" p .... It. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRIT13H cdtUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER RED TOf wdo fl A fl Pknno TAXI TAX! -..cpBR $4 - C McINTYRE 537 from urmo; DAY and NIGHT SERVICE (across ... .wn NIGHT SERVICE Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port Bill and Ken.Nesbitt VOL. XXXV, No. 84. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS usso IJ. Situation St 'l ill l eeping Enigmati c reat Britain Urastica v Luttina E MURDER 6 HEARD ;ipeo f Conflicting of who picked up the .A le ifn rn rrlvATi VlclV. clllIIUUUU lit- me rwiiigia nuuic, sura A I dm nu V 1 1 m m m TT III At Parley Ask I'or Scats at . f l lliVlt 1 11 V ir .rMll II MHNa Biibin have asked that Four foreign ministers :heduled for Paris April .' that both nations have okay" to his proposal meeting France, how- proposed the Big Four -". lUOh 1 1 V 111 (111 to avoid postponement of ace conference set for r. niK thnn linn 1 rrn wer Byrnes declined to iivaer me peace confer- '"i open on schedule. F HFin IIP ICELAND P-l nmiK. I rf nmn i . i ... . AWA n. ci tj..i - w UIJUIIUIUII ?re expected in Ottaw.i ' the week-end hnvo hpn a Authorities at Rock-Air station report that jnes arrived at Goose Bay, for torinv of to. t,of mi,v, -ucill W Stop over in Ireland of bad weather. Sound Allien i firm nrn ;M n Burma and Europe, urnlng home in spvnrn 1 spaced at Intervnis t.wn rrn i - -a,-8 aparti The flight .uuui 1CIL ITPRWIrlt. un rnaay, HE WEATHFR "uwrt f'in ti. showers, becoming B thc southern portion in , Mternoon. r Minimum bcZ, 3' Winds in th "'uutl"M: wcsi- becom " L wMmprn por- nj ii uv"cast in the IUt I.. lUllli 1 thn Mth". v "Ul"iern por- !.. -TiMUUll. V IY1 'J s uthern portion, in- IIP .- uuuLiifii.x iir v C ir.,n the eve- wind i '. i lnnnopntn 'i "ic late after- I Denaiuires - increas no services qet Presented Today sents Hopeful Picture Budget Presented I by Hugh Dalton j Presents More I Hopeful Picture LONDON (CP) M. I ! Hon. Hugh Dalton, Chan-1 Aich caused the death (cejior 0f the Exchequer,; 7 h. h n presenting the budget to United ! cments to a coroner's k i ii g (1 o m expenditures ! irre last night. Mrs. (during the coming fiscal year; who Is charged with would be reduced by thirty-one ' :ld that her husband percent. They will be 3,837,000,- j the knife and tried to COO which Is 1,728,000,000 less than a year ago. Mr. Dalton expects to be not far short ofi balancing the budget this year 1 but he added that his estimates j were based on obtaining the $3,750,000,000 loan from the irU Ctnne rrl If It cVinulH I not be forthcoming, there will have to be some drastic cuts, especially In Imports. However, prospects for the year were "less dismal" than might have been expected. The budget nrovldes for in creased education, milk supply! ior children, old-ige .penslout. family allowances ana socmi services. WAR BUILDINGS MUST CONFORM TO CITY BYLAWS People who purchase tempor ary wartime buildings from the government should be Impressed with the fact that the buildings have inorc salvage value than structural value, city council fppls. The aldermen want it knewn that In order to be used in the city limits, they must be brought up to a standard con-fonnln? to the city's building, plumbing and other by-laws. "I have been contacted recently by a number of people wondering If the city would not waive the building by-laws so that such temporary buildings which they bought could be used 'as Is.'" Alderman Arnold told council. City Engineer Phillips added that he had received a number of similar requests. "The nurchascrs 0f such build ings should be advised that the i bultdlngs are sub-standard ami of salvage value only. I am not In favor of waiving any of outbuilding by-laws," Mr. Phillips declared. Warned Of Jap Attack Churchill Told United Stales Of His Fears of Conflict WASHINGTON 0) - Winston rinirrhlll nressed the late- Presi dent Franklin Roosevelt as early ns February, 1941, to "instal In Japan anxiety" that the move toward Singapore would mean war with the United States. This was disclosed today as the Con gressional committee investigating Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1041, was given new documents gathered from State Department and White House flics. One document was a message from Churchill dated February 15, 1941, expressing concern tha. "the Japancso mean to make war on us or do something that would compel vl& to make war on them during the next few weeks or months." C Bulletins STMX JKW-BAITING 1 ! NUHlNBMtG Justice Itob-ert JackMin, chief United Stales