)rfnec Rupctt Daflp x3cUig Friday, Jnly 12, 1946 An -Independent dally newspaper devoted to the up-buiraing of Prince 'Rupert and all the communities comprising northern, and central British Columbia. Published every afternoon except Sun-lar by Ftlnce Rupert Dally News Uihlted, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, '. . British Columbia. . 3. A. IIUNTER. Managing Editor. II a. PERRY. Managing Director. ', SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By! City Carrier, per wees 15 Per Month 65 Per Year By Mall, per month Per Yeir 17.00 .40 1400 FINDS LITTLE FfAIN LOCALLY !"I did not have much, Information about Prince Rupert but ny friends told me It rained all tlje time. However, so far I have hid good weather on imy trip," commented Ge,orge -Roussln, a tqurlst from Quebec City, who arrived here by train last night. Il was Impressed with the soenery along the Skeena River. Ap accountant In Quebec City, Mr. Roussln is making his first trip west. He sailed this after-nion on the Princess NorarWor Skagway, planning to make a trip to Lake Bennet and White-horse, returning on the Norah to Vancouver on his way home. WlNSLOW, Eng. W A house lnj market square of this Buckinghamshire town designed by Sij- Christopher. Wren. Is being demolished tQmake way for a rtid-widening project. r ' JIN THE StfFRZiKi- COURT OP J BRITISH COLUMBIA , IN PROBATE I IN THE MATTER OP THE t, "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and II; THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE I, ur liUVJN BENSSON, her wise known as Oerton Edvln I.Brngtason and Edwin Benson CAKE NOTICE that by Order of Hit Honor, w. E. Fisher, mad on thK 25th day of June. A D. 1846. I wAi appointed Administrator with Wtll Annexed of the Estate of Edvln Bisson, otherwise known as Oerton Ecfvln Bengtsson and Edwin Benson, derrased, wnc aied on or about July 30V 194S, at Ruby Creek, near Atlln. lnj the Province of British Columbia; aril all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required tot furnish same, properly verified, to mi on , or before the 6th day of August, -A D., 1946. and all parties Indebted: tot the Estate are required tojpay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. pATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., thH 26Ucday of June. A D. 1946. , OEOROE II. HALLETT, ( Official Administrator, S Atlln, B C. -163 i MEMBER ABC. (Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Office '' '. Department. Ottawa). DELIVERING THE GOODS D'URING the past several months ; since the end of war lifted the censorship blackout which completely obscured this city and port while war conditions prevailed for six years Prince Rupert has been receiving a great deal of publicity in or)e way and another. People throughout the continent and further afield have become interested ill the place and know it in a way tljey never did before. Tourists are ajready flocking here by rail, ship aful carand many more would come were the 'facilities available to get hjre. There is reason to believe, that industrial- interests too are looking this way with more than passing interest and that industrial and commercial possibilities of the port and dlMrict are coming under minute scrutiny and investigation. m otner words, we nave caugnt i creating upon them now that they are coming here again in their "hundreds? Is Prince Rupert a pleasing and interesting place? Are our places of business stores, hotels, restaurants worthy of pride? What about oui streets and our sidewalks? Are our homes, our public grounds attractive? Have we interesting features that leave pleasant memories? If we 'were tourists what would we think of a town like Prince Rupert? These are questions that we do well to think over. We are getting the visitors and we are always thinking about ways and means "of getting more. Possibly, we should be doing some more concentrated thinking on what we should be doing for them now we have them coming our way. There is a real public relations job (there. PEG-TOPS AND BUSTLE A CORRESPONDENT of a Lon-" don newspaper deplores the fact that the history of men's dress, unlike that of women's, is not represented in Britain by any comprehensive collection. It is au injustice that the museums might well remedy. But perhaps there is some excuse for their lapse: for whereas former male fashions arouse but a passing, or even a derisive, interest, their feminine counterparts remain a constant source of inspiration. 3ESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE The. mere mere male maie coniempia contemplates v TwiiT world. 11 w We , 1 have ad-'1" wj',me. tlje eyl btjlhe ncl Albert's "peg-tops" with vertisea tne wares ana nave sue ceeded, to considerable extent, in drawing attention to ourselves and what we have or think we have here. Now we have to show that we have the goods about which we have been boasting. We have put ourselves on trje spot. j Like the merchant we have been telling the world that we have something to. sell. In any case, we now ee the - people coming to our store. The time has come for us to seriously consider whether our customers are pleased and satisfied wifh what we have to give them. Take the . tourists, for instance, are they pleased or disappointed? What kind of an impressionjfare we shudder of aversion, and would no more dream of adopting them than of cultivating his uncle's Dundreary whiskers. As for taking a hint from any pre-Albert mode, the thing is plainly impossible. -On the other hand, mysterious oracles of fashion are apt to see in Great-Aunt Emily's bustle, or in her great-aunt's crinoi line, a revelation of perfection that can no longer be ignored. Nevertheless, an exhibit of men's sartorial past could be worth while. It might even convince the sex that is wont topreen itself on its stand against the dictatorship of fashion that its pride is scarcely justified and that it has, in fact, fought a losing battle. ' Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "I have your favor .of September 15." 