News Items . . . rart Edward Trip- Taxi. Grotto Cigar (tf) 11 Foster sailed last rt.l-.n TJnnprt. frtP a 1-jjuii; inv.. will re-open Mon- 5, Ellos fmnuure r i i PHONES: (163) Is Colclough sailed UuDert last night u Vancouver and ri.. t nrisrrnm ap- . 17 Innn urorn hrlpf !i! city arriving by v an a business trip v;pr of Ladner, who ung at the home i. R un nirirlrlr- til wv.. , ,vii. hu Mm ftarripnii i, nrtn crrnrtlnr 11' W (1 1 1 k 1 "I'V wcks here. Ri d Cross Commls- Scott and son, i ..... - inii r nn wnn Vancouver af- io the city a tour of north- ci'iurcs. (r-mcly of Win- hu: been visiting in irm ;i of his son-ln- nier Mr. and Mrs. Bowser Street, nt on the Prince in residence. t v w -i William Minx where thev will t ii iv ii a wriirpr nL ft. (l it- mi Wall laob M WUliams is re- PKEME COURT OP III COLUMBIA PROBATE MA'TEH OP THE ILTHATION ACT" end C I jr 1I1E ESTATE 1 HAROLD RICE lECEAliED ice hat by Order of i; W E FUhcr. local s :?romi Court of Brit- c;: the 10th day i tppemted Admlnls E if of Elmer Harold I c.itcd to his estate n :.: ot British Col- '.1 i irt:r havlnir rlilmi 3 cr.ata are hereby n ame properly :.i ) before the 3Ut IMS after which c: c-'.d without .-. it which I ru: indebted to the lr-n : oav amount xi cz at July, A.D. Ai :r. trator. :upcrt UC 174 Red 808 COUKINS i! and nproratlnir one Blue 451 11 W. Peterson S TRANSFER MESSENGER ' Wood -Baggage !;h Express 8i Prince Rupcri Hock Job-Call a Rock Man 'AUNDERS Blue 6C6 Wewalks, Basements 'Ite work I cannot d myself. HTMDGE, 'TON & RICE ll Contractors ' 8D, Station- H ,ne Oreen 417 lePalrs, all kinds. , vrk . Foundations 1 Cheerfully Given attention all work. Mdyman e service lL CONTRACTORS Repairs of all kinds fys and Oil Burners A United Church Sunday School Picnic on Saturday, July 13. Leaving church at 1:30 p.m. (it) W. II. Willlscroft and daughter, Miss Kathleen Willlscroft, are sailing tonight on the Car-dena for a trip to Vancouver. Open American Tennis Tournament for all those Interested to be held Sunday, July 14, on C.N. Courts at 1:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served, (163) Miss brace Lee sailed on the Prince Rupert last night for Vancouver where she will take up residence following the sale of the family's business Interests in Prince Rupert. Commissioner T. W. S. Parsons of the provincial police sailed I last night for Victoria after a. brief visit here following a trip through the interior on official business. NOTICE Stewart Public Utilities Ltd. The Annual General Meeting of the above will bte held in the Registered Office of the Company, 5th Street, Ste wart, at 3 p.m., Wednesday, August 7. A. Russwurm, secretary. Passengers, leaving Prince Rupert on the flying boat Halda Queen this morning Included five for Vancouver and one for L. Monk, Canadian Fishing Co.; A. Landels, W. II. Malkln Co.; J. Keith, J. R. Morgan Lumber Co.; A. Henderson, Powell River Logging Co.; R. Martin, Pacific' Mills Ltd.; for Port Hardy, T. Murphy, Kelly Logging Co. Miss Jean McMlllen, who has been residing in Prince Rupert ror the past two and a half years, having been identified with the auditing firm of George Rorie Co. and recently secretary of the Prince Rupert Public Relations Council, is lcavlrrg tonight by train for her home in Edmon ton to pay a visit. From Edmonton she may proceed East and jt is unlikely she will be returning to Prince Rupert. Announcements All adverttrrmcntK in column will be charred for n full month at 25c a word. L.O.B.A. Garden Party, August 7. Mrs. J. PWolIer1304th Ave. East, 2:30 to 5:30 pm. Port Day, August 22. Get your Marxist and current )amphlcts at Room 8. Stone Mock. Open evenings 7 to 9. Old Time Dance, Prairie Ramblers, eve'ry