-. W. LEAGUE RD PARTY i ,...ki rarrl nartv' Wan . . .1,. wni?ht3 oi coiumous IB Vi'v Thur:clay evening uncror of me uauvaie sponiomnip . ij-: uo. the rucsLs be- recclvcn by Mrs. W. Lahlt, ... nm-ident. There wer 20 OS lKl"- hnipnn were unuer me Lur ficrr LcRo&s. Mr. F. V ,a5 m charge oi tne aour. ,.. (nnfrs were: hhctp i:;dic: Mr.s. a. jjicod- xir- s L. Peachey: Men, Lyon' George Olouuer. - - nu,y, ; Grac:- Wtshart; 'Men, Mra. ...... Hi Tl'irlfprv. .. .iHlos Mrs. K. J. , -i MO ore, nngeio Local News Items . . . Mr. and IvIks. s. n Mtfwrt, returned to the city on Saturday ! night's train from a holidav utn to Winnipeg , wi..i5rnr.-t, Sh.-nrmrtf. 4fj-r th waster ...i !t .-taiar Qa-' la, i m U:in.c tlie raurt& Jrip north from Vamuuvsr, on Mat vessel. (;' flltan Malanoski and- lnfnt daunhiej. Card!, 1ft last T$UM-day nish:. im the; Prince" Rupsrt far Vancouver whence thi win Tljr.fo tierklmor, New york, Attractive proposition, to offer parties contemplating bttUd-in.5 a hni.H'. Apply Pest Engineers BuiiUlntr. Six:h St., 'across from Rui fri Hotel or. Box 373. (123) I - J 1 . til. I VWIIMfl' "He likes a cup of I'ort Garry Tea every day at four!" liiil 5S ' r5 . Mr. and Mrs. William Rich ards and Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hun ter returned to the cltv last night after a easboat trip of a few days to Ketchikan. Mrs. Edward Smith left Thurs day night on the Prince Rupert for Seattle enroute to Des Mclncs, Washington, where she wl-H pay a visit with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Homer Clay. L For Quick Reliable Taxi Serv ice, Call 6C Taxi. (130) Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson and family and Mrs. B. R. Wilson, who lived In Prince Rupert some years ago and have more recently been resldinr. at Prince Geores left the interior city last week for Windon, Minnesota, where they will make their future home. Mr.' and Mrs. Ned McLeod returned to the city this morning on the Princess Louise from Vancouver where they spent the last ten days. Mr. McLeod will return to temporary duty in the Canadian Pacific Steamship office here prior to his transfer to the company office at Skagway. Announcements Modern Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Friday, May 31. Bobby wods Orchestra. Eastern Star Tea, May 31, Mrs. Rochester's, Prince Rupert Hotel United Tea, Home Cooking, rJune 0. Mrs. George Rorie's, 220 4 th Ave. West. Anglican W.A. Tea, Saturday, June 1. Mrs. Parkin's, 855 Bor den Street. Presbyterian Church Tea, Mrs. aobert Parker's, 805 Summit Avenue, June 20. Get your Marxist and current jamphlets at Room 8, Stone 31ock. Open evenings 7 to 9. -" -i - ' ,m-, ', i JUNE CALENDAR FOR RATIONS June 6 Butter RIO; meat M40. June 13 Butter Rll; meat M41. June 20 Butter R12; meat M42; sugar, preserves S15 and S16. June 27- Meat M43. Coupons still valid: Butter Rl to R9; meat M29 to M39; sugar, preserves SI to S14. Mr. Justice A. M. Harper arrived in the city on the Catala last night from Vancouver to preside at the spring session of Supreme Court Assizes opening here today. It is his first visit to Prince Rupert since elevation from the County to Supreme Court bench. He will proceed later in the week to Prince George to conduct Assizes there. His Lordship, who is accompan ied, by his wife, will be the speak er before the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at its weekly luncheon on Wednesday. C. K. Guild, K.C., member of a Vancouver law firm, arrived In the city this afternoon on the Princess Adelaide to act for Dons Sing, plaintiff in a civil action against the prernment agent at Smlthers in which Dong is seeking ten per cent of the capital stock In the estate of the late' J. A. C. K. Sealy. T. W. Brown and J. T. Harvey are solicitors for the defendant The case will be heard In Assize court this week. Advertise In the Daily News NOTICE Applications for a position as clerk In the CJty Engineer's office will be received by the undersigned up till noon May 27. Give full particulars as to education and other qualifications in first letter. CITY .ENGINEER, City of Prince Rupert. (123) THERE IS no time to lose in ordering your coal. Western Canadian miners look to you for steady employment this spring and summer so that you wiU have coal for next winter. Your immediate .order helps to keep coal moving from the mines to household bins. There must be no "slack season" in the mines this year. Next winter's coal must be mined during the next four months. Order your coal at once "and accept delivery whenever your dealer can make it. 6 . Hotel. . . arrivals Is Prince Rupert