prosecutor, charged be-fvrr i the international military tribunal Inlay that the defence is attempting to "disseminate I anli-semitic propaganda" through the war crimes trial and had committed a "flagrant rase of contempt of court." KM) GKNKUAI, MISSING CHUNGKING Communist headquarters reported today that an American Army transport plane carrying General Veil Ting, former commander of the Communist new Fourth Army, and cycr parly leaders lo Yrhan is missing. The plane left Chungking Monday for Vrnan, Communist headquarters. KSI'IONAGK COMMITTALS OTTAWA Magistrate Glen Strike today committed for trial on charge of conspiracy and violation of the Official Secrets Act IHward Mazerail and Mary Wischer. They were freed on bail of,S'j00 and $1500 respectively. SOI.MLKS WALK OFF SOUTHAMPTON, England Four hundred, British soldiers walked off the troop transport Corfu in Southampton and stayed behind on the dock as the liner sailed for the Orient. The walk-off was due lo crowded and unsanitary conditions cut the boat. I'or three hours before the ship mailed officers urged the soldiers to reconsider. CAl'T. AIKMAN DIES VANCOUVER Capt. Edmund Aikman, CO, one of Canada's best known shipping executives and former assistant chairman of Canadian Pacific Ocean Steamships' died today in hospital. GLNEKAL AltUESTEI) TEIIIIAN An Iranian general, Hassan Arfa, termed by observers to have been "unsympathetic toward Russia," was arrested today on charges of subversive activity against the government. Former Iran-Ian chief of staff, he was replaced after Prime Minister Ahmed Qavam took office. ".MUSK-OX" AT Git EAT BEAR EDMONTON Expedition' Musk-ox is today crossing Great Hear Lake. An exceptionally early spring break-up is complicating the dispatch of the expedition which was due at Edmonton May 4 but it not expected now tw reaeb here by that time. MONTREAL SHOOTING MONTREAL One man lies in hospital in Montreal and another is bring detained in police department cells following a shooting when the pair resisted arrest Monday night. The hospitalised man is 22-year-old Lucicn Belanger, in critical condition with ft bullet wound in the stomach. His brother, 21-year-old Leon Belanger, was grazed on the rlgliC side of his chest. GERMANS DEMONSTRATE STUTGART, Germany Three hundred Germans have paraded through the streets of Slulgart in protest against the seizure of tlielr homes to house families of American soldiers. The demonstration ended when an American officer received a delegation of house owners. He warned that no further demonstrations will be permitted. JAP PREMIER'S RESIGNATION IS DEMANDED TOKYO W With Japan's na-j tionul election two days o, a 11-man committee of "demo- : cratlc peoples front" appeared . , . ' i r n I fi.un yesimiay ueiuie rrciiutr quiuc-hara with the demand that his cabinet resign immediately. ' The committee, claiming to represent 70,000 ncople, called n fhidehara ns a follow-up to Sunday's explosive demonstra tion In which at least 10.000 communist - led demonstrators swarmed into the premier's courtyard, broke windows and injured eight Japanese policemen. Emperor Hirohlto called on Japan's 30.000.000 voters to "take part in the election with enthusiasm and conviction by voting for candidates of their fres choice, and contribute thereby to the establishment of a democratic diet." i No Trace of Lost Fisherman ; A three-day search In the wat-' crs of Hecate Strait off Pacofl i failed tojeyeal any sign, of thc. body of William Bell, a Vancouver negro, lost off the fishln; boat Old Sport on March 31, the provincial police here were ad vised Monday afternoon. Circumstances surrounding the disappearance of Bell, who fell, overboard, were not given. The search was made by Constable F. J. Walker of the Queen Charlotte City detachment. U.S. STRIKE SCENE TODAY Detroit Transit Walk-out Ends but Another Starts At Cincinnati WASHINGTON Here is a 'orief sketch of the American labor scene today. The Detroit transit strike, affecting almost one million riders, has been brought to An ena"-Also a new power strike started In Cincinnati has faded. The walkout affected one million gas and electric consumers In the Cincinnati area. The 1400 A, F. of L. electrical workers were demanding an Increase of 20 cents an hour. The company's best offer was 15 cents. There was settlement at 17 cents. The soft coal strike continues Into Its second week. A strike of 82 C.I.O. drivers and mechanics has paralyzed public transportation in Saginaw, Michigan, a city of 90,000 persons. Seymour Narrows Is Being Closed Marking abandonment of the attempt to