1 lrf It CC RllUCrt ,utlu tm'IO j7)rhlT An 'ndeppniSent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of 1 -Wii Prince Prince RUDert Rupert and and all all the the communities communities cnmm-lslmr comprising Saturday, October 26, 1946 Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited. Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia, a. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor, II. O. PERRY, Managing Director. SUBSCRIPTION RATES ByiClty Carrier, per week, ISc; Per Month, 65c; Per Year, 7.00; By Mall, per month, 40c; Per Year, $4.00 MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS ED AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION LETTERBOX WOULD SKATE AGAIN Editor, Dijly News: With the winter season coming on t.wonder it any local organizations have considered a popular s.Jai't which, even though we don't get much of, when we do' a large percentage of our population, 'both young and old, take full advantage of It namely. Ice skatjhg. Up until a few years ago Morse Cre'ik was one of the popular spots for this sport and some local, organizations participated in vhb maintenance of the dam. During the war, however, the surrounding area was required by the Department of National Defjfrce and naturally enough wp.s-cut of bounds. Njijv, the war has been over for a yftjr' arid as yet there" sjenis to tee fto signs of the pond being available if we have ice this year. LiH season when we did have ft ttc???) soell and the local youffgstcrs began to enjoy a bit cf skating someone figured they shodh toe there so tCle gates were opened, the water ran out r.rid the ice brok6 up. During the summer when tho kids, lboked forward to a little swimming the gates were again opened and the only swimming hole left was a narrow creek surrounded by a lot 6f dirty, unsanitary mud. Now, maybe there is a good' reason for all this but would there toe any harm for any local' organization to approach someone in authority and find out if the pond could be put in shape for th coming season? This would be a great favor not only to the youngsters of the community but to a lot of the older folks whd enjoy a few hburs skating once in a while. AMATEUR SKAT&R. $50 REWARD Reward of $30 is being posted for the recovery of two automobile tires remoVed from Van's Bakery on the' night of October 19. Tire numbers are: 1298894006 Goodrich Silvertown, 37X3572N Goodyear. The tires were assembled on Dodge truck rims, painted red, which were also removed. Information would be appreciated by the undersigned. R. G. VAN .DE5R SLUYS. (154) Mr. and Mrs. Slagtooom of Tleli arrived in the city on the Ca.sslar yesterday morning and sailed this .mornint? on the Car-flena for a trip to Vancouver. NEURALGIA Don't' let the pitiless palii of .Neuralgia preftnt you from enjoyinf lit. Get fast, taf;xe.lief with T-R-C's, specially made to relieve you quiclily of piercing, stabbing pain-and dull, throbbing aches. Good also for Rheumatic, Arthritic, Neuritic Painand StiHnew, Sciatica, Lumbago. Get a box today 50c, $1 ut it uggists. T-41 ; COAL ; WOOD CRATING STORAGE HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 Quality ; Repairs ' Economy Price at PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) y a v V y it H V m normern ana central British Columbia. (Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Office Dept Ottawa). OKANAGAN SMILES AS GYRO APPLE DAY PUSHES UP FRUIT SALES HERE That rosy blush apparent on Third Avertue this morning might have had something to do with the shining dawn or it might .have Been caused by the Sllstfn of silver coins reflected from the glewing skins of bright, red apples. It was Gyro Club Apple Day downtown. On five downtown corners, crews of sales-conscious Gyros stood behind stacked boxes of Okanagana's best, nawking the apples to passersby in order to tx'.