6 I i it f;.l ptfncc nutJcrt.Dalie )3cui$ Friday, July 12, 1946 MEMBERSHIP IN LEGION Changes Made In Qualificalio Hestriction of Dues , Exemption At the regular monthly trig of the Canadian Legion held last Wednesday night, amendments passed by the 1946 Dominion Convention, held recently at Quebec City Included certain changes made in membership qualifications for ordinary members, associate members and honorary members. The resolution passed by the local branch on July 9, 1945, granting all local boys, who had served overseas and were entitled to' wear the Canadian Volunteer Service' Medal with clasp, one year's free membership in the local branch was rescinded as from midnight, illy 31, 1946. After that date. r x jm Wrf? BladesS MINORA low-price fast, Get HOUSEREPAIRS For General House Repairs, Interior and Exterior Painting, Concrete Basements and Sidewalks. Work done by the hour or contract. Call us for an'&stlmate. McLeod, Pitt-Cross &Gibb Phone Red 924, after C p.m. BOX 1308 Oil Burners installed only local boys, with the same qualifications, whb Join tHe Legion within three months of the date of their discharge will be entitled to the one year free membership privileges. These rulings apply to both sexes of members of the Armed Forces. FASTBALL July 12 Grotto vs. 99 Taxi, General Motors vs. Reserve army. July 15 Co-op VS. Bo-Me-Hl, Reserve Army vs. Gfotto. July 17-flo-Melll VS. 90 Taxi, Co-op ts. General Motors. July 19 Grotto vs. Bo-Me-Hl, t?MPrve Armv vs. Co-OD. July 2299 Taxi vs. General Motors, Co-op vs. Grotto. July 24 General Motors vs. Bo-Me-Hl. 99 Taxi vs. Reserve J Army. The Girl's League fastball schedule: 1 July 2 Moose vs. Macey's, Whirlwinds vs. KlneUes. WS ECO HOMY PACK IS BACK AGAff Here's news men have been nil waiting fori" Again you can save 16!on BLADES, Canada's quality blade in the field I Yes, MINORA's generous Economy Pack is back on dealers' shelves. So'enjo smooth shaves. Make an extra saving too. MINORA BLADES in the big Economy pack! mm PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING J. II. Srhuman S. Julian ItF.I'AIUS AND ALTERATIONS ESTIMATES Night Calls: Blue 170 Green 787 CORNER SECOND AVE. and SEVENTH ST. WEST NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 PllONE 103 and Serviced The starter's gun 11 -,.jtfifilflR - I, it: &V I' I , LEGION BOXING CLUB IS FORMED James Nicoll Is President Routs Wtlh 1I.JI.C.S. Uganda Being Arranged At. a special meeting of the sports committee of the Canadian Legion held last night at the Legion Hall, the Canadian Legion Boxing Chfb was formed and the following officers elected: Honorary President, V. G. C. Houston, President, Jame Nlcolh Secretary-Treasurer, Ralph A. Smith. Trainer, W. G. Thornton. Assistant Trainers,- A. Bespgs. B. Wlndle, Darrow Gomez. Ringmaster, Graham Alexan der. Publicity. Lee M. Gordon. Liaison officer to Civic Centre, Weil Ross. The club Is hopeful of arrang ing bouts With members of the crew of 11.M.C.S. Uganda during her visit here this month, and is also making arrangements for an international catd for August 16. Sports Schedule Tonight Grotto vs. 99 Taxi. General Motors vs. Reserve Army. Lawn bowling. CARLISLE, Eng. (Of) Five young men who admitted playing rugby in the street with a loaf of bread were charged with disorderly conduct and each fined 1 ($4.50). Holiday Trippets SUMMARIZE your car now! Let us check your car before you make that long vacation trip. 