remove Ripple Itock from Seymour Nauows, a notice to mariners on this coast Issued by the Department of Transport announces that the channel through the Narrows is beln? closed from 8 a.m. to noon on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week while the removal of overhead cables Is being carried out. TWO ARE KILLED BY MONOXIDE FRANKVILLE. Ont. 0) The bodies of Mrs. Clement Morrison and her cousin, Clarence Morrison, were discovered In an automobile on a sldcroad near this village northeast of Brock-vllle today. Death was attrlb- : uted to carbon monoxide pois oning. "Franklin D. Roosevelt Park" To Bo iVeiv Name For Acropolis Hill NAME OF LATE PRESIDENT OF UNITED STATES MEMORIALIZED NOW "ROOSEVELT PARK" This is a picture of the United States Army cantonment on the commanding hilltop overlooking Prince Rupert, the name of which the city council has decided shall be changed from Acropolis Hill to "Franklin D. Roosevelt Park." The hill has been unofficially known as Acropolis since the Inception of the city. The ceremony of renaming will take place on the occasion of the first anniversary next Monday of the death of President Roosevelt. The hill has as Its central features a large sports ground, which has. long been the venue of Prince Rupert's outdoor sports, a large gymnasium, which the city expects to acquire from the United States goernment, and the Exhibition Building-. The mam city reservoir Is also situated on the hill. r WAR ASSETS AGREEMENT Canada to Gel $59,100,000 Worth of Goods for $12,000,000 OTTAWA M Prime Minister Mackenzie King has announced an agreement with the United States for the disposal of surplus war assets. Under the new agreement, Canada will pay $12,000,000 in United States fun$s for American equipment or iginally valued at $59,000,000. The equipment involved in the agreement includes some con nccted with the Alaska High way and some connected with the Northwest Staging Route It also Includes some naval and air equipment which went to the United Kingdom from the United States on lend-lease and which remained In Canada on its return. Province Would Retain Gas Tax VICTORIA 0) A bill was Introduced In the Legislature last night by Premier John Hart providing that the present threa cents per gallon fedetal gasollna tax will be retained by the pro vincial government If the Dominions abandons It. C.P.R. SLIDES ARE CLEARED CALGARY 0) Traffic moved freely today on the C.P.R. transcontinental line after a succession of rock slides had blocked the tracks near Field for almost 40 hours. Workmen removed 2,000 tons of rocks to allow 10 passenger trains, with between. 1,500 and 2,000 travellers aboard, and at least six freight trains to proceed. Wave Death Toll Is Now At 115 HONOLULU 0i The Hawaiian Islands' tidal wave death toll had climbed to 115 as the sea yielded six more bodies. More than 50 persons arc stijl missing as a result of last Manday's disaster. VANCOUVER GRAIN VANCOUVER Vancouver has handled six times the grain this winter that the port did last year. Since November 12,000 cars have come this way compared with 2000 in 1914-45. Wartime Home r or City Landmark Renamed in Honor of "Friend of Canada" Prince Rupert's Acropolis Hill wartime home of thousands of American soldiers is to be renamed "Frankln D. Roosevelt Park" in honor of the late American President and commander-in-chief who died on April 12, 1945. The familiar landmark will officially receive its new name on the first anniversary LIFTING OF EMBARGO ON dLOGS SOUGHT United States Threatens to Cut Off Steel to Canada Unless This Is Bone VANCOUVER 0; Unofficial reports in Vancouver say the American government is trying to have the Canadian government lift its embargo on log exports. These reports say the American State department has threatened to cut off vital steel exports -to Canada unless the Dominion lifts the embargo. Under the present system, Canada keeps thirty-five per cent of her lumber supply for the domestic market. If the embargo should be lifted It would mean American companies could ship entire blocks of lumber out of Canada from crown timber land leased to them. VIMY BATTLE 29 YEARS AGO Veterans of World War I recall that today is the anniversary of a glorious and costly moment in Canadian history the opening of the Battle, of Vimy Ridge on April 9, 1917. Twenty-nine years ago today the Canadians stpj-med the shell-torn horizon in a courageous attack which cost hundreds 0f Hvcs but which many observers believe was a strong factor In paving the way for eventual victory. PROROGATION ON THURSDAY VICTORIA 