ay Food Market (KOSS INGRAM) Pail" Arf r? u. o f IVC livery fy wit m fcjr4 COFFEE , 39c PPLES Cooking or r $1.95 ES Quality 25c BERS 10c AY IS OUR 1 j sn 11 m- nr IIIIORE 3 is acrvenzic 1 1 ill 111 vj u rr 1 una ... jur.tlng and automatic. 3. ANn itiNn KEE SUEY USE Mrs ti-. King Tal) o n iiiumc . T.n n h rs from 2 p.m. a.m. IUJ 217 HOURS, tviik. . FANCY BISCUITS Cream-Filled, 35c 1 -POUND BAGS CATELLI'S SPAGHETTI With Tomato Sauce and Cheese. 14c 20-oz. Tins SHEET MIXED PICKLES 33c 24-oz. Jar IIARTLETT PEARS Just night for Eating, Fancy Wrapt. QfTn 3 POUNDS WW1 FANCY ELHEKTA PEACHES Ready for Canning. $229 PER CRATE TERRACE POTATOES Number 1 Large 10 POUNDS 39C GREEN CORN 6 ears 25 FOOD MARKET PHONE NUMBER r ! r. r. iir.i.ivr.nM P.M. DELIVERED SAME DAY r" a rurimure LIMITED 1 ' .llni. nrtUD n ad tlmMlif n -i t ha Itnlfqfarl nut at tip rpnnlrpfl rfiMfYinT Nni,K. mooth and noiseless ODeratlon. "nil aivruij iTiin.llir a 1 111 uif : 327 Tliird Ave. COLD MEATS FOR WARM WEATHER BULKLEY MARKET tit DAILY THIRD AVENUE THONE 178 Plumbing and Heating Engineers OIL AND COAL STOKERS BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 389 T.O. Box 1294 i lid. Pioneer Druqgiat cnis iw it j t ! luii-u unpen anu iismci - " u s Kcxall it's KwM PHONE 81 and 7 p.m. till g p.m. ' Local News It Long trips or short, day or night, 93 Taxi at your service. () Miss Marjorle Eby Is sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for a holiday visit in Vancouver and Victoria. Stipendiary Magistrate Will Robinson Is returning to Terrace today after a brief business visit to the city. A Canadian Legion, regular monthly meeting (with initiation) Wednesday September 11, Legion Hall, 8 p.m. Charles M. Adams, Terrace moving picture theatre operator, j left today on his return to the interior after a brief business ylslt to town. . Reid Mitchell, son of Mr. and rMs. James R. Mitchell of West Vancouver, sails by the Prince Rupert tonight on his return home following a visit of a few days In the city with relatives after spending the summer at Pacofl on the Queen Charlotte Islands. Speaker at the weekly luncheon today of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club was Capt. W. S. (Wop) May, noted pioneer bush flier of the Canadian Northland and now an executive of Canadian Pacific Airlines. He spoke Interestingly of somq of his experiences. Gus Gottfred, superintendent of Canadian National Telegraphs with headquarters at Edmonton, left on last evening's train for Prince George where he will spend a couple of days on his way back to Edmonton after one of his periodical trips to the coast on official Inspection duties. C J. Graham, pioneer locomotive engineer here, who retired 11 years ago and has since been living In New Westminster, Is back In the city for a visit and Is receiving a hearty welcome from his many old .friends, He arrived on Tuesday night's train and will be here until the first of next week. Dr. and Mrs. Jens Munthe returned to the city yesterday afternoon from a motor trip to the Interior as far as Burns Lake. They were' accompanied by Mrs. Munthe's sister, Miss Randl Thorsen, who leaves tonight on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver to take up studies at the University of Bfltlsh Columbia. Executives of the Beg? Motors pnd Bcgg Bros., automobile dealing firms of Vancouver, Chrysler-Plymouth and Dodge-De Soto distributors, r.re visitors In the city in the persons of Stewart and Roy Begg, J. R. Kerr and T. G. Applc.gath. They arrived from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert yesterday and will proceed from here by car to return south by way of the central interior over the Prince Rupert and Cariboo highways. UK? AM"?' in-- T1 SCIENCE has pr6ed there ire certain food elements everyone needs for health. If there aren't enough of them in a child's food, serious things can happen such as stunted growth, soft bones, poor teeth, faulty nerves, loss of appetite, defective