gold. jews It i Wartime dart a1 " clubhouse 11 II if J .AM k 21, 8 P m Members. ... ,ont on lw IUIv.-- Ostrom anu .j caiipd on the after a - .it. tir ond Mrs. 1063 Amnion ..-v. . ,inff receivea tj n.K i.ithrr Semln- Student jacoo- it... Citn. XCEMENT !urcPrl!lP RU- .. .. nrreA t.n DC to are shortage. It a soon as tires ui. I ..letnee of ocrmir , n..Ari 1Tirhuav. . n.,!mnv indicate linn that . 1fl().Tl")V I ou: customers on ped) tJNO TRANSFER, I Smithers. I (224) bncements tiu m nt column tor "HI momn word. . n "r. t i i s n n n (1 Pioneers' Home, Harmoncers. Mod .mat nuutiooiuti Hall i Anniversary Ban- October 11 uit Moose bazaar, -" V4 HII camcarai ran Fan Bazaar, urrh v t, jfil Take to INSTEUS' Friday, AT CIVIC MUSIC V KkcU at RAL HOIEL M Monthly Rates Sentence . . . Y DECORATED nsifnt i CAPE Connection ED "wated) ion E Si lPinicc Eupctt Daili? J3duS 3 ems . . Saturday, September 21, 1946 A Long trips or short, day or night, 99 Taxi at your service. at) S. L. Oalloway of the Dally News composing room staff sail ed today on the ss. Cardcna for a three weeks' vacation trip to Vancouver and Portland. Mr. Justice A. M. Manson, who has been In the city this week presiding at the fall session of Assize Court, left on last night's train for Prince George, where Assize Court opens on Monday. Mrs. A. J. Rar.dle, of Vancouver, arrived In the city this ..mnnlt ! l tUA rn.4n ho announi--"'v" 1 mornins un mi; vaiucua w Ihnrn Will DC i .natiH n visit, an 1M1P.M. nf hpr m st Paul's Lutn-1 son-in-law and daughter, Lieut. both at H 00 a.m icommandcr.and Mrs. P. N, Eddy, O A. Hunter, managing editor of the Dally News, left on last evening's train for a business trip to Mosrir'l and Toronto. He will also visit nuffalo and Winnipeg to attend conventions of Gyro International and Canadian Chamber of Commerce mtiiAn i a ft r JUMIUIX I.W.U.L. TAGGERS OUT Taggers of Galloway Rapids junior chapter, I.O.D.E., were out In force today on downtown streets to raise money for chil dren's war relief, chief current project of the organization. Regent Mrs. N. Moses directed the day's operations, with Vice-Re gent Miss Peggy Orogan acting as convener and MLss Mary Bird as cashier. Chapter members who took part In the drive were Mary Bird, Joan Quandt, Dislika Pcncff, Peggy Grogan, Dorothy Hutchi son, Lorna Howe, Barbara Teng, Joan Bird. Helen lllbbard, Mary7:30 p.m.-Evangellstlc Service. Strachan, nosemarie Hartwig, Mary Adcock, Maxine Kerrigan, Joyce Young and Ethel Hem- mons. Taggers this morning were: Albert Edgar, Ethel Caldcr, John Ross Anderson, Yvonne Neilson, Tenia Peneff, Rose Martin, Roy Webber, Jimmy Holt, Oordon Flndlayson, Agnes Mcintosh, Joan Grlmble, Leona Webster, David Lclghton, Harry Hagan, Donna Dcnnlson, Jean Calder- wood. Lorna Howe, June Henry, Barbara Hyndman, Mary Addison, Joan Fletcher, Dorothy Marshall, Barbara ten?. William Blackaby, Beverly C1mer, Bobby Watts. Eddie Olson, Darlene Olson, Patricia Gurvlch. Messina Tavllkls, Henry Blackaby, Jimmy Flndlayson and Helen Hibbard. The need lor vigilance In protecting human rights be comes apparent when It Is realized that only 16 of the world's 72 countries have freedom of the press as wc know it. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Unfurnished or par tlallv lurnlshed light house keeping room for gentleman. Close in. Box 159, Dally News (124) the Boy Friend CAMBRAPS SPREE October 11th CENTRE THE ES() U I RES Vance's Home Arts Plumbing and 'Heating Engineers OIL AND COAL STOKERS BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Comer 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 388 P.O. Box 1294 Regular Baptist Services I.O.D.E. Hall (5th Ave. and McBrlde St.) We preach Christ ... CRUCIFIED ROWNED OMINO SERVICES RESUMED SUNDAY 12:15 p.m. Sunday School. 7:30 p.m. -Gospel Service. "Almost" Speaker Geo. S. Wcatherly. WEDNESDAY 8:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Interested persons or visiting Regular Baptists phone 369. THE WHOLE BIBLE FOR THE WHOLE WORLD First United Church Sixth Ave. W. near Fulton St. Minister: Rev. R. A. Wilson, M.A. Organist: Miss Rose Marie Hartwig. Sunday, September 22, 1946 11:00 Worship. Guest Speaker: :Mrs. C. M. Loveys, executive secretary of the W.M.8. 12:15 Sunday School. 2:00 p.m. Women's Mission ary Society. 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship. Prtnre Rupeil Full Gospel Tabernacle 221 6th Ave. West. Rev. J. Llnney, Pastor. 11:00 a.m. Devotional. Subject: "The Message to Tlic Church of Pcrgamos." 