Ml m : P 4 Prince Rupert Daflp Juries Wfdiu-silay. June 26, 1945 EXCEPTIONAL VALUE in New HEAVY DUTY Trucks Built by rp a KlU AND 5TUDEBAKER to U.S. Army specifications 0 10-Ton Taj load 6-Wheel Drive 10-Wheel Traction 10 Speeds Forward, 2 Reverse, for on and off-road operation For Heavy Load Short Haul PRICED BELOW W.P.T.B. approved CEILING Immediate Shipment Limited Quantity Now On Display at Vancouver U'eld-Rite Co, Vancouver and J. E. Hansen, Dawson Creek, B.C. It will pay you to visit this display. Write, wire or phone for complete information. S. H. Leventhal & Co. Machinery Dealers WINNIPEG BULKLEY CAFE CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Our Specialty Open-Weekday 7 a.m. to 11 pan. Sunday 8 ajn. to 8 pjn. Located at Bulkley Hotel SMITHERS, B.C. i i S Baseball Scores American League New York 3, Cleveland 8. Si. Louis 7, Philadelphia 2. Chicago 6. Washington 4. Boston 1, Detroit 0. National League Philadelphia 5, St. Louis 3. Chicago 7, Boston 5. Pittsburgh 7, New York 3. Cincinnati 15, Boston 3. Coast League Hollywood 2, Sacramento 1. San Francisco 1, San Dnego 2. Seattle G. Oakland 5. j ' FASTBALL June 26--Grotto vs. Reserve Army, 99 Taxi vs. Bo-Me-Hi. ' June 22 General Motors vs. Co-op. Bo-Me-Hi vs. Grotto. July 3 Co-op vs. Reserve Army. General Motors vs. -59 Taxi. July 5 Grotto vs. Co-op, Bo-Mr -Hi vs. General Motors. July 3 Reserve Army vs. 99 Taxi. General Motors vs. Grotto. July 1099 Taxi vs. Co-op, Re-tvp Army vs. Bo-Me-HL July 12 Grotto vs. 99 Taxi, Trneral Motors vs. Reserve Army. Julv 15Co-np vs. Bo-Me-Hi. "''rve Army v. Grotto. J-" . 17 B -M -I v 93 Taxi, Co-nn vv Ger MnVr? IVifA Minora Blades! Minora is a real money saver because it lasts far longer than ordinary blades. For extra shaves and com i fort ask for Minora Blades. firs vnn DOllMDG AZO Rex Bowling Alleys. NOW OPEN TO EVERYONE EVERY NIGHT! HOURS : 6-11 MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY 2-11 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 4-11 THURSDAY PHONE 658 for reservations (Merhbers onlr on Sundays) G. SELVIG General Contractor We (to basements, reshingling, build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings. 100 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL BLUE 610 and we will give an estimate. P.O. BOX 654 : PRINCE RUPERT NAVAL CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS No. 4 NIGHT ROUNDS: Although the Kreit Nelson officially died at the battle of Trafalgar, many customs of today's Nay teach Jack Tar that Nelson's spirit lies on. "Night Rounds" are still being made with a huge brass candle lantern containing a single lonesome candle. For practical purposes, a powerful ejectric torch is also carried but the Nary continues to cherish the glow of tradition which radiates from this ISth-Century lanternl In The Best Of Tradition It's Always SELECT PLAYERS Arrangements .Made for International Series Early in July Selecting an Ail-Star team of baseball players from a league whose members as yet have had very little opportunity to display their talents was the difficult task of the Prince Rupert Baseball Association executive last night, Results of their choice will be known hext week. Beset by such mountainous difficulties, the boys smoked their way through a session in the Civic Centre board room, emerging with line-ups which they hope will dominate Ketchikan's best in the forthcoming international series on July 1 and July 4. The July 1 games will be play ed at Roosevelt Park here while the remainder of rhe series will be enacted at Ketchikan as a feature of the Alarua iown's In dependence Day celebration. The baseball executives feel j that they are setting a precedent ' among ball clubs, at least In I Canada, and perhaps for ama-' iure clubs throughout the con; tlwnt by using aircraft as their mode of travel for the inter-city play. Twelve players will make he Ketchikan trip aboard a Queen Charlotte Airlines flying I b.rat. They will leave either on afternoon of July 2 or the norning 0f July 3, returning on 5. "ic main difficulty .which fronted the harassed executives was lining up a team. Root ! of the trouble was the question j tiut, while there are plenty of ilayers in the city; who among them are worthy of Inclusion on the All-Stars? This quandry cast no reflection on anv of the league players but was caused bv the fact that after seven years of inactivity, rhe reorganized league has had practically no ogportuniyt to ' ::'ay this season. Of course, there are a number f r lder pf rjroven mejlt, 'rrl many or these were included i thp