I fcmVC , can Iter "T7t i i ? III D AM ltd RUN, soot spo" on M soot dour cornmea) or 1 ..... n stand : A .. u. and then and brusn i all the spu-... t I make lues worn' t thesneet in half. w f" . .L aether, and Buyer must take both, i ... n r rAAAv f n Iff' m 111.' beat like new. Phone u tm ft a mM a i non k SIASSEN JUNIOR. .rders for individual ", l n ruff irnm iia ahm ritfl tin Da.. tAn If . B.C front, 2 wick 'f Pper hot water colls. "Waiter 6 o'clock, (223) ' 1 r.n1 J , . l wrdies. Phone Blue (222) --White Leshorn duI- no j . . . - -. jeaay to lay $2. 30 of land on hiehwav. on place. $500. Lee (222f .i mix uea ana Wly 502 Sherbrooke '"imun ii oaoy crio. "32 Overlook St. evc- (224) ocu luraing cnalrs ,a ape $1.50. dressors w blankets, all wool smoking standi $1.25: eis tfbm 430; lnl wood heaters and 1 "om $22.50: hannrk. i im Rvini. , ,." price jib: ! 7 tube "mo, $25; ""urs from . i fitter rug love! ' tm . ' J------ - we. All kinds ' and used furniture 'wnlture rn m.i. , stove 7n::01e Clare Bro. for coal or wood, ei. Good I) t)V, V"UIHUI1, 'lung 3 8th or call after 4 E- Phone Blue A.Vl ( orrVlct P,m,7 tl It.. (222) ULLERES Merte f,r-vlc?.. School. Oldest T?. mipeg. - viiuaa. No n U our Klnder-K'C.C &. Institute. Winnipeg, Winter Fashions, Charm Displayed At Job's Daughter Fashion Show Winter fashions for teen-agers were rung in by school bells and displayed irf a model way, as the girls of the Job's Daughters turned on their charm last night to delight an audience which filled the Masonic Temple. lw can njaw? ... nfliiighp saucy and opencrow,ned m . . tnp Iliiuw..- , . .. , , . , can domes, maie-can aresses smoom as a pond, glamor dresses, frilly and flirty, peek-a-boo packets to 'protect sweets on a rainy day- cut edges i 1 all tnese ana more too were .... mnrC m0nlh3 I .J.. nnIUKU lk.v. u. I keep cheese .mih in vine- dry. ana wium JpSf UH'H n.f courtesy oi Mr. ftisenthal and chosen from a wide flection carried by the Rupert Peoples Store. Miss Molly Frew, Honored Queen of Job's Daughters, welcomed the guests. I Classified Advertising - - - ner word WT jnnennn, ruwuumu wixkv. uvv. bitui nijoicf I. ,.f Thanks Oram nuuci-n. r uiicrni nuntra, . cuv oi EngR!em,.,iv Annour-cenienU: I?. ..r.irvT vnTiri! r ' ..-UH..""' the engagement of the r . .!,., Lillian to l224) ,..A IKnrcrnmble. VOUMS- I STP nP.NTj-f.rnnm onortmnnf Ml U UV V w. . . ... t . . " . . mm . u w. . UMUI UllVllb. tfr A AhercrombiC. I ami nnp sWnlnir rnnm Tm . ...j nr rbp u.'P(lulll2 mlli t n m-Mctmuctrtn ooi r.tim place Oct 4, vm at m St. Paul's Lutheran rah sale ft- Tnurh. rock lm hnrte .... nr,.t i"WJi F. -1 J1I-IJU1 111 I IK RIVtlil Apply 1525 Plgott Ave. (222) 30-ft. troller Betty bp. Vivian engine. IOT I 9?? I -HJi, . i ii. ii. i 1. 1 u . wua.w beat, like new Phone at .ft.. I n m I O il I --Stove bed, water mror tent Apply En-PniliStnrp Phone 343. (224) and generator, with ' inn nu pniniinipm in . ... vy.Ht..., ... .i.-iLiUil tllMJ d. 11. U. Marriage FPU RENT . nn nmim ri . . . .A lire NelS LUtn anr "'l- -i"f IW"., Ave. East. Phone Red 807, (2221 FOR RENT-Sleeping room, fOl Borden Street. (tf HELP H'ANTKI) WANTED Reliable housekeeper fur family ot Z adults and 2 children. No heavy laundry or waving. Large private room. SCO a month. Phone Red H79. (ff) HELP WANTED Oirl or woman to assist with housework af (3D HELP WANTED Mother's helper from about 2 to 8. Five days a week. Phone Red 879. (tf) HELP WANTED Oirl to mind two year old child, afternoons. 