CANNED FOODS :an i ? ? .uro A QITT TtV inc. w""" Ian I loosen a clogged ve 1a pound of cop- buarts of hot water dawn the pipe. Re- cessary A solution of Bnegar poured down l dislodge grease. Ian I make a substl- D? f emergency oatmeal llent substitute for a smaa quantity In bag and wash Just bar of soap. lean I make fried lice golden brown? llnkllnr a little flour ore frying, IV Three missions Int to India to comb services for recruits oilce forces have re- to neadquarters p'.unteers- -one-quar- number needed to E rcf. to full strength. SYS fc" .V --V " tniuscle llruteins, uics, and riements Kellogg'i UsLana- We wheat, ool Supplies ps, protractors, loose leaf zipper covers. ; BLOCK HN H. .GER rOMETRIST fger Ltd. fd Avenue e Rupert RSENOF.K y . . . rex "Royal City" Quality U - always In ilcnianill Tender vegetalilea arc Itatberril from I lie fields - ut ijie jireeUe inojueul to aurr I lie Ijel of tiator. JOHN WALKER iHirrrr iiifiw U A r AWAY r-itm nun I Tribute I'aid at Largely Altcndtd Funeral In Hums lake BURNS LAKE Many people gathered at the Community Hall In Burns Lake last Thursday afternoon to pay final respects to thf late John Walker who rmsed away the previous Monday when almost 80 years of age. The service was held In the hall as the United Church was too small for the number who attended. Bev. Mr. Morris conducted the service, and he spoke of the respect with which John Walker was held In the community and how he will be missed. Mrs. Saul sang beautifully "The Old Rugged Cross." John Walker leaves one on, Andrew, of. Chllliwack and formerly of Francois Lake, and three grandchildren Lillian NOW. MORE THAN EVER, one of Canada's important foods! Busy housewives everywhere are on the alert for suggestions that will help them save time and effort. Thousands dejend on Kellogg's ready-to-eat cereals not only for breakfast, but for quick snacks anytime! All-Wheat, Pep, Corn Flakes, All-Bran, Rice Krispies, Bran Flakes and Krumbles are all made by Kellogg's, the greatest name in cereals. m IME...SAVE FUEL. ..SAVE FOOD! have a complete stock of scribblers, loose leaf s. drawl er paints, ink. erasers, rulers. comDasses. set B PRINTING COMPANY THIRD AVENUE SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert Bottle Collector skrvice pi,0nc Iiluc 7.17 Hccr Whiskey, Gin and Bottles Wine Hottlcs jTROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE Lakes District News WEDDING IS INTERESTING Miss VUtUm Anderson ttetomeg Bride of Alan Black well FRANCOIS LAKE Two well known families were happily Joined when Marlon, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Anderson, and Alan, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Blackwell, were married on Friday last. The ceremony was In the United Church Jn Burns Lake at 10:30, Rev. Mr. Morris officiating. Jleleu Schreiber, the bride's sister, was matron of honor and Stanley Black well, brother of the groom wa s best man. The reception was held In the Beach House dining room o.t Francois Landing at 2:30 pjn. The room was beautiful with masses of flowers and the three-tiered weddloT'cake was Dlaced on the side-table. Tire bri4ej?rocm's father promised a toast to the bride and the bride's father resnonded. Little Heather Radley, the bride' niece, was one year old that dav and In Ihe centre of jt'i bb)e was placed her little I iced rake, with one diminutive (cardl? In the -.entre. Heather's grandfather, Max, lighted the rmdie. , , The weather was Derfect for a wMinjr. Mtet taklnsc photographs In the garden the wed -r"n nrtv left on the 4 o'clock f"-rv. Ti "'eddinr dance was at nmw plain' which was crowded with this popular rounle's well-wishers. (Mrs. William Oair) of Prince Rupert, Jack of Chllliwack. and Hazel Mrs. Lawrence) also of Chllliwack. There are three great-grandchildren. Mr. Walker and his former wife celebrated their golden wedding anniversary a few years ago They formerly lived In the ChilllwarJc district, where they built up a fine farm but later moved. to Francois Lake district After Mrs. Walker's death three years ago he married Mrs. John Frazler. QUICK SERVICE . LONDON W Mai. Frank Caesar Torreglant. a visitor to Lon- don, psts faster laundry servic? jthan roost residents. He airmails UUsdirtv linen 1,664 .pilles to his home In Malta and sets it back in a week. OUATEMAIIVS SCOURGE Malaria Is the leading cause of Illness and death In Guatemala. "Duild B.C. Payrolls" SO RICH AND 111 " PURE How you'll love Pacific's creamy-rich texture, irradiated to add vitamin goodness for your health's sakel And, Pacific's flavor especially when you pour this s-m-o-o-t-h milk into your morning cup of coffee or tea! Oh, yes! It improves many things ... use it for baking and cooking, too! Vacuum packed for longer freshness. PACIFIC MILK "Irradiated and Vacuum Packed" FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes Car and Truck Cushions Repaired and Recovered Out-of-town orders given special care. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Phone Green 974 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre By Plane To Ootsa Many Visitors Still Come To Lakes District FRANCOIS LAKE O. II. Griffith of Seattle now brings visitors up to his new lodge at Ootsa Lake by plane. The other morning Just at mail time he came right down to the landing and close over the ferry, then turned back and zoomed right over the Keefe farm, then back again over the landing and down the lakeshore towards the J. P. Ranch. There were several vlsltprs at ' Paradise Lodge over Labor Day week-end from Prjnce George. All reported having had a de Jlghtful holiday.. One visitor caught 14 Rainbow trout before breakfast one morning. Arnold Peebles was thrown from the colt he was breaking In and hurt his leg and hand when the animal stepped on him after he fell. The colt was fright- : ened when another rider on horseback brushed against him unexpectedly. 1 W. E. Funnell brought a fine gladioli down from his garden. It Is named Plcardy, is a delicate pink and there are 16 spikes with seven In full blocm, one measuring six Inches across. Dr. and Mrs. Jens Munthe came down by car from Prince Rupert for a short visit last week. S. B. Calder of the Sunset Heme, Prince Rupert, Is staying with Phil Kelly at the South-bank Sawmills for a holiday. Mr. and Mrs. William Galr and two small sons are here for a short visit They were just too late for the funeral of John Walker, Mrs. Galr's father. She told of a coincidence her baby son died exactly a year ago at the same time and day that her grandfather. John Walker, pass ed away this year. Phone Red 319 Green & Builders All Interior and Exterior Work l LEGION TO AID P.-T.A. At the regular monthly meeting of the Canadian Legion held last night at the Legion Hall, by a unanimous vote, the sum of $50 was donated to the Parent-Teachers' Association fund for distribution among the four city schools. This money Is u.sed to assist in purchasing the best and most up-to-date readers and library books "for the school children; also In ithe purchase of school sports equipment. For many years the Canadian Legion has looked upon this fund as one deserving the utmost support. General business Included the Initiation of about a dozen Full-strength yeast acts (aster because it's fresh! Fleischmann's fresh active Yeast goes right to work makes sweeter, tastier bread , . , insures tender light texture. IF YOU BAKE AT HOiME-use Fleischmann's active, fresh Yeast with the familiar yellow labeL Dependable Canada's time-tested favourite for over 70 years. MADE P.O. Dox 14C4 Kermode and Painters Free 'Estimates and Prompt Service fjrrfrfrfTrrrrrrrrrTfrvr . Briefs .from Britain ! ' IiYDNEY, England UF - A ' grandfater, William Chapman, 1 74, and a grandmother, Mrs. Ah-j nle Jeffries, is, were married In this Gloucestershire town. I CHATHAM, England Mrs. Katherjne Wood, who Is nearly 53, gave birth to her ICth baby on the day family allowances started,. August 6. AJjGAKIBK, Lines., England (Pi Mrs. Emma Chapman, who died recently at the age of 102, worked In the sugar beet fields up to the last year and walked a mile to draw her pension. LONDON W Mrs. Catherine Bush, 96, who landed at the London airport recently, Is the oldest person ever to fly the Atlantic. EXTRA LIGHT BREAD! l-i"S"7 If Pi J I ..Li" I fit IN CANADA Quality Repairs Economy Pricej at PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the.Post Office) Prince Rupert Daflp Jftctos Thursday, September 12, 1946 ALADA YEA See us for your Preserving Su ppli les Jars, Lids, Rubber Rings, Preserving Kettles, Boilers, Pressure Cookers. Gordon's McUrlde Street Just Arrived ... r A New Shipment of , Lucien Lelong Colognes -s Including Sirocco, Tailspin, Indiscreet and Opening Night $4.50 $1.50 I AND McCUTCHEON E C. Wallace, Manager) Third Avenue and Sixth Street We are here to serve you and guarantee you will be pleased. FREE DELIVERY OP ALL ORDERS BLAIN BROTHERS "HOUSE OP FIN FOODS" 4 riIONE.-17 P.O. Bex, 174 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT H Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL HAS REOPENED We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. WE EXTEND A HEARTY INVITATION TO COME .AND ENJOY OUR FINE FOOD CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT ' FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO 6 A.M. ,; .1! Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY FOR OUTSIDE 735 THIRD TRY CUR CLASSIFIED BAGS Hardware f HONE 311 PHARMACY LTD. rilONE 71) TJie Seal o Quality. BRITISH COLUMBIA'S! FINEST SALMON CHOW MEIN ORDERS PHONE 133 AVENUE WEST ADS THEY GET RESULTS 5 I V. ft