li-fl. 511 ." 'fa .4 4 Prince Utip.crt iDaUR J3cUi0 Tuesday, Api'il 9, 1916. THIS, AND THAT v& m mi i m "Junior saw how they caught a burglar that -way In the movies! UprAKDEN 'iNOTEBO Itcally Tender Vegetables" Practically any vegetable taken right out of the garden at the door will be infinitely tastier than 'those out of can or score-house, but as any experienced gardener knows there Is a vast difference between those properly grown, and the other kind. The real secret of tender vegetal bles is quick, unchecked growth. To get Uiis means planting at the proper time, not too early with tender things that frost or rold may check, and then they mii."k be harvested when Just right. Old gardeners pu;:h 'iruwtii Full-strength yeast acts, faster because it's fresh! Fleischmann's fresh active Yeast' goes right to work-makes sweeter, tastier bread . . . insures tender light texture. IF YOU HAKE AT HOME-usc PLlCrkmnn'fl il C I V . the familiar yellow label. Dependable Canada's time-tested favourite for over 70 years. MADE IN Phone Blue 850 Green & 'Builders and All Interior and Exterior Work LAST WEEK . . Slogan The Prince Rupert Public Relations Council desires to select a slogan-appropriate to this city for publicity purposes. IT MUST BE Concise Appropriate qaichy -8H term along:, quickly with plenty of cultivation, fertilizer, and water when necessary, and if possible. They also spread sowinss out over at least several- weeks so 'that-young, stuff is coming alonsr continuously. Aifother trick ihey use is to plant several different types, an early maturing sort, a medium and a late. In the seed catalogua usually will be listed the number of-days-to maturity. Thus we. can purchase, say, peas, that will be ready for the table in 50 days, some in 60 and som-3 in 70, By ualns some-of all three there will be a succession of good EXTRA LIGHT BREAD! CANADA -3 P.O. Box 1404 Corrins Painters Free Estimates and Prompt Service Contest First Prize .... $10 Second Prize .. $5 OPEN TO ALL YOU ARE INVITED TO MAKE ENTRIES Final Closing, April 15 Entries received by Daily News marked "Slogan Contest" Seasonable rr Variety" Meats Are Of Interest Fb Jj amity Give the family a treat. Serve piquant dishes prepared from "variety" meats. These- Include liver, heart kidney, tongue, sweetbreads and brains. You will find these meats not only delicious, but also economical. Each has Its own characteristic flavor and texture and each has its own method of preparation. However, "variety" meats have one thing in common their perishability. Do not store for any length of time. Brains and sweetbreads spoil very quickly so should be pre-cooked as soon as purchased. Liver Is probably the best known of all tho "variety" meats. Its distinctive flavor' can be utilized to advantage by combining with. other foods, such. as bacon, mushrooms, tomatoes, onions and other vegetables. It is not necessary to scald liver before cooking, but for grinding or chopping, scalded liver is easier to .handle. Liver is usually broiled or pan-fried. To retain its natural, delicious flavor, do not overcook. Sweetbreads and' brains' are spoken of in the same breath, since they are. preparedtin similar ways. They are pre-cooked in salted water, to which vinegar has beenadded to whiten and to, give a firm texture. They, are both exceptionally good creamed, scrambled' with . eggs or served, in a. salad. Since hearti and; tongue are less tender than the other "var- crops Instead of: a regular feast followed by a famine. Most- experienced gardeners continue making sowings, of carrots, beets, beans, lettuce and' spinach from the time the ground lis, first ready up to mid July. Garden Tools With a very small garden all the loo's needed are a,rake, .a hoe. and a.spada or digging fork. These are minimum requirements. With a little more equipment, however; much labor can be saved. Digging forks, cultivators, special, weeders and Dutch hoes, etc., will make tho work easier and more interesting. For larger gardens a small garden tractor that will cultivate, plow, etc., might be considered. A sharp hoe-or cultivator will also speed the work. It is a good plan to wipe off all dirt between operations, and a the shiny surface Is recommended. The Lawm Lawn grass only makes its best growth. In the. cool, moist weather of spring and fall, hence garden experts advise doing lawn work just as soon as possible. This means as soon as one can walk on the lawn without getting the shoes muddy. This advice applies both in starting new lawns or repairing