'Premier John Hart stated last night that he hopes the session of the Legislature will prorogue by Thursday afternoon, T American iroons. of mat event next weeic. City Council last night approved the changing of the name when it adopted a resolution presented by Alderman George Hills which stated that, "since the presence of American troops in this area helped to cement the existing, friendly lnternatlon relations and since the late Franklin D. Roosevelt was one of Canada's greatest iriends, the area known as Ac ropolis Hill officially be named 'Franklin D. Roosevelt ark" in tribute to him. Alderman Hills motion was prepared by Ralph Browne of Prince Rupert, who formerly served here with the U.S. forces as public relations sergeant. The resolution was seconded by Alderman Nora Arnold who commented: "Acropolis Hill is a pretentious and stupid name, I think." There were no dissenting votes. Possibility tha.t a by-law may be needed to confec the name "Franklin D. Roosevelt Park" on the area will be lnvestlgattd by Council. However, it was ieu that, since the name Acropolis Hill had never been official, a name-changing bylaw might not be necessary. Alderman Hills said: "I don't think that the other name was official. This will be official and we will seek advice as to the necessity of a bylaw," Alexanders Will Arrive Wednesday HALIFAX 0 The big trans port Aquitania radioed. Tuesday from a position 900 miles out of Halifax that she will arrive Wed nesday In Canada with the new Governor-General, Field Marshal Viscount Alexander. The time of arrival Is now set at 9:30 a.m. Instead of 6:30 as originally scheduled. Heavy weather has been delaying the vessel. Alter a brief welcoming ceremony here, the Governor-General and his family will proceed to Persia Is Undecided Soviet Boycott of Council Is Ended NEW YORK Russia ended its boycott of the United Nations security, council today with the announcement by Ambassador Andrei Gromyko, who walked out last week, that he would resume attendance today. When asked if the Iranian question would come up he said: "Ask the President, lie knows the agenda.'' NEW YORK (CP) The world security council seems to be on the verge of a new crisis over Russia's repeated demand-that it drop the Iranian case. Foreign diplomats in Moscow are saying that the Soviet Union was not "fooling" in its latest message' to the United Nations that it fully expect3 the council to take hands off. If the council docs not, say the diplomats, the Russians will interpret that as being most "un friendly.." This view was based upon what the informants believed were reliable reports In Moscow that Premier Quavam would recommend to the council that the dispute be removed from ;lts agenda. When asked yesterday In Tehran If Premier Quavam supported the Soviet demand for withdrawal of the Iranlan- j Russian case front the agenda council, the Iranian propaganda ! 'I minister said that "action on Gromyko's request Is entirely a security council matter." However, one cabinet minister said prlVately that he believed, In view of the friendly relations existing between Persia and Russia," Quavam will agree to dropping the case from the agenda. DUMP EXPLODES, SCORES INJURED SAIGON, French Indo-Chlha 0t A giant French ammunition dump on the northern outskirts of Saigon exploded yesterday and two hours later a shattering series of explosions was stlH rocking the city. Truckloads of wounded, including women, children and French servicemen, were still streaming to city-hospitals at noon. More than 60 persons officially were reported to have been admitted to hospitals in the half hour following the first blast, but hospital officials said they lost count after that. An official statement said tha the blast was due to an accident. WORKERS ARE HIRED HERE Of more than 40 men now do ing preliminary construction work for the new pig Iron and steel smelter at Anyox about a dozen have been hired from Prince Rupert according to Unemployment, Insurance officer E. V. Whiting Mr. Whiting feels that as the work progresses It Is likely that a far grcateniim-ber will be employed througfi his office. Three local men sailed on "the Catala Sunday night to take'm- ployment at Anyox where work men arc busy erecting accommodations and repairing the ex isting power house. They sailed on the Catala as far as Ktncol- 1th then transferred to a small boat to complete the Journey. They were F. W. licvell, A. Ar- nbuld and J. Mlhalenko. Local Tides Wednesday, April 10 High 8:36 17.5 feet 22:02 17.2 feet Low 2:31 10,4 feet 15:22 5.6 feet 38 4 . r 3 t 4. k a i