line-up to form a sort r ?oid backbone but it was also h".usht desirable to include mme of the more talented VBnnser-p'layeTsi It was this selection that itumped the experts. Sinr-e th league was organized on May 15, the Roosevelt Park playing field has been available LIMITED RANGE The range ol the early piano was only four octaves. Returning Service Personnel Records Are Being Sought The Daily News Is anxious to completely record the .arrival of all service men and women returning home from the war. Accordingly, It Is requested that information be made available to this office regarding the date of arrival home, the service with which the veteran has been identified, in what theatres of war, if wounded, 111, etc. If inconvenient to call at the office, the Information may be written or telephoned in. Pictures would be particularly welcome. Street and Postal addresses and telephone numbers arc also requested. PLAYER'S MUD Ploln hov "Wttproof paper which dott'noi tlick to th lipt. FOR KETCHIKAN for practices and league play on on a limited scale pending truss-fer from War Assets jurisdi. '.on to city control. Therefore, he league which started out sz bravely didn't get much chunc; to follow through and the payers were unable to demonst 3 their skill to any consistent degree. However, at last night's meeting the sages brought down a selection which they hope will dominate the Ketchikan aggregation, both at Roosevelt Park and on Ketchikan ground in the international series. Here are the players .as lined up tentaviely: R. Sparks. R.' Bury, J.- Lind say. A. Styles, W. Johnson. A. Simundson, B. Windle, J. Ber- uschi, W. Lamble. D. Kerr. S. Beynon. D. McDonald. LACROSSE TO START SOON Boxla to Make Its Debut at Kcoscvclt Patk (iym In Fortnight Box lacrosse wai make its de--it In Prlnre Rupert at the Roosevelt Park gym in a couple of weeks if phrtu made at a meeting of the association last night are carried out. Construction of a lacorsse box will be commenced within the next few- days in the gym and the city's three incipent teams expect to start their season which will last well into the fall. Arsori.Uon lre&;dent George McGregor, who Is leaving the city next week, presided ai his last meeting, and the body named Neil Ross, new recreational director as its new president. More than 30 attended the meeting. The association Intends to af-filate with the B.C. Lacrosse Association, with Hie prospect of having teams from Use southern part of fche province take mm in inter-city competitions in Prince Rupert and local teams vi.t. the south. The meeting waj informed that native lacrossejpteyera ntw working in rnnneries on the Skeena are willing Jo compete with local teams, but that they lack equipment. Efforts will be made to secure sticty and other oartrphemalia for j their use. Many of these mM are noted players in the south? It is understood that Gunnar Slvig. local contractor and Civic Centre executive member, will construct the lacrosse box in the Roosevelt Park gym. The a'ssoc'atton will coerate In close icnnectlon with the Civic Centre. 'POOLE. En. fl William Young. 84-year-old retired London shipping agent, said here after his flret flight a 12.000-mile trip from Svdney: "I enjoyed it very much. LONDON A sugar allowance (not exceeding three pounds per colony) for feeding bees during the next few weeks was recently granted for beekeepers "owing to the exceptionally unfavorabla weather." LONDON 9 Britain's war naval losses totalled 3,232 ships and craft of all sorts. These were more than double the losses of any other victor nation. MILD or MEDIUM iKZflB f-HHKai CORK TIP AND PLAIN HRHfljH STALIN PALLBEARER AT KALININ FUNERAL Vyecheslav Molotov -left i and Joser Stalin, at the head of the honorary pallbearers, carrying the coffin containing the remains of the late Mikhail Kalinin, former president of the Soviet republic in tiie funeral procession to the Kremlin mall. SHORT SPORT A Everything from Dominion Track and Field championships to an international team match in checkers is listed among the 2t0 sport events slated for Ham ilton's 10-day Jamboree in con- j nectlon with. the. Ontario city's centennial celebrations July 1 to 7. The sport program is under the direction of Robert (Bobby) Kerr, former Olympic track star. "There will be 12 hours of sport 'every day from June 29 to July 1 7," says Bobby, "and there will j be something for everyone, from I 1 lrirW tn 0rna.