIt NEW 'I'll COAT OIlDEIl NOW HAVE IT READY IIEN. YOU NEED IT. WE DO. REMODELLING, CLEANING, OLAZINO, REPAIRING and RELINING IVI sTe you nothing but the best Special Bed Brand Heef) Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries 0UR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN DURINb REGULAR STORE HOURS holfMt Cooked Meats, Meat Pies, Roast Chickens, lsh and Chips dally. We are ready to serve you h,nM dishes Chow Meln, Chop Suey, etc., to take ut Cooked with delicate taste and quick service, TKY U.SI , Rupert butchers rho, ne 2i Third Ave. Vfest Next Royal Hotel m&wy of tires affecting wheat, voluntary surrender of surplus meat coupons has the authority and back-nig of the Rrlee Board since tijr vuujjuu aurrepaerea means rum coupon's worth 0t meat is hipped, to famine area within a fow days. Victorv narrl getting as much encouragement this year as last, but the 101(5 gardens help win victory over hunger instead of the Axis. The more feed you nroduce the more there is to share with others. VICTORY GARDENS Dletl- i.ins havp riisrovered that a Victory Gnrderf often produces more l-;m one thoujht possible at first n id o.etflag.the produce consum-'(' while l ls (rc.-h and in season "n become a problem. Radishes, V traded their attention thli week and they e$rlmented with cocked .-radishes, wij all know the delightful flavor of the raw vegetable, some nay en , remember nostolrksiUy ''th French custom of plittinf and buttering thera, but it ls-jurprl-lnp; how few of us cook thein. The . drawback to rooking, is that thftj !psp thpl; bright red color: it fadps to a delicate pink so they look lik tiny turnips. They-taste like mild turnlos, too. CR'i'M.RO TJDVaiES This recinp -for waned ra(UshPS one the dUfrlnns liked best 'h"sp ihey tried: Three -w nf nrppp.red, rad-Ishps. two table,'n',',,is ot, mild flavored fat. two tahlp'noons ot flour Vi teasnnon Mlt IK rn"s of milk and a few grains of ca,v-nne. .... Wa-h the radishes and if the ir- lare cut. them In half o' r)!t. If small leave them wholn. Cnik until rnc'er in a small amount nf bnilina salted watr about pluht minutes). Melt fit in n Mnrkl .Ur n flpu ajnl -iiir. mn TniiKraoniiiy. siirrrn?r until thick. Add cavenhe. Pour saifp over Hip hot drained rad-'hes und arni-h the with paprika. This makes six servings. LL iVril"!,"'"''' "" I ALVAVS READY FOR MEALS I CCIENCE haj proved there are " certain food element everyone needs for health. If there aren't enopgh of them in a child's food, serious things can happen such as loss of appetite, stunted growth, soft bones, poor teeth, faulty nerves, defective eyesight. Ovaltinc supplements the diet with elements frequently deficient in ordinary foods. Three servings of Ovahine furnish a significant portion of a child's daily requirements of Vitamins A, H, D, KiNiflavin (G) and Niacin and Minerals Calcium, Phosphorus and Iron. In addition it provides the basic food substances complete proteins to build muscle, nerve and body cells high-energy foods for vitality and endurance. It thus acts as an insurance against food deficiencies that retard normal growth. So if your child eats poorly, is thin, iinderpar, perhaps nervous, why not try delicious. Ovaltine for normal growth and better appetite. OVALTINE . The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON BRIDGE PARTY FOR PIONEERS ' ! .1 taX Pur- The Pioneers' Home building E ?! th5 -.7 "ffund will profit by the proceed; siphoning of surplus cereaU so eri7Minn.T . "if"1 i of a brldS Pty .sponsored by that that faml famine areas .. can'riavflSrr,,. i!r5ai0rfductl0??. be" a,te in the the Business and Profusions. HTi$ Ls of purchases i tre upstairs iounge;iast nikht during 1015 and the wheat avail- ow,,!., m..' ... , has b'en cut by 1 f attractively decorated room,. ! oer cent, also on thi hnstc nf i . - - w W. in addition to these meas weicomin;; tne guests were Mrs. Jocelyn Bolton, club president, and Alderman Nora Arnold honorary president, while cjii'l treasurer Miss Jeannette McMll-len was In charge of the door. Winners of the ladlf-.s" and men's first prizes were' Miss Dorothy O'Neill and S. l;:..Patksr,,A novelty prize, a-ptfund of butter, was won by Mrs. W. A. McBr.oom. The two adjolnjiig ioune rooms In which the. games wejje played, were colorful with t.ufj.ns, REPORTS ON CONVENTION " Mrs. T. Fraser Tells Camiirat Chapter Meeting f Recent Gathering At the regular monthly meeting of Cambral Chapter, I.O.D.E., at the home of Mrs! T. W. Brown Tuesday, evening with twenty- her thanks t0 