DANCE TTENDED . .ui..n turneu V which lent "ls r visiting this Po" '' ..,,, rait K. F. CI'1" . j Via 18 ...rt fnr the wince uf , e onrew--wo shown vessels during Acknowledge- - ,rtrs niayorlLM Dag-br the dancing was , nobby Woof- orch- RKaaio 1240 Kilocycles uiiu ect to change) FSDAV -MI' . . ni-nival o: Concert HIS v-"' .h tin ana That-:cr serenade News Kews Roundup .... Citirp t.n Old -I. UrtltSP !-, ctrlnirc .1DCK "ta le! conaucis News : from Hollywood 1 l uuv. New and Int. .1... ctn rf f np HUM OIKII uu j (local .1 News 1 pur AlUUClJld v Time Signal Concert Jul LCVUllUil3 TUn .mora vancues Visit .ftp Time : av n jvi Finn ips firm Broadcast News ier Forecast :cpn inrpr n PM. : styled for Strlnp .en i Noti'e ft Story ana ni5 .aprt Net and by Melodies 111 Tho Tvilli. t- m . m m a . COURINS sand Decora tin ir o ESTTHI A TT-r, i451 MESSENGER au Wood. Barker. Express Blue 810 Calls, oreen 977 nupert R Job- Ca a Rock w Blue 668 -"w. Basements ftSUanot PARTRIDGE G1Ven On A Wort n6Gen 417 -'"AIVIAM h SERVICE 1 Conr, . ."ACTORS Burers 894 Local News' It Mrs. E. V. Burrows sailed on the Catala this afternoon on a trip to Vancouver. A Girls' basketball meeting Civic Centre. Wed. Sept. 18 at 7:30. (210) Mrs. George B. Casey sailed on the Catala this afternoon on a trip to Victoria. Aid. S. D. Johnston is on a brief business trip to Stewart, having left for the north on the Catala Sunday night. Jules Seguln sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where he will spend th next three weeks. Mr, Justice A. M. Manson will be the speaker tomorrow at thp regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Oyro Club. The subject of his discourse will bs 'Citizenship." Notice to all HOOVER users The Hoover Man will be at the Kaien Hardware until Thursday noon. If you wish your Hoover checked, call Kalen Hardware, Phone 3; (it) Mrs. J, A. Fmdlay returned on Saturday from a week's sketching trip to Hazelton. Mrs. M. V. Thornton of Vancouver, who ac companied her there, will continue through the Interior to the Okanagan where she will Join her husband for a brief vacation before returning to Vancouver. Mrs. E. M. Evans of Massett arrived in the city on the Cas-slar Sunday night from the Queen Charlotte Islands, accompanying this far her daughter, Mrs. F. B. Edney, who had been visiting, at Massett and sailed last night by the Princess Adelaide on her return to her home nt Montesano, Washington. Mrs. Evans is the guest while here of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Hill. Announcements Job's Daughter's fashion dis play and entertainment, Masonic Temple, Friday, Sept. 20, 8:15 pm. (209) Hill 60 Fashion Show Sept. 28, Civic Centre. Catholic School Bazaar, Oct. 2 and 3, K.C. Hall. Presbyterian Anniversary Banquet, October 7. L.O.B.A. Bazaar, Oct. 23. i Queen Mary Tea, Mrs. Parkin's, October 24. Rebtkah Bazaar, October 31, l.O.O.F. Hall. C.C.F. Bazaar, Nov. 6, Civic Centre. WJV. Baptist Church fall sale. Nov. 7. Women of the Moose bazaar, Moose Temple, Nov. 13 and 14. W. A. Canadian Legion Fall Bazaar, November 20. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, November 28th. United Church Xmas Bazaar Dec. 5. Old Time Dance, Prairie Ramblers, every Saturday night, Odd fellows' Hall. Massage for ladles MARIE RICHARD SO N GRADUATE NURSE Special treatment for rheumatics Phone RED 248 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 208 4th Street : Phone 859 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc Income Tax Returns Complied Besner Block Phone 387 JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth street Red 808 K PROMPT and EFFICIENT SMVKt tall uour tjttit H COLUMBIA OPTICAL Cam ems Public Library will close Saturday for indefinite Opening date to be announced. (219) Miss Marie Lock sallprf Catala today for Victoria where sue win resume Her studies at Victoria College. A Long trips or short, day or night, 99 Taxi at your service. (tf) Harry Lee sailed last nlsht nn the Princess Adelaide to rpsnmp his studies at the Universitv nf British Columbia. Tom Ormlston sailed on thP Catala this afternoon for Vic toria where he will join his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ormls- tcn. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pript. returned at the week-end from a holiday trip during which they motored to Vancouver and Van couver Island points. Benny Lee, well known local business man, sailed this after noon on the Catala for Vancouver where he Dlans to tak up residence. Duncan McRae sailed last nl.3ht on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver whore he will again ake up studies at the University of British Columbia. A Notice to all HOOVER users The Hoover Man will be at the Kalen Hardware until Thursday noon, if you wish your Hoover checked, call Kalen Hardware. Phone 3. (it) Bishop Anthony Jordan, who has been on a trip to Vancouver on Roman Catholic Church busi ness following a visit to parishes In the Prince George area, is returning to the city from the South on the Prince Rupert tomorrow morning. E. Cavcnalle salted last night on the Prince Rupert for Van couver enroute to Los Angeles where he will attend the funeral of his former business partner, the late E. Hannan, who died last week In the California city. Hugh MacKenzie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacKenzie, sailed 'sst night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver to resume his studies at the University of British Columbia after spending the iimmer vacation at his home here. Advertise In The Dally New? FORMER LOCAL GIRL MARRIED Miss Katherine Baker Become's Bride of Frederick Keller St Helen's Anglican Church was the scene of a picturesque wedding on Monday last when Miss Katherine Elizabeth Baker eldest daughter of Capt. and Mrs. E. B. Baker, formerly of Prince Rupert and now of Vancouver, exchanged vows with Frederick Harold Keller, eldeft son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Keller. More than 100 persons were assembled In the church when the bride entered on her father's arm, preceeded by her bridesmaids, Miss Edith Bollngbroke and Miss Edith Keller, and flower .girl little Miss Helen Carter, to the strains of Mendelssohn's "Wedding March" played by Harry Stotters, organist. Ushers were George Baker and Archie Dick. Rev. H. K. Trumpour officiated, assisted by Rev. Charles Hills. During thff signing of the register in the vestry, a beautiful rendition of "Because" was given by Mrs. Bratt, soloist. The reception following the ceremony was attended by some 75 guests at the home of the bride's parents, West Fifteenth Avenue. Toast to the newly married couple was proposed by George H: Munro and to the bridesmaids by Rev. H. R. Trumpour. Later, Mr and Mrs. Keller left on their wedding trip to Santa Cruz, California. At the ceremony, the bride wore a bouffant gown of white bridal sa.tin, with floor-length veil and carried a bouquet of pink and white roses and carnations. Her ?otog-away attire was a turquoise. suit with navy topcoat and white accessories. The bridesmaids wore turquoise net sver taffeta, and carried colonial bouquets. The bride's mother was attired In an ensemble of dark blue with gold trimmed hat. James Stuart, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Stuart, sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver to take up studies at the University of British Columbia. HiichanrlcT Mivocrf IIHUUUIIU'J HIIW. Want new Pep and Vim? Thousand oi oouplra n mnK. worn-out. n-femutrd oiiljf tXTAtiM Iwly (nek Iron For new Tim. vitality, try oitx Twin Tablet. Contntmi too ymi. ton. Dim iiwi for icp, mitt, iiipnllni tumln B. Lnwmstt JmrtMlurtorritxmyi5o. ur taitt at all Urujf elorc every Uer. ADMISSION Ur EXHIBITION of ART - byBjorn Selvig IN BLACK AND WHITE Thursday Friday Saturday at Civic Centre .: p.m. A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" You Could Go Wrong . . . But not with the genuine La-ZrBoy Chair. Ideas can be copied but La-2-Boy principles simply can't be imitated. THERE IS ONLY ONE LA-Z-BOY Exclusive Features: Self-adjusting and automatic. Stays put at the required COMFORT ANGLE. Seat comes forward as back reclines. Quiet, smooth and noiseless operation. Quality-built throughout. LA-Z-BOY with STOOL .. $78.50 and up Phone 75 : 327 Third Ave. To the Citizens of Prince Rupert - - J. II. Mair is offering you Blankets, Sheets, Pillowslips, Pillows at reasonable prices for two clays. .... Then they are shipped Hotel. . . arrivals Prince Rupert R. Coburn, Prince George; W. E. Rutherford, Vancouver; R E. Rutherford, Vancouver; Miss M. Ingraham, Surf Inlet; Mrs. A. Thomas, Surf Inlet; D. Main, Sunnyslde; P. S. Tennent, Kam-loops; W. S. Barclay, Sardis; Mr. and Mrs. H. Boswell, Sml-thers; D. Lew, Terrace; A, C. Macmlllan, Caspaco; J. S. Smith, Cassiar; H. Taylor, Casslar. Library to Start Moving Next Week Moving of the public library from its present quarters In the old provincial government building on Second Avenue to the Civic Centre