'A motor tune-up, lubrication, and tire inspection may save you time and money on the road. Phone 83 for an appointment S.E.PARKER LTD. Ford and Monarch Dealers The Home of Friendly Service ... The firs tingling Impact relaxed it's a Sweet Cap; cigarette to cap big mo ... The gratifying rythmic itroke of trained muscles, and a winner in record time. And now with tension A really satisfying merits like this. Wherever you are, anytime, anywhere; there is nothing like d Sweet Cap. TM pWil for in wh'xh tobacco con h imaktd" SWEET CAP ORAL CIGARETTES Baseball Scores National League Philadelphia 4, Pittsburgh 1. Brooklyn 0, Chicago 1. Boston 2, Cincinnati 8. New York 13, St. Louis 3 American league St. Louis 4, Philadelphia 3. Detroit 2, Boston 3. Cleveland 1, New York 9. Chicago 4, Washington 2. American Association Kansas City 0-4, Louisville 1-11 St. Paul 14, Columbus 3. Minneapolis B, Toledo 3. Milwaukee 2, Indianapolis 0. Paeiflc Coast League Sacrahlento 2, Portland 1. Oakland 3, Seattle 2. San Diego 1, San Francisco 7. Itollywood 0, Los Angeles 4, Western International Spokane 2, Wenatchee 9. Yakima 9, Bremerton 22. Tacomit 9, Victoria 10. Vancouver 3, Salem 1. SHORT SPORT Don Bradmarl, great Austral - lan batsman, made a record score for EiiglatnUAustralia test match cricket 14 years ago yes- terdav at Ijced3. England, when he hit up 334 runs. Ills mark still stands as the best test match score for an Australian, but Len Hutton of England scored 304 In a 193fi test. The heavyweight boxing title, vacant for two years, was awarded td Max Schmellhs JO years ago tonight when the German defeated Jack Sharkey on a foutth-rourtd foul in an climU Vation bout at New York's Yankee Stadium. There had .been no claimant for the title since Clone Tunttsy retired tin-defeated after knocking out Tom Ileeney In 1928. i n mm In. TERRACE... Shop at Skeena Mercantile A MODERN DEPARTMENT STORE Groceries - Ladies' Wear - Dry Goods - Shoes and Men's Wear SAVOY TAKES i 7-4 VICTORY Defeated Wntls and Nickerson in Baseball League May Savov ran tin Its second straight win in the city baseball fragile last night before a small collection of frtiis who looked lo9t in the ble-ashers. The ltotel-meit overcame Watts and Nlck-erSort 7 to 4 In a seven inning flxtute which featured the best resistance that Savoy has seen to date. Savoy inoundsman southpaw nnii MacDonald bitched the game through, shoeing fair con trol, ana nuowing seven nns oy the Clothiers. Puliing himself out of several holes, MacDonald managed to maintain gcheral domlhntire over the situation Ihtrniehnul the1 enrne. Ills most spectacular achievement was to strike nut Dnhl.-a hard-hitting, exdeTletieed player. Wa(ts and Nickerson made a , shake-up at the first of the third ! lhrilfti bv 'sending Dahl in from third base to relieve Moore as nnlxliB Affix- fVio tTnroliriPn had 1 jCorPtl two runs. Jake Antone ,n0VP(1 frcm ft field to third, rtn(, Moore went tn left field, Major scorrv wire. Bruce Slm- und.son and nivk raviiKis ior Savoy, with two rum each. Tav- llkls scored in me seroim ami sixth and Rlmundson made the cirrult in the third ami fourth lhnlns'S. De Blals of the Cloth "ers tallied tin two runs, one in the fifth and one in the seventh, flavrv -A. Simlindsen cf 1: Kerr rf 1: Johnson ssl; Pavlikls if 2: Arnev 2b: Davis lb: Mac- Donald p; Gurvlch rf; Vtikovlch 3b. Watts and Nicknrson Dp Rials cf 2 Wlndle ss 1: Moorp. c: Dihl 3b; Pierce 2b: Stiles lb- Forbes p; MeEwan rt; Antone If. Score by Innings: Savoy 112 10 2 0 Watts & Nickerson 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 League Standing W. L. Savoy . 