949 3rd Ave. West. (222) WANTED Attendant for City Weigh Scale. Position suitable for elderly man with slight IMMEDIATE SHIPMlHT New heavy duty trucks, ten-ton payload, ten wheels, slx-whel drive; Includes front mountfd winch, one spare, all necessary tools, chains, etc. New 32 passenger Ford bus. New V2 yd. Universal dragline. New 45-ton trailer, 24 wheels. New dlesel and gas generator sep. Northwest 105 1-yd. shoyel dragline. Diesel crawler tractors, dlesel engines. Other equipment. Send your require ments, Leventhal & Co., Ma chinery Dealers, Winnipeg. (1 LOST READINO Glasses in brown case Saturday evening. Please phone 355. (tf) LOST Person who returned los; wallet to Dally News Is requested to return gold earring It contained. (223) PERSONAL TWO YOUNO MEN wish to contact person driving to Vancou. ver or further South. Will share expenses. Contact Ed Clay or Alan Mack, Room 22 Commercial Hotel. (222) VIOLIN TUITION, For appointments phone Black 120. Mrs Ellen M. Anderson. (s22) GREY HAIR HANDICAPS YOU. Use Angellque Grey Hair Restorer to regain natural color-life. $1 at Ormes Ltd. (222) ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS This Is a positive and permanent release from drinking without cost or inconvenience. It is a personal and confidential service rendered by other alcoholics who have found freedom through Alcoholics Anonymous. Box 78 Dally News. Lending their talents to provide Interesting entertainment were: gddie Gkcone Accordion solo, "Twilight Time" and "Ida," Joanne Langridge Vocal solo (accompanied by Kay Nlckerton) "They Say Its Wonderful," "Laughjng On the QuUide" and "Always." Owen McRae Piano solos. Mona McRae Monologue. PJrls chorus and slng-soig led by Alex Mitchell. Mtsrs. George Dawes, George Murray, Ale MitcheJJ and Commissioned Technical Officer Gilbert Brown assisted with the program In various capacities and varied costume. CPO Laurie Eddy was in charge of the publLc address system. Adding a good deal to the effectiveness pf the fashion parade were Mrs. J. H. Black at the piano and Mrs. Mary Strachan as costume commentator. Mrs. Laura Mitchell, on behalf of the Job's Daughters, expressed appreciation to all those who had hplnpH mnlfp th pvpnlncr sn ROOM AND 13 O A R D Home I pleasant and nrofltable. makln away from home. 622 Fraser j rM.ntntlnn tn Uri: L. PPiSPn- St. (222) (hnl Mri Utrv Slrnrlmn Vip flowers girls, -and also to the ladles who helped behind the scenes, Jo Peterson. Carol Bradley, Elsie Clark and Mrs. Franklin of the Rupert Peoples Store. The glamor girls and their gowns were as follows: Barbara Teng Biegp raincoat and kerchief. Hoon Webster Yellow raincoat and kerchief. Dorothy Jonass.on pjnk check Jumper, blouse, raincoat. May SinwBlue check Jumper, ternoons. 109 5th Ave. West.lblouseiralncoat Pe.3gy Cowan Blue plaid jumper, silk satin ralpcoat, Gerd Lien Red plaid jumper, red raincoat and hat. Donna MacArthur Black raincoat and wool shaw). Sport Wear Lorn? Donaldson Slack outfit. Jocnne Langridge Green skirt and biac -sweater. Kathleen Smith Red Jumper pension. Slight disability no , and white blouse .handicap. Apply City Engin- BarDara platen Gray wool efr- J224) ;sklrt and pjnk sweater. HELP WANTED - Woman to Mifkey Murray-Red and blue with hood (skates), care for year-old baby in own drf" Solveig Mork-Check sua and hnm. mi, 7th p roll ,.,! 5:00 p.m. (223) HELP WANTED Cook and kitchen help wanted Immediately. Phone Miller Bav Hos- pltal or Dr. Galbraith at , wool crepe, gold trim. Green 395. (224) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modem and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured oy National Machinery Company I-'mlted, Vancouver, B.C Ul brown sweater. . Dresses Francis Webber Rose woo! creoe. Chris Spencer paddy Green Donna MacArthur Green dress, brown trim. Solvelg Mork Yellow wool dress. Betty Allan Lime green crepe dress. Billie Kenrttdy-Plack dress with taffeta trim. Patricia Guyan Black dress with pink sequin trim. Joyce Watts Red wool crepe. silver trim. Kathleen Smith Black and red two-piece dress. Suits Joan KetchesonOray and. turquoise stripe suit, turquoise accessories. Monica Holtby Paddy green wool suit, brown accessories. Kay Nu-kerson Black suit and black accessories. Mickey Murray Fawn suit, green accessories. Lorna Donaldson Blue suit, jray hat. Coats and Presses Barbara Teng Yellow wool and brown Dutch hat. Noon Webster dray wool and green Dutch hat. Billle Kennedy Blue coat, brown fiat. Glenys Lashmar Powder blue dress, gray coat. Molly Frew Gray dress and black coat. Marfon Shenton Blue dress, blege coat, blue hat. I