2. What Is the correct pronunciation of "protest" (noun and verb)? 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Occultist, occullst, occurrence. 4. What does the word "recondite" mean? 5. What is a word beginning with pu that means "youthful"? Answers 1. "I have your letter" is preferable. 2. Accent noun on first syllable, verb on last syllable. 3. Oculist. 4. Hidden, from the mental view. "Recondiate causes of things." 5. Puerile. LONDON 0 Inga Anderson, British Columbia - born singer and star of London night club shows, has left for Paris to appear at the Cabaret des CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms FClCKKO0QHCH9lCfQO0Q0iKH&OO0H&UCHMl0OCI PCKHKHKH3 CHWOO SI CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies Consult us for your needs In all types of printing work Everything In high class stationery Cards for every occasion Fountain Pens DIBB PRINTING COMPANY EARLY RENUNCIATION The first recorded abdication of a jovereign was Sylla, the Roman dictator, in 79 B.C. CADET STORES ARE IMPORTANT Accounting and Supply Department lias Big Job One department that plays an Important part in the successful functioning of any corps of the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets and which Is not very evident on any parade is the accounting and supply sectjpn. This Is common ly referred to as the "stores." A visit to the stores reveals that lti responsibilities and dut lc are many and varied. There are two main sections, the ae. vvfuilttilfj Jl tltiutlbk ULUI VtUWaV I r. TV-, r..Ainiln. tloiis and the worn is carried out inthe approved naval manner with every cent received or expended accounted for.'often In quadruplicate. At camping time an additional duty Is assumed. The lads may leave their spending money with the paymaster and can be assured that It will be carefully guarded and available to them on their request. In the stores there Is the clothing section. Here boots, trousers, jumpers, Jerseys, flannel vests, silk scarves, lanyards, blue and white caps, blue Jean collars, cap tallies are. all on hand and as any are Issued an exact record Is kept. Even In the list of badges there Is a surprising variety. There are rank badges for officers, ch'.ef petty officers, petty officers, and ratings. There are non substantive badges for signallers, marksmen, sick bay attendants., Another department Is the gunnery section. Rifles, bayonet?, slings, scabbards; gaiters, belts, ammunition and targets are all checked. Rounds pf am munition expended are recorded- and woe betide the unit that cannot account; for the expenditure of every round not returned. These lads are taught the need for absolute accuracy in the recording of all items. Seamanship stores Include cutters, whalers and their1 gear, sailing or rowing. Supplies for instructional purposes are also MOTT ELECTRIC (Prince Rupert) LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial - Industrial Marine Electricians Home Wiring and Repalra Phone Black 867 236 Second Avenue West Important Notice to operators and workers in LUMBERING AND LOGGING in liritish Columbia On August 1st UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE applies to your industry EVERY EMPLOYEE is insurable. EMPLOYERS must register and secure a license to purchase stamps. For full information consult the nearest NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Unemployment Insurance Commission EUREKA !! ("I HAVE FOUND IT") That Is what Archimedes shouted, when after long study, he suddenly discovered a method by which he might ascertain the amount of alloy In King Hiero's crown. And that is exactly what you will be saying when you instal a RELIANCE KITCHEN RANGE OIL BURNER and discover the efficiency and convenience of easily controlled oil heat for cooking, baking and water heating. RELIANCE OIL BUHNERS are available in Prince Rupert right, now. x Burner may be viewed at address below or at PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING St HEATING RELIANCE SALES & SERVICE CORNER SECOND AVENUE AND SEVENTH STREET PHONE 108 P.O. BOX 1363 R. IV. Vick 1052 Sixth Avenue East CANADA'S CROP OUTLOOK GOOD ! WINVIPEQ 0i A bcttcr-than average crop, is in prospect for western Canada at present with many Alberta correspondent.; Indicating that the outlook Is the best In years, the Winnipeg Tribune's fourth telegraphic crop report said today. ; lamDS. more buzzers, and In- and the supply department. structionai cone nags. ! The band requires drums, take4 care of all financial opera-l1". drum, ". rtU a"d side drummers. chafes for the These are the leg aprons against which the drums coastarftly rub as the lads march. The Issuing and checking of all