ptimc Rupert ntp j3cu3s Tuesday. September 17, 1846 Passing of a famed .downtown of athletic champions has been recorded in nostalgic terms "by hi' sport commentators in the On tario metropolis, their somewhat personal lamentations over disappearance ' of numerous tro- Ing described as the termination oi an auneuc reign, tsut nne printed .heart-burning did not go quite far enough. The sale of the pumproom marked the close of an era during which tayernikeepers, generally, were forthright celebrities of the sports world. Those were the rugged days when the routine tour by Toronto sport scribes In search of news meant dropping into numerous bars and anterooms to. Interview the. ale-house proprietor. Even some of the landmarks have long since disappeared. To discuss baseball, a visit with the late Jim McCaffery at the old Bay Tree Hotel was a dally necessity; Tom Flanagan at the former. Grand Central Hotel always could talk on about Jack Johnson, Tom Longboat, Tim OTtourke and other champions of the day; P. J. Mulqueen was mine host at the Tremont Hotel where rowing was the theme; Bob Falconer, champion cyclist, held forth at his Spadina .House on the Canadian Wheelmen's Association. Cpnversatiori at the old Queen's Hotel always drifted to horses and hockey because Winnett and Thompson were there: a jaunt to the Empress Hotel to see the Dissette giants was necessary for Ontario Hockey Association matters; the old Rossln House was always good for lacrosse, then over to Scholes Hotel to get the viewpoint of Champion Jack and Champion Lou by which time your newspaper had already gone to press. That was the daily "tour de plaisir" of a Toronto sports! writer of yesteryear. It was the yport era when the Toronto baseball team paraded downtown streets atop horse-drawn stages to advertise the bl? game at Dfamflnd Parks Invariably stopping off at the Bay Tree Hotel. It was the time a newly-crowned Scholes It might bs Lou .or Tom or Jack arrived at the old Un ion Station to be hauled by, wiumg hands while perched on a .hook-and-ladder wagon, the destination being Scholes Hotel for acclaim by mayor, civic officials and countless admirers with business exceptionally .good, forsooth. It was the period ol bike contests from the Toronto Citv Hall to Hamilton City Hall and of women's walking races up Yonse Street for two and a half miles from Oueen Street when naushty short skirts were" barred. Who said there wasn't some fun back In these days? As for the original Johnnie Scholes (1845-1918), mention al- UNDERSEA WATER MAIN IN DANGER City Engineer Authorized to .Proceed Immediately With Investigation and Repair of Line. in Shawatlans Passage '.Leak which has existed for some time In the city's water main across Shawatlans Passage is deterioratlne and there are definite signs of an Impending, Joint blow-out Involving the complete severence of the underwater line, City Engineer E. A. PhUHPs advised the city council in a report last night. Mr. Phillips, who attributed the trouble to shifting sand, asked and received authorization from the council to proceed with investigation and early repair work. The power of daily newspaper advertising Is well illustrated by the success of .Gordon Self ridge who drew customers to his de partment store although it was located well outside the central shppplng district of London. EARLY NEWS IS WELCOME Local news Items, to ensure publication, should be In the office by 10 a.m. Contributors are asked to bear this In mind. Items of social and personal Jnterest are always welcome. most any sport and he was It, with a cap "I". His achieve ments: world's amateur snow-' shoe .record-holder 40 years;; member of a North American' championship rowing cre,w; champion boxer; champion 100-yard printer; Canadian 10-pin1 champion in 1830; member of the champion Ontario Lacrosse Club; champion