INCH PASSES REEMENT ON I FRANCHISE i ' of a franchise for . ration of buses in Black and White . ..m Co. came a step ru ht when city ... )i-v d the signing of r. wuh the company rules of operation, i-.i to the ap-! :? property holders in nt. based on the " ' ill company's tcn- r t- 3 city council two b submitted to ...t Public Utilities 1 .j bi I ire ii is given its 1 r. - a by-law by ' tt will be of five years' ..a. f : -it reading, the V i.l br presented to 1 vi ")crt.v holders by ' .i approval or re- tv." the transporta-' . rated by Nell nurK Pustak and - nr xcluslve right i? nhin the city, tak- now served by i. mi ' . which have no 1 " or the agrce- iii aiiy will give the ' tit of its gross i nv nUlly basis. 1 any will post a : $1500, ' adults eleven J) -cdui .i will be based on .am v.rvice. with modioli' ,lack times -inrt ; c ;nipany proposes two ; utc to those now to Hays Cove a: 3 Seventh and Fifth r';-3 another, to serve vl!w district, nan T N Youngs, who ' ' ' ntlng vote on -tlby ' the city and pre-10 Public Utilities !' v c'mDany can afford to r Cent (if lie irr i yc mat, 'O E", l .. .ar-: Mm .ti ii. Wei1 tO collet. 1 J I iat We arp Inmnl r CTS TRAFFIC IN DRESDEN RUINS- -An attractive Ger ard to handle the city's traffic. Dresden is in the r-w,v bomb-blasted city of Dresden. Duo to the acute ;; shortage, the fraulelns, most of them beautiful, have itcd to handle the city's traffic. Dresden is in tht r:ne .nd this is one of the first photos to come out of jmiies The baby pulled brother's hair until he yelled from the pain of it. The mother soothed the weep ing boy i "Of course, she doesn't know how badly it hurts." Then she left the room. She hurried back presently on hearing frantic squalling from the baby. "What In the world Is the matter with her?" she questioned anxiously. "Nothing at all." brother replied contentedly. "Only now she knows!"' SNOW SLOWS BUSH WORK Olof Ham uli Says He His Never Seen It So Deep of Smithers, who is a business' visitor in the city. "There is between two andl three feet of snow lying in the . . . . i I I. I Is An- de I valley at Smithers and It laying logging and farming operations." he said. "If a sudden thaw qomcs I am afraid we might get a big flocd." Snow has been responsible for the considerable decrease in the pole and piling cut in the interior area last month, he added. Mr. Hanson arrived in the city on Saturda-y night's train from Terrace-' where he attended a meeting of the Terrace Board of Trade.' He will be here on business for a few days. into something here that is not in the Interests of the people who pay the bus fares." The agreement was aopspved with the addition of a clause which required the construction of a minimum of at least four shelters at bus stops. Buy War Savings Stamps BADMINTON PLAYERS I have 6 sets of Nylon Gut for badminton racquets at S3 per set? Phone 427. A. B. Hodges. (83) BASKETBALL ,ly Intermediate Championship N'9h School Vs. Savoy fnv Preliminary Games UMG,IT, 7 p.m. Civic Centre JmissionAdults 25f Students 10c- Commerce Chamber Has Opened Office New quarters for the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commercs have been opened in the Stone Block on Third Avenue with E. T. Applewhaite in charge. Mr. Applewhalte has resumed his duties as acting secretary of the Chamber following the resignation, through pressure of his private business duties, of George L. Rorle. CO-OPWdULD HELP BUILD ACCESS ROAD . Seeking to obtain a road to the new Westview fishermen's floats I land the site of their new cold I storage and fish handling plant, .Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co- Oneratlvp AssnMaMnn Vine nffor- ed to co-operate with the city to get the Job done by the end of the year. A letter before council last night from T. II. Sorcnson, Cooperative manager and secre tary, pleaded the urgency of getting road access to the site at Casey Point at which the floats are being built, and where he Fishermen's Co-operative has spent, thousands of dollars on installations. Council passed a motion to inform the Co-operative that the city engineer is already under Instructions .o seek the most Fuitable location for the road-and that this would be. done as soon as a surveyor h available. Alderman Hills, speaking to the motion, impressed council with the need to get the road built so that the new floats and plant could be of full benefit to the fishermen. "I know that we are thinking of making concessions to out side industries," he said. "I believe that we should also look after those we have." Alderman Rudderham told council 'that he did not think that the Co-operative should have to as'lst In building the road, that It was In the interests of the whole city that it should be constructed. MICKEY OWEN QUITS MEXICO MEXICO CITY W) Mickey Owen, Brooklyn catcher, has suddenly abandoned plans to begin his career with the Mexi can League. Alfonso Pasquel of the Mexican circuit said that he understood Owen had been unable to arrange air transportation yesterday from the United States to Nucvo Laredo. Meantime Owen left San Antonio, Texas, by automobile yesterday after a telephone conversation with Branch Rickey of the Brooklyn Dodgers. Owen de- Never in the 39 years that he cllned to say whether he would has been in Central B. C. has sign a new contract with the the snow lain so deep so late in ! Dodgers but it was thought he the spring, says Olof Hanson, j ' would, head of the Hanson Lumber Co. GYMNASIUM SCHEDULE AT CIVIC CENTRE Moncay 2:00-4:00 Open to servicemen. 4:30-5:30 Junior girls. 5:30-6:30 Basketball. 7:00-8:30 Intermediate boys. 8:30-9:30 Senior men. 9:30-10:00 Men's volleyball. Tuesday 2:00-4:00 Open to servicemen. 4:30-5:30 Junlqr boys. 5:30-6:30 Basketball. 7 : 00-8 : 30 Basketball. 8:30-9:30 Basketball. 9:30-10:00 Basketball. Wednesday 2:00-4:00 Jl.C.A.F. sports. 5:30-6:30 Basketball. 7:00-8:30 Event night. 8:30-9:30 Event night. 9:30-10:00 Event night. Thursday 2:00-4:00 Army sports. 4:30-6:30 Junior girls. 5:30-6:30 Basketball. 7:00-8:30 Intermediate boys. 8:30-9:30 Senior men. 9:30-10:00 Men's.volleyball. Saturday 11:00-12:00 Juvenile classes. 2:00-4:00 Basketball. 4:30-5:30 Basketball. 5:30-6:30 Basketball. 7:00-8:30 Basketball. 8:30-9:30 Basketball. 9:30 10:00 Basketball. AUDITORIUM SCHEDULE Monday 7:00-8:30 Intermediate 8:30-9:30 Ladies class. Thursday 7:00-8:30 Intermediate 8:30-9:30 Ladles class. frls. girls. Newspaper advertising u "by far the most direct and economical" road to the people's minds; says S. A. Boyer, assistant to the president of the Ne.'.v York, New Haven and Hartford Railway. Today VANCOUVER IS WINNER Takes Series From Hollywood Wolves and Will Now Meet Boston Olympics VANCOUVER m Paul Thomp son's Vancouver Canucks won the Pacific Coast Hockey League championship last night and the right to meet Boston Olympics for the United States senior hockey championship by down ing Hollywood Wolves three to one. here. The Canucks took the best of seven series four games to one. The series with Boston will commence here Friday night. sfiStlPORT the lengthening evenings attract the people outside rather than Inside. Intermediate and Junior League activities, which except for the Prince Rupert-Ketchikan series have kept the game alive during the past winter, are coming to a close. A highlight culminating event, of course, will be the Ocean Falls-Prince Rupert boys' and girls' scries being arranged for Easter Week in Prince Rupert when a cup, now held by the local boys, will be at stake. One of the great outfielders of the past decade, Joe Med- wick, has been given his unconditional release by the St, Louts Browns. Medwick .recently was let so by the Boston Braves and was receiving a trial by .the Brownies. He was a star on the St. Louis Cardinal team for years, was traded to the Brooklyn Dodgers and then continued on to the New York Giants and finally, the Braves. Group Captain Douglas Bader. legless hero of the Battle of Britain, will be among the starters in the British amateur golf championships late this month. He has a handicap of four, which