V Jt 4. he-Ma mi two minutes. Prince Rupert Daily I3cUis Saturday, August 31, 1946 loday wn Baseball Scores American .Philadelphia 0-2, Boston 6-6. iiijg ,- Natiouir "Bfi PV.niHolrwV.la 1 Mom. VnrV ? (Only games scheduled). International Baltimore 6-4, Newark 3-3. Montreal 3-10, Toronto 4-7; (first game elevi-n Innings). - Rochester 12, Buffalo 4. . jersey City 3, Syracuse 9 (ten Innings). Western International Yakima 12, Spokane 7. Salem 1, Bremerion 2. , Vjctorla 5, Vancouver 14. Tacoma 9, Wenatchee 21. . Pacific Coast San Francisco 12, Oakland 3. San Diego 0-1, Portland 1-3. Los Angeles 0-4, Seattle 2-5. Sacramento. 4, Hollywood 5. American Association Minneapolis 7, St. Paul 3. Exhibition Game Cleveland (American League) 7, Milwaukee .(American Association) 6. SKINNER BOWLS SINGLES WINNER Defeats Morgan in Final of Novice Competition Via the final: of the singles of the" 'novice bowling competltfon at the Canadian National Recreation bowling greens, Frank Skinner defeated Bert Morgan by a score of' 21-18. Both men played at the top or their form and at no time was here much of a margin between their scores. However, Skinner was successful in getting the lead, and holding to the end to win 21-18. NEW SPEED MARK MADE California to Cleveland at 435 M.P.II. to Win Bendix Trophy CLEVELAND 1 Paul Mantz of Burbank, California, yesterday won the 2,045-mile Bendix Trophy plane race from Van Nuys California, to Cleveland,, travelling 435.6'mlles perliour 135 miles faster than the record set in the last race in 1939. Fly- Inir fnstnnw hp mnrip thp dis ANNUAL BOWLS INTERNATIONAL One of the features of the bowling season Is the annual "International'1 at the local bowling greens. This will take the form of a Scots team captained "byl"Dave MacPhee against the rest, captained by Sid Thomson. The trophy at stake is the Mc-Clymont Cup. The Scots are very ambitions and even generous in their attitude . towards this en counter. They challenge the rest, that Is the pick of the best of all other nationals: and are confi dent they will be able to down them on Monday afternoon Labor Day. Advertise in the Dallv News. Sports Motors Are Two Ahead Won Over 99 Taxi In Splendidly Contested Fastball riay-off Game by 12-7 In a match featured by hard hitting, keen fielding and good pitching, General Motors took another game from 99 Taxi in the City Fastball play-offs and now need but one more game to win the city championship. The final score was 12-7 with the game called at the end of the eighth inning. The third game will be played Sunday evening at 6 at the Gyro Ball Park. A win for the General Motors will give them the series. 99 Taxi went out In short order in their first visit to the plate whereas General Motors chalked up 3 runs by Simundson, Johnson and Lindsay. However, In tho flrct nf Hip spcnnd 99 Taxi . Wlndle with successive 2-bag- jgers, a walk to Ratchford, and a two-bagger Dy .rtoniesano (brought In three runs. General ! Motors went scoreless in the Second inning. In the third 99 I added two more when Calder-I one and Beynon, the latter with a 3 -bagger scored, Ratchford s 2-bagger bringing Beynon in. General Motors went scoreless In their half of tfie third and 99 led by 5-3. In the first of the fourth 99 was scoreless but General Motors got one run in when Howe scored. Don Arney 's doublo and a couple of walks got Beynon in trouble and Schroedrr took over. With bases full and none out the situation was full of possibilities but Gurvlch took Johnson's fly and made a fine throw to home to get Don Arney at the plate and then Pos-tuk's quick throw to third gave Smith a chance to get Ted Ar ney out. It was smart work, and 99 heave,d a sigh of relief. In the first of the fifth 99 threatened but Lamble's fine throw to home plate cut off Beynon. In their half of the fifth Lindsay started off with a tance in four hours and forty- j 