-n.1tn' 1 Curtain-raiser for the sport program will be the Dominion Interscholastlc Track and Field j championships this Saturday, for which entries have been re- jceived from GOO schoolboys across the Dominion. The meet j will be modelled on the Olympic games, with athletes taking the oath of amateurism, and thous ands of homing pigeons will be released over the stadium to carry the news of the opening to their home lofts. On the same .day the Ontario Men's and j Ladles' Tennis phamplonshlps ;will begin eight days of play j Finals will be conducted on Saturday. Sunday the Royal Ham ilton Yacht Club will conduct n n I 1 - t 1.1 . . - with about 100. cfl tries. Beginning July 1, there will be Business and W. H. CORRINS Painting and Decorating FREE ESTIMATES Phone Blue 451 GAIRDNER'S CONSTRUCTION Jacklngs - Building - Repairing Alterations and cement Work PHONE GREEN 482 HELEN'S - BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its brancht 206 4th Street : Phone 655 SMITH & ELKINS LTD Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 ANDY ANDERSON PAINTINO & PAPERHANGINO 633 Tatlow Street Phone Green 937 (After 7 p.m.) INTERNATIONAL Corresp ondence Schools CANADIAN, LIMITED Montreal, Canada -a F. LOVIM. Phc Orren S7 RrprtaenUtlre Box 628 117 2nd Are. W. Opposite YMCA PRINCE RUP1 BO. GEORGE L. RORIE Publ Accountant, Auditor, etc: Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 H. J. LUND Painting Paperhanging Interior and Exterior Work P.O. Box 1286 Phone Black 823 tCH PROMPT and EFFICIENT SHMCI sail iOW qta(ts to CQUMBIA OPTICAL C0.LU softball competitions in all age groups from Juvenile to senior. Victoria, Strathcona and Fern- leigh greens will be used for Ontario Lawn Bowling Championships for six days beginning Dominion Day. Two professional open golf tournaments will be held during the week, along with numerous amateur matches. Top professional event will be a 36-hoIe open invitation tournament July 5. Hamilton will be host to the Canadian swimming and diving championships at the Municipal Swimming Pool July S and 0. Some of the best oarsmen in Canada and the United States will compete In events carded for the last two days of .centen nial week. An international high schoo lmeet will be held on Friday with senior international championship events on Saturday. An international team checker match is planned Wednesday afternoon. Other sporting events Include horseshoe pitching, bicycle racing, professional and amateur baseball, cricket, Ontario Championship trap shooting, archery and casting competitions, soccer and weight lifting. Al'CT IO.V SALES AUCTION SALES every Saturday at 171 Third Avenue East, (tf) LISTINGS WANTED SELLING YOUR HOUSE? We have buyers looking for well-built 4 and 5-room homes. Cash or terms. Consult us first. Armstrong Agencies, Phone 342. (164) Professional PN Kilborrt W. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baggage Freight - Express Phone BluelO Prince Rupert MERRELL & GRETSINGER CONTRACTORS Buildings Moved Foundations Built Excavating and Rock Work Our Specialty With Modern Equipment. PH. BLACK 926 BLACK 270 For Free Estimate. If It's a Rock Job-Call a Rock Man can M.SAUNDERS Blue 6C6 Concrete Sidewalks, Basements I don't take work I cannot do myself. PARTRIDGE, ' GUNSTON & RICE General Contractors P.O. Box 1489, Station B Phone Green 417 House Repairs, all kinds. Cabinet Work - Foundations Estimates Cheerfully Given Prompt attention all work. HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners Phone Oreen 486 Evening Green 337 Train Schedule For fhe East-Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 p.m. Ftom the East-Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 pjn. . - - Classified Advertisino tiss::jrjrz'.i&. minim. Llcl '5 v, wu. ix-MO Notice. twff'Wt Birth. I Engagement Annourc'i,1. UH CARD OF THANKS I Mrs. St. Clair desires to n. ran sim press appreciation for Unripe. I ri ,n u"lt Wed d and sympathy extended in her Alfred' atr?! APPlJ 1 recent bereavement through the I caretaker ucll (I loss of her nehew. Erni Louth. Special thanks to Mr. Leonard Lelghton, Mr. Campbell, organist, and to those sending flowers: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ryan and family; St. Paul's Church Choir; Ladles' Benevolent Association; Mr. and Mrs, R. D. Lelghton and family; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ryan and family Mary and Myrtle; Mrs. Mary Haldane; Mr. and Mrs. William Leask and family; Miss Audrey Ryan; Mrs. Alfred Auckland; Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Ryan and family; Mr. and Mrs, Mathew Lelghton; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ryan; Mr. and Mrs. George Haldane; Mrs. Alice Lelghton and family. . WANTED WANTED TO RENT Oillnet boat for season, by responsible party. Phone Red 2C9. (149) WANTED Late model car in good shape. Phone Red 623. (150) WANTED High power rifle, 303 preferred. J. Sackner, Central Hotel. (146) WANTED 2 or 3 -room furnish ed apartment, businesswoman. Phone Fortress 8 ring 3. 