t 4 4 6 13rH.cc Utipctt Daily actus Tuesday, May 14, 1946 'ROYAL SHADOW WINS PROMOTION Inspector J. II. Giles Says Queen "Woman in Many Millions" LONDON 0.' The Royal Family has lost one of Its most faithful "shadows." John Herbert t Giles has been promoted ohief inspector with the Metropolitan Police. For years Inspector Giles,; a discreetly self - effacing man, fair-Haired and moustached, has been, a "personal police attendant" responsible for the safety of Royal persons on public occasions. One of his last Jobs was to accompany the King and Queen to Khaki University of Canada at Leavesden, Hertfordshire. During his association with royalty, said Inspector Giles, he "never had a moment's trouble," never had to intervene physically between his charges and their admirers, never made an arrest. At 43, with more than two decades police work under his belt, he looks back with pride on four seperate spells as a Royal shadowIn 1931-32 with the Duke AWNINGS . . . SAILS . . . WINDOW BLINDS CANVAS SPECIALTIES EDMONDSON'S 430 Bowser Street .Behind 137 Fifth Ave.) Phone Black 169 P.O. Box 302, of Windsor (then Prince of Wales) on his South African tour; in 1934-35 with the King and Queen (as Duke and Duchess of York); in 1936 with the Duke and Duchess of Kent in Germany, Austria and other parts of Europe; and from 1937 until now on general duty with the Royal Family. "The Queen," he said, "is a woman in a million In many millions." The Princesses, although they arc growing up. are still charming children." GASOLINE AND THE BIBLE BLOEMFONTEIN ff When a resident in the Winburg district of the Orange Free State who applied for a permit to purchase nve gallons of gasoline was informed that the gasoline control was lifted, he appeared very surprised. He told his informant that as he had ho wireless and received no newspapers he was unaware of the lifting of the control. He said the only book he read was the Bible. Ik's Peoples... 2 to l FOR BATHING SUITS SLACK SUITS BEACHWEAR BRA-TOPS SHORTS HOUSECOATS RUPERT PEOPLES STORE yf- j Pyrex Baby Bottles 10c y6fUK(jf fiCt Tuff y Caps, glass 10c p -A n D l y Itubber Bottle Caps .... 10c D Vf-i ( J) I Lined Diaper Bar .... SUO Johnson's Baby Powder - 28c and 55c Johnson's Baby Oil 60c and $1.10 Johnson's Baby Soap 15c Baby Bottle Nipples, from 5c Rubber Crib Sheeting;, from 90c Baby Pants, finest quality 40c High Chair Pads, consisting of padded seat, bark and arms 52.50 Ormes lid. 77m Pioneer Druqgtets We are pleased to announce that conditions now permit us to place on the market agajn "RUPERT BRAhD SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPPERS SMOKED ALASKA BLACK COD SMOKED MILD CURED SALMON Try them today from your Butcher or at your Favorite Restaurant. anadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Storage and Furniture Crating HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 Nepal Honors Wavell For Indian Service NEW DELHI" (CP Commandins General Sir Bahadur Shumshere Jung Bahadur Rana recently pinned the Order of the Star of Nepal on the breast of Lord Wavell at a ceremonial parade here. He said he had been commanded by the King of Nepal to pre sent the Order to Lord Wavell and confer on him the rank of honorary general of the Nepalese Army. " This. was in recognition of the services rendered by Lord tthen Sir Archibald) Wavell as Commander - in - Chief, India, when Nepalese and Gurkha troops served under him. The number of Nepalese recruits during the Second Great War to the Indian Army alone exceeded 100,-000. The total population of Nepal is less than 7,000,000. Nepalese troops won 10 Victoria Crosses during the war. BRITISH SAYING The saying, "Children should be seen and not heard' has been traced back in England to the 15th century. wanted for Prince Rupert, Prince George, Terrace and Queen Charlottes. Exceptional opportunity for men and women. Few hours a day will make you real money. Write to Box 1251 Prince Rupert, or phone Green 873 before 10 a.m. (114) LLOYD'S CORN AND CALLOUS SALVE gives Immediate relief from corns and callouses. 