Saturday night, Oddfellows' Hall. i.m i ir.. ruin i tiii PKvinrini NEWS STAND "fl YVO--T fifM Tin - W V f ft V L. CHIROPRACTIC R. J. PARKER, D.C. (Palmer Graduate) Suite 6 Telephone Smith Block Green 995 GAIRDNER'S . CONSTRUCTION Jackings - Building - Repairing Alterations and Cement Work PHONE GREEN 482 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branches 20S 4th Street : Phone 655 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 ANDY ANDERSON PAINTINO & PAPERHANGING 633 Tatlow Street Phone Green 937 (After 7 p.m.) GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 H. J. LUND Painting Paperhanging Interior and Exterior Work P.O. Box 1286 Phone Black 823 rOR PROMPT and EFFICIENT SERVK1 mall sour qiauai to COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO. L Red 894 M iniaUftlLVfttlCDVVU.B. Mrs, Arnold Flaten sailed on, the Prince Rupert last night lor Vancouver. William Jarmson allcd last night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Stromdahl sailed on the Prince Ruprrt last night for a trip to Vancouver. Miss Margaret Slmundsen sailed on the Prince Rupert last night for a trip to Vancouver Mr. and Mrs. Bart Hedstrom and son, Richard, left at the first of the week for Tschenikut Lake to spend a vacation. Mrs. Gilbert Brown, wife of Lieut. Brown, who is in the naval service here, sailed on t ne Prince Rupert last night for Vancouver. Miss Kathleen Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J, Smith, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a holiday visit in Vancouver. George Ross, local taxi operator, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert on a two weeks holiday trip to Vancouver where he will meet his orother Paul of Rochester, Minnesota, whom he has not seen for a number of years. City Clerk and Mrs. II. D. Thaln and daughter, Joan, sailed for Vancouver and Victoria on the Prince Rupert last night. Mr. Thaln will represent the city at the forthcoming bus Port Hardy. For Vancouver were franchise appeal after which the family will holiday In Vancou ver, Nelson and Trail.-' Burning" office waste in the rubbish chute In the Besner Block resulted in a smoke snare which brought out the fire department at 7:45 last night. The smouldering fire was put out before any damage was done. A carelessly discarded cigarette Is believed to have been the cause. REGISTERS COAST EARTHQUAKE Prof. G. E. Goodspeed. head of the University of Washington's geology department, checks the seismograph which recorded the earthquake that shook northwestern Washington and British Columbia, knocking down chimneys, cracking plaster, and doing other minor damage. Highways and bridges were damaged on Vancouver Island, and near Seattle, Wash. One mantlost his life. Hotel. . . arrivals George Roussin, Quebec City; Mr. and Mrs. G. Hasibar, Ketchikan; Mrs. Martin, Masse tt; Roy Havely, Vancouver; S. McDonald, Vancouver; Mrs. Campbell and daughter, Queen Charlotte City. The Hawaiian language consists of only 12 letters-fewer than any other language. WOR'BB MEAN' EXTRA INCOME FOR m WELL-COVERED The earth Is surrounded bv a blanket of air 100 miles deep. CANADA'S TOURIST BUSINB IS BUSINESS TOO. TOO LATE To CLASSIFY FOR SALE 2 occasional chairs, like new, j$5.00 each; 1 folding single bed and mattress, $12.00;, 1 chest of drawers, $8.00; 1 card table, $1.50; 1 Ironing board, $1.50; 1 pair wall mirrors, $3.00. Apply 136 8th Ave. West. (It) FOR SALE Piano, excellent condition. Phone Sunrise Beauty Salon, Blue 943. (tf) AND it's mighty big business . . . Last year tourists spent more than oic hundred and sixty million dollars in Canada. This year, with millions of American visitors expected, that figure may well be