149) WANTED Small club bag. Phone Black 773, after 7 p.m. WANTED Boys for delivery routes. Dally News. itf) ' WORK WANTED WOMAN will mind children evenings. Phone Red 126. (150) HELP WANTED WANTED Girl for housework. Phone Blue 336. (153) SALESMAN in local district to sell and install Reclalmo Oil Refiners on cars, trucks and boats. Require car and mechanical experience. A permanent paying business for the right man. Reclalmo Sales & Service, 1353 Saymour Street. Vancouver, B.C. (150) MAIDS WANTED immediately for cleaning work at Miller Bay Hospital. Apply to Medical Superintendent. Phone 635. (150) WAITINO LIST for newsboys, now open at Dally News, (tf) FOR RENT FEW ACRES LODGES offers accommodation by day or week. Good beach; strawberries are ripe. Turn south at Terrace School. Gertrude Mitchell, Terrace, B.C. (151) FOR RENT Sleeping room. 801 Borden Street. (tf) BOAT TO CHARTER by respon sible party for trolling season. Must be shipshape and seaworthy; gurdles preferred but not essential. Box 136 Dally News. (14 ) FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 843 9th Ave. West. (tf)1 FOUND FOUND Pair of glasses at B.C. Packers Dock. Owner can have same by paying for this ad at Daily News. (149) FOUND Lady's gold wrlstwatch. Phone 452. (51) FOUND Have found watch. Owner may have on description. Write Edvard Bates, General Delivery, or Police Headquarters. (150) PERSONAL LLOYD'S Corn and Callous Salve gives immediate relief from corns and callouses. 50c at Ormes Ltd. (152) TENDERS TENDERS will berecelved by the undersigned up to June 30, 1946, on the gasoline launch Sunbeam III. Ship may be inspected at Prince Rupert Yacht Club. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Dr. R, O. Large, P.O. Box 368. (150) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, BO. (tf) Agents. Phone Blue 850 Green & Builders AMI Interior and Exterior Work sale FOR SAT v t. - -o nir,. - ... HI FOR SAI.P. tv, $15.00. Phr,n. D,eJ Fraser House. FOR SALE fl. i halibut gear uure. H IT COmr.l w- -n s wharf, i FOR SALE- .1-tnn m.-rl 1929 model XI rallo- t and 10 Alltel 2"d Wert. PhoneaJ J SALE 6 room fc '" n wat Hi FOR SALE Baby Baruage Durner tT wood i, cream and white tI electric Ironer m, 1 will . fit General Eectrtc wil riiune mack 322, FOR SALE- 60 amn riZl and fuse box 9x18 at tisoil oamiicr. c-enirai Hotel or Dl QOOD BUILDINfl iw il centre of Prince Rupert's t uusmess area. Apply & Dally News , FIVE-ROOM HOUSE -I j with new maple fiooo nej uiea , NTnth East immedate oc pancy. Only $2300. fa spectlon caii Arm.'taj cies, pnone 312. ij FOR SALE Tr.jrjfKcj Length 28, bean I, depUi ; Five tons, 4-cy-j!er eagi.l Marine clutch uie:; Install Ready to fish, foflj tmiiml Reasonable. New FUu. 1 owner 1307 Ovet SU-I "1 FOR SALE - Ujiderrsod tyj writer, 12-lr.rh carriage: good condition Prkt ill Box 135 Diiiy New: 1: FOR SALE Rail, llml cash register mux J range, hoiuehj.i tun..;l Apply 1021 2nd West, apt I Blue 874. FOR SALE- House. 4 rocs bath: convenient!; lul , mi rw iuruier Oreen 987 or app'.y Kittil East. Ill FOR SALE-30-ff Gray marine mutur JJty good condition, Apply Oil Ave. West Phone Kaaiu J FOR SALE Four-room bil JlfiflO rash. Ad-j'.J 225 Wl i Want vpnlne'. U'l SIX-ROOM HOUSE with tl place, on 14 tots la Wi Fifth Avenue We PrLti Cash 12000. Balana on t Collart ic McCaeTfLKl ll FOR SALE Summser shteJ mill nnd Bond Pifktr, ccl plete. in good coition. El 1901 tHtw HHDf. I'- FOR SALE - Six-rooa hwt three bedrooms u?, tW ' ing room, dlnlr.; toom kttrhen with Si W1'1 k ciinhiiardi Sunrol . &u,.k-.i, "I overlooks garden. Harbor Basement and furnart w in. $4500. Armstrong Agew-1 Phone 342. FOR SALE Twelve dogfUh wj one stern roller Appflf ;l em Ave. rav FOR SALE-Used,!! H irom w; ust-u from $15; slightly used J cases. $6; new rag $1.65; used 8-piece klUh $22.50; used electric cost $235. now $65; of f tures, ureprooi .j cha'"'lntoifCS:a usea rugs, tnl for office, stores, hot"! thing reduced in y-a sell ana Duy i ci furniture, also hardr'Bl us first, it will par f J Furniture uo., j" 324. SCHOOLS AMI PREPARE NOW for SP rler. PoTtal Clerk, H, customs Ciere. particulars upon sdi M.C.C Civil srv,lwinnl 301 Enderton Bldg Jgf Man. oiaest ui agents. P.O. Box 14 Kermodej and Painters Free Esumai" - i Prompt Service