i. ' .'1. ! T i : a ' 8 1 r i f EWnte tluiictt Daflp x)rU)5 Tuesday, August 20, 1916 The Skeena River (Prom B.C. Packers Annual Report) The Sfceena River is the most important stream of the. Northern Coast of British Columbia. In length il itf approximately 325 miles, but because of the vol-flme and the wide range of its lake-fed tributaries it is; ilext to the Fraser, the largest river in the Prov ince; As a salmon producing stream it ranks amongst nmish Columbia s four great rjTfr systems. The drainage rjiUln' Is 19,810 square miles cpty 1,253 square miles less than th area" of the Province of Nova Scotia. ;&The most Important of the ijMeflSV tributary rivers (naming them from the mouth as length, which joins the Skeena at Hazelton. Babine is the greatest lake feeding the Skeena. Situated some 280 miles from tidewater, this deep lake is about 85 miles long with a width that varies, from 2 miles to 714 miles and tiy flow in) are the Ecstall, 1 having an area of 249 square liakelse, Kltsumgallum, Bulkley,' miles. Is British Columbia's KUpiox and Babine, each of hich has numerous feeder lakes and streams. The sockeyc fry Iced and develop In lakes, therefore lakes on the tributary streams are most Important. Chief of the tributary rivers largest body of inland water. Because of the extent and diversity of its lake and stream tributaries the Skeena attracts all five varieties of Pacific Pre-eminently it is the stream the' miles in 14. Bulkley, -118 of the sockeyQt for tnc r,vcr.s BRITISH COLUMdIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT Mid IN THE SUPRESIB COURT OF N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE Or ROBERT HURRAL GAMMON otherwise known as ROBERT 5 HURRELL GAMMON P DECEASED INTEgTATK Take notice tht by ordfr of Hit Honor E. D. Woodburn, Acting frf jid request of His Honor many tributary lakes provide cSr joittad.' 1948? i wis appointed the Skeena. Throughout this Administrator of the Estate of Rob- range Of waters, it is the Bab-t Hurral OBmjnon, otherwise known t . ,. ,,.. A RobPtrHurreir Gammon, deceased. tine system which affords tne hd sn -parties having claims against SOfjCve the greatest area of lb furnish' same, prorxrly verified. tjj me' on or before the 18th day of September, A D. .1946, and all partier kbdebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebted- aesa to- me forthwith. i- DATED at Prince Rupert. B C, thl? Mh day; of ' August, A D. 1948. 7 OORDON P. FORBES, Official Administrator. v i-nv "aM'to thc Ecstaii, Lakelse, Kltsum- v J- i these most individual of fish with spawning grounds entirely to their liking, as sockeyc seem to prefer reaching such areas by travelling up rivers leading to lakes through which they pass to smaller streams. In consequence this species runs to most of the principal tributaries of suitable spawning grounds. Spring salmon appear In all sections of the Skeena. The volume and turbulence of its waters no doubt appeal to these strong, far-travelling fish. The run of cohoc are chiefly For Women Who Know t Blouses you want I Adorable feminine frllU or dressy tailored styles in ths materials you want, too. Just browse through the hun dreds of blouses at Wallaces. It's a veritable shoppers' paradise. WALLACE'S REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Sucy Chow Mcin Chinese Dishes' onr specialty. Open 6 &m. to 2 a.m. PUONE 173 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 ;FRASER STREET Prince Rupert LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 613 220 Sixth Street TENTS - PACK SACKS TRAPPER NELSON PACKBOARDS WATERPROOF GROUND SHEETS jjtpTECT YOUR LUGGAGE WITH CANVAS COVERS -I- , W rXrVTrv-ir-u-ioj-in n.n ru-ir in it, n Ji.ruj-u-i.-i n.-i - ,-, n - r rinj-u-i rLnjviAAJUiJV-rvwAJUtAAWwWu Edmondson Awning and Sail Works 330 ,SECOND AVENUE P.O. Box 302 : PHONE 632 h & i - gallum, Bulkley, Babine areas. THIS AND THAT "George, stop showing off your swimming ability 1" LOST Kispiox and distinguish some districts. Un-I fortunately .there has been a Pinks frequent the Skeena and arc rouna tnrougnout tnc fcc-stall and Lakelse systems, as well as in most of thc tribu tary streams. True to their characteristics of spawning In streams near salt water, chum salmon do not pro ceed far up the, Skeena, thc Ec-, stall and its ' tributaries beiwj about the extent of their There are not the same iark-j ed periodic fluctuations in the sockeye runs on thc Skeena that FOR RENT Furnished room for single girl. Kitchen privileges. 