i if. m 6 n H H IJrfitcc J&ipirt EJaflfi J3cUis Monday, September B, 1P1S TWO AIRLINE APPOINTMENTS ARE ANNOUNCED ! WINNIPEG Two appointments were announced by O. R. McGregor, srneral traffic mana-jer, Trans-Canada Air Lines, today In the persons of W. R. Campbell, traffic manager, eastern rtsion, Montreal, who now goes to Toronto in a similar capacity with thj central region, and John G. Maxwell, district traffic manager, Winnipeg, who succeeds Mr. Campbell in the eastern region post at Campbell is a ion? time T.C.A. j 1 personality. Joining the zatlon as a traffic representative in 1930 at Toronto. Transferred to Ottawa during the busy war years he moved up there from city traffic agent to city traffic manager and finally district traffic manager In 1944. Coats M inery Blouse's D L 100 Years .Old, Dead in Vancouver VANCOUVER Mrs. Iertha Al len Ray. who celebrated her 100th birthday March 14, died yester-. day. She came, to Vancouver In 1024. WOODEN WATCHES The First American timepieces were made entirely of wood, CAMBRIDGE, Eng. O" Padre J. Duckworth lost his vestments in Japanese captivity. Mothers of grateful prisoners-of-war gave him a new set. W. G. Courtney at Toronto who is ; assigned to other duties. Maxwell retired from Ihe Canadian Army a major in October Inst -vear and rejoined Trans- Canada Air Lines upon his re- organi. lease. He, too. Joined the airline in 1939 and, prior to enlistment in 1941. was the company's city traffic manager in Calgary. A native of Winnipeg, Maxwell was made district traffic manager here when he returned from the service and has been acting He was put in charge of the ; as traffic manager of the eastern nely created eastern region In ; region at Montreal In recent April of this year. He succeeds j we sks. resses ingerie Suits Sweaters Skirts Jusl a Little Bit Ahead I Rupert Peoples Store A- MacKenxie Furniture ' A GOOD Quick Frozen LIMITM) PLACE TO BUY' yoti Could Go Wrong . . .. But not with the genuine La-Z-Boy Chair. Ideas can be copied but La-Z-Boy principles simply can't be Imitated. TIIKKK IS ONLY ONE LA-Z-UOY Exclusive Features: Self-adjusting and automatic. Stays put at the required COMFORT ANGLE. Seat comes forward a.s back reclines. Quiet, smooth and noiseless operation. Quality-built throughout. LA-Z-BOY with STOOL .$78.."0 and tip hone 775 327 Third Ave. Cellophane Wrapped "RUPERT BRAND" SOLEFILLETS COD FILLETS SALMON FILLETS No bones . . . No waste . . . No fuss. Try them today from your butcher. Canadian Fish AND ; Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. THE LADY AND THE REPTILE- Konnga, sensational circus performer in Britain, with one of her crocodiles. BRIDGE WANTED WALBERSWICK, Suffolk, Eng. f Villagers here want a Ballcy bridge thrown over the 80-yard- uuvc lu biavci eiiiM jiiiivo I.U miii - t shopping district In Southwold f3 wl11 clear over the land areas on the opposite bank. IIIIIIBDIDIIIinilllllllBBIBIIIIIII u n RUPERT PEOPLES STORE j Fall Style Interpretations . . . People haye learned to expect just ji little more at Peoples a little more style at a little bit sooner than you might expect to find it in Prince Rupert. And there's no reason why you shouldn't expect just that because season after season and year after year we've given you just that. This Fall is no exception. Come in this week. &0 or A 11 i ' p i 'Y v B K B B M B B B B B B B IBBBBBBBBBRr TAILLESS BEAVER The mountain beaver has tall. no THE WEATHER Synopsis Clear skies continue over B.C; wide River Blythe so they don't'! cxpt for fog over coastal waters i . . i .i-m ,it t i,oi. and adjacent low land areas. The oy noun exci'iJii lur mur uianBi; along the west coast Vancouver .Island. "Ihe high pressure area that has persisted offshore is now being replaced by a low centre 700 miles to the west. This new centre will give Increas ing cloudiness with some rain ever the coastal area late tonight and Tuesday. Near freezing tem-p;:atuios were general in the Piince George-Bulkley Valley regions during the night. Forecast Prince Ruucrt. Queen. Char lottes and North Coast Clear except for drifting fog patches during morning. Increasing rlniirllnpKS lntp nflprnonn hpenm- . 