& of 111 II 1-4 lilt News Items a Adelaide Aionaay fro a trip w van- eUps Terrace school '.... n week-end visit left to last evening's .. return to tne ln- , n Pur FV!twnr1 ending Christmas at .i. iiio brothers and .i ..... ...... nt VltViMo vpth.iU team. jnce 'hat most of the i Ladies' Keaay-io-Shoe Stores will be and 2 (304) Campbell, local ln-foi whose further a fund was recently ., niii be taken next . i - j 1 1 j i 1 will accompany the Mali who has been Iu home here for jur months, Is leaving night on the Prince his way to San Fran- . L - ...111 -An-.. t 1 i; iir- will tvuvib lu iiiiv office of Pan America orior to obtaininir to China to take up j1 (lying In the regions piloted military trans- . .. 1. T- I Cedrlc made many m China to India over ?' with strategic cargos nunrfiiifiiiK .urged for a full moult) M 25o a word. ows Scotch Dance, s' Hull Nfw Vpnr' Dremncr's Orch. .eers Dance, every Sat-ht. 9 to 12. Oddfellows' rybodv welcome. and CLOTH COATS Continues '.it ri.A IHil. -uvjur THE J . - '"JUMP I r mm. I. IV S y to wr,-,s THAT DOWN X IN MV DIAKV V) r Tonight's train, due frnm fh East at 10:45 pm., was reported this morning to be onr- hr.,ir iat due to late connections at Jas per. Miss Dorothy M. Smith r fv,a Bank of Montreal staff left on the Princess Arfpintn,. i..f nlng for Vancouver where she will enter the Vancouver General Hospital school of nursing. Mr. and Mrs. c. I. aujiea on tne this afternoon to return to I uieir ncme alter spending the t.iiiiiwnas nojiaays in the city T. M. Wricht snllprt i,a Coquitlam this afternoon for i Vancouver where He will rejoin the army. He aftiT wartime service earlier this year. Miss Charlotte Dodimead of Vancouver arrived in ih Miv Sunday afternoon on the Co- quiuam to ipend the New Year Holiday as cuest of Misa Nnm McCaffery. T. H. Sorenson, general manager of the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative, sailed this afternoon on the Coquitlam for a business trip to Vancouver. Richard Mills sailed this afternoon by the Coquitlam on his return to the University of British Columbia at Vancouver after spending the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Peter McGhce of Port Alice were round trip passengers on the Princess Adelaide on her trip to Prince Rupert Monday afternoon. On their honeymoon, they joined the vessel northbound at Port Hardy, remaining aboard to Vancouver, southbound LEDBURY, Herefordshire, En?. Qi Hope End estate, where poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning lived during her childhood, was sold for $12G,000, N(w Slupnwnt of COATS miuI DRESSES It's best dress forward this Holiday season and for your fashion pleasure we present o u r collection of smart frocks USE OUR BUDGET PLAN No Currying Charge No Interest. Terms In accordance with W.P.T.D. Regulations. JL Yi ri iVT), "THE CREDIT HOUSE OF QUALITY" Ask Dad, He Knows! ttwh f3' "iillliliilii r - " : 'i i wt. ite all S I'M C O : .' 3 I frHOfH 1 1 4INi3S ) ( BUT VOL! ) t MOST RECENT "AT HOME" PICTURE OF THE ROYAL FAMILY -The King and Queen and' Princesses Elizabeth, right, and Margaret Rose, left, are shown as they were photographed at home with their pet dog. "Light Celestial" Cantata By The Varden Singers Devoting the main portion of the program to the cantata "Light Celestial" by the American composer Norman, the Varden Singers presented an appealing concert to an audience of 100 in St. Paul's Lutheran Church Monday night. " The choir of 16 was directed by Peter Lien, who also was organist. Soloists during the O-minute cantata were Mrs. Anton Dyb-havn. soprano; Mrs. Henry Llnd-seth, alto; Bernhof Petersen, tenor, and Rudolph Olsen, bass. The program was opened by a choral rendition of "Silent Night," following which Rev. A. O. Aasen, St. Paul's pastor, addressed the audience, taking as his theme the nobility and civilizing influence of good mu sic. The. .program . .concluded. . wth the Christmas hymn 'IGood Christian Men Rejoice" sung by the choir. t The concert will be repeated in the near future In aid of the Pioneers' Home, choir leader Peter Lien announced. A silver collection was taken at last night's concert. ROSYT1I, Scotland, CP! Dedication of St. Andrew's Church in Rosyth Dockyard is believed to be the first dedication of a Royal Dockyard church sine? the reign of Charles II. FUNERAL NOTICE An emergen;, meeting of Tslmpsean Lodge No. 58 A.F. & A.M. will be held in the Masonic Temple oh Thursday January 2 at 1:45 p.m. for the purpose of conducting a funeral service for our late Worshipful Brother John James Little. A public service will be held in the First Prerbyterlan Church at 2:30 p.m. Tyee and sojourning brethren are invited to attend. W, D. Vance, Secretary. Hotel. . . arrivals Is Prince Jluucrt Mr. and Mrs. R. Nelson, Alice Arm. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver . Monday ss Princess Adelaide. 