old ones. Scldcrn is It advisable to sow a straight variety of lawn seed, and never In the case of the general family type of lawn. Seed houses put up special mixtures for this purpose, a blend of several kinds of seeds. In these mixtures are some very expensive seeds and some less expensive, blended together by those experts who know what is best for Canadian conditions. In the mixtures are some tough .grasses that will help the lawn to withstand traffic, some quick growing kinds so that one does not haw to wait weeks for the green carpet desired, and some grasses that will stay green almost in the dryest weather. Grass will thrive best in good soli and it is never advisable to sow without preparation. This means at least one thorough cultivation before the seed is sown, working up the top as fine as possible, and if necessary also working In a layer of rich, fine loam. It Is highly Important that all holes are filled in evenly. Sow on a windless day and broadcast once across and once lengthwise. Follow directions carefully as to amount of .seed to use. Grass on good soil or fed once or twice each season with a good commercial fertilizer, will outgrow most weeds. Credit Act Going Thru Legislature VICTORIA CP) The Consumer Credit Act was given its first reading In the Legislature yesterday. The act, If passed, would continue prices board control oi. credit which stlDulates that on certain commodities one-third of the price of the article must be paid when it is bought and the balance paid In ten months. Buy more- War Savings Stamps. Ideas for Housekeepers iety" meats they, require a long, slow cooking, using, moist heat. A( large beef heart will require I , nours- coomng. ana win serve ten to 12. persons, port, lamb ! and veal hearts should be cook ed 2 to 2'2 hours. AJamb heart makes- a. generous individual serving; a veal heart -will serve two and a poik heart one to two persons.. The home economists have been doing some experimental work on "variety" meats and recommend their favorites. Calves .Tongues. 4 cups water ; 2 or 3 stalks of' celery with leaves 1 on Ion i sliced 2 carrots 1 bay leaf 8 . peppercorns Hi teaspoons salti 1 tablespoon; vinegar 2 calves tongues Boil together for 3 minutes the iwater) celery, onion, carrots, bay leafi peppercorns, salti and vine- Rar. Lower temperature-to simmering and add calves tongues. Continue to simmer until ton gues .are tender, about: 1V2 hours, Remove the skin, Drain stock and; thicken with flour, which has been mixed to a smooth paste In cold water. Season with ,salt and pepper and 1 teaspoon grated, horseradish. Six servings. Liver anil Sausage Loaf 1 pound liver 1 onion, chopped I. tinimrl GnucncTo mnnf 1 cup dry bread crumbs I 2UMHflMBBBMttllEiaBllMMIHMMMiBMtiik- SUN. MON. TUES.j WED. THU. FRI. SAT. Roast Cold Cream-1 Braised Saus- Fish Minute Lamb Lamb ed Egg Short ages . Loaf Steaks on Ribs oi . Waffles Beei Group left- unrat- Group Group unrat- Croup C over ioned D D. loned B 4 3 2 lbs 1 lb 1 lb 2 cou- 6 3 5 Pns tokens tokens tokens 2 tokens left over Roast loin of lamb should prove a popular choice for ushering in another week of good eating. It calfe for a flavor partner of mint jelly or sauce, and in honour of Saint Patrick serve a green vegetable favorite. On Monday the cold meat will team pleasingly with a fluffy combine of mashed potato and' turnip and a dish of creamed celery. 'Vell suited to the meatless Tuesday fashion are crisp walfle3 topped with creamed eggs and accompanied by some colorful vegetables lo keep your family vitamin and mineral healthy. Braicgd short ribs of beef wjll provide a succulent meal for Wednesday, and sausages-are a token-penny-wiso purchase for Thursday. For Friday a jellied fish loaf centering a platter of salad greens would bring an errant of coring the table and could be proceeded by bowls of warming coup.' Minute steaks make a quickly prepared and taste-tempting meal for- Saturday. Remaining will bo two tokens to augment your, purchases for- the unexpected cucst, or to aid your lunch-time problems. We Have Seeing is Believing COMB IN Look for the Red "TODAY'S SPECIAL" Cards with the black arrow indicating one of the Bargains of the Day! MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite' Canadian Legipn) Phones 18 and 19 p.o. Box 575 We serve you nothing but the best Special lied Brand Href, Choicest fresh Vf getables and Fruits .Complete line of Groceries OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN DURING, REGULAR STORE HOURS Cholce&t Cooked