ft i I' l?rfncc Rupert Dafty JDctoS Thursday, September 12, 1946 Basketball Organized For Big Winter Season Ahead No Less Than Twenty Teams Expected To Be In Action In Two Gymnasia Claims that Prince Rupert's keen, pre-war sport enthusiasm is re-surging were justified by the ourn-out of more than 75 prospective players at an organizational meeting of the Prince Rupert Basketball Association in the Civic Centre last night. I he forthright airing ENTHUSIASM IN LACROSSE Locals Readying- for Series Willi H.M.C.S. Uganda Great activity has recently been observed in tlw Roosevelt Park gymnasium where the la crosse men are at it again. Recent games have whctt?d the appetites of the local gutted stick enthusiasts and they are busily preparing for the return engagement vith the crew of the Ugantfa when she arrives this week-end. Present plans ca:: Tor a game , on Saturday night and another on Monday night against the team from the Uganda which has signalled that .they are i.n top form and capable of taking the measure of the local team. Coach Dick Woods reports that his boys have been- practising every night and at recent practices has had as jnany as 30 players aiming at a spot on the team. Amonsr the new players who look likely to give the regulars a run for their money in the battle for starting assignments against the Navy a.re Jack . . Tirutt. .1. ! f I t 1 I 5:,5Lme " 5111"y lurwara; jimmy Andrews, who Is claimed to : a stone wall on defence, and Joe ' . amis and Ray Spring. ! Prospects look bright for a real knock-down drag-out series when the locals and Navy teams face off on Saturday night. ! SHORT SPORT Fred Perry won the United , States single tennis championship for the third time and gained permanent possession of the trophy 10 years a?o today at Forest Hill, N.Y. The Black-haired Briton, now a professional, defeated California's Don Budge 2-6. 8-6, 1-6, 10-8. Maurice Fox of Montreal won the Canadian chest championship for the eighth time In 12 years at Toronto eight years ago. Defending champion Boris Blu-man of Montreal was deadlocked in fourth place with two other players, one of them 15-year old Abe Yarrofiky of Winnipeg. 8yoif its FLAVOUR RICHNESS STRENGTH e ' ft ft is FROM YOUR NEAREST GROCER X Sports of opinions in matters re- gardlng. the structure of the association confirmed this rebirth of interest as did the fact that hoop devotees grandly anti-capiate as high as 20 teams in action on the city's two basketball floors this winter. Definitely on the books are four ,eagues' cm!Ws?d so far of 12 teasm, representatives of which attended the meeting and were "named to the association executive. . Art Murray was given unanimous acceptance by the meet-ir" as president of the association and Alex Bill was named secretary-treasurer With; similar accord. Executive members from the feur leagues are as follows: Senior "A"-Jack Lindsay, representing 99 Taxi: D. Mazzonl, B.C. Packers; Alberts Stiles, Savoy. . Senior "B" George Viereck, Co-op: Alex Bill. High School; Bob Houston, Maceys. Junior S. P. Woodside, Gyro; Wally Landon, High School; Bud iPierce, Watts .and Nickerson; Maurice Teng, Sea Cadets. Girls' League Boyo Gurvich, Hlgh School; Edward Gladding, . Klnettes. Operating independently of the Civic Centre, but closely al- lied to it by the fact that the ' association will use the Civic Centre"s two gymnasia for prac- tice and league games, the meet-1 ing was presented with three al : ternatlve proposals to cover the expenses of using the gyms by( Civic Centre Director Don For-wafd. These proposals were re-1 ferred to the consideration of he executive with the provision i that they report their decision within a week. In the meantime, the association will use the syms for practice purposes. Operating Proposals .The proposal were: 1. The Civic Centre would take all but 10 ner cent of gate receipts and would take care of all normal costs of operating the league, ihe other 10 per rent to go to the basketball association. 2. Basketball Association pay the Civic Centre $4 an hour while it uses the gymnasium to rover onerating costs of the gymnasium. 