50c at Ormes Ltd. (117) WANTED WANTED Dykes Gas Engines book, immediately. Box 999 or Phone Black 202. (113) WANTED Light delivery truck. itj good condition. Phone Blaci: 392. (114) WANTED Cedar. Fir and Pine Poles, all sizes. Quote f.o.b. shipping point; state quantities can supply, earliest ship ment. Niedermeyer-Martln Co., Spalding Bldg., Portland 4, Oregon. (114) WANTED Used car, coupe pre ferred. Phone Green 873. (114) TRAPPERS AND BUYERS Don't be foolish and sell your furs at the waterfront when you can fetch them to Gold-bloom's and get 30 percent more. BEAVER $83 larglblankets .. $70 medium' $10 SMALL $20 Prices for everything arc 25 percent higher WILLIAM G0LDBL00M THE OLD RELIABLE LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Furniture Repaired Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes Expert saw filing and gumming. Small band-saws brazed. Planer and jointer knives ground. Phone Green 974' n Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre What City Council Did A report of the Health committee was adopted by council recommending that the sum of $63 be paid to the Children's Aid Society, Vancouver, clearing up the city's payments in that regard for 1945. Aid. Robert McKay, chairman of the civic 'Welcome Home committee, which put on a dance for the city's returned veterans last month reported that the function had' cost $270.94. On motion of Alderman Hills, a vote of thanks was extended to the committee. Application by Galloway Rap-Ids Chapter I.O.D.E. to ,hold a tag day on September 26 and by the Gyro Club to.aold one on June 22 were approved by On recommendation of the Finance committee, council ap proved the granting of an op- - - Classified Advertising - - Classifieds: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum charge. 50c. Birth Notices 60c; Cards of Thanks. Death Notices. Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: 12. FOR RENT HELP WANTED FOR RENT Clean, furnished WANTED Woman for altera - housekeeping suite and rooms, 344 Sherbrooke. (116) FOR RENT Four-room furnished flat with oil range and private bath. Phone 422. (117) FOR RENT Two -room suite and two-room cabin. 537 8th Ave. West. (114) PERSONAL MRS. E. PERRAULT your Spen cer agent from Rock Island, Que., for foundation garments, is opening a shop on 318 6th Street on May 1. Residence Phone Black 304. (121) SALESMEN AND SALESLADIES tlon, repair work In tailor shop. B. Lamb, Tailor. (113) GIRL WANTED Light house work, every evening free. Apply Box 116 Daily News. (113 WANTED By June 1 and not later than July 1: capable girl for general housework at "The Dunes," Apply Mrs. John Slag-boom, Tlell, B. C. (115) FOR SALE FOR SALE Dandy 12-foot clinker-built rowboat. Phone Red 193, (tf) FOR SALE 20-watt public ad- j dress system, cw two 12-inch i speakers in cases, 1 crystal microphone, 4 contact mlro-phones, perfet condition; fourcycle Easthope marine engine, cw clutch; .22 single shot Mossberg rifle, A-l condition. Snap for cash. Phone Red 803. (118) FOR SALE Four-room houe, with full plumbings close 'In. $1200, $800 cash, $400 as rent. Phone Green 628. (114) FOR SALE Four-tube battery radio, with 2 1000-hour packs. First class condition. Call 1323 3th Ave. East, affcr 6 o'clock. (114) FOR SALE Three-room frame house, clean, bright furnished; living room 10x20. Immediate sale. 161 Wantage Road. (113) FOR SALE New house, four rooms, bath and pantry. Water side of Ambrose. $2800, less for cash. Collart and McCaf-, fery Ltd. (113) WANTED Two or three-roomed FOR SALE Modern five room apartment, ciose in. musi navoi house, maple floors, lie in heat or stove. Box 115 Daily kitchen, close In. $3,000 cash. News. (114) Armstrong Agencies. Phone 342. (tf) FOR SALE Small glllnetter, 26 feet. 6 h.p. Easthope. Phone Black 732. (114) FOR SALE 15. h p. Yale engine with propeller. Atlas Boiler Works. (117) DESIRABLE RESORT SITE Oil scenic Lake Lakelse, near Terrace, B.C., for sale or lease. Communicate with Frances Poe, 147 Linden Ave., Wilmette, 111. (110) FOR SALE Slightly used hassocks, reg. $10, now $2.50; used electric floor lamps, complete, from $4.50; battery radios, selling out, $7.50; 4-piece kitchen set, table and 3 chairs, $6.00; 7-plece dining room set. $42.50; bed and spring, $4.00; beds, complete, $12.00; McClary electric range, $10.00; new small size ranges, wood and coal, $28.50; new and used McClary and Gurney ranges; new electric hot plates, and press Irons, from $4.75. All kinds of furniture and hardware sold and bought at the lowest prices. See us fv a good deal. B.C. Furniture Co., 3rd Ave. Phone 324. FOR SALE Studio lounge, camp stove, full size bed, mattress and other furniture. 1340 Overlook St. after 6 p.m. (115) FOR .SALE 6 -room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West. (126) FOR SALE Contents of small home cheap. Owner leavhvi town on discharge. Phone Red 666. (115) RADIO SERVICE RADIO SERVICE For guaranteed radio satisfaction phone 6 and , an Associated Radio Technician will call. McRar Bros. Ltd. Hon to Nell F. MacDonald for one year to purchase lots 41, 12, 43, block 29, section 1, on Big-gar Place at Third Avenue, for $1,205, In consideration of an Initial payment of $120. Council approved a finance committee report approving the following sales of city-owned lots: Lot 3, block 12, section 1, on First Avenue, between Second and Third Streets, to Colussl Ercole for $185. Lots 1 and 2, block 11, section 1, First Avenue, at Seventh Street, to Glen