li. & r: Prince Unpen Dnily Hem Monday, October. 21, 1946 PI io Modch tor 537.50 . Jg Komi suit I. a model- i $ Truly the of custom! tailoring precision, M A meld li UH comCortalde Uo f f) 4 8uit has the line fi jP A- . , iJf jiJHiii. PASSING OF (Continued the Union Natlonale administration was returned to office. That act was perhaps the climax of a career In politics to which almost half of Mr. Car-din's life-span was devoted. He was active from the opening of the canipa'tn until it ended with a victory for a new government headed by Premier Adelard God-bout. WAS STRONG FOR NATIONAL UNITY Up and down the province, Mr. Cardin preached national unity, calling for a -great effort toward "unity not for material welfare, not for the Interests of a group, but for the spirit of Canada, for without this spirit we cannot come to the fulfillment of our heritage." "We have a problem of race and one of religion," "he said. "But wc must not make the mis take or breaking the branches of the Canadian family tree; that tree must be strong and whole." Eloauent in his native tongue. Mr. Cardin, was a magnetic platform speaker, sometime? compared for his oratory with Sir Wilfrid Laurlcr. When he first was appointed to the cabinet in 1324 hU knowledge of English was scanty, although he had been In Uhc House of Commons thru for 13 years. He made his first Englls!! snecch a short time afterwards during a Canadian -tour with Prime Minister Mackenzie Kins In the course of which Princn Rupert was visited. Later he became thumt in English and H 7s to W& g& ' ig At i- ,ou 88. The Uoud mm Tb"-k mm You've j SOLD IN PRINCE m DCDT I " WE DELIVER DAILY THIRD fetf hankered after. JW JHRHII Si II Mil I. RUPERT ONLY AT ' ffl k irk bc a n NOTED M.P. rrom Page V equally a3 effective as in his mother tongue. During his long political career, Mr. Cardin was at his oratorical best on the hustings, a short sturdy figure, str on g-volced and whose choice of language and smooth Inflection would have done credit to a diction teacher. Pierre Joseph Arthur Cardin was born in Sorel, Que., June 28, 1879, son of Joseph Cardin and Virsinle Ferron. He received his early education at Sorel Com mercial College, and later at tended Laval University in Que- dcc city where he graduated in law. WAS NEVER DEFEATED He entered oractise in Sorel but took Interest in politics and was but 32 when he ran for the Hcuse of Commons scat of Rlch- clieu-Vercheres in 1911. He was elected, unseated on a technicality and promptly returned in a by-election the following year. Not once during the years until 1941 did Arthur Cardin meet defeat. Twice he was returned by the electors of Richelieu-Ver-cheres, which he always represented, by acclamation. Usually in semi-formal attire. I dark, short jacket, white-piped waitscoat, rey striped trousers. starched collar and starched cuffs, Mr. Cardin became 'known as one of the b;st dressed men in uarliamcnt. In 1903 he married Rosa, daughter of J. D. M. E. Casavant of Sorel, Que. . """BBBBBBBBBBBBBBI COLD MEATS FOR O WARM WEATHER BULKLEY MARKET AVENUE PHONE 178 Whifflets From The Waterfront aooaooooaaooootHsmKHioooo After a two weeks' voyage as far south as Egg Island in Queen Charlotte Sound engaged in routine servicing of the lighthouses in tervenine waters. light house tender Birnie, Capt. A. F. "Davidson, returned to port safely at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon. The vessel was a little later in returning than had been expected owing to having had some extra work to do. Her radio transmitter had been out .of order and she was unable to report since last Wednesday night which led to inquiries going out over the air during the week end as to her whereabouts. Union steamer Catala, Capt. Ernest Sheppard, arrived in port at 11:45 last night from Vancouver and waypoints and sailed early this morning in continuation of her voyage to Stewart and other northern points whence she will return here tomorrow morning southbound. King and Queen Pray For Peace , LONDON - The King and Queen attended a special service of intercession for neace in St. Paul's Cathedral yesterday. The Archbishop of Canterbury de clared that lasting peace could only be obtained with a spiritual peace and sacrifice. BRISTOL, Eng. (CP) Grocers arc "rationing" potatoes to their customers. Rain and cold have made them scarce. - - Classified Advertising - - ClasslNeds: 2c per word tx-r Insertion, minimum charge, 60c Birth Nahc. 60c; cards oX Thanks. Death Notices, Funeral Notices. Marriage and Engagement Announcements: 13. FOR RENT FOR RENT Three rooms and kitchen. 