weight-thrower, etc., etc. following m ,nis loot - steps were two sons: jLou ,F. Scholes (1880-19.42) and JohnjL. Scholes, who has Just sold the family hotel. Lou's rowing titles Included the Canadian .Junior and :senior sculling honors, the U.S. Junior association and senior championship singles, member of the championship doubles, and the Diamond Sculls at Henley-on-Thames in 1904. The honors of John, Jr., Included: undefeated world featherweight champion, Canadian featherweight and lightweight boxing titles In 1897-99 and the equivalent-weight title In, England, and the American titles of the .class at New York.ln 1900 and at Pitts burgh in 1901. The Scholesadd- ed much glory to the athletic honor rolls of Canada. I ers, Toilers vs. Ideal Cleaners, - - Classified Advertising - - Clasa.'fleds: 2c per word per insertion, minimum charge. SCc. Birth 60c; Cards of Thanks. Death Notices, Funeral .Notices. Marriage .and Engagement Announcements: ,2. FOR SALE FOR SALE Small business; also some furniture. Apply P.O. Box767. (220) FOR SALE Oil burning kitchen ' range and high chair. 661 5th East. Phone Green 987, (220) FOR SALE One Heintzman piano. Can be seen at Murphy!s Lumber Yard, 1st Ave. East. $200. Phone Black 884. (220) FOR SALE Webber upright piano, reasonable. Phone Blue 370 after 6 pjn. (219) FOR SALE Large 8-room house, 346 Fourth Ave. West. Phone Red 400, daytime. (220) FOR SALE 7-Roomed house, fully modern, with concrete foundation and basement; ,4 bedrooms. . Good terms at $3,000. Less for cash. Apply Collart & McCaffery Ltd. (220) FOR SALE 200 special-mated New Hampshire chickens, six months old. $2.00 each. Shipping charges extra. Leroy's Ranch, Kitwanga, B.C. (tf) FOR SALE Sawmill with two-and-a-half million feet of timber; camp and kitchen utensils; equipment, tools, A horses, good condition. Price $5000. Apply Lee Jim, Hazel-ton, B.C. (tf) FOR SALE 7 room house with concrete foundation. Newly painted. Reasonable for cash Apply 260 9th Ev after 5. (219) FOR SALE Mexican Chiwawa puppies. Three males. 727 Fraser St. ' (219) VVE BUY and Sell new and used Furniture and hardware. Used hassocks from ;$2.50. Dressers $14.50. Chest of Drawers $9 Stoves for coal and wood $35. Smoking stands $1,25. Dining room sets frpm $30. Rug 6x10 now $18. 3-piece chesterfield in very good condiyon $69.50. New coal and wood stoves, heaters." Scatter rugs from $1.65. Fancy mirrors from $2. See-Us lrst' 11 wl.Payyu. B.C. Furniture Co. Phone Black 324. FOR SALE 1941 model 18 h.p. Palmer, new condition. Apply Black 927 or Green 975. (218) FOR SALE Boat "Addle R" trol-ler, fully equipped. Apply J. Clausen & Son, Black 927 , or Green 975. (218) FOR SALE Petters 5 h.p. Diesel engine and generator, with reostat and all equipment, In good condition; also 2 h.p. gas engine. Buyer must take both. For particulars apply P.O. Box 162, Terrace, B.C. (222) FOR SALE Kitchen cabinet with glass doors, etc.; also electrical attachments. Good condition. Reasonable. Drop-leaf kitchen table. Folding buggy. Phone Green 800 or call at 529 7th East. (218) FOR SALE 16" Turner -built speed boat, like new. Phone Blue 365 after 6 p.m. (222) GREY HAIR HANDICAPS YOU. Use Angellque Grey Hair Restorer to regain natural color-life. -$1 at'Ormes Ltd. (222) SCHEDULE F.0R LADIES' BOWLS "A" Lesgue September 17 Annettes vs. locse, pig Sisters ,vs. Varty, Lucky .Strike vs. Savay , Swing-, ers, ;MIllar .Bay vs. ,Ideal .Cleaners, Orange vs. Tollers. ..September 24 Savoy .Swingers vs.,BigSisters, Ideal Cleaners vs. Lucky Strikes, Toilers vs. filler Bay, Moose vs. Orange, Variety ys. Annettes. October 1 Lucky Strikes vs. Toilers, MUler Bay vs. Orange, Variety vs. Moose, .Annettes vs. Savqy 'Swingers, .Big Sisters vs. jdeal cleaners. i ,October 18 Moose ys. Miller pay,,.Savoy Swingers vs. Variety, Annettes svs. .Ideal Cleaners, ,Blg Sisters vs. Toilers, jLucky .Strikes vs. Orange. rOctobsr 15r-Savoy Swingers vs. Moose, Tollars vs. Anpettes, Orange vs. .Big ;SLsters, Lucky Strikes vs. Miller .Bay, Ideal Cleaners vs. Variety. lOctober 22 Annettes vs. Orange.,: Big Sisters .ys. Miller Bay, Lucky Strikes ys. Variety, Toilers vs. Moose, Ideal Cleaners vs. Savoy Swingers. October 29 Big 'Sisters vs. Lucy Strikes, Orange vs. Variety. Tollers vs. Savoy Swingers. Ideal Cleaners vs. Moose, Annettes vs. Miller Bay. November 5 Miller "Bay vs. Variety, Orange vs. Savoy Swing- .FOR RENT FOR RENT Partly furnished 3-room cottage. Phone Green 626! (221) FOR RENT Six-room flat, -two furnished bedrooms and (kitchen stove at 209 5th Ave. W. Apply Suite 1, Helgerson Block. (220) FOR RENT Sleeping toom, close in. Phone 5. (219) FOR RENT 2 .room suite. 537 8th West. (218) ROOM AND BOARD Home away from home. ,622 Fraser St. (222) HELP WANTED WANTED Two mechanics for interior garage. References re quired. State experience and wages wanted. Interviews ar- ranged. Only first class men , Don Forward presented the Man-need .apply. Reply Box 155 ! 0n Trophv to Bud Schuman. Daily News. (tf) I WANTED Reliable housekeeper for family of 2 adults and 2 children. No heavy laundry or waxing. Large private room. $G0 a month. Phone Red 879. (tf) WANTED WANTED Boy's or man's bicycle In good condition. Phone .Elack 953 between 7 and 8 p.m. (219) WANTED Small boat with cabin. ,Box 156 Daily News. (218) LOST LOST Monday night, small change purse containing gold earrings and keys. Finder may keep money but return other contents to Dally News (218) LADIES wrist watch. Initial "B" on back. Reward. Return ti Dally News Office. (218) READING Glasses In brown case Saturday evening. Please phone 355. (tf) LOST Brown wallet containing . money and papers Thursday. Finder please phone Blue 273 after 5 p.m. (218) PERSONAL VIOLIN TUITION. For appointments phone Black 120. Mrs. Ellen M. Anderson. (s22) WILL WASH AND IRON laundry. Call 413 6th Ave. West, evenings, or phone Black 848. (218) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company .United. Vancouver, B.C. (tf) LakelseLake CAMP Johnstone's Camp at Lakelse Lake is tll open for the hunting season. The trout fishing is still good. CABINS TO RENT ,BOATS FOR HIRE Annettes vs. Lucky Strkes, Big Sisters vs. November 2 Orange vs. Ideal Cleaners, Tollers vs. Variety. Annettes vs. BLg Sisters, Lucky Strikes V3. Moose, Miller Bay vs. Savoy Swingers. B" League September 19 Bankers vs. Watts & Nlckerson, Khatadas vs. Peoples, Whirlwinds vs. Revenuers, Co-pp vs. Dockettes, Atlin vs. WPTB. September 26 Khatadas vs. Revenuers, Whirlwinds vs. Dockettes, Co-ojj vs. WPTB, Atlin vs. Watts & Nickerson, Bankers vs. Peoples. October 3 Whirlwinds vs. WPTB, Co-op vs. Atlin, ! Peoples vs. Watts & Nickerson, .Bankers vs. Revenuers, Khatadas vs Dockettes. October 10 Co-op vs. Watts & Nickerson, Revenuers vs. Peoples, Bankers vs. Dockettes, Khatadas vs. WPTB, Whirlwinds vs. Atlin. . Critical Comments Both .gpalkeepers gave a grand display with Jupp getting more shats. DeCosta and Langlols put un a creat defence with bath makin-r strons runs. Baker and i Brennan were also good with Brennan havins bad luck In not scoring. Oram. Francis and ! Stewart shot hard. DeCosta star- red with three coa:s and a great j all-round display. I I The Morven brothers were both a great help to the local I team. Both .played a steady forceful game with D. Morven getting two goals. Ralph Smith and Gillls were outstanding both in checking and In forceful running. Arney with two goals and o nss'.sts '.vps the leading Ru- psrt scorer and shot well. Par sons has speed and combines well. Perry gave a notable dls-rj'av of stlckhandllng. White and ficarff got a poal each. Schu man was always in the thick of things. The general run of nlav all through the same was of a higher standard than Saturday's