12:15 n.m. Sunday School. Subject: "Called to Eternal Glory." Tues., 8:00 p.m. Bible Study. Wed., 8:00 p.m. Cottage Prayer Meeting. Thurs., 2:00 p.m. Women's Mis sionary Prayer Band. Fri., 8 p.m. Young People. We Welcome You. First Baptist Church Young St. and Fifth Ave. East ' Minister: Rev. F. Antrobus Phone: Res. Green 812 Sunday, September 15 11 a.m. Topic: "His Son In Me." 7:30 p.m. Topic: "Achan's Sin is always Israel's Defeat." Sunday, September 22 Bible Doctrines 1. "The Grace of God." Bible Characters 1. "Noah, a Preacher of night cousncss." 'Wj L SATURDAY By REV. J. A. MCALLISTER, Knox United Church, Terrace In Him, who strengthened me, I am able for anything. Phil. 4:13 (Moffat) As we read our New Testament, especially the Acts and the Epistles," most of us feel a certain wistfulness. It is so full of men and women charged with a secret power which, frankly, so few of us possess. Wherever they went and whenever they touched other lives, they gave that impression of adequacy for any situation tnat might arise. They were linked with sources of power the worldling knew not how to tap. Indeed, Dr. T. R. Glover says of them: "They outlived, outdled, out-thought "the pagans around them. In contrast how many of us Impress our friends In office, factory, store and home with any sense of an enabling secret? How many can say with Paul, "In Him that strengthened me, I am able., for anything? There are fewer things In life more wearing to the nerves than to face life, or some task in life, with dcflclentspiritual resources. "That Is the real cause of Adam," wrote C. E. Montague, "not the work itself but the worry and doubt of getting it done." Hounded by the pressure of tasks still to be done, we work under constant strain. We are almost driven to distraction by the consciousness of our Inadequacy. And so we never cease to marvel at the serenity of Christ In the Gospels. In spite of all the demands made upon his time and energy, he never had the look of one who has reached his limit. There was always more behind and within. Whence sprang such marvellous rcsourc cs? Was it not in the times of prayer and fellowship He en joyed with His Father In lonely garden or on desolate mountain side? There He renewed His strength and equipped Himself with power for the tasks of each new day. In an hour that demands great services and poses great problems, we cannot afford to be without adequate resources. We cannot stand up to life without them. We need to tap every possible source of power. It is the glory of Christianity that it makes such resources available. Christ offers a new kind of power, fresh resources. "If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink. He who believe I When that 111 .11 rv I C .1 D: ' Notion I First strikes you . . . remember that there Is I such a thing as a store having a reputation for good diamond values. Me Hint (1,1 Is IVip stnrp.' I SERMON on Me . . . out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water." (John 8:37-8). Christ Is the channel, the transformer that makes available to us all the resources of the universe. Hj Is waiting to give you that deep Inner serenity you so sorely need. Will you make room in your life for that fellowship with God without which it cannot come'' It is never a waste of time in the morning, or at midday, or In the evening to thrust aside for five minutes, ten minutes, an hour If you like those in sistent, pressing cares and to rest one's weary soul on God. You will come back with greater noise and steadiness from the secret place of the Most "So amid the rush, "The whirl, the hum, the pres sure of my day "I feel Thy garments sweep "Thy seamless dress, And close beside my work and weariness "Discuss Thy gracious form." TRUE STIMULANT Tea is a true stimulent giving heightened actibn to all bpdily functions and Its outstanding medical value is that it has no "let-down" or unpleasant aftereffects. Tlie experience afforded newspaper carrier boys does riot jeo pardize their academic studies as illustrated by David Jamieson of Halifax, a carrier boy for tlie past two years, who has won a scholarship at King's College. THIS HANDY BOOKLET n d c n wit'1 cvct I i L L purchase TLACE YOUR ORDER ' NOW ! Contents: Trees, Slirulu, and small Fruits O rruninc Insects and Tests How to plant and care for Roses Eddie's National Rose DOZEN All sturdy and well developed bushes, $12.60 value for only RIcGrcdy's Sunset Margaret McGrcdy Rime. Jules Boichc Cynthia Brooke I I lbnf C-',4WB Our diamonds are free from flaws or