B. Hemmons and Stanley A. Hemmons for $1,710. Lot 34, block 22, section 5, Eighth Avenue at Dodge Place, to Shirlenc Johnson for $220. A recommendation by the Board of Works that the City Engineer be authorized to hire a caretaker for the cemetery at a salary not exceeding $170 a month was approved by council. Council approved a report of the licensing committee which reported that the following business licenses had been granted: Peace and McVcty, painting and decorating; Merrill and Gret-slnger, building contractors; J. Moran, taxi operator. Payment of $670 to the Social Assistance branch for the services of its workers from May 1 to December 1, 1946, was approved by council on recommendation of the Health committee with the provision that Prime Rupert's social service situation be reviewed by council at the end of the year. Authority was granted by city council to the parks board to administer the parks and playgrounds for the summer. Control of Roosevelt Park Is to be granted to the baseball and football association by the parks board for their games. A complaint by Angus Gillls against his removal from work on the garbage department was refe'rred to the city engineer by city council last night. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Monday ss Princess Adelaide. 10 p.m. Tuesday ss Catala 12:30 p.m. Thursday ss Prince Rupert, 11:15 p.m. Friday ss Cardena, 9:00 p.m. May 8 and 18, June 11 ss Princess Louise, p in. From Vancouver Sunday ss Catala, 4 p.m. Monday s Princess Adelaide. p.m. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert 10:00 a.m. May 3, 13 and 27 ss Princess Louise, a.m. from Alaska ss Prince Rupert, 7 pjn. May 8, May 18, June 11 ss Princess Louise, p.m. MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use thp mrvlprn Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machlnerj Company limited. Vancouver B.C itft Agents. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN rUOBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" nnd IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP LOUIS 8INEAU DECEASED i INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order of. His Honor. Judas Plshrr marin nn I ithe 18th day of April, A D. 1940. I j was appointed Administrator of the Estate of Louis Blneau, deceased, and 1 all parties having claims aealnst the j aald estate are hereby required to mrnisn same, properly vermed. to me on or before the 31st day of May, A.D. 1946. and all parties Indebted to the estate are reaulred to nav th amount of their Indebtedness to moi jormwun. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 18th day of April, A D. 1946. OORDON P. FORBES, Acting Official Administrator, Prince Rupert; B.C. M20 IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" anil IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP JOHN ROBERTS. OTHERWISE KNOWN AS BOB ROBERTS. DECEASED INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judge W. E. Fisher. Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, I was on the 10th. day of -May, 1946. appointed Administrator of the Estate of John Roberts, otherwise known as Bob Roberts, who died on or about the 8tb day of September, 1945. All persons Indebted to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having claims against the said estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 15th day of June. 1946. falling which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C , this 10th day or May. A.D. 1940. GORDON P. FORBES. Acting Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C. 122 GERMANY IN BAD SHAPE I Ilnvt I'inl.t Inr rkarrlln Millie In Frankfurt Streets FRANKFURT, Germany. 9 Here is the face of Germany todaya picture of want and destruction and broken morale. Boys fight like animals for cigarette stubs and for lumps ol coal dropped from trucks. Long queues wait at the post office to buy stampsonly five to a customer and at newsstands for the only newspaper in Frankfurt twice a week. All along the roads pretty fraulein hitchhikers beg lifts; soldiers discourage them by painting "No Darling" just under the windshield of their jeep. Many charcoal gas cars are stalled at the roadside while driver and passengers chop wood. Slight activity is seen in the fields. Before the plow walks a horse with ribs showing through loose skin; behind It a boy of 12 or a white-haired woman whose sons Mave not come home and may never come. A year's rains have not washed away names of the dead roughly scratched on 'bricks, sometimes with a dusty wreath of evergreens nearby. A bride In white steps from a bomb - damaged t'nurch amid flattened ruins to set up housekeeping perhaps in a cellar. No one seems to be building anything, or even trying. Frankfurt's main streets have been cleared for traffic. But most of the dust and broken bricks, the twisted Iron and powdered rubble, have just been cast up in mounds on the sidewalks. Thousands Unemployed A business man said thousand are unemployed in the commer cial field. "Only a few businesses have started again since the war. since lack of materials and official re strictions limit trade." he said "Most of the men and girls you see tramping the streets are Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What Is wrong with thb sentence? "Humcr is a distinctive feature of the book." 2. What is the correct pronunciation of "aceouter"? 