and was equally hard fought. There was never any drawing back from a charge; body checking was mercjless though generally Cjean. With a few more such heames the standard of play will. imnrrre even more and lacrosse should be a major indoor attraction this winter. , . tf " Following the conclusion of .the eame Civic Centre Director captain of the local team. The ! uzancia warn nearuiv enaorsea "-c the presentation of the trophy I and then DeCosta flashed one and stated that "they had thor- Past Chappie to give the Navy a ouhsly enjoved the series. They j two-goal lead. Play became fast-r-ouM b plad to return to plav " ard more furious. Schuman for it another time, said Coach ?0. Hcr?g. This renorter would venture to simest to the snorts officer of the shin that arrangements hould be made to have the Navy players properly equipped nnd numbered, It would all add to everyone's enjoyment. mm GOOD QUALITY fuel is now avail-able to early buy-en. I The supply 2s limited. Telephone or come and see us. Albert & McCaffery Phones 116 and 117 mttHaMMaMaMal Today in Sports Thrilling Lacrosse Prjnce ,Rupert and H.M.OS. Uganda Play to a 7-7 Score But .Prince .Rupert Wins Series In the .second of the two-game ssrles between H.M.CB. Uganda and Prince Rupert the teams fcught to a hectic draw, each team scoring seven goals, but, on the two-game total, Prince Rupert wen 19-16. An excited crowd saw what was definitely the best game of lacrosse ever played in the city. Prlnce Rupert opened the scoring vhen Arney found the cor-ner but Woolacott tied the score from close m. Rupert went ahead when White scored on a neat pass from II. Morvan and went two up when Scarffe 'converted Arney's pass. Then the Navy hit back and, after a nice run, Parrott passed to Maple wh sred. DeCosta went tnroueh like a battleship all white ialone to equalize and brin thcscharff B spectators to their feet. Perry , went through but Jupp outguess-, rd h'm wnlle Chappie then saved from DeCosta and Langlols. The first period ended 3-3. second period produced a lot of eood combination with the defenders checking closely. Ru pert finally made the score 4-3 when Perry beat Jupp. Schu-man had two hard shots stopped and then Stewart tied up the score on Brennan's pass. H. Morven was great on defence. Half time found the score tied 4-4. On the resumption of play both teams found an extra burst of speed. Smith, for Rupert, brouaht the crowd to their feet and then Langlols made a sensational run only to have Morven stop him. Schuman and DeCosta engaged in a prolonged stick- handling and body checking duel with Schuman still in possession of the ball. White went through but Jupp saved at point blank range.;Baker and Brennan showed to advantage. Arney had four shots stopped but DeCcsta went through to give Uganda the lead wjth a terrific shot. Then D. Morven tied it up at 5 all. Jupp was .settlnz more to do .than Chappie in this period but Lahgi lois made a great run, lost the ball, regained it and scored to put the Navy one up. The last quarter started with th? Navy leading 6-5. Maple test- OLD VIRGINIA TOBACCO Fine Wood in if for PRINCE RUPERT G Chappie 0 Smith 0 Morven D 2 Parsons 0 Echuman 0 Arney 2 Gllils - 0 Nelson 0 1 1 Perry 1 s. scharff 0 Spring 0 Morven H 0 7 x-Rest of game penalty. UGANDA O A P Jupp 0 0 0 DeCosta 3 0 2x Langlols 1 0 2 Maple 1 0 2 Parrott . 