Meats, Meat Pies, Roast Chickens, Fish and Chips daily. We are ready to serve you Chinese dishes Chow Meln, Chop Suey, etc., to take out. Cooked with delicate taste- and quick service. TRY OS! RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon Worcestershire--sauce '.8 teaspoon pepper 2 eggs, beaten slightly Vi cup tomato juice Cover the llver-wlth boiling water, and let standi for 2. minutes. Drain. Force, liver through food chopper with onion, Add the remaining ingredients. Form Into a loafi Bake In a moderate oven, 350 degrees F., for 1 hour. Serve with tomato sauce. Six to. eight servings. Iicaseecli Hearti 1 beef heart W 3 calves, hearts) cup, flour 3 tablespoons fat( melted I 2 onions, sliced 1 cup diced carrots 1. cup, canned tomatoes or tomato Juice 1 cup hot water 1 teaspoon salt Wash and clean hearts. Cut Into -inch. cubes. If beef heart is used,, slice and simmer for 30 minutes before cubing. Roll cubes in flour and brown in hot fat. Place in heavy saucepan or Dutch oven. Add onion slices, carrots, tomatoes, hot water and salt. Cover tightly and simmer fpr 3 to' 3V2 hours. More water may have to be added from time to time during the cooking period. Thicken gravy with flour mixed with cold water. Six serv-! ings. I H. G. Wells attributed the decline and fall of the Roman Empire to the lack of newspapers since thfre was no method of exchanging information between Rome and outlying regions. Done IT West Next Royal Hotel MRS. WIS DIOCESE HEAD Central Body of Catholic-Women' League, forv Vicariate Is, Formed Mrs. J. J. amis, past president of the Prince Rupert Catholic Women's League, was elected president of the Diocesan Council, a co-ordinating body for all the branches of the C.W.L. in the Prince, Rupert diocese, at an organizational meeting held in the bi.hop'.r house Monday afternoon. The Diocesan Council was established yesterday to act as a co-ordinating body for the ac-tiyltles of the C.W.L. in this diocese, and was organized under the direction of Miss Ann Mc-Masters, national C.W.L. president Nationally the organization has. a membership of more than 50,00(1, The complete slate qf officers elected yesterday follows: Diocesan President Mrs. J. J. bints. First VJce-Prr.siden: Mrs, II J. Luclsate, Smlthers. Second Vice-President Mrs. Joseph Spltzell, Terrace. Third Vice-President -Mrs, W. Lahtl. Secretary Miss Nora English, Treasurer Mrs. J. Yelloway. IN THE SUPREME CollUT OP 11IUTI3H COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP JUSTUS HERMAN HELIN. otherwise known an HERMAN HELIN, DECEASED INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor. Judge Fisher, made ou tlw 3rd day ol April. AD. 1048. I was ajijK.liited Administrator oi the Eslute of Justus Herman Helln, otherwise known ur, Herman Helln. de-censed, and all parties liavlivK claims against the sukl estate are hereby required to lurnlsh same. irorly verified, to tnn on or before tltc 15th day oX May, A.R. 1940. and all parties Indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. H C, this 3rd day of April. AD. ma. Aetlntt Olllclal Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C. 93 "ClOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" MIIK'U OI' APPLICATION IIIIC CONMAT TO 1UANMIIC or iiu it i icKM i; NOTICE 13 HEREBY- tllVEN that on the 10th day of May, A D. 1IM-J. the undersigned Intends to apply to the Lliunr Control Ilourd for consent lo transfer of Beer Licence No. 7US9, Issued. In respect of premises being part of a building known as Knox Hotel, situate at First Avenue In the Ultjr; of Prince Rupert. Province of British Columbia, upon the lands described as Lots numbered Thirteen (13) and Fourteen (14) of Block Two (2 of Section One (1) Prince Rupert 1-iinrt Registration District In the Province of British Columbia, from EEAUDOIN HOTEL CO. LTD. to KNOX HOTEL CO. LTD.; of Prince iluwjrt. British Columbia, the Transferee. DATED' at Vancouver. DC. this 2(3 th. day of March. AD. 1940. KNOX HOTEL COMPANY LTD.. By J C. LABELLE; President, Applicant and Transferee. 101 LAND REGISTRY ACT Re: Certificate of Title No. 190711 to Lots 2! and 30. Block 5. District, lot 30U, Village of Terrace. Map 073. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of 'oss of the above Certificate of Title '-wuedn the name of Henry-Stewart Crrelman hns hen filed lu this office, notice Is hereby given that I .hall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof. Issue a provisional Certificate of Title, In lieu of said lost certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me In writing. dated at the uind itexisiry ur- flce. Prince Rupert, B.C., this 4th day. of March. 