B11SSSS 1 ere You in Wallace's Last Week? 4 n 4 if ' ft a Ml m Waterfront Whiffs T- Lanauian rncuic steamer rrincess Norah wil arrive in Prince Jiupert Monday morning, northbound on her final voyage of her summer Alaska tourist schedule. Under command of Capt. Graham Htiges, the Norah has been on a 10-day schedule to the Alaska ports, alternating with the Princess Louise, and has carried hundreds or passengers during the last three months. She will do fill-in service for other vessels in the south and get her annual overhaul during the winter. f'islithig Tuna An unofficial "Battle of the Atlantic" is be'.nff wafd off the Neva Scotian coastline as deep-sea anglers match strength and experience asainst the cunning and fightis? spirit of the giant bluefin tuna. Big-game professional sportsmen have always regarded the Give Generously A. to the Divisional Headquarters ROOM 1 Smith Block Prince Rupert, B.C. P?KC vm VICTOR PI JONES 1 UHSTAUM HAWAIIAN WAR CHANT McRAE BROS. LIMITED NEW CONSTRUCTION KEPA1KS GREER & Builders and rilONE RED 501 Wc Serve You Nothing But the Best .. . . SPECIAL RED MRANI) REEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Tics and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTC'HERS rhone 21 Third Ave. West Over one thousand thrifty Prince Rupert people were buying nylons, ladies' panties, sweaters, children's underwear, cotton prints, white flannelette, broadcloth, -curtains, monkscloth, coats and dresses. It you weren't here last week, you missed out on a lot of good things. This week we've got more perhaps not the same things and perhaps other items that we didn't have last week. New items arrive every day. Come in and join the crowds get your share of the bargains. Come see our large stock of desirable merchandise all at prices as low as the largest cities in Canada, including Montreal and Vancouver. La,etSlap.HappyHitson RECORDS m tuna field as their own, one in which occasional catches by feminine and adolescent anglers were cast aside as "lucky strikes." This season, however, they have become acutely aware of the presence of the newcomers who are sharing the spotlight with remarkable, sometimes record-breaking, takes. Old-time. Bluenose guides shook their heads in amazement when 15-year old Pat Brodeur of Montreal hooked and landed a 720-pound bluefin after a 2Vi hour fight. As far as can be de- ! termined, the youn.5 fisherman jhas established a world's record ! for his age. Patsy Duffy, a 15-year old New York miss, hooked one of the undersea fighters but lost him after "playing" him for 90 minutes. For records, Mrs. John Randolph of Ohio, Conn., claimed the women's top spot by landing an 800-pounder after a l'2 hour flsht- Aho a record breaker is Mrs- John Manning of Los Anseles, Calif., w'ho set a new ja-mreaa worm marie wnen she 'ONI' "MUSICAL DCPRCCIITION" ALBUM ... S3.S0 THt CIOW.WOHM 'J?,""0,', ...... ins nvnt BbUK THAT OlD HACK JIANS MAOIC JONES POLKA ALTERATIONS BRIDDEN Contractors P.O. BOX 721 KWONG SANG HINO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE G12 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders fromi 2 p.m. ' to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 m boated a 732-pound bluefin in 30 minutes, one of the fastest times ever recorded for landing a bluefin of mote than 700 pounds. In Nova Scotia the history of 1 the sport goes back to 1871 when Thomas Pattilo caught several giants, then known as albacore and horse mackerel. For equipment he used 32 fathoms of ordinary cod-line, home-made reel and an eight-inch hook. Record Catches 1 Credit for development of a rod and line of sufficient strength and flexibility is given Capt. Laurie Mitchell. The late Zane Grey, famous American author, came to Nova Scotia attracted by Mitchell's efforts and after considerable fishing landed a 758-pound tuna to capture the world's record. It remained the top catch un til 1933 when Mitchell landed a 'arcer tuna across the Atlantic At the Sch A Department Open to All the Schools of Prince Rupert and District KING EDWARD The -epair work on the roof 0! the school 1 finished and the bnys of Grades-4, 5 and 6 had a clean-up campaign of the yards Miss Peat, Miss Beale and Mrs. Kullander still have large rooms of 40 pupils or over. Miss Johnson, Public Health Nurse, has Inspected Grades 4 and 5 and found the health generally good. Miss Leslie of the Health Unit addressed an assembly of Grades 4, 5 and 6 on "the working of a public health unit. This was followed on Friday by Mr. Ha'rper, :anitary Inspector, showing a Vture of the Health Unit in action. The boys have been organized I Into four football teams and I games are played each night. Ths captains are Robert Dunn. Harry Mostad, Gerald Patterson, Roy Pedersen. The classrooms are vying with one another as to which can get the most members for the P.T.A. The following are tagging for the I.O.D.E. today: Barbara Hyndman, June Henry, Dorothy Marshall. Helen Kondiodurk. Joyce Pottle, Shirley Hougan, Ross Martin, Donald Lcighton Harry Hogan, Rose Anderson. The school was visited by Trustees Mrs. Roper and Mrs. Becker and by Inspector Hyndman. The following teachers were also visitors: Mr. Batcman, Mss Howsc, Miss Hall, Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Knut-sen. A new flag has been received from Victoria and Is now flying from in front of the school. Reorganization of classrooms 's completed and pupils are progressing in nil subjects. J. R. Pollock, director of visual education, visited the school with Mr. Hyndman and was pleased to see an educational picture being shown to the upper grades. CONRAD