0 1 2 Woolacott 1 0 0 Brennan 0 1 2 Baker 0 0 2 Stewart 1 0 0 Oram 0 0 0 Francis 0 0 l Martin - 0 0 0 Miller 0 0 0 McLean 0 0 0 7 2 12 x Rest of eame penalty. Shots stopped:' Chappie 6 8 5 827 Junp 6 7 11 7 31 Scores by periods: Uganda 3 1 2 17 rrln" Rupert 3 11 27 Premier Drew of Ontario re-eentlv staled: "Free speech was one jMUj of the war and it is nrftf)'tn'prefs to see that it Is malntelrt'ed for it Is the key to all- freedoms." T-ain Srhnrlttlp For the Hasi Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 p.m. From the East Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 p.m, iaaW si i i Sale! Office: II. Mair's Auction Rooms Third Avenue East Campbell's Cosy Cabins Skeena Biidge Tourist Camp One Mile feast of Town Box 13 TERRACE, B.C. , . , NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DFXIVEUY J 100 Cords of Seasoned Scrap Lumber First class 14-inch lengths, free of nails $10 per cord Second class trimmings up to 14-inch lengths, $8 per cord Third class, various lengths uncut $6 per cotd FOR COURTEOUS AND RELIABLE SERVICE H EMMONS TRANSFER Phone Black 156 Night Phone: Black CG5 P.O. Box 1131 Station B Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 and" DeCosta staged another rqyal battle and both gota rest-pf-the-game penalty. Arney slipped through to give D. Morven a pass and the latter scored..Par-sans got away very fast, passed to Arney .and he tied the score. Brennan was through but Chappie saved. Glllis was hurt. Then Jupp was knpeked out but recovered. Both teams never let up but staged clever combination plays varying their passing and going all out but full time found the'scpre tied 7-7. Prince Rupert was ahead on the series with 19 goals to 16. R. B. Skinner handled the whistle very competently and was ably assisted by BUI Shear-down as judge of play. Box score: Prince Rupert Bottle Collector ALSO MESSENGER SERVICE PhoilC RlllC 737 Webuy... ALL SIZES Perfex Beer Whiskey, Gin and Bottles Bottles Wine Bottles PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE GYM DISPLAY Athletic .Display at Roosevelt Park Gymnasium Was,. Clever and Interesting j During the halftlme interval at.the lacrosse game at Roosevelt Park last evenjng a clever display of gymnastics by ratings from H.M.C.S. Uganda, assisted by a rating from HAI.C.S. Crescent, and Gymnastic Instructor i Nell .Ross of Prince .Rupert Civic Centre proved very entertanlpg. in the fm item two ratings from Uganda gave a novel and attractive display of rope climbing, both as a two-man team and then Individually. A niat tumbling Interlude was clever and tricky and carried out without a hitch. ' A series pf exercUes on the -p- Twaamtvy ei weei arm,. ana agility, while the parallel son Robert, for oar exercises snowea goort con- trip easi Aid p .. ...j. ...... iM&ji uuii;ii5 in us native ho routine on the horse provided1 Nova Scotia and more leais oi pnysicai .expert- lukf .:, th WarM iicm, wim me avai numutrr ine vaulting turn with three mld-shlnmen forming the pyramid. This novel and interesting display appealed to the audience who shpwed their appreciation in a marked way. "SIMPLE WORDS" Millbank is a Mild, Cool, Straigf, Virninin Lmnrp P-Stmn A they mean ZD "mitii i i 1 1 ii 1 a For That Party . . . r a w a a m n i i i t mipp in ii n im iiiibii i ill rHIVMIMUUIII uu at Port Edward, B.C. i u u i- a u r. l i.iiud i 7:00 ajn. to 11:00 pjn. TENTS - PACK 5 TnAnncrv uriemi nArion ar m vvri iu r nn uATCDDnnnr rriniivn w PROTECT YOUR L Oil GAGE WITH CANVAS 330 .SECOND AVENUE P 1 1 Ttnr in . I REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE M- Chop Suey Chow Mein Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 6 ajn. to 2 a.m. PHONE 17JI Terrace Corner MRS. FLAMBLY HOME-MADE On the Main Highway TERRACE MACHINE P.O. Box 1G7 P.r .. '"'"nation,. al lead. wins IfJt of sever- I o WnrU c.. Ald O. W Radde in3 the cltv on vn.: sal! me, ; council last night b-de-ham two monih uosence Advertise in iv. - a . w vmiiuic wnrr TERRACE, .C. 4. i riii in i Snack . i in: Dealers in OENERAL Hiuiu.w MACUINI wnirtr r.AS and El niFSFi. and TRACTOR KEpAIIi r - r ninn o m LJ I 1 1 J A. II jlivi . n.sM)i: it .Ml 1 Til 1 1 flPRV CTTNnAYS and Ww t .lr and ' TERRACE TRANSFER . rlVll AND 1 Tmirr Ann PASSENGW1"'. el..l..I,..l rii-j.,.. tn ljui'" n k 9 n of Pisln" inv fninfiflav and 3 UU1IUUJ TT Charter Trips to Any rart