age: LONDON HATS LONDON CD-British hat de- Egiiers are pushing "frosty Site" for fall and winter bdgear, but Just' in case it l::n't take they also offer prlcot, winter gold, sugar pink, brtolse. tobacco brown, skater's and' warm red. Sue And If these fail to flirt with ckle feminine fancy, they al- av show black combined i itM skater's, peacock or royal llue, with cerise or warm red, ' frosty, oyster, or stone tith hlte, or one model called the domino" in plain black. In fact collection of 90 models dls- layed for the first time by the fsociated Millinery Designers of PRINCE GEORGE Hon Frank Putnam, minister Kt agriculture, Is in Prince Jeorge for a two-day conven- Bon of district Farmers Instl- jtes which convened here yes- frday The minister came from ranrois laV.e where he had at- knded another district Farmers' f.stltute convention. The deputy 61 aister of ajrlculture. J. B. (unro, is accompanying his i.ief. The Prince George General spital may have found a new aie In the now vacant military ' spltal by July 31. Meanwhile I ere U a critical nurse shortage h only three graduates' and ? practical nurse. The possibil- v of establishing a training thool is being considered. Scholarship For imitehrs Girl rMITHERS-Allss Joyce Mary 1 airhead, daughter of Cecil D. Juirht ad of Smlthers was the inner of the Crockett Cup for loflciency In Grade 12 at Sml- prs High School. This cup was -aated by Vernon Crockett, for- net- principal of Smlthe,rs High iol for 20 years from 1920 t IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF MICHAEL LARSEN, DECEASED i TAKE NOTICE that by Order of ! Honour Judge W. E. Usher, Local Hpe of the Supreme Court of Brit- h Columbia, I was on the 12th day P June. 1846. appolnteu Aaminis-ator with the will annexed of the PUte of Michael Larsen, who aiec or about the 7th day of January, p6. All persons Indebted to tho fciil estate are required to pay the Puount of their lndebtedneaa to me trthwlth and all persons having Blm against the said ebtate are NMred to file hem with me prop- "j vermea on or ueiure w mm T of July. 1946, falling which dis- 'button will be made having regard ply to such claims of which I shall lve been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C. mis i3th day of June. a.d. io. ALI3EKT JCUWAKU KUUUi Telegraph Creek, B.C. Official Administrator, IN THE BUPREMb COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRATION ACT" nd N THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP SADIE BEAUDIN. DECEASED INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE tht by Order of I Honor. W. E. Fisher, made on 1 30th dv of Mav. AD. 1948. 1 BDDolnted Administrator of the state of Sadie Beaudln, deceased, id all Dartles having claims against he said estate are hereby required furnish same, properly verified. ) me nn nr hsfnrs th ISth daV Of ffuly, AD. 1948. and all parties In- bted to the Estate are required to y the amount of their Indebtedness rne forthwith. DATPTI mt Prlnr- . I? I inert TIC. this -- --- ,.--- .-; um aay or May. A.u. lo. Acting Official Administrator, Prlnc. RuDert. B.C. .c rawi sed &l ugs H fflce t i dM tligtil :, sultal ls.&l nif. S .eric r; onlieSt . Set WinnM nada. es M rvlce While not the muscular type, this young lady has no difficulty in balancing on her fingertips a solid block of the new feather- lueight plastic known as CCA (cellular cellulose acetate). A low 1 density core material, CCA will find popular use in the construction of uggage, aircraft - surfboards. trailers and railway cars, and refrigerator insulation. Just to ARE COLORFUL London today shied away from nothing except simplicity. The most striking design was a black shades-of Georee-Waxh ington tricorn-with grey felt trim in a powdered wie effect compete with black bow. Two other models imitated flfllO wide-brimmed sailors one In pale skater's blue topped with black satin ruching and another In wine ruching with matching muff, tied under the chin with tulle and perfect for horseless carriage riders. In frosty white a large turban sported a huge bunch of pale blue grapes over each ear . . . a "down Mexico way" sombrero was trimmed with bards of brown, yellow, and tan . . . and a felt and mink combina tion made a neat three-decker-sandwich sailor. A flame-colored off-the-face musketeer felt featured black ostrich sword trim . . . similar stvle nlume hats with muffs were displayed In Jade green and heather ... an all-out "sweet pea fantasy" included every shade of pink and purple and every type of flower, leaf veil and streamer and lacked only a few small worms to make It a complete garden. A sophisticated black tokue and muff were trimmed with ermine powder puffs and a white ermine Russian Cossack hat with black astrich pom-poms. Dr)nmliini( mntprlnl iras n long-haired "fox felt" and most styles' showed some variation of the plain or muffin beret, the sailor, the poke bonnet, or the off-the-face model. NEW REYNOLDS -"BALLPEN GUARANTIED TO WRITE AT LEAST 4 YE EARS WITHOUT REFILLING NO CAP To fumble with Click hWtitel Excla. live Dill Point Guard ends rap nuinnce forever. Click Park Itt A flick of the thumb and pen ii ready for pocket or purie. $12.50 (plus tax) TEN ITSELF GUARANTEED FOR LIFEI ChoU . 