is the-limit of the tournament. Canadian amateur boxers have until midnight, May 4, to file entries for the 1946 Canadian boxing championships. An offi cial of the Amateur- Athletic Union of Canada, Dennis White, says entries will be received until that date. The championshlns nrs being held In Montreal for three days starting May 6. Com-netitlon will be held in all divisions from flyweight to heavy weight. Train Schedule For the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 p.m. Fiom the East Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 p.m. Classified Advertising pays. Advertise in the Dally News in Sports Herman Keiser Is Winner at Augusta AUGUSTA, Georgia ff Her man Kelser's victory Sunday In the Augusta, Georgia, Masters Golf Tournament, marked thei first time the comparatively unknown Akron, Ohio, pro had ever won a major tournament. Even then, It was Just by the narrowest margin one stroke. Veteran Ben Hogan, the pre-tournament favorite, finished second Iwlth a 283 total. CALGARY WINS OVER SMOKIES Deadlock in Western Canada Allan Cup Semi-Finals Broken Last Night CALGARY O, The Calgary Stampcders last night came roaring back to the form which Curtain is drawing down on led them to the championship the basketball season in Prince of the Western Canada Senior I Hockey Leacue and went one un best of seven Western Canada senior hockey finals by downing the Trail Smoke Eaters seven to three here. The teams had played two draws one all and four all In the first two games. The fourth game will be played at Edmonton Wednesday night. The winners of this series will meet Hamilton Tigers In the', Allan Cup finals. Hamilton won the eastern final last night by defeating Montreal Royals two to one at Hamilton, scoring three straight victories. It was one of the greatest upsets in Allan Cup playdown history as Hamilton won the eastern final from the highly-regarded Royals. The victory qualified the Tigers for the Allan Cup final against either the1 Calgary Stampeders or Trail Smoke Eaters. The Tigers win ning goal was scored with less than five minutes to go. The first game of the Allan Cup final will be played in Re-gina on April 18. The dates and venues of "the subsequent games of the best-of-seven series to decide the Canadian senior amateur hockey championship will be decided after completion of the western Canada final. Baseball Scores PACIFIC COAST Saturday Portland 1, Oakland 2. San Francisco 5, San Diego 2. Seattle 5, Los Angeles 4. Hollywood 9, Sacramento 8. Sunday Seattle 4-1, Los Angeles 5-2. San Francisco 3-4, San Diego 1-2. Hollywood 3-3, Sacramento 4-2. Portland 2-2, Oakland 1-4. NOTICE OP CANCELLATION OF RESEKVE NOTICE U hereby given that the j Reserve established under authority i of Order-ln-Councll No. 1653. ap-! proved December 9th. 1043. notice cf which was published In tlve British Columbia Gazette ot December 16th, i 1943. is cancelled In so Tar as It re- lates to the Entt half of the Northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of It 373. Range 5, Coast District, containing 0 acres. H. CATHCART. Deputy ADnlstcr of Lands. Department of Lands and Forests, Victoria. B.C.. March 15, 1948. Arrow Bus Lines Now that Vanarsdol Street, connecting Graham Avenue and Atlln at the end of Section 2, has been put In usable shape, the ARROW BUS LINES will schedule trips to the end of Section 2 and return, commencing- Wednesday, April 10 School run will leave Post Office at 8:L0 a.m. Morning run will leave Post Office at 10:45 a.m. Afternoon run will leave Post Office at 3 p.m. Further trips will be scheduled as justified. All Section 2 trips will proceed from Post Office west along 3rd Ave. to 2nd Ave., thence out Graham to "Vanarsdol and return via Atlln to 2nd Ave., to 3rd Ave., to Post Office. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS LARGE OR SfjlALL PLANNING AND DESIGNING ESTIMATES NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION Stone Block LIMITED P.O. Box 1381 Phone 503 Evenings: Green 103 n n Radio Dial CC I I i 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) TUESDAY P.M. 4:00 Your Music 4:30 Stock Quotations 4:43 Weather Forecast 4:45 Top Bands 5:00 Marek Weber 5:30 The Looseleaf I 6 :CO Supper Serenade 6:15 Dinah snore 6:30 Marimba Melodies 6:45 This and That 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Leicester Square to Old Broadway 8:00 Citizen's Forum 8:30 Winnipeg Strings 9:00 Books for the Times 9:15 Swing Low 9:30 Muslcana 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 Ann Watt 10:30 Pacific Pianoforte 11:00 Opera Time 11:55 CBC News and Interlude 12:00 Silent WEDNESDAY A.M, 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CEC News 8:15 Warlng's Pennsylvanians 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Art Van Damme Quartet 9:45 songs in Sweet style on Trail smoKe Eaters in thei;x:;c S . 4. i 10:15 Songs of Today 10:30 Roundup Time BOX 13GG Oil Burners Installed prince Utipctt Daily J3eUijs Tuesday, April 9, 1916 10:45 Women's Forum 11:00 Hits in Review 11:15 Thoughts for Today 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Piano Moods P.M. 12:00 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:25 Program' Resume 12:30 CBC News 12:45 Matinee Memories 1:00 Hit Review 1:15 Interlude 1:10 Women in Office 1:30 Modern Musicians 1:45 Music Styled for Strings 2:00 B.C. School Broadcast 2:30 The Robinson Family 2:45 Downbeat 3:00 Messers Islanders 3:15 Homemaker's Program . 3:30 Serenade 3:45 BBC News and Commentary BRIDLINGTON, Yorkshire, England 0) William Foster, 92-ycar-old' founder and proprietor of the Bridlington Chronicle, died while reading printers' proofs. The late Thomas Foster, former mayor of Toronto, left $1,000 to help establish newspaper carrier boys in business, as an indication of his appreciation of their worth. East to West OGDEN'S Rolls Best PHONE 108 Serviced & Cleaned PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS ESTIMATES Night Calls: Blue 170 Green 787 Black 861 CORNER SECOND AVE. and SEVENTH ST. WEST I (noiL with OGDEN'S j ! delightful to smo' HONOR ROLL Your Assistance Invited The Dally News Is completing a Roll of Honor which It is hoped may contain the name of every man and woman of this city to serve with the armed forces at sea, or. land and in the air. To make this list complete, it is essential to obtain the co-operation of the public as a whole In submitting the names. It Is impossible for the Daily News or any one i person to compile the list complete so we arc asking YOU tc ine responsible for the submission of the name of YOUR boy, YOUR girl or YOUR friend. would like you to information we the , The following is fill in and send to-r ROLL OF HONOR EDITOR Dally News, Prince Rupert Name Service (Army. Navy. Air Force) Rank " ' Next of Kin Relation r r Address Date of Enlistment ; Date of Discharge . If Casualty. Nature and Date . Remember, If YOU do, not submit a certain person'i came, no one else may. You are responsible. This Is Our Business 'fake advantage of our many years of auto and general machine repair experience. The Terrace Machine Shop and Garage is under the management of Bill Osborne and has secured the services of J. Campbell, who has had many years of experience in car and truck work. CONSULT .US Terrace Machine Shop AND GARAGE Terrace TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (H. SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERRACE LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Furniture Repaired Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes Expert saw filing and gumming. Small band-saws brazed. Planer and jointer knives ground. tQ --tt - cr' Phone Green 971 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON MOTT ELECTRIC (Prince Rupert) LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial - Industrial , Marine Electricians Home Wiring and I Repairs Phone Black 307 236 Second Avenue West Storage and Furniture Crating HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 844 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert I m la MIT K"1 t