336 9th Ave. West. (248) FOR RENT 6 room flat, two furnished bedrooms, kitchen stove. Fifth Avenue West. Apply Suite 1, Helgerson Block. (tf) LOST AND FOUND LOST Hand bag containing keys and papers, also navy blue striped trousers on Monday night. Finder please return to Daily News Office. (246). WANTED WANTED TO RENT Immedi ately, 4 to C room house. Phone Black 327. (246) WANTED Room and board for two girls of pre-school age. Phone Blue 925. (246) WANTED Comfortable 2 or 3- room furnished suite, close In: preferably in an apartment block, clean. State rental and location to Box 167 Dally News. WANTED Used oil-burning neater. Pnone Red 728 after 6 p.m. (tr) WANTED Hairdresser for shop in Prince George. Write Box 867, Prince George, B. C. (246) WORK WANTED WORK WANTED 2 women want day work. One will work all day the other afternoons from 1 o'clock on. Box 1170, Postal Station "B . (it) REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Suey Chow Mcin Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 6 ajn. to 2 a.m. PHONE 173 FOR SALE FOR SALE Mason-Risch piano, Phone 355. (246) FOR SALE Three-quarter bed complete. Phone Oreen 811 (248) FOR SALE Sale of household furnishings. Harry Horsefield, above Pioneer Laundry, Call 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. (tf) FOR SALE Live and Dressed Poultry. Laying Pullets, pure bred New Hampshlres, $2.00 each, express extra. Leroy's Ranch, Kttwanga, B.C. (249) FOR SALE 1940 Dodge Sedan. Apply 13 Taxi. (tf) FOR SALE New Restaurant at New Hazelton, B.C., on highway to Prince Rupert, next to hotel; running hot and cold water In kitchen; putting. electric light In now; six furnished bedrooms upstairs. Apply Gust Christlanson, New Hazelton, B.C. (256) FOR SALE Scaled tenders will be received by the undersigned up to noon of Monday, October 28, 1946, for the purchase of Lot 3, Block 4, S.D. or D.L. 381, Plan 972, Range 5, Coast District, together with cabin situated thereon. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms: strictly cash. Gordon F. Forbes, Administrator of the Estate of Henry Sobels, deceased. (250) FOR SALE 31-ft. trolling boat; 8 horsepower Vivian engine; complete with 6 spool gurdies. Inquire at Fishermen's Co-op. (246) FOR SALE Trolling vessel "Proven"; 8 h.p. Easthope engine, complete with Swan gur-dles and crossdrlve. Inquire at Fishermen's Co-op. (246) FOR SALE Now and used furniture at the best prices, mattresses. Aluminum pots from 60c. Scatter rugs, good assortment, from $1.65. Used dressers, $14.5Cj. Couches, $7. Beds complete, $10. Coal and wood stoves from $35. Chesterfields, $65. All wool blankeU, $4.50. Sheets, clean and strong quality, 95c. Hand-winches. anvils, Starrett micrometer, etc. B. C. Furniture Co, Black 324. (tf) FCR SALE Table mantel radio, 4 tubes, R.CA. Victor. Chester field, '3 arm chairs, writing desk, trilight lamp. Dhono graph cabinet, rocking horse, Dig stand, baby folding co-cart, hot Plate. 916 10th Ave. East. (246) FCtt SALE Furniture, 2 oil heaters, bedroom suites, dressers, chest of drawers, stove, cafe range, chairs, tables. Ali like new. Phone 283, 515 6th West. (mWf) FOR SALE Farm. Going con cern; 6 acres best of soil, young bearing orchard, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries gooseberries, currants. Cow, heifer, chickens; lots ot feed, and running water; 6-room house, basement; good outbuildings. Excellent location. Apply to Box 116, Terrace. B.C. (251) FOR SALE Studio lounge, dresser, double bed. dining room suite. 