G. R. Jones, Vancouver; H. B. Hunt, Vancouver; R. Coates, Prince George; Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Henry, Montreal; W. J. Pet- rie, Vancouver; C. H. Mead, Van couver; C. M. Edgar, Vancouver; A. Caldwell, Toronto: G, W. Christie, Vancouver; P. D. Grass, Vancouver; W. Freeman, Francis Lake; D. L. Chambers, Vancouver; D. T. Donavan, Port Al-berni; S. D. Jensen, Vancouver; Judge and Mrs. A. M. Harper, Vancouver; Mrs. A. S. Ward, Port Clements; Mrs. T. Bannister, Smlthers; T. Thorp, Telkwa; Mrs. M. Bates, Smlthers; W. D. Falrbalrn and son, Sooke, V.I.; F. Roosa, Edmonton"; K. D. Mc- Rae, Smlthers; Mrs. Jean Watson, Topley; H. H. Church, W. H. Pratt, Prince Albert: R. A. Nlcholls, Vancouver; R. Paulsen, Inverness; D. A. Finlayson, Vancouver; Miss M. Sharp, Port Edward; Miss 8. Robins. Port Edward; R. H. Spencer, Inverness; R. H. Miller, Mill Bay; S. Sugden, North Pacific Cannery; Mr. and Mrs. L. Murray-Ure and family, North Battleford, Sask.; How do you feel today? J. Fox, Hanna, Alta.; G. D. Robinson, Shirley; M. Burton, Vancouver; A. C. Paddock, Vancouver; G. F. Harris, Mill Bay; A. Pallant, Sandsplt; P. Carlson, Vancouver; 'Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Crawford, Queen Charlotte City; R. J. Taggart, Kelowna; H. Cur-rle, Claxton; N. Fidler, HAIR RESTORER In ancient Egype, a mixture of nalmal fat was considered a cure for baldness. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY APPLICATIONS will be received up to noon Friday, May 31, for the position of clerk in City Engineer's office. Give particulars of education and office experience in first letter to Box 307, Prince Rupert. (127) DRESSMAKING CLASSES Beginners and Advance Students SIX WEEKS COURSE OPENS TUESDAY, MAY 28 Margaret Jessop 1126 Ninth Avenue East Residence: Blue 480-Studio: Black 236 (123) Better Keep Iftiter' flaMf Vp are pleased to announce that conditions ! :A J1 ' now permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAND" Scotch type smoked kipppers. , .smoked alaska black cod ' smoked mild cured salmon g Try them today from "your Butcher ' or at your Favorite Restaurant. ' 'ft anadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. PRESTO COOKERS For . . . FASTER, TASTIER, HEALTHIER COOKING See these new pressure cookers, now on display at , Gordon's Hardware McBride Street : PHONE .31! Hollywood Cafe ntlNCE RUrEUT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 1 1 AM. TO I A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Music by "Esquires" Mondays and Thursdays 10:30 to 12 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE V.V.i 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST 1 Widths B, C, D. PER PAIR $9.25 ISrincc Rupert Dalle JI3ctos Monday, May 27, 1940 f M Moccasin type shoe in Scott & McIIale "Richmond" quality. Antique finish in medium shade of brown. Medium slip-soles, leather heels. "THE MEN'S SHOP fUJ - BOX 136C (LOTlllSiG AD FURNISHINGS 532 THIRD AYIHUE PHONE 345 iiioiaiivu - - - - - WE rilONE 108 Serviced & Cleaned PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING J. II. Schuman S. Julian REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS O ESTIMATES Night Calls: r.lue 170 Green 787 CORNER SECOND AVE. and SEVENTH ST. WEST A. MacKenzIe Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLAICE TO BUY" Warm Weather Accessories . . . FLAY FENS 36"x36"x24", assembled J. KESTEN Furrier S7;50 uBSssSmTilea. $5.83 DECK CHAIRS, PORCH CHAIRS, RECLINERS with bright striped canvass and hardwood frames We appreciate your Mail Orders-Goods forwarded "at once. Phone 775 327 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert 731 DAVIE STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. FUR STORAGE SAFE RELIABLE AND INSURED TAKE TRADE-INS AS PAYMENT ON YOUR NEW I'UR COAT ORDER NOW HAVE IT READY WHEN YOU NEED IT. WE DO REMODELLING, CLEANING. GLAZING, REPAIRING and RELINING REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Suey Chow Mcin Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 6 a.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE 173 Representing Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. HOSE BELTING TIRES and TUBES and Accessories CARRIED IN STOCK PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Phone C32 Manufacturer's Agent Plumbing and Heating Engineers OIL AND COAL STOKERS Barr&Anderson LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 P.O. Box 772 KWONG SANG HINQ HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 2 ajn.: Outside Orders from 2 pjn. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 K