2 Watts and Nickerson .. .1 1 f Moose - 0 LONDON W Dr. Edith Sum-; mersklll, parliamentary sccrc-tarv in the food ministry, receiv ed two black eyes when she 'was in an automobile collision, but . kept a speaking engagement next i day, TERRACE TRANSFER AND TAXI (Harold Smith) TRUCK AND PASSENGER SERVICE Scheduled Trips to Lakelsc Lake Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday Charter Trips to Any Part of District P.O. Box 1G7 TERRACE TERRACE MACHINE SHOP & GARAGE TERRACE, B.C. Dealers in GENERAL MOTORS Products MACHINE WORK GAS and ELECTRIC WELDING DIESEL and TRACTOR REPAIRS OPEN SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS For minor repairs and gas Due to the critical shortages of automobile parts, we urge motorists more than ever before, to LUBRICATE ahd SAVE WEAR, if you wish to continue to ride. We use only the best grades of oils and greases. Call us for an appointment . . . PHONE 50. i Pennzoil and Peerless Motor Oils RUPERT"MOToRS LTD. CHRYSLER PARTS DEPOT NEW CONSTRUCTION i REPAIRS ALTERATIONS . GREER & BRIDDEN Builders and Contractors PHONE RED 561 P.O. BOX 721 EDITORIAL Centralize Sports The 1nsirabilitv of hnv- ing n central athletic co- oniinaiiii; tuunm - city should be given serious consideration by all branches of athletics. The value Of such a council would be demonstrated in such an event as the forthcoming visit of H.M.C.S. Uganda. In the past a visit of ii naval ship has usually re- cnltnrl in n RfrilS of atll- lctic contests. There might be boxing, tennis, fastball, baseball football, lacrosse or basketball- As far as the shin is concerned there is a central sports com mittee under the snorts ot f cor. In this way nil tnc shin's snorting activities are correlated. Now. if there were a city co-ordinating com- ' 1 1 i 1 . 1 , J i V . nAmmll. JllllU'l, U1U E1U13 (.uiimm.- tee could make all ar- r:inmments through it. This city committee might well consist ot a member of each athletic organiza tion in the city. This coun cil w o u 1 d k n o w what grounds would be avail able and have them in shape. There would be no overlapping or duplica tion of contests and no conflict as a result of one organization making arrangements without other ovp-anizations being aware of such a fixutve. The headquarters could well be in the Civic Centre. That would be the logical selling your house? we placQ But the movement) Jave far-should start from the, Cash.0r terms. Consult us various local sports committees. It is hoped that somebody will have the initiative to make the first move. It cannot but be all for the best of local sports. -A duck which died aged 24 laid five egges a week until Just before Its death. IKK CHECKED in a J iff or Money Back For quick rtirf frnm Itching cauiwl by tritmai IhlMe'i loot, U, and ot lift Id Inn. COTditlon rrr- rwilint. mrdiculKl. liquid O. U.O. PRESCRIPTION. c;rflui ,nd tamltM. SoothM, rumlortl and quit kly ralm, dlMMitthliiit Umi'lmllrr. A'k mitfruuni,i today (or D. D. U. PRESCRIPTION. Campbell's Cosy Cabins Skeena Ilritlge Touilst Camp One Mile East of Town Box 13 TERRACE, B.C. Phone Blue 850 Green & Kermode Builders and Painters All Interior and Exterior Work For NOW F0R 1JETTEn SERVICE AND GREATER nlM' CONVENIENCE, WE ARE LOCATED AT PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Second Avenue SAILS - AWN1NCIS - TARPAULINS PJVVJC lt'llldr .. ... enetlan Rlinds - Window UlincH - Harden Chain Shopping Bags Edmondson Awning and Sail Works 1,h0"e 033 P.O. Box 302 LING THE TAILOR We are taking cteanlnf and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 - 220 Sixth Street Classified AdvertisM -.- . . - ItiMftlriit minimum I and Kngngemctit Arfnnuncemtnui iJ.1 run rEMt , I i on sl Green's Room. FOR RENT - Reasonable rates; quiet and clean. 022 Fraser St. (107) fOtl RENT Room. Appiy ouo Fraser Street, aner nw p.m. (1C(5) FOR RENT Furnished house keeping rooms. 