r4 'i Idrfncc Uupcrt Dnilg I3cUjs Monday, May 27, 1946 SAYS PRESS URGING WAR Charge , that the metropolitan press of, Canada and the United State Is heading those two fcountrie' toward war with the BovCtJnlon through distort political news reporting were!levelled by Labor Progressive flub secretary Bruce Mlckle-burrjl before an audience of 30 In tee CH- Hows' Hall Sunday Employing the Iranian case as his. jixampje, Mr. Mickleburgh saldjthatlyents In Iran and in the i Unltetlv Nations Security CouAcil proceedings during the lastlthree months constitute a "vastly different story from what appeared In the dally pres" "N,o matter what happens, Brltttfn and the United State3 are determined to use Iran to pillftfy the Soviet Union and Elanfter it," he asserted. "It is my pplnion that the picture given ijj tli"e"dally press In Canada and I 'the Ufrited States regarding ,tyie Iranian case In no way conbsponds 'with the facts." Although Britain and the So-vf't'jUniqn had agreements permit. mg ihir troops to be present ln' Iran, the United States had: 'no mich agreement, he de-clarjid. When Britain -withdrew her Jroops from the country last March, she did so by movins them 10a miles Westward to the Iraq border. "Ijut when the Soviet retained tresis in Iran until April, the fact' that she did so was permitted jinder'the terms of a Soviet--Iranian pact of 1921 was never recorded In, the newspapers," I.O.D.E. HOLDS CHURCH PARADE More than 40 members of the city, LODE, chapters at tended a church uarade at St. Andrew's Cathedral on Sun'day morning, heaiing Rev. Basil Prockter deliver an address on the Empire in which he said that it was a bulwark for world peace. Assembling at the cathedral shortly before 11 o'clock, the ladies entered the church led by Municipal Chapter Regent Mrs. D. C. Stuart. The standard bearers of four chapters carried the chapter ban-nqrs. They weie Mrs. S. V. Cox, Municipal chapter; Mrs. M. J. Keays, Queen Mary chapter; Mrs. 'Grant, Cambral chapter, and Miss Joan Bird, Galloway Rapids chapter. MicWeburgh. charged. "It was made to appear as though Russia was In Iran on a stritly Illegal basis." Reports that the Soviet intended to attack Turkey early th; year were given wide publicity by American and Canadian newspapers but, when the falsity of those reports was proven Jater, little space was given to correcting them, he declared. "We have a situation in which the Soviet Union is blamed for all the evil deeds Hat the capitalistic powers themselves are trying to do." he said. "The press presents political facts In an entirely different light because it Is controlled by monopoly capital which also controls the gathering "and dissemination of news." However, he conceded, a "few newspaper men do keep level heads and redeem the Integrity of the profession." THE JOB: The administrative . vork which "keeps them flying". Service or Civil experience in accounting, office procedure, and stenography can qualify for immediate advancement in "trade grouping" and pay. Applicants should normally possess junior matriculation or its equivalent in technical school or a recognized school of commerce; applicants without previous service experience must be over 18 and under 26. Training courses will provide qualified applicants with valuable instruction in the trades of Clerk Accountant, Clerk General, Clerk Stenographer, and Equipment Assistant. THE PAY: ijasic pay plus living allowances for non-commissioned ranks runs from $95 monthly for Air-) craftman Class 2 to $188 for Warrant Officer Class One; extra pay for trade .proficiency and increased pay after three years in any rank; marriage allowance of $20 a month; free uniform clothing and medical and dental service, THE PENSION: A lifetime in-come on discharge after 20 years' or j j Hon. Colin Gibson, Minister f -T- fcresh Local Raw and ! Pasteurized MILK .Valentin dairy PHONE 657 LETTERBOX I AN APPRECIATION Editor, Dail New3: The members of the Sons of Norway Lodge, vinland No. 28, wish to thank you most siricerelj for your co-operation In the celebration of Norway's Independence DayMay 17. Your splendid arrangement of the advertisements May 16 have been the talk of the town, among Norwegians and Others too. Also jour editorial of the same date was a master-piece and was indeed very much appreciated. Neither should we forget to thank you for your write-up following the celebration, indeed in good style. and prominently displayed. Once again we say" thanks and remain Vinland Lodge No. 28 Sens of Norway Ethel Knutson. ENCOURAGE IDEAS Editor, Daily News: I believe It is rather rude that we, as older citizens, have riot replied to