&c funds for the maintenance and improvement of the Gyro playgrounds in the city. The city's medical practitioners must have looked with a slight touch of .gloom at so many apples being munched publicly. Ho many doctors were kept away for how many days is a statistical mystery. The apple onslaught was abet ted by a dozen youngsters who acicd as roving sales personnel, senilis the apples to pecple who d'd not ccme quite close enough to the corner stands to be caught by the alert Gyros. Apple Day committee chairman Dave Allen had briefed his salesmen well, for they were selling them by the box as well as singly. Gyros at the various stands were: N. B. C. Power Co. corner-Lloyd Morris, Alt Rivett, Frank Dibb, G. A. Hunter. Watts & Nickers6n corner-Charles Mills, Arnold Flalen. James Parker. Post Off!ce-Charles Balagno. Frank Skinner, Don Forward. Kaien Hardware Elmer Calu- seri, Allah Armstrong, A. Shear- down. Wallace Corner Clifford Ham, Geo. J. Dawes The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday VB SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: "ut Blue 145 Res. Red 127 Ask for George WE'LL KEEP YOU WARM NEXT WINTER hi ? you order your I I I coal for next UCJl winter N O W. By ordering today you protect your fam-ily and yourself against being caught without coal when winter comes. Philpott, Evitt & CO. LTD. ' Phone 651 and G52 you order In now for your GET personalized Christmas greeting cards. Large selection of decorative and plain patterns now in stock. Don't delay! Stop in today place your order and have your cards on time. DIBB PRINTING COMPANY Besner Block Third Avenue n NEW ZEALAND'S INDUSTRIES New Zealand's manufacturing Industries employ about 20 per cent of the total population. Mrs. Klontz and son.? left on last evening's train for Houston where they w,lll take up residence, Joining Mr. Klontz who has become employed in the Hitter industry there. Orme Stuart, George Rorie. These In charge of the children sellers were Maurice Brydges, W. D. Lamible, W. J. Scott and A. J. Domlnato. Boys and girls selling apples were: Colleen Sites, Maxine Kelly. Hazel Tweed, Anne Whiting, Elsie Schmidt, Elaine Stef- fens, Louisa McDonald, Norma McDonald, Shirley Hudson, Beth Ingalls, Janet Rockow, Gwaldine rrocKier, joe acott jr. ana bod- bie Watts. What awaits you ten or fifteen What will your financial position be when the time i comes to stop working and salary cheques cease ' coming in ? Every man worth his salt has dreams and ambitions for the future , . . better educational opportunities for his children . . . the, ability to set up, a business of his own . . . freedom from financial worries in the future. And these all depend on one thing the money to carry them out. Thousands of Canadians have found the Living Protection Plan of Investors Syndicate of Canada Limited the answer to. their future m riT.n irrsi i hi ii j Name .. . S Address. t'lillltllll MING PKOMWN . eviry man's Hotel. . . b arrivals Trince Itupert W. B. Paton, Vancouver; Owen Snell, Vancouver; O. M. Lund-ley, Vancouver; J. Roper, Vancouver; J. H, De-Graves, Vancouver; J. F. Dunlop, Smithers; H. Oberon, Port Hammond; C. Low, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Olsen, city; Charles Haitle. Queen Charlotte City; .Mrs. J. B. Leite, Kincollth; Mr. and Mrs. P. Nortthcott, Vancouver; D. T. Ford, Vancouver; F..F. Dowling, Vancouver; Martin Mix", Port Edward; N, Aunger, Port Edward; Dr. J. McDonald, Port Simpson-Ian C. Smith, Port Simpson; Mr and Mrs. G. Gordon, city; Mr. and Mrs. Crawford, Sandsplt. Returning Tonight From Toronto Meet Brigadier Josepn T. ailling-ham, Salvation Army commander for Northern British Columbia, and Mrs. Gillingham are returning to the city on tonight's train from Toronto wheie they attended a recent Dominion con-rers. On the way west Miey made stops to visit carps at, Prince George, Hazelton and Glen Vowell in the interior, Field Captain Josepji Offut of Port Simpson, who also attended the congress, returned here enroute h ime earlif'- this week, vmr,,,... years from now? financial needs. It is a plan built to your own specifications, flexible and sound, earning a reasonable rate of interest. It enables you to set aside small or large amounts systematically, or in a lump sum, and so accumulate $2,500.00, $5,000.00. $10,000.00. $25,000.00 or more. Get the details of this plan today. Clip and mail the coupon below now. There is no obligation. ' -jr INVESTORS SYNDICATE -: Cauda Limited' Tilt Wes lluriinc St... Vancouver, J.fr. I Please send me details of your Living Protection Plan without obligation a t1! road to Rrandal itmitf AK it IB Ormes