0m I Ctmptlt . Colon: I Cold T Silver McRae Bros. LIMITED The Experts Say - - HARD BOLED EGGS Hard i Moked eggs either plain or devil- led are almost standard equip ment In a picnic basket and also often mate up the substantial portion of the summer s&lad for lunch at home. Eggs cooked in the shell should never be hard boiled. The water should not actually boil, but be kpt just below boiling temperature for 30 minutes, then both yolk and white will be firm but tender. Home economists say that' if the time is not checked and there is any doubt about the eggs being hard enough, they can be tested by piercing with a toothpick through the shell into the centre of the eggs. If the tooth-Dick comes nut clean the eze is jjust right for a devilled egg. If I any yolk adheres to the toothpick the egg should be left In the I hote water for a minute or two ! longer. I To prevent a dark ring around the yolk, cool hard cooked eggs I qulckiy in cold water If eggs are cooked in advance and stored In the refrigerator they may be ixed wilii the raw ones. Cooketi eggs will spin like a top If twirled on the kitchen table while raw ones will Just wobble. To vary devilled eggs add a pinch of curry powder, a few chopped chives or a little pbw'd-red bay leaf to trie salad dressing when creaming the yolks. KEEPING EGGS There is this to say about the proper care f, designed to get the Tea test value out of each egg and so make more available for shipment to starving lands Keep eggs fresh by keeping them fool and away from strong flavored foods. Left-over e, yolks may be dropped In a pan of simmering water and hard-cooked. They may also be kept uncooked for a day or two if covered with water in a clawd container and kept cold. Ift-over egg whites will keep i for a day. or two In a tightly covered container In he refrigerator. Use all of every egg. Scrape out the shells. CHEESE Cheese is another food which we are sending overseas in larse quantities and, FRANKLY,DOC,DONTYQU 60 FOR BORDEN'S EVAPORATED MILK FOR BABIES?" (? rklVK ifAr-A lKft-i Uj O Th Boido Co. Ltd. Natural C J Content ot ll Vitamin D Increased by Irradiation. LT111 'ZJM nun Campbell's Cosy Cabins Skeena Bridge Touilst Camp One Mile East of Town Box 13 TERRACE, B.C. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 TYYTYTTYYTYTTTTTTYirTTC PRINCE RUPERT t BOTTLE COLLECTOR Phone Hlue 737 We Buy PERFEX Bottles FUNERAL AND BANQUET HERE Natives Gather from Various Villages to Mourn With Mr. and Mrs. Gccrge Stewart A largely attended service in the afternoon in the GrenvlUe Court Chapel of B.C. Undertakers followed by a mourning banquet in the evening at the Commodore Cafe marked the funeral rites on Monday of Larry Stewart, 10 months' old son of Mr. and Mrs. George L. Stewart of Kincolllh, who had passed away at the end of last week In the Prince Rupert General Hospital. Rev. John . Linney, pastor of the Full Gospel Tabernacle, officiated at the funeral service with James E. Stewart presiding at the organ to accompany the hymns "Jesus Loves Me" and "Precious Jewels." Interment -r HHpKl'l A was made In Falrview Cemetery with William Barton, Sam Stewart, Paul Clayton and David McKay acting as pallbearers. Ira Stewart, brother of the dead child, was host at the funeral banquet. Rev. John Lln-iyy pronounced the Grace and offered closing prayer. Principal speakers included George L. Stewart and Charles Leeson, the latter of Greenville. Advertise In the Dally News. 3 Jemima pancakes are the and Serviced f W4rISr SHOP I hWZL !mJ& 1 V"",Um,,n'u,""'iriklin0.i Furniture Repaired ''J&liKsS&k Uphglsterinjr - Slip Covers &i.pyB. i : r C . u... ' I EiAflAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAi while there la not the desperate nei for It that there Is for wheat, meat and fats, every bit that can be saved is that much more to feed the world's hungry. Keep cheese wrapped tightly and cool to prevent moulding and drying". A cloth dampened with vinegar makes a good wrapping for cheddar cheese. A wedge-shaped piece of hard cheese may be placed on a plate and the exposed surface covered with wax paper pressed on with a cool iron. Save crumbs of cheese and grate the left-over ends. Keep them In an airtight Jar. HOW CAN I ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. What is a remedy for enlarged pores? A. Mix 6 ounces of elder-flower water, 2 ounce cau de cologne, I dram tincture of ben- Izoin, 10 grains tannic acid, and apply twice dally.