1078 7th Ave. East. Black 238 (247) . . . and they yi, orrow THOUGHT they Durold Thert li had a nd Ifi with t DuroiD Roof! fibrti of FIVE SEARCHERS SEEK MISSING MAN ON PORCHER Bearing five men, the trolling boat Keno II, Capt. Ivor Elds-vick, left the Cow Bay fishermen's floats at 9 o'clock this morning to start what probably will be the final search for Hans Jacobscn, 73-year-old deer hunt er, missing on Porcher Island since October 4. The small party was organized Sunday by Roy Jacobsen, the missing man's son, who came from Winnipeg last week In the hope that his father's remains might be found and given decent burial. The young man, who served here with the R.OA.F. during the war, believes that there Is little hope. of finding his father alive after almost three weeks. Assisting Mr. Jacobsen In organizing the search was Gunnar Selvig of the Sons of Norway. The organization also led a 30- man search last week which was unsuccessful In finding the missing man In the dense Porcher Island bush. Also with the party was Martin Gunderson, hunting partner HELP WANTED MAIDS WANTED immediately for kitchen and cleaning work at Miller Bay Hospital. Applications will be accepted from native and white girls, r, Is necessary to live in. Applicants should be eighteen years of age or over. Apply by letter to Medical Superintendent or phone Miller Bay Hospital. (2461 AGENTS WANTED WANTED Jobber to handle several Automotive and Tractor lines. Representative will bo In Prince Rupert Monday morning, i All letters received will bo answered. Write Box 165 Dally News. (216) PRINCE RUPERT DISTRICT- Offers a career with permanent Income to experienced salesmen to covefthis territory for large Insurance Company specializing in Sickness and Accident, Family Hospital" and Group Plans. Qualifications: age 25-45 with at least two years selling experience. Limited travel but car necessary. Training course available. A man with these qualifications can earn $2,000 to $2,500 with us in his first year and in his second an income from renewals of over $75.00 a month. A real opportunity for consclen-cious and hard working salesman to develop his own business. For particulars apply Continental Casualty Company. Rogers Building, Vancouver, B.C. (246) PERSONAL WILL CARE for child in my own nome daily. 441 7th Ave. E. (248) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufac tured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, OILItURNLRS RELIANCE Range Oilburners. Phone Black 897, 1052 6th Ave. East. (247) many t homt-owntr htt found to liij (hit whit ht thought w.i t Gtnuint Roof, U Ju.t mother itphtlt roof. only ONE Gtnuln Durold Roof, midt to bit for yetn. It'i rntdt but of th but rij-felt, th lonj which Jlvt gttit durability. Bccsuic of tht citrs vilut nd citr service built into Genuine Durold Roof,the demand ni increased tremendously. But even with jreatly Increased production, they may be hrd to set e times. Still, don't settle for 'second best". Walt Just e little lonjer for t Genuine Durold Roof. Look for the Sidney Seal of Quality en every bundle. Elevator Operators Going On Strike VANCOUVER Elevator oper-tors In four large downtown business blocks- are threatening to strike. They are demanding a 10c an hour Increase in wages, which demand has been,rejected. of Jacobsen, from whom the latter separated when he entered the bush to hunt deer on Octo ber 4. Fifth msmbcr ofthe party was Jacob Furunes. 62 f aBBBBBW I ffe,;. '''! low-- mi r.ttoos DRASTIC REDUCTION SALE AT GOLDIILOO.M S. 328 Third Avenue West Large stock of coats and neck pieces of mmk and marten selling at greatly ret prices prior 10 season opening ol raw W. GOLDBLOOM "The Old Reliable" Wc are here to serve you and guaranty you will be pleased. FREE DELIVERY OF ALL ORDERS BLAIN BROTHERS . "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" PHONE r 17 r.0. tti Fine Wood for . , , Sale! i ..-' NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMKDIATE 100 Cords .of Seasoned Scrap Fir I .Ikd 14tn,l. fnflli frtn at tiallS Second class trlmmincs up to M-lnch lengths, 16 pti Third classvarious lengths uncut PHI) rVVTTtJTWlTTS! AMn RELIADLE SERV HEMMONS TRANSFER Phone Black 156 Night Phone: Black 6G5 box ilil eiauuii o r.rvrn . . IjtH NEW vv,. H un Elizabeth jl caliv lnt. v. 1 ' Atlantic cross, ,ln The nrii4 reived a ,Pe- ! Aboard Passers, the vJ" Molotov . ... KZS ftt.'l Afert h f'JI MATiNEE : EVENINQ i Jp:j A S1MOUI Htlll ui Radio Servici SATISFACTIO GUARANTEE! PHONE 6 Lumber $io p" r office: J..n.Malr'SAucM