t. 3rfnrc Uupcrt Dndy Mus Saturday, October 26, 1946 Classified Advertising - - - - Classifieds: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum charge, 50c. Birth Notices, 50c; Cards of Thanks, Death Notices. Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: 92. FOR KENT FOR RENT Two furnished housekeeping rooms at 209 5th Ave. West. Apply Helgerson Block, Suite 1. (253) FOR RENT Bedroom with kit-chen and laundry privileges. Box 170 Dally News. (252) WARM SLEEPING ROOM for rent. Apply 806 Fraser Street, after 5 pjn. (256) FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 427 5th Avenue East. Phone Blue 967. (255) FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 843 9th Avenue West (252) FOR RENT 6 room flat, two furnished bedrooms, kitchen stove. Fifth Avenue West. Apply Suite 1, Helgerson Block. (tf) WANTED WANTED Board and room by business girl; central location ... preferred. Apply Box 169 Dally .I'-News. (251) WANTED . Used oil-burning heater. Phone Red 728 after 6 p.m. (tf) FOR FOR SALE One 60 h.p. Falr-. banks-Morse, full Diesel electric start; first class condition. Phone Black 935, or write P.O. Box 875, Prince Rupert. (255) FOR SALE Genuine Hudson Seal coat, size 12-14. $100, cash only. Double silver fox, $25. Phone Red 879. (tf) FOR SALE Apartment building with three furnished suites giving good income. N'ew building. 1142 Park Avenue. Green 224. (252) FOR SALE Carpet, 9'xl2'; and baby's play pen. Phone Red 347. (tf) FOR SALE 32-ft. trolling boat: 77 horsepower Grey engine, complete, with gurdies. Phone Green 607 or write Box 83, Prince Rupert. (251) iL FOR SALE Sale of household furnishings. Harry Hor'sefield, 7, .. above Pioneer Laundry. Call w- 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. (tf) -!""FOR SALE New Restaurant at New Hazelton. B.C., on high- - way to Prince Rupert, next to . '.' hotel; running hot and cold water in kitchen; putting electric light in now; six furnish-f. .IX ed bedrooms upstairs. Apply Gust Christianson, New Ha- zelton, B.C. (256) FOR SALE New and used furniture at the best prices, mattresses. Aluminum pots from 60c. Scatter rugs, good assortment, from $1.C5. Used dressers, $1456. Couches, $'. Beds complete, $10. Coal and wood stoves from $35. Chesterfields, $65. All wool blankets. $4.50. Sheets, clean and strong quality, 95e. Hand-winches, anvils, Starrett micrometer, etc, B. C. Furniture Co. Black 324. (tf) FOR SALE Farm. Going concern; 6 acres best of soil, young bearing orchard, straw-- berries, raspberries, blackberries gooseberries, currants. Cow, heifer, chickens; lots ot feed, and running water; 6-room house, basement; good outbuildings. Excellent location. Apply to Box 116, Terrace, B.C. (251) FOR SALE One 60 h.p. heavy duty Vivian Diesel, 3-cylinder; one 52 h.p. Vivian Diesel, 800 R.P.M., 3 cylinder. Complete auxiliary engines, propellerj. Write H. Simonsen, 1081 16th -St., West Vancouver. (255) ; FOR SALE 320 acres, some rive: ' " " bottom land, suitable for farming, the remainder timber; one mile from the Skeena River, near Remo, B.C. $10 per acre cash. Mrs. Laurence Williams, 610 Jervis Street, Apt. 39, Vancouver, B.C. Phone PA. 9006. (251) .. AUTOMOBILE PARTS AND ACCESSORIES 'NEW P A It T S for UNIVERSAL BREN GUN CARRIERS Bogie wheels, sprockets, track and many others. LEVY AUTO PARTS 735 Queen West, Toronto (251) NORMAN CUSTOM Serfdom In England was a product of the Norman conquest. PERSONAL WORRY, LONG HOURS, hurried meals, bring indigestion, acid stomach, digestive ailments. Get relief with soothing, tasteless WJlder's Stomach Powder. 50c and $1 at all druggists. (lt VIGORINE The "pep" Tonic for men who are weak, nervous, exhausted. 