10 p.m. Tuesday ss Coquitlam, 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss Prince Rupert; 11:15 p.m. Friday ss Catala, 10 p.m. Saturday ss Camosun, 0:15 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday ss Coquitlam, p.m. Monday as Princess Adelaide. p.m. FUNERAL NOTICE -i - Died October 31 near Port Edward, John Balfour, cge 26 years. Rev. Wilson will conduct funeral services In Grenville Court Chapel at 1 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 2. Interment In Falrview. B.C. Undertakers. IN MEMORIAM The offices and store of this Company will be closed all day Thursday, January 2, 1947, in respect to the memory of our late' Vice - President and General Manager, Mi. .1. J. LITTLE . NOKTHKKN B.C. CO. LTD. P .iliiilllilllllP11 BUToonppiijii. r, l'OWLK By Chic Young DOWNSO!l.Ly CAN'T ' .T"! .) VcMv?, IGNOK'ANT ) , Lsb KNOW WHAT V WRITE JJL I X iCT THEV i was " iT treW' G!?ow(y i Hali, Hah, ISlack Sheep! vOii IIICIT HAVE 'li- FtlJW intKC- WHECES ELMcN r mm !( ELMER HAVENTVOU ANY AMBITION f DO VOU WANT TO JUST GROW UP V AND BE A . 7 DUMB DOGPrj 'HJl!l!lll!l!li'i- v' ELMER NEVER ) n WILL AMOUNT ) 9siS4; TO ANYTHING FUNERAL NOTICES A. "Lest We Forget" The funeral our our late Comrade, J. J. Little, will be held on Thursday, January ?.. 1947. Service at Presbyterian Church, 2:30 p.m. Legion members are invited to attend. Philip M. Ray, Sec.-Mgr., Canadian Legion No. 27. The funeral service for the late John Balfour, ex-R.C.O.C, will be held In Grenville Cnapel of B.C. Undertakers at 1 o'clock, Thursday' Jan. 2 1947. All ex-service men are Invited to attend. Philip M. Ray, Sec.-Mgr., Canadian Legion No. 27. SINGER Sewing machines for rent by the week or month PHONE 864 Singer Sewing Machine Co. 639 3rd Ave. West We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meals Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West And NOW H appy ODDFELLOWS', REBEKAH'S XMAS Happy Children's Party Held On Saturday Afternoon With Program, Refreshments and Santa Claus A happy time was spent by. many children and mothers at the Rebekah and Oddfellows' Christmas Tree entertainment Saturday afternoon In Oddfellows' Hall. A short and well executed program occupied the early part of the afternoon following which delicious refreshments were served from attrac- j tlve and well-laden tables. Then came the climax of the afternoonthe visit of jolly old Santa Claus which brought merriment and Joy to the little ones. Presents, candy and fruit were distributed and, as Santa departed, good wishes were expressed as well as the hope that he would be back next year. The program Included the Christmas message in song and story with the whole company taking part, vocal solo by Sylvia Cherry, duet by David Owens and Johnny Davidson, pia.no solos by Ethel Moorehouse and Marjorie Tattersal and recitations by John McLeod, Frankie Morrison, Doreen Nelson and George Dodd. In charge of the arrangement of , the program was a committee consisting of Mrs. J. W. McKlnley. Mrs. J. fi. Irvine and Mrs. Bruce Love. The general committee consisted of Mrs. George Howe, Mrs. A. McLeod, Mrs. G. S. Peterson, Mrs. Alex Barbc Mrs. H. V. Tattersal, Mrs. Frank Morrison, M. McKenzie and J. Davidson. You saw it in 'The News! COAL WOOD CRATING STORAGE HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes Car and Truck Cushions Repaired and Recovered Out-of-town orders given special care. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP rhonc Green 971 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre A New Year May wo take this opportunity to wish one and all FRIENDLIEST GREETINGS AND ALL GOOD WISHES A COMPLETE canvas noons service WE CAN MAKE Dp PAIR ALL CANVAS PRODUCTS PHONE BLUE 120 EDMONDSON Awning & Sail Works 1G0 East Third Avenue (Next to McMeekln's) Prfncc nuuerf Dally HclOtf Tuesday: December 31, 1946 ir I May llw. New Year 0 I3ring You Much Happiness and a Full. Measure of Prntnnrilr t -M- a s v i l ujf ly STORE CLOSED ALL DAY THURSDAY JANUARY 2 IP CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE -In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) rilONE 51 PHONE RED 5C1 A HEARTY GOOD WISH TO YOU ALL FOR 1947 Ormes Ltd. TZhs Pioneer Druggists Holiday Hours both Wednesday and Thursday 12 to 2 and 7 to 9 pjn. KWONG SANG HING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 012 Seventh Avenue West (next to King Tal) will be closed until further notice For outside orders phone thf. HOLLYWOOD CAFE I'M Complete Automobile Repair Service 0 Fast Ratlery Charging Specialized Lubrication Collision Repairs and Rcfinishing RUPERT MOTORS LTD. Phone 5GG Comer SccocU and Park Ave. NEW CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS ALTERATIONS GREER I BRIDDEN Builders and Contractors P.O. BOX 721 LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE Established 1910 LIMITED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND SHIPPED TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA AND VBJi. FOR QUICK, EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AND RELIABLK SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or 68