-Get the ap proval of your physician or druggist before using. Q. How can I rid a house of cockroaches? A. Cucumber peel.ings act like poison If scattered around the haunts of cockroaches. Or use equal parts of powdered borax and white sugar. off day Aheaeff for delicious easy-ro-prepare meals HOHTJmiMAS SVjSji At home or at the cottage, It Aunt Jemimas hitthe spotl TESH BrjHHI:ANAOJ water tq Aunt Jemima's Ready- HJK J I !MEjE:1SD2 Mix... pour on the griddle... UAV I vF tMmMpjmt ' pop 'em on the plates ... then HHPTA y -.ijmf .T-llu, lyPlWhL watch the family smile as they llVTZa V V1 'KmMMtmmy "ig in". Yes, fragrant steam- V I iUmA -TijjQjjoij 117 second Avenue West BBKWpHBBWBBJ Opposite Civic Centre Good Food!. I; Holiday cV i-. 1 Heln yourself to health from our I I IVIIMUI feil '"" stock. You'll find healthful foods i Ovrp ipJg"; for delicious summer menus. All . i:nf tTi I orders delivered to your kitchen I rifiriPrX JsSSPfPm door. IIIKIJUU MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 P.O. Box 575 1 1 BOX 1308 PHONE 108 i Oil Burners Installed PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING J. II. Schuman S. Julian REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS ESTIMATES Night Calls: Hlue 170 Green 787 CORNER SECOND AVE. and SEVENTH ST. WEST Announcing OPENING OP III . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, B.C. CHOP SUE V CHOW MEIN ,7:00 a.m. to 11:00 pan. CEREMONY AT BORDEN SCHOOL An interesting event took place in Dorden Street Elementary School thU morning when prizes for an "Empire" quiz, sponsored by Queen Mary Chapter, I.OJ3.E., were awarded to the winning students by Mrs. J. A. Teng, regent of Queen Mary Chapter. Winners were Sheila Bennett, wlw received flrss prize, and Alice Killas and Janet Wong who tied for second prize. Present at the ceremony with Mrs. Teng were Mrs. M J. Keays, standard bearer of Queen Mary Chapter, and Mrs. D. C. Stuart, regent of Municipal Chapter. An added feature of the ceremony was the presentation of a framed picture, "The Union Jack and How to Use It," by Mrs. Teng, being received by Principal J. S. Wilson In behalf of the.fchool. The picture was supplied by Mrs. Teng and framed by Queen Mary Chapter which has "adopted" Border Street school. LEFTOVERS TRANSFORMED Last night's leftover roast makes tonight's "Mnnir" Mont Roll 2tb. oftbuttrr 1 cup chopped leftover maC 2 tbs. chopped onJont 2 cupa flour 4 tsp. Manic Baling Powdar Htip. aalt 4 tba. hortenlnft J cup milk, or half milk and wir Mil meat, onion, butter. Sift to (ether dry InftredUnta, mis la hortenlngt add liquid to make tof t doufth. Turn on floured board; knead lifthtly. Roll H Inch thick, pread with meatmliture. Roll like Jelly roll, cut In allcee. Bake on baking aheet In hot oven (475 F.) for about 14 minutes. Serve with tomato sauce. SUMERIZE your car now! Let us check your car before you make that long vacation trip. A motor turie-up, lubrication, and tire inspection may save you time and money on the road. Phone 83 for an appointment S.E.PARKER LTD. Ford and Monarch Dealers The Home of Friendly Service prince Rupert Daflp J3cto$ Wednesday, June 26, 1943 nam m m I dALAUA b 3E2 We are here to serve you and guarantee you will be pleased. FREE DELIVERY OF ALL ORDERS BLAIN BROTHERS "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" t PHONE 547 : P.O. Box 174 ENGLISH BREAKFAST SETS 32-piece sets in dainty patterns, ideal for everyday use. Just what you have been waiting for. AT $1fl.95 Gordon's McBride Street GENERAL CONSTRUCTION PHONE 21 CONTRACTS PLANNING ESTIMATES NORTHWEST Stone Block LIMITED Phone 503 JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. " Third Avenue REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Suey Chow Mein Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 0 ajn. to 2 a.m. PHONE 173 S- WE SERVE YOU NOTHING BUT TIIE BEST . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST, FRESH VEGETABLES AND FRUITS-; COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES V DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken v Meat Pies and Salads Daily f RUPERT BUTCHERS f UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL HAS REOPENED We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. WE EXTEND A HEARTY ENJOY m m ah 1 I $0.95 and L Hardware PHONE 311 LARGE OR SMALL AND DESIGNING CONSTRUCTION P.O. Box 1381 Evenings: Green 103 Quality Repairs Economy Prices at PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) it I t THIRD AVENUE WES1 . t INVITATION TO COME AND OUR FINE FOOD ; t :j!L i 1 1