will commence next week and will probably take two or three weeks," Aid. Ncrah Arnold told the city council last night. The library, will pay a monthly rental of $40 for one large room and a small one to be used as office. Janitor service will be about $35 a month. The new arrangement for library accommodation met with general approbatory comment from members of the council. . . and her husband needs shirts! . And the children need underwear! Why is there still a shortage? Part of the answer is that Canadians have more money to spend. Then, too, there are the returned service men, many of them starting or re-establishing homes of their own. Another part of the answ er is that many Cana-' tlian industries wliich use corton in their products are again gathering momentum on civilian supplies and are building up their working inventories. Meanwhile our 10,000 workers are doing their utmost to catch up on both civilian and industrial demands. At long as the present tremendous demands and relative shortages continue, we shall go on distributing our products on a quota basis. DOMINION TCXTILE COMPANY LIMITED Cotton PmJuctsor Alt Domestic and Injustrul Uses... mctudmt MACOG FASTEST FABRICS COLONIAL SHEETS PRUE YARNS Fears Increase of Tax In Appraisal A. C. Abott', Eleventh Street, had a lengthy letter before the city council last night attempting to forestall any move that might be made to increase the taxes on his residential property as a result of the re-appralial of property which expert George LaFleche of Vancouver has been conducting for the city council. Mr. Abbott told of his vicissitudes as a property owner for 20 years, referred to lack of services and claimed that, Instead of any Increase In taxes, he was entitled to a one-third reduction. It was left to the city clerk to answer the communication. Aid. George Hills, chairman of the finance committee, made It clear that the appraisal had been conducted not for assessment raising but for equalization purposes. DURHAM. Eng., Hatfield College, part of the University of Durham, has marked Its 100th anniversary. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY OCCASIONAL Chair, $10; table lamp, new, $6; end table, $2.50; footstool, $1.50; two lamp shades, new, 75c and $1.00: fishing rod and reel, new, $4 337 7th Avenue East. (220) ws Mrs Botf s. m COLD MEATS FOR WARM WEATHER BULKLEY MARKET rilONE 178 WE DELIVER DAILY THIRD AVENUE When that Diamond Engagement Ring Notion ! First strikes- you . . . remember that there is such a thing as a store having a reputation for good diamond values. Also inac mis is me store. m - Every Individual diamond that wc sell has got I to prove up to what we promise for it. I Our diamonds are free from flaws or spots and of good color and cutting. Prices range from $25.00 to $350.00. I Jprfncc Kuucrt Dally J3rtus Tuesday, September ,17, 1946 FOR COMFORT Und . . . by COMBINATIONS Fine Cotton. Natural, ankle length. With short sleeves. Suit COMBINATIONS Merino Type, Containing a large percentage of wool. Ankle length, long sleeves. Suit . $,".()() COMBINATIONS Fine Combed, Cotton; white. Ankle length, short sleeves. Suit $1.85 AND LONG WEAR erwear Mercury COMBINATIONS Wool. Natural shade. Ankle length, long sleeves. Small sizes only. Suit $!.." "THE MEN'S SHOP" 532 THIRD AYENUE (LOTIIIMi iD H HUSHIM.S Ormes lid. "3fus Pioneer Druggists Prescription Chemists Rexall Agents for Prince Rupert and District In Drugs If it's Rexall Ws Right PHONE 345 e from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. from 12 pjn. till 2 p.m. till 9 p.m. PHONE 81 STORE HOURS: Dally Sundays and Holidays and 7 pjn. -THE CREDIT HOUSE OF QUALITY' 0 There's beauty in every careful detail of these luscious virgin wools ... so soft, so handsomely tailored, so exquisitely styled. SEE OUR FashionShow September 26 AT CIVIC CENTRE Use Our Budget Plan. No Interest No Carrying Charges Quality Repairs Economy Prices at If "i PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) GOING IN CIRCLES OVER WHAT TO GIVE? COAL WOOD CRATING STORAGE HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 or y There Is always a thoughtful Rift for that birthday, anniversary or shower at THE VARIETY STORE. Our stock of gift suggestions Is large and original. So don't waste time shopping around when you can buy them all at THE VARIETY STORE . . . and. you will probably find something for yourself here, too. . THE VARIETY STORE "WHERE YOUR DIMES ARE LITTLE DOLLARS" 518 Third Ave. West Phone Red 400