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Oslllate, ossify, ostentation: 4. .What does the word "Impeccable" mean? 5. What Is a word beginning with se that means "alluring;; tempting"? Answers . 1. Say. "is a distinct feature." 2. Pronounce a-koo-ter, a as in at unstressed, oo us in cool, accept second syllable. 3. Oscillate. 4. Exempt from the possibility of doing wrong "God Is Infallible, impeccable, and absolutely perfect." P. Skrnton. 5, Seductive. 1 CIGAR ti.e - FOUR LOCAL VETERANS PRINCE RUPERT DECORATORS Let us hang your wallpaper or do Uiat Interior decorating. . We do save you money. See our wallpaper samples. "Lest You Forget" Blue 285 Box 1422 Stn. B. LING THE TAILOR Wc arc taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you watt. PHOWE 649 220 Sixth Street looking for work but they want office jobs. "They won't do manual work and they won't help clear up the mess. Out In the country the farmers are worried about labor and arc calling for aid." Some unemployed make a living frcm scrounging and smalltime black marketing, and most profiteer at the expense of their neighbors. Many Germans .still retain a semblance lot pride -like the honest artisan who lfad tears In Lhls eyes as he told me of the beautiful work he used to do before he was drafted into a Hitler wcr factory. But others show a bad breakdown of morale. Men whine and cringe to the occupation armies and then turn and bully someone weaker. Pleasure-mad fraulelns whose men have not come home sell themselves for candy bars. Noting the sneer on a shopkeeper's face as he waits on a Jew. you can see that beneath it's the same old Gennany still. Train Schedule For the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday 3 p.m. From the East Tuesday, Tnursday, Saturday 10:45 p.m. The first dally newspaper published In what Is now Canada was thfl Montreal Dally Advertiser which was founded In 1883, TODAY AND WED. WogueI; IN I : I ffllfc V"W PURE I H NW WHITE I 1 Bt I0OLCAVIS I I. Comiol ri;!:,;-nlwuii:if.uii Kc presenting IW1 bl J lllll I II I i . . riLLUUKMIYlA AM iri Mil uuiuuor FILM "Raffles" and "Wildrire-Uoublcllillrd at Capilo Theatre ivaua-.v romantic ni, ,h. ul Kcuuemanr.r - - flt-o ..... u w ,,...) ... . uuiuuur picture comn-i-, double bill pictm-c pr, -rl jng offered on the "w, Capitol Theatre her, todav ' :omorrow. The can ofRi-m, , 4 by the debonair Ujt'id Nive-," i . . . i FtvvuiiituLiiJii ill mi ll-t ea novel or tht .. ... u: ana aanner gentleman ...... moves In the hkhei society i also known a:, n m,.!. ... VMitill encmer. norse. saved .from drath a'. wno. In turn rulr hmv .,. , r UVU'TI 1X1 lure to help there v,'- ' 1.-1 I ,. ! m-ipeu mm, ine - ,.. Bob Steele, Stcrli ii, William Fnrnnm tf.K . and Vlr?lnla Map!r a bet i ul newcomer to the -rec., a technicolor picture .trnrnu .11 . . i en a nnivsnnncr t :t i.r.. as mayor for 1946-47 AT 1:00 - 2:00 - 4 24 6:45 HOLD ONTO TO 0 R JEWELS - HOLD ONTO YOUR H E ART 1 TM LAW UiV WUITTV a fH IrM IT Illrir.1 . rttSENTED, IT SAMUEL GOIDWTN ADDED FEATURE Bob Steel Merlins Hollowaj In "WILDFIKE" UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY o at CENTRAL HOTEL HAS REOPENED We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. tire rvrT7ikTT ii tfr rTir TTtrTt rT-vr ty nrF. A ENJOY OUR FINE FOOD m mm u ill ll lllll II ilia iiu&ft JittLTirsii 1 luhb and ur and Accessories CARRIED IN STOCK cdimpc ni mrnT oiiddi v uni IS Phone C32 Manufacturer's Acrnt We Have Done " kj ui bvitiu Kama nun indicating one 0 the Bargains of (be Day! p O Box IT! Seeing is Believing COME IN Look lor the Rfd "TfinAvc KDrruiH t'n..A. n-iit, (h hlatk irro uiirr ai 1 ruT rrminuv CTflD vi r iwi r 1 mi iivi i i 1 1 in I lUJiinLbLri V LWVMVI II rnuiies 10 h 11 1 1 im Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MT UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM II A.M. TO l A-M. j t. ,,, Special Dinner Every Sunday 5 P "'-lu Music by "EsQulrcs" Mondays und Thursdays 10:30 to 12 p.m CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CAT E II TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MKIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 1 IIS TITTBn A If P IT 1? WllO'