a' prize 'teen-3ge letter which was recently published In your paper. If we expect our youth t0 advance constructive Ideas we should at least acknowledge their efforts. I think the Chamber of Commerce, should sponsor a column in tiie letter section; of your paper so than any citizen can express his views constructively as to home, labor and government. I believe we have some good talent to cultivate and this, I think, would weed out the old scheme of party politics. '"The page In the paper would be the voice- of the public. Our government representatives would rw. guided thereby. ' . I also believe that the city more service; pensions or gratuities in the event of prior' discharge on medical grounds, and pensions or gratuities to widows or children in the event of death while on service. VETERANS' PREFERENCE: As among applicants, war veterans applying for reappointment will receive preference, and if accepted will be reappointed to the ranks they held at the time of their discharge, or to the nearest ranks which establishment permits;, and their prior service will be a factor in promotion and pension. TERMS OF SERVICE: Accepted applicants enter Interim Force, which terminates on or before September 30, 1947; good conduct, satisfactory medical category and trade proficiency will enable airmen to enlist in Regular Air Foree for five years, and re-engage thereafter for further five-year terms. WHERE TO APPLY: Applications should be made to Western Air Command, RCAF, Joint Services Headquarters, 4th Avenue West, Vancouver, B.C. SERVICE SPELLS SECURITY OTTAWA, CANADA INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE FOR AIR H. F. Gordon, Depit Minister J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic! If nerves doubly sol Smith Dlock Green 995 CANADIANS AND EMPIRE The British Commonwealtn and Empire Is the greaest force today for freedom, peace, security and decency and It would be a calamity to the "world If ever It should be dismembered, Lieut. Col. J. T. Harvey M.C. told hundreds of students at the Civic should aid civic enterprise by financing the continued endeavours of Individuals who have spent all their funds for a worthy cause and have practical knowledge but not sufficient finances to continue the promotion of their undertakings. P. B. O-AMBLIN. E. Mil , .BHV I WX W JII'7 a-M.- 1'. M.. ...TWH ji V , It '.If J l t OFFICE WORKERS L 0 V IN'S CABINET SHOP Furniture Uepairrd Upholstering - Slip Coven Drapes r Expert saw filing an'd gumming. Small band-saws brazed. Planer and Jointer knives, ground. Phone Green 971 117 Second Avenue "West Opposite Civic Centre Centre Auditorium Thursday afternoon as the Empire Day demonstration of Booth Memorial High School was held. "It behooves us all to do our part in holding the Empire together," the featured speaker of the day admonished. He dwelf on some of the traditions and accomplishments of the Empire arid mentioned several great statesmen including Macdonald and Laurler of Canada, Churchill of Britain and Smu,ts of South Africa. "The. best way we can contribute to the Empire Is to be good Canadians right-thinking, decent and honorable," Col. Slangy said. British, French, Scandinavian and other countries could be well blended into one great Canadlanlsm. Mrs. D. C. Stuart, regent of Municipal Chapter, I.O.D.E., presided. Aid. "N. '-E. Arnold spoke briefly on behalf of the city and the program included vocal solo, "The Empire Ls Our Country," by Benlta Wlndle, piano duet, Mary Adcock and Gwen McRae; vocal solo, "Somewhere a Voice h Calling," arid "Thank God for a Garden," Mrs. U. L. Brown; physical fitness display by girl Instructors of Rup-Uec; chorus. "Our Own Dear Land" and -Our Canada From Sea to Sea," Grade VII girls; song, "United Nations, Joanne Langrldge, Lorraine Youngman and Pat Tumllson; chorus, "Lord of the Lands" and "The Land We Love," Grade VIII girls; solo, "Land 'of Hope and Glory," Mrs. J. W. Oak. Accompanists were Mrs. J. W. Oak, Mrs E J. Smith and Laverna Linney The rDominidn Government depends for almost half its revenue on Income Tax and Excess' Profts Tax from industry and business.' There is one" large section of business which at present is not contributing-one Cent of this revenue. We refer to co-operatives in all parts of the country. iY7 Act 'attacking the principle of co-onerative 6ut we do stand for equality of taxation. We .believe.that.all enterprises, from great oranizations handling farm1 produce1 to small cdiintryTtores should ur incir snare oi taxauun wneiner mey are operieu over 1943, and more than dbuble the 1942 " "'UrVover, 'Kii Co-operatives have an investment of more than 40 , JOIN THEJ'T. P. A. (All income lix payerj except employees of income ux eempt . concerns) are eligible for membership in the Income Tax Payers Association. If you wish to become a member, sign and mail the ' attached application form and enclose membership fee of J l.OO. Mail either to Winnipeg or Toronto. ( J " Income Tax Payers "Association, -' ': Toronto or Winnipeg. I hereby mk tpplioiion for membership in the Income Tk-Far tri Associeuon sod eniioie herewith memberihip fee of I l.OO. NsMt, .....,..,.,,,,...................... ;...,.,,.., a..,...,.. ' ' ! AJJria , ...I.'