! H ' - rrr-. .rVfr r 4 m j'f I On the Occasion . of ' ' i ' NORWEGIAN INDEPENDENCE DAY We offer Qur Best Wishes The Variety Store "Where Your Dimes Are LHtle Dollars" phone Red -00 Prince KunerJ, n.C. P.q. Box HIS (Bratulerer! On this day which marks the anniversary of the beginning of Norwegian Independence we extend to the many Norwegians of Prince Rupert and district our sincere wish that the friendship which lias so long existed betwpen both oureslves and our two countries may long continue. Gordon's Hardware McBride Street GREETINGS. . . V , Ml Phone 311 to the People of Norway on their REMEMBRANCE DAY May the Seventeenth R. E. MORTIMER 321 Second Avenue "CALL MR niLL Prince Hupert, B.C. GREETINGS TO THE NORWEGIAN PEOPLE QF PRINCE RUPERT AND DISTRICT ON 1.1 Norwegian Independence Day Y WILLIAM F. STONE "CLOTHES OP , DISTINCTION" , P..O. Box 815 Pi ince Hupert Congratulations, NORWAY! FONE 99 FIRST 732 nc Anniversary wSff CI Rl El Cjl I - INf SEVENTIINTH of MAY V PROGRAMME V Sponsored by THE SOS QF JjpRWAY Chairman; PAUL TAKANGEK, O Canada Audience . Introductory Remarks Chairman Choral Selections yarden' Singers ' ' 4 Greetings from the City of Prince Rupert Mayor IT. M. Daggett Piano Solo Frances Moore, A.T.C.M. Address ir English ...... Rev. A. O. Aasen Ja, Vi Elsker Audience yiojin Solo Z....";..- A. C. pamerpn Address in Norwegian Gunnar Selvig pijd Signe Vaart Dyre Fedreland Audience Vocal Solo -.. Aslaug Lindeeth - Remarks by Mprwegiai YjcerCpnsul Dr. Jens Munthe Choral Selections ....J; Varden Singers Remarks I , . Chairman THE KING ' Arfmjssipn $1,0Q Dfjte 10 p.pn. Ch d.en 50c NORWAY'S DAY by Rudolph olsen VVf ff If W LS-l (i;CuUve Member, Sons of Norway) love ot treedom and progressive spirit. Being the 1 11 second seventeenth of May since Npnyay's libera- ln an increasing degree thp principles of the tion, let us all rejoice together with the people of Eidsvold constitution became a vital force in the Norway, who after five years o? darkness a developments in every field of useful endeavour, reign of terror, hate and suspicion once more until Norway in her government, in social order, can live up to Jefferson's immortal words: "Life, ih education, and in the ai and sciences had at- liberty and pursuit of happiness." tained a place in the fronL rank of democatfc ria- People of Norwegian origin throughout the . tjpns, So' it was up till that fatal April night of world and freedom-loving men and women in all 1(V and so it will continue now that .Norway lands will wholeheartedly share the joy of the again is tree. Norwegians at home in this glorious hoir of their Though Norway through all these years of oc- history. their firm faith in the cause of freedom cupation in every respect was exploited, though and justice, and their heroic fight for the victory the ruins of Northern Norway still are snioulder- of that cause oyer the forces of tyranny and bar- jpg, lYniay take years before all her- wounds are b'arism have been amply rewarded. healed, we know she has also gained something, Those of us who have had the good fortune to e'per f aith,' deeper love and 'deeper uncterstand celebrate Norway's natal day on the home soil S- Nonvay m now qnd always remqin the ar- will always cherish the memory of it. Flashed on senal of the spirit of freedom, liberty and democ- and. her people know, even as they wanted racy, fhe screen of our mind we have the entire scene: "The' tricolor of Norway flutters from every staff ' fo take away from them their dear homeland, it the in the bar- ls theirs todfly more than ever on land and on every mast on ships bor ; the beloved national tunes resound from, bands .. The ties of go0(j f rjenclshiip, of mutual respect, and the voices from and old, and the old young s0 natliral and so important during the war years story of Norway's attainment of independence, between Panada apd' Norway f0r their own Which in short is as follows: safety and for 'flic good and welfare of all also in "Norway in the year 1814 was to become a the future walk together in majesty, in truth, in vassal state to another great 'power for services .. freedom, in justice and in peace, rendered by that power durrptjjelih . Iovm' Ag of u m aa men an( women war. Though standing alone, fighting as it seem- . ... aAinrrn mur n fi!om 1 of Roodwill, we SALUTE THE PEOPLE OF ed a losin battle against pressure the great powers of Europe, she succeeded through the NORWAY on this, then-, l.ijstoyiq INpEPEN- unity of her people and splendid leadership in DENCE DAY, TJIE SEVENTEENTH OF MAY! on his Norw egian ndependence Day from RUPERJ PEQfLE SJQRE WALLACE'S QERRTjyiET 5.TP,HP RUPERT lyiEI'S BOYS? SJQRE WARMEST GREETINGS OUR TO MEMBERS QF THE jpR-WEGIAN RACE QN THIS ANNI-VERSARY OF Norway's lyfcpetifonce Gordon & Anderson L I M I T E I) "Everything: for the Home" MnJln.rr--u-j-j-. -fl nn r f ., n . nAwwumA.-! 1.-1 nruinnn rn g -, ,-f , , ... HBBIIBBBBBBBI1IIMBS3 . .... " ',ibbi INDF.PF.NDKNOF V OR Hihen Til Alle Nprslce i Prince Rupert Paa Norgeg Friheladag 17 Watts & Nickerson 532 Tlilid Avenue THE MEN'S SHOP" riione 315 JVe Salute the People qf Norway on this, the 132nd Anniversary of their Independence. PRIHCE RUPF.RT FISHERMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE V. ASSOCIATION ....... .. TO QUR NQRWEGIAN FRIENDS WE EXTEND CONGRATULATIONS ON THIS ANNIVERSARY OF THEIR COUNTRY'S LIBERATION. Black & White Transportation Co. taxi Plw. e 13 TAXI Independence . . . Is the basis of personality in individuals and nations. We congratulate Norwegians in the Homeland and abroad on this 132nd Anniversary of their country's liberation. SHEARDOWN'S li an ten Greetings... 112 . Taxi r- i- ' A$ Your Service Anytime NIGHT OR DAY