3. Civic Centre to take 75 per i ft" REX CAFE SECOND. AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Suey Chow Mein Chinese Dishes our specialty, Open 6 ajn. to 2 a.m. PHONE 173 ALL OUT FOR CANADA'S RATION BOOK NO. 6 Canada is having a new kind of "book week" this 16 when consumers from coast to "coast ate turning out to get Ihelr new ration books. More than 7.C00 distribution centres in every city, town and hamlet will be open at some time during this week to hand out the valuable little coupon-books which keeps Canada's system or food distribution In such smooth running ord r that shiploads of essential foods can be sent regularly to the devastated areas of Europe. Above, left Father Robert of the Trapplst Monastery of Mistasslnl collects the books for his order; right, two pretty represenalves of the Chinese colony in Montreal, help with the distribution; lower left, a bearded Sihk from Vancouver prepares for the allotment of books to the coast citv's East India residents; and right, a group of Ottawa residents line up while a volunteer worker writes in the necessary information. Centre, Ration Book No. 6. cent of receipts for building ex-1 former official of the BjC. Bas-penses. and the league to pay Its ketball Association, will conduct running costs out of the re-! training classes for players wish- maining 25 per cent. ing Time available lor basketball of at the Civic Centre gym was set at 16 hours a week and league game nights were set Tor Tues-1 day and Saturday. Practice and ; game schedules at the Roose- velt Park gym were deferred till later. Dr - E' H' Montgomery a Jf2 BladesS MINORA waiting low-price Pack fast, smooth Get MINORA LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street FORT GARRY Instruction in the fine points basketball. The classes will start next week. The meeting endorsed a mo- Hon that the league affiliate with the B.C. Basketball Asso- ciatlon with the prospect of inter-city play-offs. - - Advertise in Trie Dallv News. WSBC0H0MY PACK iS BACK AGAIH Here's news men have been fori Again you can save 16'on BLADES, Canada's quality blade in the field I Yes, MINORA' s generous Economy Is baclc on dealers' shelves. So enjoy shaves. Make an extra saving too. BLADES In the big Economy ack! Does Your Car Look DOWN AT THE "WHEELS" If so we suggest you have your wheels aligned ,and your tires checked. If you hope to drive your car through the winter , . . WATCH YOUR TIRES I IS YOUR CAU SLUGGISH AND TEMFERMENTAL? If so bring It In to have a Motor Tune-Up. Don't wait until cold weather leaves t you on the road. LUBRICATE OFTEN I T PAYS I S. E. PARKER LTD. Ford and Monarch Dealers Third Ave. Phone 83 Campbell's Cosy Cabins Skeena Bridge Tourist Camp One Mile East of Town Box 13 TERRACE, B.C. tluy more Classified Advertising - mua.'rteds: 2c per word per insertion, minimum charge. 50c. Birth Nftfccen 60c; Cards of Thank. Death Notice. Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcement : 12. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Pin setter wanted at Rex Bowling Alleys Ufi WANTED Two mechanics for Interior garage. References required. State experience and wages wanted. Interviews arranged. Only first class men need apply. Reply Box 155 Dally News. (tf) j WOMAN for light housework. Sleep in. Phone Blue 722. (214) WANTED Stengorapher for coal and building supply office. Apply Phllpott, Evltt Co. C.N.R. Wharf. (tf) HELP WANTED FEMALE INTELLIGENT Junior Stenographer required by large corporation. Graduate of commercial school or business college without actual business experience would be considered. Apply in own handwriting stating experience and sal. fv required to Box 157, Dally News. SITUATION WANTED WILL look after rooming house. Keep house for o:der gentleman or work as taxi dispatcher. Apply Box 158, Daily News. (216) FOR RENT FOR RENT Sleeping room. Reasonable. Apply 805 Fraser St., after 5 p.m. (217) FOR RENT 6-room flat, 2 fur nished rooms; kitchen stove. 209 5th Ave. W. Apply Hel-gerson Block, Suite 1. (214) FOR RENT Five-room house, 1910 8th Ave. East. $25 per month. Phone Black 304 after 5 p.m. (214) FOR RENT One housekeeping ' room. 1142 Park Ave. Phone Green 224. (212) ROOM AND HOARD ROOM AND BOARD Home away from home. 622 Fraser St. (215) WANTED GRAMAPHONE in ;ood condl-(214) tion. Phone 855. WANTED Small boat with cabin. Box 156 Dally News. (218) ROOM AND BOARD In retutn for services, 441 7th Ave. E. (215) LOST LADIES wrist watch. Initial "B" on back. Reward. Return ti Dally News Office (218) READING Glasses in brown case Saturday evening. Please phone 355. (tf) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Saw.nills, manufac tured by National Machlnerv Company I'mlted. Vancouver, War savings stamps u.u. (tf) 1 Baseball Scores American Washington 1, Chicago 6. New York 2, Cleveland 11. Boston 3, Detroit 7. Philadelphia 0, St, Louis 4. National Pittsburgh 7-7, 