this equipment requires a very complete accounting system. The permanent records of the corps are also filed ty this department. The officer in charge of the Captain Cook ! Corps stores is Lleuterjant S) E. S. Tobsy, the "S" Indicating supplies. Assisting him are P.O. Mel Sandvar and Wrennettes L. Raabe, Joyce MacDonald and Yvonne Bouvette. CALLS FOR Union of B. C. Municipalities Says railnre or IntrrRovcni-mental Agreement Having Bad Effect WINNIPEG, f -Mayor CfKrnet Coulter of WinnlS. president of the Canadian Federation of the responsibility, of the stores. Mayors and Municipalities, made Knots and splices, rules of the(PUbiic yesterday the text of a road, anchors and cables, sound ings, have their special equipment. Signal stores contain code flags, semaphore flags,, aldls resolution on Dominion-provincial affairs adopted by th? Federation at its meeting in Vancouver in 'June and forwarded to Hon. C. D. Howe, minister of reconstruction. The resolution said that the failure of the Dominion and provincial governments to reach an agreement as to fut"re tHvl" slon of fiscal and other responsibilities has "seriously impeded all efforts of Canadian municipalities to co-operate with both public and. private agencies In establishment of sfcablUzed peacetime economy and, at -the earliest possible date, another conference should ye convened." LIMITED EXPRESSION The basenji, a breed of hunting dog from Africa, is unable to bark but can growl loudly when irritated. JEWS BOOSTING BRITISH LOAN WASHINGTON, D. C. Q Chairman Sol Bloom of the House of Representatives foreign affairs committee, in appealing to the House to approve the $3.-750 COO.COO British loan, declared that this has nothing to do with the Jewish question in Palestine. to offset In a move designed nndhift loss of House votes for the loan be.-ause,of the British handling or tne jewu piui... nioom introduced a statement by nhbl SteDhen S. Wise, Zionist ipnir savin-! that, "wnaiever be wrongdoing of the British "ovi-mment in Palestine, it can not niter mv conviction that the British loan 1 Imperatively u;ded." House votes oil the British loan may come tomorrow and it K expected it will be approved although possibly by a narrow marRln. RAMPAGING KANGAROOS SCONE. Australia V Hungry kangaroos hopping down from the hills in central New soutn Wales In large numbers are causln? damage to crops but faimers are not permitted to shoot them because of a law prohibiting injury to any ' Warehouses bulging with the commerce of a continent- spices, canned goods, furniture, metalumre- -with all the requirements of a nation. The steady flow of these goods from factory to warehouse and on to the retailer and consumer is an example of "Banking in Action". credit and essential banking BANK Bervices figure largely in the operations of Canadian wholesale trade. The Canadian Bank of Commerce numbers among its customers many of the most successful wholesale houses In Canada. In addition to other Bervices we supply working capital for the purchase of goods from the manufacturer and the expenses involved in their sale to the retailer. We also assist the wholesaler in obtaining payment for the goods by undertaking collection of drafts all over Canada and abroad. These various operations greatly facilitate' the flow of trade and benefit the ultimate consumer. If you have a business problem which entails aity banking service, see our local Manager. What Banking in Action has achieved for the wholesaler, it can do for you. 71)A THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Prince Rupert Branch KYVONO SANO HINO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open S p.m.' to 2 a in. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 It. O. HOPKINS, Manacer Souvenirs Novelties For That Particular Occasion ... Whether it is for that going. away gift, biithday or anniversary gift, you will find something that will please you at THE VARIETY STORE 'Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" York General Construction See or Phone Us on a New Insulation KIMSUL Somet,,in New antl the Best Free Estimates on Any Kind of Construction You Name It, and We Can Do it WE HAVE OUR OWN SHOP WE CAN MAKE ANYTHING Phone Black 126 Day' Phone Black 731 Evenings Quality Repairs 11 PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Offlct) Fiery, M Toes anij Whn fet t fhoei ft aa t right Into tho n Uoona'a Emr .1 ( on ten and - ,, night for a fw ( - A rM clU ay who kv f. hi i plc.is.'.nt t.i UcauoRi!i" ltt4- - . 'J ill - FTOXlTUiJ Upholstrrnii slip Dripn LOVIN" CABINET : Phone Ortfn H 117 Second Ave . a Opposite c.; fe INCOME TA Returns Prepared. H. E. MOItTIMd V 324 2nd Ave - PI Believe it or not . . . Some of our n'l the world's m::4 : makes. THE LONQINE3PH ADVERTISE THEnl "THE WORLnil HONORED WATCH I THE WALTHA13 OINS, O RUENr i DULOVAS, ARE tN I BY ALL. We have other sJ well which are r" j tlsed so much b:'tl to give catLfac'a: in buslnea. We now prn watches on jtl master testing tx-I JOHN BUlti JE WELLE! mm aj'-ir Phone 644- wTshhrt mai'l." order? Irc: r.crJ wire? Whatever f i-ctrlcal trouble J now ant) CHI I man will fix RUPERT m AND ELECT PHONE 6 w pick On sr.il' I Geo. J. Datf The Auct!"i"j Sales KvfryJwr KVFRtf WR SF.IX Goods Sold On Con Household Sale at Your Conven KD 81 hold aooi -1 PACKED AN?ofl I Estimates own ..nrlfl FRINOK AUCTION Ml phones: I