15-day treatment, $1.00. At all Drug Stores. (tf) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, ' B.C. (tfj SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Civil Service Examnation Prepare KOW for fall and Winter examinations Letter Carrier, Postal Clerk, Customs Clerk, Immlgrataion Inspector, etc. Full particulars from M.C.C. Civil Service School, 301 Enderton Bldg., Winnipeg. Oldest in Canada. No agents. SALE FOR SALE Furniture, two oil heaters, bedroom suites, dressers, chest of drawers, stove, cafe range, chairs, tables. All like new. Phone 283. 515 6th West. ,it FOR SALE Two houses on two Skidegate, B.C., Queen Char-lots; buildings quite old, at lotte Islands. Garden, berry bushes. Handy man could make comfortable home; close to wharf and store. Full price, $600. Also two -room house, 12x24, on three lots; built three years ago; In Skidegate. Full price, $600. C. Valley, Queen Charlotte City, B.C. (251) FOR SALE Hudson Seal coat, $75. Apply 616 Sixth Avenue West. Phone Green 698. (256) FOR SALE Large house with six room suite, now vacant, three suites in .basement and four room hcuse on back of lot, all rented, completely furnished, good income producer. 5th W. One block from McBride. $2,800.00 inc. furniture. One lot easy taxes. Apply H. G. Helgerson Ltd. (252) FOR SALE 1940 Dodge Sedan. Apply 13 Taxi. (tf) FOR SALE 7 room house on Thompson Street, in good condition, vacant pess. $2,100,000 cash. H. G. Helgerson Ltd. (252) FOR SALE 3514 acres lake front, on beautiful Kltsum-kallum Lake Two-room log cabin; ideal retreat for sportsman. $1200 cash. Mrs. Laurence Williams, 610 Jervls Strse.S Apt. 39, Vancouver, B.C. Phone PA. 9066. " (251) LEEDS, Eng., K After her first flight, Mrs. Hannah Riley. 80, said her only complaint was that the winss dimited her view. FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes Car and Truck Cushions Repaired and Recovered Out-of-town orders given special care. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Phone Green 974 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 3-i P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert UNBEATEN TEAMS CLASH TONIGHT Toronto Maple Leafs and Chicago Blaek Hawks Meet at Maple Leaf Careens Tonight TORONTO Torento Map! Leafs, so far unbeaten this season and now leading: in the National Hockey League stand-ins with two wins and one tie, tonight will take on the Chicago Black Hawks who, with one win and one tie, have also yet to , taste defeat this season. The Montreal Canadiens, who were stopped by the surprising New York Rangers on Wednesday night, will meet the Detroit Red Wings, who have yet to win a game, at the Forum tonight. At Boston the Bruins, also win-less so far, will cross sticks with the Rangers. The standing to date: Toronto 2 1 0 12 9 5 New York 2 0 1 7 5 4 Montreal 1115 5 3 Chicago 1 1 0 8 7 3 Boston 0 2 1 6 6 2 Detroit 0 1 3 12 18 I SCORING FOR LADIES' BOWLS The individual storing In Thursday night's Ladies League bowling was as follows: W.P.T.B. A. Holkestad 138 108 174 P. Black 63 90 82 E. McCrank 137 137 140 B. McChesney 73 98 64 M. Johnson 149 95 58 Handicap 150 150 150 Totals 710 678 668 WATTS Si NICKERSON V, Wrathall ..' 162 226 274 E. Moxley 143 92 1 61 A. Pierce 173 155 130 A. Wrathall 129 135 176 E. Nclble - 132 133 1 Handicap ...... 65 65 65 Totals 8C1 803 948 WHIRLWINDS B. Cowgill 126 135 104 A. Demaere 107 94 84 M. Postuk 193 178 21Z E. Morse :35 144 186 E. Mennell 126 82 165, Handicap 87 87 87 Totals 775 770 856 PEOPLES C. Bellamy 120 112 98 E. Upjohn 115 118 100 M. Stuart 86 109 127 C. Bradley 130 76 99 I. McKinnon 138 120 97 Handicap 150 150 150 Totals 739 685 671 CO-OP J. Clark 180 125 137 B. Ruddeiham 121 147 113 E. Jchr.san 99 43 96 E. McKinnon 122 125 125 ' D. Simonson 140 174 117 Handicap - 126 126 126 Totals 788 745 714 KHATADAS J. Foster 129 46 124 A. Grimble 115 76 163 H. Watrln 203 204 193 M. McRae 61 76 73 Y. Turcotte 159 107 141 Handicap 159 150 150 Totals 820 659 844 BANKERS D. Smith 88 109 148 J. Thornton J47 198 127 B. Usdck 162 198 139 M. Amadio 52 123 128 B. Laird 104 84 132 Handicap 104 104 104 Totals 657 816 778 ATLIX I. Nelson 129 123 211 P. Vaktil 134 130 106 M. Flynn 161 131 131 M. Kelley ft9 116 152 