1 ing cloudy by evening. Overcast JJ Tuesday with intermittent rain. H Light winds becoming southerly n : 15 by evening. Southeast 15 Tues : c"ay morning becoming southerly ; 10 jnlles per hour in afternoon. Little change In temperature, i Minimum tonight: Port Hardy, 50, Massett 52, Prince Rupprt.50; maximum Tuesday: Port Hardy, 57, Massqtt 53, Prince Rupert 58. -TK1KSTE IUOT STOl'l'KI) TRIESTE P) Allied police opened fire Sunday and dispersed a pro-Yugoslav demonstration, Six United States soldiers, a nritish officer, an America photographer and at least a desen civilians were injured. SCHOOL . . . sti:ki, officii rejixtfi) HAMILTON 0i Government proposals for settlement of the baMc steel strike were rejected Sunday by workers of the Steel Co. of Canada. It raised the possibility that police may be used to open the picket lines. ALFALFA'S ALIAS Alfalfa Is also known as lucern. MOTT ELECTRIC (I'rincc Kuperly LIMITED IXF.CTRICAI, CONTRACTORS Commercial - Industrial Marine Electricians Home Wiring and Repairs 236 Phone Black :7 Second Avenue West We have a complete stock of scribblers, loose leaf books, drawing pads, pens, pencils, crayons, Reeve's poster paints, ink, erasers,, rulers, compasses, set quares, protractors, loose leaf zipper covers. DIBB PRINTING COMPANY BEGNEIt BLOCK THIRD AVENUE All householders arc urged, in their own interests, to havo their coal bin filled at onco. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 and 652 TODAY'S STOCKS ' (. 'curtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd Vancouver i Oralorne H-50 j rt R. Consolidated 12"2 1 8. R. X 13 Cariboo Gold ' 2.85 Dcntonla 38 ZHI i 1 1 1 1 j Grull Wlhksnc 12-U Hcdley Ma.scot 1.39 Minto UJ,'2 rend Oreille 2.50 Pioneer - 3.70 Fremler Border ;07 premier -v 'M0 Privateer -58 Reeves McDonald 1.15 Reno 13V2 Salmon Gold .25 Sheep Creek 1.10 Tavr Bridgs 65 Whitewater (.. 03 Vi Vananda panares 1 0 4 Pacific Eastern 12 Hedley Amalgamated 13 Spud Valley 23 Central Zeballos U Oils A. P. Consolldatec 10 calmont 22 c & E . 1.80 Foothills 1-90 Home 2.75 Toronto Aumaque 85 Bcattie r7 Bobjo I5 Buffalo Canadian 22 Eldona - 55 Eldpr New 05 Oiant Vellowknife 0.50 Hardrock 65 Jacknlfe " 15V? Jo'.ict Quebec 70 Vi Little Long Lac ... 1-00 Marisjn Rrd Lake 2.95 MacLeod Cockshutt ...... 1.87 Moncta Pure 55 Omega 22 Pickle Crow 2.85 San Antonio 4.00 Senator Rouyn 65 Steep Rock .- 2.40 Sturgeon River 30 Lynx - ' 32 Lapaska 50 Gcds Lake -68 Negus .: 2.25 Aubclle 50 Heva Gold 60 Harricana , 23 McKenzic Red Lake 96 RICE'S RIVAL Wheat is a more popular food than rice In north China. INCOME TAX Returns Prepared Bee R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 JASPER VISIT PLEASED HIM . Could Have Spent Two Months at Resort, Says Monty JASPER PARK "Only two days. One really needs two months." This was the parting message of Field Marshall Viscount Montgomery to those who gathered on Saturday afternoon to bid him au revoir on the con clusion of his visit to Jasper Park Id.ge. It was a day oi cloudless skv and bright sun shine with the peaks snow-cap ped against a blue background From early in the morning