Lid. "3hn Pioneer, Drvuzp fats Prescription Chemists Kexall Agents for Prince Rupert and District In Drugs If it's Rexall it's Right PHONE 81 ( STORE HOURS: Dally from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 p.m. till 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE Established 1910 LIMITED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND SHIPPED ' TO ALL PARTS OP CANADA AND U.S.A. FOR QUICK, EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AND RELIABLE SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or 68 Coal Prices ! Uy authority Wartime Price Board the price of Alberta Coal, delivered in sacks in Prince Rupert, will be: LUMP .$15.50 per Ton EGG 15.25 per Ton NUT 13.50 per Ton Effective October 25, 19JC ALBERT &' McCAFFERY LTD. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. HYDE TRANSFER (251) Hallowe'en Masque At St. Peter's Hall A gay Hallowe'en masquerade party was held last evening by the St. Peter's Young People'? Association in the gaily decorated St. Peter's Hall, Clowns and cowboys, Hallowe'en ghosts and 8 out CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT NOTICE RE VOTERS' LIST The City Clerk's office will be open from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, October 28th, 29th and 30th, for the purpose of receiving registrations. Th6 Voters' List closes at 5 n.m., October 31st If. D. THAIN, City, Clerk. KWONQ SANQ HINO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tail All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 2 ain. Outsidf Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 pussy cats, Hindus and Scottish lassies formed a grand march which opened me festivities. Prizes were presented to the two best costumes Shirley Trcmeer and RaV)h Overgaard. Games and dancing continued until just before supper time, .To choose partners for supper, boys ducked McBride Street IT W1LC1L VUU 1N.1 LvJ w HO Maybe you are one of the more than three million Canadians who bought Victory Bonds. Perhaps you paid for them on the instalment plan and were delighted to see how quickly and easily you accumulated Vi backlog of savings which gave you a new feeling of pride and assurance. Per-haps you bought them for cash. You were pleased to see how the interest mounted up how these bonds made money for you, year after year. Yes, it's easy when you know how ! If you were a Victory Bond buyer, wo don't have to tell you that the new Canada Savings Bonds present an opportunity for saving and investment that's too good to miss. If you haven't already discovered how easy and convenient it is to save by means of bonds, now is the time" to make" a start to stop wondering how other people manage to put away d nest egg, and start accumulating one of your own. You can buy Canada Savings Bonds in units of $50, $100, $500 and $1,000, through any bank, authorized investment dealer, stock broker,, trust or loan company for cash or by the monthly Savings Plan. Where your employer offers a Payroll Savings Plan you can buy Canada Savings Bonds by regular deductions from your pay, You may buy up to $2,000 per person. They pay 2 interest each year for 10 years. Your bonds will be registered in your own name, providing protection against loss. You can cash Canada Savings Bonds at full face value, with interest, any time at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank. But please remember this point these are "Serve Yourself" Bonds. This time there are fewer salesmen. They will not be able to call on everyone. So it's up to you to take advantage of this fine investment opportunity without delay I of 10 will buy again hriiefji' i iwinnnr i ,ni a n m a 1 1 Automotive raris aim "v-v- Distributed by: BUILT BY CHRYSLER RUPERT MOTORS PHONE 566 PREPARE FOR WINTER... See Us for Your WEATHERSTRIP, STOVE PIPE, ASHESTOS, FURNACE CEMENT, COAL SCUTTLES, FURNACE SCOOPS Ml for numbered app'.es in one tub and girls in another. Those who came up holding apples with the same number shared together the attractive basket lunches prepared by the girls. After supper, dancing continued until midnight. 5 EASY V PHONE 311 Robprt n., hot I. " ufl V this has been ?e homes at CENTRAL Weekly ana for your cow-- Transi"" "v CAFE In Connect -r, PR r prJON'