2-bagger and he and Davis scored to put the Motors in the lead 6-5. Both went scoreless In the sixth but 99 regained the lead when Wlndle and Ratch ford scored. However Johnson and Davis scored on Davis' 2-bagger and Lamble's single and General Motors was one up. In the first of the eighth 99 went I out in quick order and then General Motors sewed the gam? up with four runs by Don Ar ney, Ted Arney, who hit a 2-bagger, Johnson and Lindsay. The game ended with General Motors winning 12-7. Scores: 99 Taxi 03200 0 207 Gen. Motors 3 0 0 1 2 0 2 412 Box Scores: 99 Taxr AB R H Houston 5 0 0 Calderone 5 11 Lacrosse Feature Monday Evening Prince Rupert Will Meet Aiyansh Indians at Roosevelt Park Gymnasium The stage Is all set for the lacrosse game pn Alonday evening 'at Roosevelt Park gymnasium .when the Prince Rupert team will meet the Aiyansh team. The players from Prince Rupert are as follows: Bud Schu-roan, Harry Sheardown, Charlie Maundrel, Cliff Abercrombie, A! Nelson "Nipper" Woods; Dave Chappie, Ted Arney. Terry Parsons, Ralph Smith, Lloyd Lahtl, Bob Scarfe. Ralph Scarfe and W. Spring. The local team will ne without the. services, of Ericksen who played such a sterling game on defence against the Uganda team, but Coach Woods Is very confident that his aggregation will be able to hold its own against the Aiyansh team. The Indians will not arrive till this evening so Dick has had no chance to see them in action but his own Dlayers have Improved since their game with the Uganda and feel sure they can match anything the visitors will be able to produce. Baynon Smith . (p) 4 2 started scoiine, Smith mufWIndle Ratchford 2 2 Ourvich - 2 0 Dominato 1 0 Postuk (c) 3 0 Montesano 1 0 Shroeder (p) 2 0 33 7 7 General Motors ABRH Arney T. (p) -. 4 12 Simundsen -4 1 2 Johnson ...... 5 3 3 Lindsay 4 3 2 Davis ..... 3 2 2 Lambie T 4 0 2 Fitch 4 0 1 Howe : 4' 1 1 Arney, Don c) 4 12 36 12 17 Batteries: 99 Taxi Beynon (3), Shoeder (5) and Postuk. General Motors Ted Arney and Don Arney. Umpires: Neil Ross, Joe HIGH-PRICED DIAMONDS CAPETOWN f High prices are being paid here for cut dia monds by overseas dealers anr Johannesburg merchants. A1 few months ago a single gem of more than nln carats was sold for 6,175 ($10,375). IN THE SUPREML COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP RAONAR N. FREDRlKSfcN otherwise known n FREDERIKSEN and FREDRICK SON DECEASED INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor E. D. Woodburn, Acting Tor and at request of His Honor W. E. Fisher, made on the 31st day of July. A D. 1946. I wiQ appointed Administrator of the Estate of Raft-nar N. Fredrlksen. otherwise known as Predcriksen and Fredrlckson. deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are herebv reatilred to furnish same, properly verified to me on or before the 18th dav of September, A D. .1948. and aU parties Indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their inriphtMlness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 5th day of Aueust. A D. 1946 OORDON P. FORBES. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. 2C9 LABOR DAY SPORTS CIVIC CENTRE - Monday, September 2, 11 a.m. J. Egg and Spoon Race Girls. ! 2. 25-Yard Dash ? Boys. 3. 25-Yard Dash Girls. I. 25-Yard Dash Hoys. . 5. 25-Yard Dash Girls. Winners in Each Children's Events fi. Tiny Tot Race (5 yrs. and under) Boys and Girls. 7. Three-Legged Race Boys. 8. Skipping Rope Race Girls. 9. 35-Yard Dash (9 and 10 yrs.) Boys. 10. 35-Yard Dash (9 and 10 yrs.) Girls. 11. 35-Yard Dash (11 & 12 yrs.) Boys. 12. 35-Yard Dash (11 & 12 yrs.) Girls. Ivent First Prize ..