1U46. A D, Anoxew inompson. ' Deputy Registrary of Titles. IN THE hUPHEMf COURT OP ERITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP FREDERIC LANZAi OTHERWISE KNOWN A3 FREDERICO LANZAi DECEASED. NOTIC i; TO Kl IUTOItS M OHM KS TAKE NOTICE that letters nrobate of the last will of Frederic Lanza, otlft'rwlsc known as Frederlco Lanza, deceased, formerly of Prince Rupert, tsruisn i;oiumma. who died at prince ituperi. urmsn (Columbia, on or about the 15th day of December, 1945, were Issued to Oulseppe Basso-Bert, sole executor, of Prince Rupert. British Columbia, out of the Prince Rupert District Registry of the Supreme. Court of British Columbia, on the 15th, day of March. 1940. All persons Indebted to the said estate are required to pay: the amount of their Indebtedness to the solid' tors of Oulseppe Basso-Bert forthwith; and pursuant to. Section SIQ of the Trustee Act. all persons having claims against the said estate are required to file the nnme -properly authenticated with the soil- citors oi uulseppe Basso-Bert on or before the 15th day of May, 1910. after which time distribution of the said estate will be. made, havlnjr regard only to claims which have been so filed. DATED, at Prince Rupert, DO., this 22nd day of March. 1B40. BROWN AND, HARVEY, Besner, Block. Prince Rupert, B.C., Solicitors for aulneppe Basso-Bert, Executor, IN THE 8UPRF.MP COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP HENRY, SHARP MISNER, DECEASED - INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order of Ills Honor, Judge W. E. Fisher, Iical Judge of the Supreme. Court of British Columbia. I was on the 2nd day Of Anrll lQirt 'nnAl.l.J lrfmln.. ilur Estate of Henry Sbnwt ."..' wt uicu on or aooui mi? 14tn . (lQV,. rif .Tammm ItiAO All j w ""iiviui j , jtF-iu. nil in - sons Indebted to the said Estate are """'""d to pay the amount of their ...uiuvciuHTiw vo mo, lounwtin ana all nersnna havtnw uw. .,nnin. ....... h" BnW1 J'018 required to rile tu me properly varniea on orteforethe 15th day of May. 1940, made having regard only, to such .... j" "ivo i snau nave urrn notified. DATED a Prince Rupert. n.C. this 2nd, day of April. A.D. i4fl. OORDON P. FORBES, Acting official Administrator, Prlnc& trunert. n o. 92 SALAD YOU SAVE WITH SAFETY vnrm nrvi i ni UUft'ACi fL.L H J URE Aru.'rv I'l'jln or Coiiipiiiinil, W- "IX. t.oo AHAi Rev TahleU. 21V .18 AK,V Rex Tnbietm. Ioo'm . ..VI Riuuv l.e. J , ox. .7.1 Itenull llrunWil:il Syrup. (I itr., ..Ml Kevull (;liet Kiib. :t M . Jsjiien. I'rriua lnllim. 2 ox. .:i.i li.Mien IVrrimi Uillrtii. (i, njt, 1 .(10 IVnlti Sullue, IjisIMi type, 1 .3!) Itexull ll)MilinsphlleH Ciini- pmi mU Hi I.'MI IJiuiseillc, I ni, M Utilise pile. IB nz, Ketiill: Milk, of Maxnesl.i, Sit. tat. ..Ml llevyll Milk of Majnckla Tnlilels Phillips Milk of Mj;net,la lul.leM tiu: itnxAi.u stoke Ormes Ltd, "3fm Pioneer Drxiqgists REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT IlOlJ Chop Suey Chow Mcin Chinese Dislies our speclaltv. Open 0 a.m. to 2 a.m. 1'iioNi: i t:j Parker 1 IT WRITES DRY WITH WET INK " IT STARTS IN A SPLIT SECOND IT'S THE PEN EVERYONE HAS BEEN WAITING FOR 3. MM MM Pm til S0 sni S1B.0O JOHN BULGER LTD. .T V, VJ V. T, R R S rrillllit llinvilK lnnnclle I'OSt Offif'l RBBBMai A. MacKenzle Furniture LIMITUI) "A QOOn PLACE TO BUY" I rni 111M1 piito iv'wii" nmfnr(.nh1ft and COllV I m MM COME I AND TRY I Truly the ootl amaiing pen jctl ever dreamed of.. I leehowitwrirai?! with wei ink -k blotter needed - ! inky fingersl Try l jpllt-secoDu iin"t We have now i co pletestcxk of these ntf ve oui Parker 31 rl.LU in reus ... '-Canada for tht W time. .... an ... .... .r ... -11 fn ta nw1 juris (illicitly iur fasy sujiui;c, wini jjj; . - - - ...... i..,l.nni1 ( ril.i. .. ... 1 .,khir t res. ana apron, special MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION flii Kn rnru.orrln.l r Ci n for VDlir COnVeflle" , ... ... ,,f Third Af"1" rnone m : " PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre BUlg.) Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free GEO. J. DAWES The Auctioneer PHONE RED, 127 Ask for George Ueall npti,,,, , u Agarul. U 'layer Aspirin. 2m Vi'V A.s'!rlu- ""' DIM) r. ..." IW l Null,. (,,!,, J i,ir, .fllUUir, Abwirl.lne Juulur, .Murine, i . jt .iri'M .in. I,-... .. I'rescriplion SpffhrJ CENTRAL KOI! Weekly and MontW convent For your NEWLY DECORATE Transient Cafe, In Connect-on , 1 ... Henui"- - ..ofcfll PHONE