1028 2nd Ave. Phone Blue 270. (195) FOR RENT Comfortable sleep ing room; reasonable. Apply 806 Fraser St., evenings, (tf) TOR RENT Three roms and one kitchen completely furnished. 336 9th Avenue West. Phone Red 693.. (193) X)R RENT Three room furnished suite. 616 6th Ave. West. Phone Green 698. (199) WANTED WANTED Child's tricycle, good condition. 1122 ,7th Ave. East, ' after 6 p.m.' (199) ROOM AND BOARD by young man; references. Box 153 Daily News. (195) ENGINE Heavy-duty 10-15 h.p. boat, engine wanted, must be in good condition. H. P. Olsen, Sawmill, Bums Lake, B.C. (200) WORK WANTED YOUNG WELL-KNOWN local accountant seeking permanent position in Prince Rupert. Ap ply Box 152 Dally News. (197) HELP WANTED WANTED Experienced woman clerk for grocery store. No other need apply. Apply Skeena Grocery. (tf) WANTED Experienced cook, maids for kitchen and nurses' aides. Applicants must be 18 or over. It is necessary to live in residence. Phone 635, Miller Bay Hospital. (199) LOST Red purse. Finder please return to Mrs. J. Mornes, 209 5th Ave. or Dally News Office. (199) PERSONAL A TREAT FOR YOUR FEET! Use Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve for prompt relief. 50c at Ormes Ltd". (199) OILBURNERS RELIANCE OILBURNERS 1052 6th Ave, East. Phone Black 897. (205) steady decline In the average packs over the past years. Thc pink pack also has become considerably less. J. T. Stott, veteran retired printer of the Victoria Colonist staff, and Mrs. Stott arrived in the city on thc Casslar Sunday after a two weeks' visit at Mas-sett with their son-in-law and daugher, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Simpson, and sailed this afternoon on the Catala on their return south. Classified Advertising - - - - Jinds.'fleds: 2c per word per insertion, minimum charge, 60c. "Birth NNcf 60c; Cards of Thanks. Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: 13. niKTII NOTICK DEANE Born to Mr. and Mrs. Don Dcane, In the Prince Rupert General Hospital, Monday, August 19, a baby girl. Donna Elaine. Both mother and baby doing fine. FOR KENT FOR RENT Two-room flat, furnished. Borden Street. Phone Blue 698. (1961 FOR RENT 2-room front apartment. 221 5th Ave. East. (199) FOR RENT Cabin at Lakelse Lake from Aug. 19 to Labor Day, Sept. 2. Apply P.O. BoxO. Terrace. (i95) FOR SALE FOR SALE Furniture, including General Electric washing machine"; ollburner heater, portable R.OA. Victor radio, portable R.C.A. Victor victrola and records; developing tank, trays and printing frames. Apply basement suite, corner Fulton St. and 8th Ave. West. Phone Green 170. (197) FOR -SALE Five-room house, with bathroom; running water and garden, at Usk, B.C. Apply D. J. Gunn, Usk, BJ5. 4 (197) FOR SALE Coffee Shop, main street, price reasonable. Owner selling account health. Apply Box 202, Smlthers, B.C. (195) FOR SALE Portable painting machine. Apply Suite 15 Mc-Intyre Bldg., after B p.m, (tf) FOR SALE 1VT2 h.p. .air copied engine. Phone Green 894. (196) FOR SALE Oyster Bar, very reasonable price. Apply Box 1190; Phone 306. 315 Third Ave. West. (1D6) FOR SALE Beauty parlor-equipment and furniture complete. Reasonable price. Phone Blue 943 or call at 603 6th Ave. West. (tf) FOR SALE Sawmill with two- and-a-half million feet of timber: camn and kitchen utensils; equipment, tools, 4 horses, good condition. Price $5000. Apply Lee Jim, Hazel- ton, B.C. (tf) WE BUY AND SELL New and Used Furniture; also Hardware. See us before buying elsewhere. Used phonograpn records, 20c; 5-plece kitchen set, $16.50; electric ranges, McClary's, from $15; sewlnp machine $24.50; 3-plece chesterfield In good shape, $6950; radio, 9 tubes, $15; baby carriages, from $7; hassocks, from $2.50; beds, complete, from $12.50; electric fans, from $7.50; new Gurney ranges, all-enamel; new scatter rugs, big assortment, $1.65 each. B.C. Furniture Co., 3rd Ave. Phone Black 324. (tf ) FOR SALE 12 dogfish nets, good condition. Cheap for cash. Apply 1344 8th Ave. East, evenings. (195) FOR SALE Radio tube and set tester; Multimeter and bench; Underwood portable typwriter. Apply 1054 9th Avenue East. Phone Red 751. (199) FOR SALE Palm suitable for store or porch. Phone Green 903. (tf) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawnllls, manufac-. tured by National Machinery Company limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) .V.V.VMWAV.WAV.VW TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd Vancouver Bralornc 12.25 B. R. Consolidated 123,i B. R.X 10 Cariboo old 3.30 Dentonla .... 