eyesight. Ovaltine supplements the diet with elements frequently deficient in ordinary foods. Three servings of Ovaltine furnish a significant portion of a child's daily requirements of Vitamins A, Bl, C, D, Riboflavin (Bz), and Niacin and Minerals Calcium, Phosphorus and Iron. . In addition it provides the basic food substances complete proieirts to build muscle, nerve and body cells high-energy foods (or vitality and endurance. It thus acts as an insurance against food deficiencies that retard normal growth. So if your child eats poorly, is thin, underpar, perhaps nervous, why not try delicious Ovaltine for normal growth and better appetite. 'OVALTINE V ems ' . . . L.O.B.A. meeting Thursday, 8 p.m. Scarlet Degree. Miss ,Mary Armstrong Is leaving tonight on the Prince Rupert for a vacation trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. James Parker are leaving tomorrow for a holiday motor trip to the interior as far as Burns Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnston of Terrace were brief visitors to the city yesterday, having motored down from the Interior town. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shcardown fere sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south. ' Miss Betty Pullen, who has been spending the summer vacation here with her mother, Mrs. H. F. Pullen, sails by the Prince Rupert tonight to resume her studies at University of British Columbia In Vancouver. Mr. and MrsGeorge McAdams returned to their home at Terrace by car today, having driven down yesterday to meet Mrs. McAdams's mother who arrived on the Prince Rupert from the south after a month's visit at Banff. Mayor Daggett, Alderman Arnold, Alderman Hills and City Clerk H. D.Thaln are due back on tonight's train from Burns Lake where they attended a convention of the Northern B.C. Municipalities Association. Main business of the convention was to consider briefs to be presented to the annual convention of the Union of B.C. Municipalities In the south later this month. JV-31 f FDD Rad'o Dial Vl I l 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) THURSDAY-P.M. 4:00 Radio Repertory 4:30 The Little Concert 4:45 Johrfhy Burt Trio 5:00 People Ask 5:15 All the World Sings 5:30 To be announced 6:00 CBC News 0:15 CBC News Roundup 6:30 Eventide 7:00 Woman in White BBC 7:30-Concert of the Natlons- 8:00 Choral Program 8:30 Gypsy Strings 9:00 CBC News 9:10 B.C. News 9:15 Eastwood Garden Orch. 9:30 Music by Shrednlk 9)55 Interlude 10:00 This Week's Composer 10:55 CBC News and Int. 11:00 Weather and Sign Off - Ann. ' 11:05 Silent I FRIDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 BBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Medley Time 8:59 Time Signal 9:00 Little Concert 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Wayne King's Orch. 9:45 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Music While You Work 10:15 Scandinavian Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 B.C. Farm Broadcast 11:25 Program Resume 11:30 CBC News 11:45 Weather Forecast 11:46 Message Pedod 11:48 Recorded Interlude P.M. 12:00 Tunes for Today 12:15 Music of Lower Basin St, 12:30 Musical Program 12:45- Recital, Winnipeg 1:00 From the Classics 1:15 Women's News Commentary and speaking as a Canadian 1:30AU About Glen Alan 1 :45- Downbeat hh aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapeci avex THE DOUBLE STRENGTH BLEACHING, CLEANING, WASHING CONCENTRATE I MORE THAN TWICE AS EFFECTIVE One bottle of Javex is more than twice as effective as ordinary bleach concentrates because Javex is so highly concentrated. MAKES TWICE THE QUANTITY Wherever you use Javex you require only half as much to do the job. It. lasts twice as long, gives you t.wice as much bleaching, cleaning, washing fluid as ordinary bleach concentrates. ( CANADA'S LARGEST SELLING CONCENTRATE - Wherever . Javex has been introduced it has met with instant lasting success. The women of Canada buy more Javex than' any other bleaching, clcaningwashing fluid. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK GUARANTEE If you do not find Javex twice as effective, twice as satisfactory as the ordinary Javel or Bleach concentrate you are now using, simpjy return the unuseel portion of the bottle to your grocer, who will gladly refund double the purchase price, MANUFACTURED IN BRITISH -Mother and Daughter Both Like THE VARIETY STORE . . . Pioneers' Home Is Progressing Construction of the new Pioneers' Home Is progressing and at present the foundation work U completed, with the main floor being laid. When tne new building will be completed depends largely on the availability of structural materials, according f-o City Engineer E. A. Phillips. OR YOUR MONEY Come here first, when you go shopping. You're almost certain to find Just what you want, and you'll enjoy the thrifty prices. Our large stocks.fill the needs of each member of the family. THE VARIETY STORE "WHERE YOUR DIMES ARE LITTLE DOLLARS" HAITI'S CURRENCY Haiti's unit of currency Is the gourde. - Announcements W.A. Baptist Church tea and sale of home cooking, home' of Mrs. C. Gllkcr, 349 4th E., Sept. 12. Job's Daughter's fashion display and entertainment, Masonic Temple, Friday, Sept. 20,, 8:15 p.iir. (2Q9) Hill CO. Fashion Show Sept. 26, Civic Centre. Catholic School Bazaar, Oct. 2 and 3, K.C. Hall. L.O.B.A. Bazaar, Oct. 23. Queen Mary Tea, Mrs. Parkin's, October 24. Women of the Moose bazaar, Moose Temple, Nov. 13 and 14. W. A. Canadian Legion Fall Bazaar, November 20. W.A. Baptist Church fall sale, Nov. 7. United Chuch Xmas Bazaar, Dec. 5. Old Time Dance, Prairie Ramblers, 'every Saturday night, Oddfellows' Hall. ASTHMA? RAZ-MAH I'or quick relief from the wheeling, japping, crushing, choking tnivry of Asthma, take KAZ-MAHI Praiw-d by thousands of users. KAZ-MAH i specially made to relieve itching, streaming tyt choked-up bronchial tulie and exhausting cnusha- mufd by Asthma, Chronic BroiiUittis and Hay Fever. SOc, $1. 11-13 it COtUMBIA We Serve You Nothing, But the Best . . . sriX'iAL brand beef CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND 1UUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Conked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Dally RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West Ipiftut iStipet, DaiIt?J3cUiS Thursday, September 12, 1948 FUNCTIONAL CLOTHING BY DEACON Outing . . . designed by Deacon. . . . fine showerproof gabardine. . . . medium length, full zjpper. ... 2 patch pockets. . . . Fawn shade. . . . sizes 36 to 44. $9.50 "THE MEN'S SHOP' tin injuvjr : fi; llOTIIIM 532 THIRD AVENUE 1 jC General I We do basements, reshingling, build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings. 100 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL IJLUE G10 and we will give an estimate. P.O. BOX 654 . : PRINCE RUPERT Touched -with mm NO INTEREST GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL PLANNING AND DESIGNING ESTIMATES NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION . Stone Block LIMITED. P.O. Box 1381 Phone 50J Evenings: Green 10:i 1 Fine Wood for Sale! NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 100 Cords of Seasoned Scrap Lumber First class 14-inch lengths, free of nails $10 per cord Second class trimmings up to 14-inch lenfiths, $8 per cord Third class, various lengths uncut $G per cotd FOR COURTEOUS AND RELIABLE SERVICE HEMMONS TRANSFER Phone Black 156 Night Phone: Black 6G5 P.O. Box 1131 Station B Jacket 4n Ull KI HMSIIIVf.S PHONE 34J Contractor Fur Beauty Only a skilled designer knows how much fur highlights a good coat and where to put that one touch of beauty. Today, come in and view our beautiful, new fall coats trimmed in luxurious furs, and select the coat which does the most for you! Take Full Advantage of Our BUDGET PLAN NO CARRYING CHARGES "THE CREDIT HOUSE OF f QUALITY" Office: J. II. Malr's Auction Rooms Third Avenue East y.x4-4-