Viscount Montgomery had been on the golf course following ine :r,-hole tinal in the Jasper Totem ole tournament and the time had come for him to resume the "nv;ram of visits to Canadian and United States cities. At nl.?ht from Edmonton Lord Montgomery sent back the following message: "Please convey to Carl Haymond my congratulations on his victory In the Jas per Park Totem Pole golf tournament and tell him I was great ly Impressed by his play. Also please give my best wishes to Mr. Cleat, runner-up, for better luck next time Montgomery of Lord Montgomery Is receiving a replica of the famed silver Totem Pole trophy from R. C. Vaugnan, chairman ana iiroi-,-ient of the Canadian National Railways, as a memento of his visit. Before his denarture the Field Marshal asked General Manaacr Robert Sommcrville of the C.N.R. hotel system to nave the cooks, bell-ibovs and all other members of the lodzc staff who had served nim brought to Outlook Cabin to receive his thanks. Lord Mont gomery occupied the cabin used by King George and Queen Elizabeth during their stay in 1939. NO REPEATERS It i.s impossible for the same horse to win the Kentucky Derby twice as the race Is limited to three-year olds only. COWES, Eng. ) H.M.S. Scorpion, new all-welded destroyer, 12th Royal Navy ship to bear the name, has been launched here. Look Closely To See If It's THE REAL THING Sorry we can't pull Gtnulnt Durold Rood out of hit for you, itthoujh wt'd lilt to. Rijht now, MORE Gtnulnt Durold Rood r btlnj rrnde than tver btfort, but tht dtmind It 10 9'' htt ttmporary ihort3i occur. That doti not mtan tnat you. muil icttl for "ueond best" aiphalt roof. No, it limply mtam you may havt to wait littlt lonj.tr for tht Rtal Thing, t Gtnulnt Durold Roof. It's wtll worth waiting for too, whtn you coniidtr ... tht lonj yean i. of BWM-14 ttrvict and protection you Jti. inn txctptiontl durability li poisiblt became Gtnulnt Durold Rood art STILL made with a bait of tht btit rtg-ftlt. So bt lurt you'rt jtttlnj tht Real Thinj by aikins for GENUINE Durold Roof, and looking for tht Sldnty Seal of Quality on tvtry bundle. Local Dealers: ALKERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE C57 Hollywood Cafe TRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO 6 A.M Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS THONE 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST wwm mm Urondwny's hilarious roninnlic comedy now on the screen! IRENE DUNNE (idie r I ... ft "Kid Millj X) ALEXANDER KNOX CHARLES COBURN "OVER 1 . .rlMV, I SHOWS AT 2:15 - 4 :30 6 40 ana jy . 1 COMMUNE 1 SONO Htf MM Hairdressers- au, U'e cordially Invite ynu to visit our Samplt Cm al Hie Prince Rupert Hotel, on September Ml Our representative, Mr. Roy Heather, will be j ii Duart Permanent Wave Machines, Hair Dryr r tl other lines will be on display. j PARIS BEAUTY $UPPLY( en iioni: sruF.rr KWONO SANQ HINO HOP KKE CHOP SUEY HOUSE G12 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside. Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 217 VAM'OlTHl Plumbing and He: Knginccri OIL. AND 10ALSW BARKS ANDERSOI LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. and 11 Phone Red 38S P,! For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, It.C CHOP SUEY cmMV MU' 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p m New Typewriters Just Arrived! One Smith Corona Clipper In lea"1" ) carrying ease . 1'nrlable ) One Smith Corona SterlinR carrying case . One Smith Corona "Silcnl" Jn carrying J) '!sc . ,M Also we have one Underwood Stand first class condition. Has been ' d Jj the maroon enamel Is unscratrhed jv the nickel trimmlnss are line i