'New York 6-5. Cincinnati 0, Brooklyn 0 (called at end of 19th on account of darkness). Chicago 3, Boston 3 (called at end of 17th on account "of darkness). Pacific Coast League Seattle 0, San Francisco 3. Los Angeles 3. Sacramento 8 Oakland 6. San Diego 3. Portland 3-2. Hollywood 4-10 International Semi-Final Baltimore 5, Syracuse 6. Newark 5, Montreal 7. Louisville Leads; Other Semi Evened INDIANAPOLIS f Indianapolis defeated Minneapolis by a score of 2 to 1 today to tie up the best-of-seven-game final series In the American Association baseball play-offs Louisville defeated St. Paul 4 to S In 15 innings to 'take a two-game-to-nothing lead in the best-of-seven series In the other bracket. LONDON, Oi The first "Kiddles' Express" since the war ran from Paddington to Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 FOR SALE FOR SALE 3 lots, No, 33, 54, 55. Block 27, Section 8. Sell What I can get. J. W. Men- i zies, 15 Cambridge Street, Vic-' torla, B.C. (217) ' t t FOR SALE Brick-lined heater a and china cabinet. Phone I Green 610. (217) FOR SALE Kitchen dinette, teal good condition. Apply Suite 4, Alder Block. (217) FOR SALE One dining room suite and one bedroom suite. For particulars Phone 422. FOR SALE Float cabin at New Floats; cheap. Apply Enterprise Fruit Store, 3rd Ave., or No. 1 Cow Bay. Phone 343. (215) FOR SALE 200 special-mated New Hampshire chickens, six months old. $2.00 each. Shipping charges ext.ra. Leroy'3 Ranch, Kitwanga, B.C. (tf) FOR SALE Sawmill with two-and-a-half million feet of timber; camp and kitchen utensils; equipment, tools, 4 horses, good condition. Price $5000. Apply Lee Jim, Hazel ton, B.C. (tf) FOR SALE 1941 PontlaC, good tires. Can be seen at Long Motors. (215) FOR SALE Dresser, 3 drawers, marble ton, large mirror, $19. Call Fair Way Food Market. (216) FOR SALE 7 room house with concrete foundation. Newly painted. Reasonable for cash Apply 260 9th E. after 5. (219) FOR SALE Mexican Chlwawn puppies. Three males. 727 Fraser St. (219) FOR SALE 1 kitchen range, 1 dining table, 4 chairs, 1 bed complete, 1 chesterfield chair, 1 chest of drawers, 1 wicker chair, 1 studio'lounge (conver-tablc), 1 small table. Apply suite 2 Shortridge Apts. across from1 CIVIC Centre. (216) WE BUY and Sell new, and used Furniture and Hardware. Used hassocks from $2.50. Dressers $14.50. Chrst of Drawers $9 Stoves for coal and wood $35. smoking stands $1.25. Dining room ets from $30. Rug 6x10 'j now $18. 3-plece chesterfield in very good condition $69.50. New coal and wood stoves, heaters. Scatter rugs from $1.65. Fancy mirrors from $2. See ws first,, it Will pay you. B.C. Furniture CO. Phone Black 324. (tf) PERSONAL VIOLIN TUITION. For appointments phone Black 120. Mrs Ellen M. Anderson. (s22) WILL WASH AND IRONlaUndry. Call 413 6th Ave. West, evenings, or phor.8 Black 848. (218) Advertise In The Daily News. Uganda Crescent bue On Friday Hour of arrival of H.M.C.S. Uganda, cruiser, and Crescent! destroyer, due here tomorrow after a cruise as far. north as butch Harbor, had not been of flclally signalled up to mid afternoon today although it wa , expected It would be in th morning. Uganda will moor a C.N.R. wharf and Crescent at provincial government dock. Buy War Savings Certificates TO ALL liefe! CAJ ink- . THERE IS NO OTHER TOIACQM OLD CHU The Tobacco jfQj,1, 'CANADA'S 0ICfNAl AHOAtANC HH tOIACCO" -w- -w- -w -ww- -"r V T WWMM Tfirmr.fi RnrnR? Sn J wa w wwi ii vi w i I Ml fm MRS. MRS. FLAMBLY FLAMBLY M HOME-MADE PIES PIES - SANDWICHES SANDWICHES -W -ffl LUNCHES FOR TRAVEL On the Main Higkay TERRACE MACHINE SHOW TKilKACK, H.C. Dealers in GHNKHAI, MOTORS M MACHINE WOKK GAS and ElECItt' DIESEL and TKACTOK ItEPAIM OPKN SUNDAYS and IIOLID.H'1 For minor rrpalrs and jm TERRACE TRANSFER (Harold Smith) TRUCK AND PASSENGER Scheduled Trins to Lakck U Sunday, Wednesday and Satw Charter Trips to Any 1'artofDW P.O. Box 1C7 TENTS - PACK'S TRAPPER NELSON PACK60 WATPRPROOF GROUND Sn miTrn i tTrm f:i- WITH C A" J Edmondson Awning and . Sji 330. SECOND AVENU P.O. Box 302 ; .. . tn reci TIKES! TIRES! Innate your . ..... , uij firns to relieve wnen wuu, nevi-i uic.u vmiid-up- i take care of normal ou excessive, cither load or speed orucn'5tli(i' . ..... ...j nr hOth WUSV w responsiDie, una eimcr (This is Official' RUPERT MOTOR r,orl( Phone 566 LINDSAY'S CARTAGE &SI Established 1910 ..TtcvHOlD FURNITURE AND AU "uurr.wnSfli .vnl - ,.nrii a PACKED, rTIATED. STUKiw Mim PARTS OF W"- FOB QUICK, EFFICIENT, F R VICE Phone LINDSAY'S Tail Am. t mmmi ..1) HI I 1