42 Grull Wlhksnc 13 Hedely Mascot 1.65 Mlnto 06 Pcnd Oreille 3.00 Pioneer 4.50 Premier Border 08 Premier 1.60 Privateer 54 Reeves McDonald 1.30 Reno , :.. .12 Salmon Gold 18Vi .Sheep Creek 1.20 Taylor Bridge 75 Whitewater 03 Vananda .37 Congress 11 12 Pacific Eastern 12 Ilrdtey Amalgamated 15 Spud Valley 20 Central Zeballos 10, Oils- A. P. Consolidated 11 Calmont 24 C. and E. 1.80 Foothills .. 1.75 Home 2.95 Toronto Aumaque 63 Beattie 78 Bobjo .17 Buffab Canadian 22 Consolidated Smelters . .01.00 E'riona 52 Elder 12 Oiant Ycllowknifc 6.60 , Hardrock 71 Jacknlfe .16 Joljet-Qurbec 66V2 Little Long Lac 2.01 Madsen Red Lake 3.15 McLeod Cockshutt 1.90 Moncta 55 Omega 26 Tickle Crow 3.10 Ran Antonio 4.35 Senator Rnuvn .65 Sherritt Gordon 2.85 Steep Rock 2.65 Phone 644 RADIO AND GENERAL ELECTRIC REPAIRS . . . A skilled electrician will soon put your radio into good listening condition. Cal Ion us 'for all electrical repair work prompt efficient service. RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC We Pick Up and Deliver SOAP CAKES USED AS POKER "CHIPS" THE PAS, Man, O) Cleanliness may be next to godliness, but is next to Impossible If you are a poor poker player In northern Manitoba's Indian reservations. Cards have become a pastime among thc squaws, and since they arc usually endowed with the expressionless faces considered eminently appropriate to win at poker, they pray expertly. The stakes arc precious cakes of foap. According to travellers returning from visits to the reservations between Thc Pas and Churchill, they observed Indian women sitting cross-legged around a blanket, smoking pipes, and playjng cards "close to the vest" for the "pot" of soap in the centre. SLOUGH, Buckinghamshire, Eng. 0 Slough's municipal rat catcher Is to have a wage increase of five shillings a week. Announcement . . . Sturgeon River .20 Lynx .34 Lapaska .33 Gods Lake .72 Negus 2.33 Aubcllc .43'.4 j Ileva Cadillac !23 j Harrlcana .20',;. I Geo. J. Dawes The Auctioneer Sale Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: Bus. Blue M." Res. Red 127 Ask for Oeorge FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering - Slipt Covers Drapes LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Phone Green 971 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre JOHN HARRIS and M. PARKINSON have resumed proprietorship of ATLAS BOILER .WORKS Hoilcrs, Tanks and General Ironwork Attend the CARNIVAL and Enjoy your Meals AT THE HOLLYWOOD CAFE Prince Rupert's Finest Eating Place SPECIALIZING IN CHOW MEIN CHOPSUEY and CHINESE DISHES TODAY 'TIL SAT. mi & 2:00 - 4:10-6.., -A woman el grtat hiort a. U4J nvrfrgttonymor Ml tSan you ton forgtt Iho character who mad "Going My Woy" Iho moil beloved picture In yean I '' Riin) ow Productions, Inc., fnwm mm -mm -jCEOJfeGim'6 The Bells of StMhrvj ItNKT WIIUAH v TKAVliRS GARGAN ALSO COLORED CARTOON .NEWS Eiiiii CARIT4V 1x1 m. m mm m tr tc Increased Coastal Charier Service HY SUI'ER.MARINi: I LYING I'.OATS 18 PASSENGERS '"Hnida Queen" and "Skeena Qi MONDAYS Vancouver to Prince Ruirr O: TUESDAYS Prince Rupert to Vancnuv v Q -i. lotle Islands. WEDNESDAYS- Vancouver to Prior-? 11 ' d Charlotte Islands. THURSDAYS-Prlncc. Rupert to Stcwjr l Anyox, Alice Arm and ncquc: t. Pu:.:r FRIDAYS Prince Rupert to Vancouver C:.' SPECIAL CHARTERS ARKAN(.II) I0B PASSENGERS AND ritllKillTIMi 3 Types and Siies of AIRCRAFT to Smt V From 3 to 18 Passengers, or 480 lb: to M G. II. STANimiWIK, Agent P.O. Box 1219 Plionrs S2lorWI HOX 1308 Oil Burners Installed and Servicetl PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEMS J. II. Stliuman S. Julian REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS ESTIMATES Night Calls: Blue 170 Girtu W CORNER SECOND AVE. and SEVENTH 6T Getting In Trim for School . v.. ft. j j -a i Rem: ::i:r : r ' packet ':'.: -vrf I .Lit. i ' - CIUUK' ''r" you ton: ff, :::i tt cl and a ' ,: notice nappe the Varier We've ovrrvnM rlRllt lu-e." THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little 0:-r' YOU WANT 10 WARMNECTHfl fWOMCMM iciepnonc or visit our pfticc ana - , IlvCf f.,ii i., f f..rl. Wc v."! d' , J during the summer To delay means tint yo" . u :..!. i,. ( r.,.i nctt winter. ALBERT AND McCAFFW Phones 116 and 1'