the members of Regent, Mrs, Jns Munthe, in the chair. Mrs. T. Fraser, delegate to the recent provincial convention in. Victoria, gave a very interesting report on htr visit. Two members, Mrs. M. Griffin were welcpm- five members present and te and Mrs. "i I. Wick, St, er . The usual raffle of War Sav- daffodiJs and Jonquils arranged Ings Stamps was won by Mrs. by Miss Frances Cross The prizes wer donated by Mrs. Bolton ami Mrs. Arnold, and were arranged for by Mrs. Hilda House and Miss Audrey Wrathall. During the evening refreshments were'served by Mrs. Margaret Homer Dixon and Mrs. J.. M. Nicoll. Mrs. Balton expressed M. Griffin. A War Bride Visiting Committee was appointed consisting of Mrs. Donald Essel-mont and Mrs. Jens Munthe. All members are requested to attend the annual Church Parade Sunday morning at St. Andrew's Cathedral. A report by the Post-War Con venor, Mrs. Landels, showed the club for their efforts to make much work being done In the th4 function a success and to i making of children's clothing those who supported It. and quilts which are sent to Idrfnrt ttiiue'rt Daily Jdcv$ Thursday, Mfly 15, 1 0 hOW CAN I ? ? ? " Uy ANNE ASHLEY Q, How, can I clean straw I CATCH ALLIGATORS FOR A LIVING?'' No wonder she is astonished at the idea. Yet, catching alligators has something to do with filling her pay envelope. In a little tropical town, where the sun stands straight overhead at noon, alligator skins are a source of income. But while they can grow fine alligators, they cannot make paper. And in this far away town you will find Canadian paper being used for printing, wrapping and stationery . . just as it is in many othr places throughout the world. So the alligator skins are shipped to Canada to make belts and bags, and this provides dollars for the tropical country to buy paper from us. That's why the little lady who types letters all day for the paper company is deeper into the alligator-catching business than she suspects. She's in the banana and pineapple business, too . . . and many others she never thinks about. J, Everyone who buys or sells merchandise abroad makes Jobs in Canada. That is why We have a Foreign Trade Service in the Department of Vrade and Commerce. It maintains able trade commissioners in 26 countries, and an experienced export and import staff at head office, to collect the most up-to-date information on foreign markets and guv practical help to civry business that wishes to buy or sell in other countries. Department of Trade and Commerce OTTAWA, CANADA Hon. James A. MacKinnon, Minister M. W.. Mackenzie, Deputy Minister But then ... sp are YOU . . . for at least 35 cents out of every dollar you earn comes because Canada buys and sells goods in other countries. Stop and think what it means. Over one-tliird of your income more than you spend on food for the family comes from Canadian export and import trade. HOW YOU CAN CREATE COOD TIMES Because foreign trade plays such a big part in your life; and makes jobs and wages for you ... of course you will want to see it grow. Therefore if you have to wait a while, because merchandise you want is being sold abroad . . . your patience will help. And if you happen to be helping to produce any article for foreign trade, put your best into it . .'. for it is a little part of Canada. That will help, too. TEA AND SALE BY LUTHERAN The Ladies,' Aijf of SunStUl's ; L'ltheran Church vrereJ85;ors naiSt ; nf n snrpoesf'nl in nUnzwvtX In A. By aDplyh to each hat the church room'.SdaSaf. m enough powdered -.sulphur, added krnoon. The uets were rewlv- to the Juice of two h-mons. to ed irtto the hall, which was3ec- make, a thin paste, and then orated with ctfnatlons.Sand ' drying in the sun. When thor- spring flowers by Mrs. ThoTsol- i oushly dry, rub off the smplu ; lien, Ladles' Aid president, and ' sulphur. Mrs. A 0. Aasen following W ladies took part in tlie functioh: . . .. ' , Home Cooking table, Mrs. )L BrUain and the warrayaged Jona JvsenUrs . . Q7sen . areas of Europe. ' j Aprons, Mrs. T. Martinson, Mis. Plans were made for the I.O. h. Slangtbyp. . rl j t D.E. bridge, to be held May 31 , Kitchen. Mrs C. Johnson, Mrs. ifs a the I.p.p,E. Hall In aid of o. Mostad, Mrs. B. Petersen, i i f the Pioneera' Home. i s?rviteurs, Mrs. C. Berg, Mrs. it was decided to hojd th' I Jacoben, Mrs. Larsen. June meeting ' In the Centre. iivic . mth. Anton Dypnavn was Jn ! general charge of ths tea room. rrt i'nxl 35 CENTS OF EVERY $P j ' YOU GET... COMES FROM B CANADA'S TRADE ABROAD P p j!f f..