STREET The end of the third week gf September finds the- pupils and staff of Conrad Street School on the way to completing a successful term. The enrolment has reached the 200 mark and there are now six teachers on the staff. Mrs. D. R. Smith has been appointed as Division 6 teacher, taking the overflow from the primary rooms. Last Friday the teachers en-Joyed a "Get Acquainted" tea given by the staff of Kin? Ed- V in the (North Sea but this again was broken by Thomas Howell who landed a 956-pounder off Liverpool, N.S., in 1934. This record is still unbroken. The fish run in great size off the Nova Scotia coast where specimens weighing more than half a ton are frequently harpooned. Fish weighing 800 pounds are not uncommon. They take the bait usuallv herring casljy but Trom thai moment on the anzlcr is in for a fight. Their characteristic battle is a scries of ions dives, each ending near the surface and followed by a powerful dive to the depths from which they must be urged by skilful "pumping." As a general rule the best fishing months are July, August and September but they remain fairly plentiful in October and have been taken as late as November Their movements follow close ly the movements of herring and mackerel, their chief feed. ools ward School. Miss Moxley. who was in charge of the refresh ments, was assisted by Miss Beale and Mrs. Kullander. Mr. Wilscy, who has been janitor since the school was built left Prince Rupert Thursday evening for an extended visit In the States. He Is succeeded by Wllf Garbutt, who served with th R.C.A.F. Many activities have been planned for the enrichment arid growth of the young citizens of the east-end of Prince Rupert Genuine Aspirin is MARKED THIS WAY FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes Car and Truck Cushions : Repaired and Recovered Out-of-town orders given special care. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Phone 'Green 971 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre NOTICE The Dally News wishes to draw attention to the rule that classified and transient advertising U payable, in advance, at the office at time of presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring' to advertise in this manner in the Dally News arc asked to, assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified Shop at Wallace's where you get the widest choice. Shop at Wallace's where your dollars s-t-r-e-t-c-h. Remember, these days it's not only smart to be SHOP Sea Cadet Orders R.C.S.O.C. "CA1TAIN COOK' Lleut.-Cmdr. A. S. Mitchell, Commanding PARADE SCHEDULE Monday September 23, 1916 19:00 Duty Watch to Muster on Main Deck. 19:15 Sand and Markers to Muster. 19:n-HandsFall In. 19:22-Officers' Call. l:25 Prayers, Colors and divisions. 19:30 Divisional Reorganlza-inn. 20:10-Stand Easy. 20: 15 Training as arranged by Training Officer. ,20:55 Secure. 21:10-Sunaet. Officer of, the Day Mldshfp-vn R. Cruickshank. Duty Petty pfficer ACPO C Currle it Traill I ALBERT & McCAFFERY Phones 116 and ll7 For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, Il.C. . CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN 7:00 a.m, to 11:00 p.m. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE Established 1910 thrifty FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND SHIPPED TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA AND U.S.A. FOR O.UICK, EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AND RELIABLE SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or 68 Quick Frozen Cellophane Wrapped "RUPERT BRAND" SOLE FILLETS COD FILLETS SALMON FILLETS No bones ... No waste ... No fuss. Try them today , , . . from your butcher. . . L ai Canadian Fish . AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. it s AT WALLACE'S Hotel. . . arrivals Is Prince Rupert J. McCulloch, West Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rac, Port Es-slngton; W. H. Mackle, Vancouver; ' J. Chapman, Shawatlans; M. Somers, Port Esslngtb'n; J. Vernon Lee, Clovls, New Mexico; B. M. Brynlldson, city; H. L. Batten, Vancouver; R. Gratis, Clovls, New Mexico; MRs M. Morris. Clovls, New Mexico; Mrs. D. Fuhrman, Seattle; B. K. Boulton, Toronto. Duty Division Rodney Division. Mnorandum Compulsory parade for all ranks. E. JOJIN WILSON, Lieutenant R.C.S.C, JJxccutive Officer LIMITED important. THIS WEEK ! TODAY- "I SUNDAY MIDNIGHT & MONDAY Two Mystery Features EVENINGS: 7:00 - 0:10 MATINEE: :M()NDAV 2:30 I 10WERY IRITT0H f 1 H IOU UNI I HUM A1HITMM j ML CAPITOL Announcement... JOHN HARRIS and M. PARKINSON m resumed proprietorship o( ATLAS BOILER VORI 4 Boilers, Tanks and General Ironwork eiiw,Tir 1X4 m. m mm m w COASTAL CHARTER SERVICE HV SlTlKMAKPl FLYING BOAT "'Hnlrln Ounnn" - IS PASSLNO! MnNDAVRVnnrnnvpr in Prince Rupert Direct. TUESDAVS-Prlnce Rupert to Vancouver via Queen lotte Islands. . ( WEDNESDAYS Vancouver to Prince Rupert THURSDAYS Prince Rupert to Stewart and w I Anyox, Alice Arm and Request roinu FRIDAYS Prince Rupert to Vancouver Direct. SPECIAL CHARTERS AKRANH KB PASSENGERS AND FREHillTINO n T.... n .i imriMIT lo Stt" ' From 3 to 18 Passengers, or 480 lbs, to 4.00M1 1 P.O. Box 1219 C. II. STANIIKHK5H, ARcnl iMwitirs 521 oi " Fine Wood for Sale! tifrntATE Dt" I voitf irn nii t itt UH ilTllljlUjEt I'UU liv"-' 100 Cords of Seasoned Scrap Iun1 rirsi ciass n-nitii lengins, irec m n--" fd Second class trimmings up (o 11-Inch Third class, various lengths uncut FOR COURTEOUS AND RELIABLE HEMMONS TRANSFER Phone niack 156 "2 ' - V lBiUil . v.t ucr io Meavenl 4fo lens""."" . office: jlucti"1 ' mgni rnone: isiacK uo lvPnie "l P.O. Box 1131 fitatlnn B Third