... ....... ' City or lew , , ' EmfiloytJ h '. COAL! i 'Have you inquired about The Philpott, Evitt COAL BUDGET PLAN Be WISE now! Be WARM next winter! PHONE 651 or 652 . msssm AJJriu These bonds should be presented for redemption with all coupons ol In date attached. No further". be paid on these bonds nf. n.:. j" u Why should a 5500,000,000 BUSINESS ESCAPE INCOME TAX ? Privately ownexl businesses have paid Income and Excess Profits Taxes ranging up to 100 of their profits. Co-operatives Claim they have no profits. What they call "savings" are either added to reserves or paid out as "patronage dividends" to their customers. A Royal Commission has declared that co-operatives do nuke profits, and recommends that these profits be taxed. Hut this Commission has also recommended that profits paid out to customers as "patronage dividends" be allowed as an expense in computing taxable income. by co-operatiyes or 'privately owned by one or more '.citizens.' , , v, Are all profits to be tax-free? '-' Here are a few facts we would like you to blaMniriind: If such a recommendation were to becom ecome 'O'. '""The' business turnover of co-operatives was more A V ) Athan $527,000,000 in 1944 an increase of 50 law. it would leave the door wide open for the payment of all profits as "patronage dividends". Co-operatives would still continue to escape the payment of income tax. "Patronage dividends", which are paid out of profits, must be placed in the same category as dividends in k MvH IOI millions pf dollars in plant and .equipmentAand 'amprivately owned business total assets of more than 200 millions. J . JESS RevisJtfn of The Income W: .. Co-operatives are engaged in buying, selling, .processing, manufacturing, servicing; in flour milling, oil refining, th manufacture and distribution of farm implements, printing, publishing, the' business of owning and leasing property, bus transportation, home building, trucking, rural 1 electrification, telephone service, etc. Expansion through non-payment of Income Tax The rapid expansion of the co-operatives, in recent years has been due to the fact that they have escaped paying income tax. ; ar Tax Act, insofar as it concerns Co-operatives, will come before the current Session of Parliament. It is of utmost importance that such revisions shall bring tax equality to all groups. We urge that the income tax payers of Canada insist that their elected representatives in the House of Commons sec that the heavy burden of income tax is shared fairly by all. The Income Tax Payers Association has no objection to the principles of co-operative trading. It should le th.: right of every Canadian to trade as he desires. Our ojecti is to ensure that nd section of business unloads its share of income taxation and tost of the war on other business or on individual iucomt tax payers. WRITE OTTAWA You. can assist in correcting this unfair tax situation by writing immediately to the (jovernment urging equitable application of Income Taxation to all forms of business. Fill out ind mail the attached form. No postage is required. Hon.). L. IMer, lt'ftisfer of Finance, ( vi, Canada. , 1 rcipcctfullr urie: 1. Tl.ll the Government epplr Income tuition on eiictlr the lime bam on ell lormt of commercial enierprui. includinff co.operitivei. Crown compinici, municipal nd governmental enterpriies and mutual concerni. 2. That patronise dividends, and like piymenn, be dii-allowed it in capcoie before arrivini at taiable income. INCOME TAX PAYERS ASSOCIATION LOMBARD BUILDING, WINNIPEG 92 ADELAIDE STREET WEST, TORONTO We serve you nothlnt; but the best Special Hed 3rnd B' Choicest fresh Vegetables and Ituiu rnmnletf! line of Groceries ' OPEN DUBlN OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT ntiriTTi ati DTnnii" TtflURS Ch f ' Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat Pies, Roast Fish and Chips dally. We are ready to serte Chinese dishes Chow Meln, Chop Suey, c'c - 0 out. Cooked with delicate taste and quick sf TRY US I RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West Next BW