200 5tn wesi Apply Vl ' No. 1, Ilelgerson Block. (102) FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 843 9th Ave. West. uoai FOR RENT Small cabin, single occupancy; partly furnished. 315 Sixth Aveue West. (tf) FOR RENT Two-roomed front suite, 221 5th East. wwj HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Young man for Oinn for two weeks. " 1" TP.rionrn nreferred. but not necessary. Apply Rupert Radio & Electric. mivrrrn I.nrlv to care for 11- month-old child In own home, cuinn month. 1013 7th Ave. East. "83) EXPERIENCED WAITRESS wanted. Apply IUggte's Cafe, Box 239,' Smlthers, B.C. tiuai BRIGHT AND HONEST boys and girls wanting Dally news delivery routes should enter their names at the office. WANTED WANTED Sewing machine. Phone Green 929. (103) WANTED Room and board for two healthy school-age oaya, starting Sept. 1. Write P. Horner, Doreen, B.C. 1162) WANTED Truck. 2 -ton dump truck preferred. Box 141' Daily News. 165) WANTED Motorcycle In fair condition. Write T. D., Box 001, city. 163) WANTED Will the persons holding P.R. Port Day perpetual troDhies for Inboard speedboat "race and outboard motor boat race, won in 1939. please turn them In to the Bort Day Committee. A permanent replica will be turned over !n exchange. 163' LISTINGS WANTED first. Armstrong Agencies, Phone 342. U04) Steamship Sailing g L: ; For Vancouver-" Monday ss Princess Adelaide. 10 p.m. Tuesday ss Catala 12:30 p.m. Thursday ss Prince Rupert, 11:15 p.m. Friday ss Cardena. 9:00 p.m. June 12, 22, July 3 ss Prln cess Louise, p.m June 15, 20, July 6 ss Princess Norah. Vrom Vancouver Sunday--ss Catala, 4 p.m. p.m. Monday ss Princess Adelaide. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert 10:00 a.m. From Alaska ss Prince Rupert, 7 p.m. June 12, 22, July 3 Princess Louise, p.m. June 15, 28, July 6 Princess Norah. P.O. Box 1484 Free Estimates and Prompt Service FOR SALE p,. iouu casn, App,:.; FOR SALE- b,mA wim mattressetJ iwn. I'none OreJ FOR SALE- ).u 'J muiuutu umi. i "aypswlck," riuuis. I FOR SALE -Studtoj iwo cnairs. 345, East. r uiu v-O. UOOdcil fpare tires. AppJ bast, FOR SALE- irunst and accessorlet t, cues and extra i New leather prxlr. All complete Apply 1089 Amtr Mr, ueiiamy Boj u, city FOR SALE- -Compkl ea o-room houa Newly decoraud ed away and totd loss. Call ccii- fery Ltd. and I $1,000 bargain. FOR SALE Lid Green 698. FOR SALE 2J I "Buck I' Caal Floats, week-endii week-days. FOR SALE 8 rat house. 712 7th An I GOOD uuildikq: centre of Print t business area. Ad Daily News. FOR SALE - Suicd mill' and Bond pil plete, In good cti 1291, Prince Ruptrj FOR SALE- Usrdti from $3; used (Irj from $15; slith'Ji cases, $8; net nil $1.05; used 8-piwj $22.50 ; used eiel cost $235. nor n I tureS, fireproof J chairs, filing cb used rugs, sIm tl ftv office, stomfl thing reduced! sell and buy nrl furniture also 5. us first, It wilt I Furniture Cc 324. MACiHXOl Tfi haw better economically, 1 and up-to-diu Vl Portable Safari tured by NaUoci Company PuMI BC. TENDB'I i FOR SALE- Sealed bo received kj signed until noctj Julv 19. next, W of Lot 8, Block ! Citv of Prince 923. located at 5T West, together til lng lmprovemeffl thereon Ten- storey frame toj small one-storey, J 'cabin, separate! will also be rea furniture contq Hlehest or any necessarily acre; strictly cash. be viewed W 1 Occupation sub Control Board Fnur-roomed f rnnmprt hOUSe l: I three-roomed call ently rented. u Administrator n inhn Karh. otSfl as John TkacMl Al'CTION'H AUCTION SALES"; at 171 Third Duy War 6avlnjif B5, We Bo.1 PEKFKXI1 GENERAL CONSTRUCT CONTRACTS LARGE OR 6MALL PLANNING AND DESIONlNO ESTIMATES NORTHWEST COHSTRP Stone Block LIMITED , Phone Bfl.1 Evenings: Green