$1.00; Second Prize ..50c CANDY PKIZE FOR ALL ENTRANTS FIELD SPORTS - Roosevelt Park, 2 p.m Tug-of-War ( nen to a team $15 Cash Prize Base Running Race $3 First Prize; $2 Second Prize Baseball Throw $3 First Prize; $2 Second Prize Australian Pursuit Bicycle Race $25 First Prize One Prize Only (if fewer than six entries) $10 First Prize Seen and Heard Bleachers This was definitely one of the best games of the season, and players, managers and coaches are all to be congratulated. Congratulations are also in order to the umpires, Ross at the plate and Ratchford on the bases. Both teams played heads-up ball with few errors and many Welding features. Houston took i very difficult catch at top peed and low down. Fitch climbed 'into foul territory to snag a hard chance, even f a runner on third did come '.ome after the catch. A great throw by Lambie to home saved a run while Gur-vich's catch and throw to home plate was a fine double-event. Lindsay's drive that hit the wall of the Masonic Temple was one of the biggest hits of the season, though H went for two runs only. Wlndle stole home while the opposition were congratulating themselves on an out at .second. Ted Arney pitched a good game. Hp struck out two, walked six and gaye up seven hits fo: seven runs. His brother was very good behind the plate. Beynon held the 'murderers' row" well in hand in the three innings he pitched. He gave up four walks, struck out none and allowed eight hits for four runs. Shroeder Took over in a tight spot and a double-play was a life-saver He walked.one. struck one none, and gave up 9 hits for 4 runs with the last Inning the critical one. Tosiuk did a very good job as catcher. ' For 99 Taxi. Wlndle hit two 2-bag.gers, fceynon a 3-tiagger, and Smith, Ratchford and Montecano a 2-baggtr each. For General Motors, Lindsay hit two 2-baggers and Ted Ar-ner, Joe Davis and Don Arney a 2-bagger apiece. There was a big crowd and they had full value for their money, even the one who put In a dollar bill and the three who put in 50c each. It was worth It. -? The third game is called for Sunday at Gyro Bill Park and if (mark that "If") General Motors win they win the series. 99 Is going out to get their first win of the series. LARGEST CITY Buenos Aires is the largest m city below the equator. ASTHMA RELIEF A Modtrn Inhalant Mtlhad lar (l!lnj th Sfmptaml ol Atlhmi t NM-Cardla( Naluri and Kay Ff CAUTION: Rood ViUraUf Thoroughly and lift Only As Dtrvcttd. CONSULT YOUK LOCAL DRUGGIST , $ton y 'r 1 r Firestones have everything to assure you of long, low-cost, trouble-free mileage. So naturally everybody wants such an outstanding tire, and stocks are running low. That's why we ask you to buy now for emergency needs only and place your order for future delivery. CAR, TRUCK-TRACTOR TIRES S. E. PARKER. LTD. FIRESTONE DEALERS, PRINCE RUPERT Special for Labor Day JFceh-eiul: 15 min. Sight Seeing Flights ONLY $5,00 Available at Smithers Friday and Saturday at Terrace Sunday and Monday TERRACE FLYING CLUB TENTS - PACK SACKS TRAPPER NELSON PACKBOARDS WATERPROOF GROUND SHEETS PROTECT YOUR LUGGAGE WITH CANVAS COVERS Edmondson Awning and Sail Works 330. SECOND AVENUE P.O. Box 302 : PHONE C32 Announcement . . . JOHN HARRIS and M. PARKINSON have resumed proprietorship of ATLAS BOILER WORKS Boilers, Tanks and General Ironwork j FOR SPENDING in PRINCE RUPERT, Events Sponsored by Civic Centre Prince Rupert Baseball Association Civic Ca . ... i . i i n it.. i. T4...i:..i: . Pa-j VvtflllllllllL'i: IIUUi; l )1J V. HI If iriuuuuuii i mnn niw ftin&iniu onvrrunr I Anlln AT YH N AT. tirr lfdl Mia w mum 11 a.m. Children's Sports 3:00 p.m. Baseball In front of Civic Centre 1:30 p.m. Dedication Ceremony Roosevelt Park 4 2:30 p.m. Sports Roosevelt Park Tug-of-War Base-Running Race Baseball. Throw Roosevelt Park - ... .1 n ........ I I W-T 'I'. ....... ' IflllWIl. U.O.O. 1 mini r- Roosevelt fiynasiun Prince Rupert vs. Aiyni 10:00 p.m.-Dance Civic Centre Australian rurstlll UlcyclO Kacc Sponsored by rrlnce Ruper- ADMISSION Afternoon Sports and.Baseball ...... Adults 50c Lacrosse Game Adults 50c Dance Ladies 75c Children .1 M.li-Pfl Gentled ... 1 new m tHmm mtm