surpassed. It means extra income for yvu, for every Canadian. Tourist money gets around. It flows to every part of the country. This year particularly wc must make sure that our friendly visitors enjoy themselves, that they'll carry back good reports of our hearty hospitality. Then they'll come again and their friends will come and Canada's tourist industry will continue to be a source of ever increasing prosperity through the years. JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue I" CANADIAN CANADIAN TRAVEL TRAVEL BUREAU BUREAU 5gg$Al BRANDS Dtporfnwiif of Trod A Cemmarc, Ottawa. ITU 1 Food! Help yourself to health from our stock. You'll find healthful foods for delicious summer menus. All orders delivered to your kitchen door. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian ' Legion) Phones 18 and 19 P.O. Box 575 ORANGE GIRLS SPONSOR TEA The Juvenile Orange Lodge sponsored a successful strawberry tea in the Oddfellows' Hall on Wednesday afternoon. The guests were received by Mrs. Frank Ellison ami pouring were Mrs. George Howe and Mrs. J. P Moll?;. Conveners were Mrs. H. Paulson and Mrs. E. A. Evan5;. In charge of the home-cookini; table were Mrs. H. Paul-m, MKs Barbara Teng and Miss Joan Moller, while the tea room was in charge of Mrs. B. Way. Mrs. W. J. Richards and Mrs. W Tippett. Mrs. F. Chandler, Mrs. S. B. Caldrr, Mrs. W. Denton and Mrs. J. Heuvcl were in rruire of the kitchen. Cashier was M!:s Betty Wide. The raffle of a chicken, which was directed by Miss Esther Calder, was won by Mrs. F. Chandler. Announcing . . . Fresh Killed ROASTING CHICKENS buTkTey MARKET Third Avenue Phone 178 SaH Y- Nt Here's what we're telling OUR GOOD NEIGHBOURS Your Canadian Travel Ilurcau, formed to protect and promote your interests in Canada's tourist industry, is running advertising in leading U.S. newspapers reminding Ajnericau readers of the beauty and diversity of Canada's tourist attractions. At lite same time it is tact' fully reminding them that in view of travel and accommodation difficulties this summer, they trill le tvise to male reservations ahead. WE HAVE: Birclt Wood, per cord $13.50 Jackpine, 11", per cord $12.50 Slabs, 14", per cord $10.00 Lump, Egg Nut and Slack Coal in any quantity. Fill up now for winter. HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 Prince Rupert Dailp jQeto 3 Friday, July 12, 1946 Of afTT i. THE rT 532 THIRD AVENUE Scott-McIIale presents 'Bomber7 In a Scotch Grain Scnii-Ilrogue. Blucher "style, weatherstrip welted. Antique finish. Widths C, D, E. Astoria quality. PRICE $13.50 "THE MEN'S SHOP' - a Lit 0 PER PAIR tin irtnsifjr -" v CLOTHING AND Fl RMSIIIVGS PHONE 34S A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" CARPET UNDER-FELT 'OZITE7 9 feet wide, cut to any length required to fit any carpet. It gives them new life. Save your carpet until new ones become available. PHONE US FOR YOUR REQUIREMENTS Phone 775 327 Third Avenue Mc CLARY RANGES "Built to Last" Beautiful enamel finish, easily kept clean. Splendid baking oven, fully enamelled inside. Highly polished steel k top. Coal and wood models admirably suited for oil burner conversion. See them now at Gordon's Hardware McBride Street PHONE 311 Announcing . . . . OPENING OF PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, B.C. CHOP SHEY CHOW M E I N 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Keep your Orders well Ahead for our Quality Coals! XT PHONES 116 - 117 ALBERT McCAFFERY G. SELVIG General Contractor We do basements, reshingling, build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings. 100 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL BLUE 610 and we will give an estimate. P.O. BOX 654 PRINCE RUPERT