Jean Calderwood Yellow wool dress, brown and yellow plaid coat. i Bernlce Eastwood Black drftss, gold trim, black coat. Mellalne Brechin Green woo! dress, brown leoparc coat. Forrnals Betty Allan-rBlack and white net. Elspeth MacKpnz'e Gold crepe with sequins. Kathleen Hills Black net over pink. Molly Frew Flowered net with black taffeta bodjee. Bridal procession Brjde Joyce Watts. Bridesmaids OJepys LWhrnar. Betty Allan, Flower airlsiNlta and Gajl Welse. United States Designers Underscore High Fashion in ' Gowns of Luxury Quality and Metallic Colors By ANN WORCESTER , Canadian Press tiUll Writer NEW YORK O) Gold and silver threads woven into stiff brocades, duchess satin in shining copper colors and an abundance of softly draped silks-real sljks will be Important features in this winter's wardrobe. Leading United States dress designers showed an already weji-dressed audience at the Rltz how they could ,Tecome better dressed at a fashion show tponsored by a firm of silk manufacturers. Among the designers represented were Hattie Carnegie, Adrian, Omar Kiara, Jo Copeland, Nettie Rosenstcin and Suzanne. Most of the dresses shown were evening gowns and formal cocktail dresses. Skirts ranged from elangatcd "That will teach you to leave me alone and unprotected all night." LORD ROWALLAN GETS ROUSING WELCOME Lord Rowallan, Chief Scout of the British Commonwealth and Empire, received a rousing big welcome from Boy Scouts, Cubs and Girl Guides during his visit in Toronto, Ont. Here the baron has a brief chat with Cub David Green, of Leaside, Ont. GLITTER, DRAPE FEATURE STYLES arm and a mysterious dark metal color which she calls Govelin blue. Most romantic of all the eve ning dresses shown was her floral brocade with voluminous skirt and tightly fitted, draped bodice in a darkly metallic, shimmering purple. Adrian showed a dramatic copper tinsel and black brocade dress which he named the "atom smasher." The upper part, shining black with large round cop per spots ended diagonally In the middle of ttye skirt which continued in spangled copper with black spots. That designers no longer want to turn women into Regency bucks or Victorian milkmaid3 should comfort everyone. Only history-Inspired dress In the collection was a straight, short black crepe whisper from ths 20's by Nettie Rosenstein with a . jot-lace bolero thrown over bare shoulders. The show's Kotlo nnlnr srhpmp wns dark fish tails to elaborate bouffant. ght and brlghtand what , ; w -u.Mu-M.jr gj1Uering lightly was often gold (uotiaicu uy uu vuciauu a emerald green satin evening gown Pure gold was Omar Kiam's o-nM-lhrp-irlpH rl.imnsk elided glittering with gold and silver ; ,d lns Rls ,e. fishes Under rounded hips taffpta haU swathed in a softly draped sash' J wltn its wJde sklrt( fuU the bias skirt tapered to the with , over hips.and stomach, and grnd" . . , poppies springing from the The sash around the hips was mustrated well the repeated in an ellipt cally drap- j s of hb own contr,. ed cowl neck ljne. What might i butlons have s e e m e d a n g u 1 a r and j Tne s&es exhibited were not straight Is softened into a long Wgh fashion but Wgh style. curving line. ... I the kind that can be worn with Most striking dress In Mm fof s Pn.Mil' iiH't? mormn M mil ma it'OC ; r a slim black crepe slashed to j Advertise in The Orally few?. the waist and further enlivened by a poison green fringed scarf dipped low in 'the back and HAY FEVER Relief drawn Up through the belt 111 j haibnwon--.ulckly.iiafely -by thousand; , i ! whoonit suffered H jui f ure. .trean:inB,irritatl ifU'll-. I evet. vm. Itrhv Itchy ears, :irK. and and wlio wlioMieMed flnceied and and Colors Metallic Hattie Carnegie, eschowing such underwater fancies, pie-1 fers more elaborately draped hlpllnes and full skirts. Her designs were ultra-feminine featuring a modified leg o'mutton sleeve whose fulness tapers softly to tightness on the fore- THIS AND THAT wheeled. roughed, rhukvd. tpluttrral eviry year. N'uw they deep, work, (eel normal thanki to Templ-toni RAZ-MAII, You needn't lurler ll.v ,v.Mr miw.rv Take RA2.MA11 and Ket the relief you long jor. SUc. (I at drugjisu. R-19 SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala l:3C p.in. (Davllght Saving Time !2-3P rrlnce hupert Time) Friday SS Cardena, 10 p.m. (Daylight Saving Time 9 p.m. Prince Rupert Time) Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight. Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 588 MOTT ELECTRIC (Prince Rupert LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial - Industrial Marine Electricians Home Wiring and Repairs Phone Black A7 230 Second Avenue West The List That Shows Wf.o.ndWnere If you re an EATON cuttomer there l a atencil ot your name and addrei at EATON'S Mail Order In Winnipeg. Your ten-eil, with hundred of thoutandt of other., makea up the mailing list. Space It a problem, but the hard Jcb is keeping thit list up to date. It would be easy if peo-pie Ju.t remained the tame; but they grow up, marry, die and about 7,000 of them move to new addressee every marith. To keep track of all these changes re. quires the time of a large staff. YOU can help, too, by notifying us cf any change of address. All this work Is' done so that EATON'S customers receive EATON'S Catalogue regularly. VT. EATON CI INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 tMaajfaaaaaaHnBKl SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING NIGHT CLASSES Teacher, MRS. HILL (W.C.T.) PHONE RED 284 Geo. J. Dawes The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: Bin Blue H5 Res. Red 127 Ask for George Prfnrr Uupm CWlp Bttos Saturday, September 21, 1946 ART EXHIBIT ENDS TONIGHT Final public display of black-; and-white drawings of Skeena iRiver scenes by BJorn Selvig, noted Norwegian artist, will be held in the Civic Centre tonight. Mr. Selvig plans to take his work east, where an exhibition has been arranged in Toronto. At-, tendance during the fir.st two nights of the exhibition here has been slack, due, Mr. Selvig thinks, to inclement weather. Advertise In The Dailv News. Pe ns -r- 1NFANT PIE5 The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson of Klncolith died In Prince Rupert Genera! Hospital last night. The child was eight days old. , GUILTY OF MORALS CIIARqn An assize court Jury Friday afternoon found Wilfred White of Port Simpson guilty oh a charge of Incest. He was sentenced to two years in the penitentiary by Mr. Justice A. M. Manson. I CCKHKKiCH3CnXiOiOCn500 OOOWaOWOOOOOCKKHCKKi O00CH5OO0 5 Stratford . . . Two-Tone $1.70 g THE DEPENDABLE PEN FOR SCHOOL DIBB PRINTING COMPANY! g BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE 5 Phon-i Red 319 Ve are here to serve you and guarantee you wijl be pleased. FREE DELIVERY OF ALL ORDERS BLAIN BROTHERS Box 1308 1 PHONE .717 HOUSE OF FINE FOODS' Phone 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING J. II. Schuman - S. Julian Night Calls: Blue 170 Green 787 Cor. 2nd Ave. and 7th St. P.O. Iki 171 P.O. Box 1464 & ot Kermod Permoae reen All Interior and Exterior Work Butlders and Painters Free Estimates and Prompt Service LING THE tAILOR We are (akinc cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street A- MacKcniic Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" You Could Go Wrong ... But not with the genuine La-Z-Boy Chair. Ideas can be copied but La-Z-Boy principles simply can't be imitated. THERE IS ONLY ONE LA-Z-BOY Exclusive Features: Self-adjusting and automatic. Stays put at the required COMFORT ANGLE. Seat comes forward as back reclines. Quiet, smooth and noiseless operation. Quality-built, throughout. LA-Z-BOY with STOOL $78.50 and up Phone 775 327 Third Ave. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL HAS REOPENED We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. WE EXTEND A HEARTY INVITATION TO COME AND ENJOY OUR FINE FOOD Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO 6 A.M. t Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES cnop SUEY enow MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 738 THIRD AVENUE WPST i