vjllf I spote and of good color and cutting. B ' fltlg$&k ill 'Xt "1 1 J-l 11 A II ii mum mm rwnr mw .teams- mki:: in iviijvrrr i ii r smsiSKmi m. : .m x TO THE PEOPLE OF PRINCE RUPERT Who Suffer With Their Feet You will be Interested to know that there Is a man In town who has had a wide experience in the correction of fallen arches, and can make Arch Supports that will relieve that painful and tired feeling that only foot sufferers can explain. Mr. Bill Terry, with many years of study of foot aliments, Is at Hill's Shoe Stort, and will be pleased to take an Impression of your feet and let you know what can be done In your Individual case. Mr. Bill Terry Is also In charge of the Shoe Repairing Dept. where your repairs are executed neatly and promptly. Call around and see him for either 'reason. frfcjrt on fees crfaftcc WE DELIVER DAILY Gladys Nilson Shower Honorcc Two score friends and relatives honored MLss Gladys Nilson,' bride-to-be, at her home with a surprise shower on Wednesday evening. Miss Nilson was presented with a scrap book, a lux urious woollen blanket, an em broidered tea .cloth, and several towels by the guests. The evening's entertainment consisted of an embroidering contest on tea towels and a session of bingo. Winner of first prize for embroidery was MLss Agnes Jacobson. the consolation prize coing to M'ss Laura Beck. During lunch, those present had their fortunes told. REHABILITATION PROJECT A banana plantation, operated by the Salvation Army in French Guiana, Is worked by French penal .colony "liberes." SOUTHAMPTON. England ?) German pris6ners helped dig out a 2,400-pound German bomb dropped here in 1942. DIRECTORY OF CHURCHES Tilncs of Services Scrvlci'r, In all churches at 11 a.m and 7:30 p.m. and Sunday School at 12:15 except aa shown. ANGLICAN CATHEDRAL 4th Ave. W. at Dunsmulr St. Holy Communion 8:30 a.m. Sunday School 2:00 p.m. Rector: Basil S. Piocktor, B.A., B.D. (Blue 73:1 ) ST. PETER'S ANGLICAN Seal Cove FIRST BAPTIST 5th Ave E. at Young St Minister: Rev. Fred Antrobus (Red 839) ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN 5th Ave. at McBrlde St. Pastor: A. O. Aasen (Black 923) FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 4th Avenue East Minister: A. P. MacSween. B.A. (nreen 3851 SALVATION ARMY Fraser Street CO.: Adjt. P. L. Oorrle (Black 269) FIRST UNITED 36 6th Ave. West Minister: R. A. Wilson. M.A. (Green 13) 1 toY to mm PHT M i $8.95 Charlotte Armstrong MeGredy's Scarlet Chtislophcr Stone Talisniai. Jcanna Hill Good News Elite Gicnoble COLD MEATS FOR WARM WEATHER BULKLEY MARKET THIRD AVENUE PHONE 178 REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPEItr HOTEL Chop Sucy Chow Mcin Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 6 ajn. to 2 a.m. PHONE 17 FOR COMFORT AND LONG WEAR Und erwear . . . by Mercury COMBINATIONS Fine Cot ton. Natural, ankle length. with snort sleeves. Suit $I.1. COMBINATIONS Merino Type. Containing a large Dercentace of wool. Ankle length, long sleeves. p.. it e -r jwt ouji. .j..j.iw COMBINATIONS Fine Combed. Cotton : white. Ankle leneth. short sleeves. Suit $1.85 VJ COMBINATIONS Wool. Natural shade. Ankle length, long sleeves. Small sizes only. Suit $1.1)5 k Ij si i XI 1 W v "THE MEN'S SHOP fvZZ-- (LOTIIIXG 532 THIRD AVENUE AMI FURXISHIKGS Ormes lid. "Jut Pioneer Dnu&tets Prescription Chemists Hcxall Agents for Prince Kupcrt and District In Drugs If it's Rcxall it's Right PHONE 343 e from 9 am. till 9 p.m. from 12 p.m. till 2 p.m. till 9 p.m. PHONE 81 STORE HOURS: Dally Sundays and Holidays and 7 p.m. 'THE CREDIT HOUSE OF QUALITY"; There's beauty in every careful detail of these lus-cious virgin wools ... so soft, so handsomely tailored, so exquisitely styled. Quality Repairs Economy Pricej tt PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Tost Office) GOING IN CIRCLES OVER WHAT TO GIVE? J A rsur.-. STK S'i i&A&y VJ v '4 M )v .-Vm JS V i T U WAX - SEE OUR FashionShow September 26 AT CIVIC CENTRE BUY OH BUDQET PLAN No Cany Charge No Interest Tcrm.-i In accordance with W.P.T.B. Regulations. COAL WOOD CRATING STORAGE HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 There Is always a thoughtful gift for that birthday, anniversary or shower at THE VARIETY STORE. Our stock of gift suggestions is large and original. So don t waste time shopping around when you can buy them all .at iiie. VARIETY STORE ... and you will probably find something for yourself here, too, THE VARIETY STORE "WHERE YOUR DIMES ARE LITTLE DOLLARS" 518 Third Ave. West -:- Phone Red 400