O. McNeill 101 138 258 Handicap 63 63 63 Totals 787 701 921 LONDON, W Pineapples from the Azores, glace cherries from France and Italy, and more sherry and port from Spain and Portugal will arrive soon. Steamship Service from PRINCE RUPERT to OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell River) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 p.m. to KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight FARES and INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Avenue and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE Would Do Amy Kitwanja Natives Seek Equal Citizenship with Whites KITWANGA This branch of the Native Brotherhood" of British Columbia, going- on record as favoring the scrapping of the Indian Act, would allow the natives of Canada equal citizenship with the whites and also the restoration of the complete ancient hunting, fishing and trapping rights, unhampered by taxation or restrictions on sales. These opinions were the substance of a resolution forwarded recently to the headquarters of the Native Brotherhood at Vancouver recently In reply to a request, for local opinions regarding revisions to the Indian Act. now before a Joint committee of Parliament. REVENUERS . R. Andreassen Ill 83 100 G. Stangbebye .... 137 128 161 K. Reid 118 155 89 D. Peachey 113 107 170 R. Ramsay 173 145 102 Handicap .. 88 88 88 Totals 740 706 710 The resolution was forged after a long discussion at a meet-Ins of the- Kltwanga branch and win be transmitted to Rev. Peter Kelly, chairman of the legislative-committee of the Native Brotherhood. Presided over by Chief Robert G. Harris, the meeting heard opinions by Harold D. Sinclair,' president of the Kltwanga branch, and Chief George H. Moore, of Kltwanga, who had been ?. delegate to a sitting of a Royal Commission on Indian affairs some years ago. Mr. Sinclair told the meeting that the native people are bound economically In many ways, be- PRINCE RUPERT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that, on Monday, th 4Ui day of November. 1946. at the boui of 10 o'clock In I the forenoon, in the Provincial Collector's Offl;j. Cburt-hrmse. Prince Rupert, B.C.. I will sell at puttie auction the Crown-granted mineral claU-at In trie list hereinafter net out. of the person In saM list hereinafter set out. for all taxes due a.nd unpaid by said persons on the date ol tax sale, and for Interest, costs, and expenses. Including the cost of advertlslns said sale. If the total amount of taxes due up to and Including the year 1938. and Interest tbereoa. together with costs of advertlstee said sale, be not sooner paid. The Collector will be pleased to receive any Information respecting the following list where the owner is or was a member of the Allied Forces and entitled to the benefits of section at th "Taxation Act Amendment Act, 1939". or section 3, '"War Mariners' Benefits Act, 1944". UST OP PROPERTIES Name of Person Assessed. Mason. Norman Alex. Drum Lummon Mines. Ltd. (N.P.L.) lirum Lummon Mines, Ltd. (N PL.) Phoenix Sliver Mines. Ltd. (NPL.) .. .. Phoenix Silver Mines. Ltd. (N.P.L.) American Securities Corporation, Ltd American Securities Corporation, Ltd American Securities Corporation, Ltd American Securities Corporation, Ltd. American Securities Corporation, Ltd American Securities Corporation, Ltd American Securities Corporation, Ltd American Securities Corporation, Ltd ben Bolt Mining Co, Ltd Ben Bolt Mining Co., Ltd Armstrong. A. B.; Abbots! ord Lumber, Mining St Development Co.. Ltd Colllson, W. E -. Stewart, James Stewart, James Stewart, James , Phoenix Silver Mines, Ltd. (N.P.L.) Phoenix Silver Mines, Ltd. (N.P.L.) Melntomlney, D. L Mclntomlney, D. L Melntomlney, D. L. . Mclntomlney, D. L. , . . . Ren Bolt Mining Co., Ltd Phoenix Silver Mines. Ltd. (N.P.L.) Phoenix Silver Mines, Ltd. (N.P.L.) Phoenix Silver Mints, Ltd. (N.P.L.) Phoenix Silver Mines, Ltd. (N.P.L.) Phoenix Silver Mines, Ltd. (N.P.L.) Phoenix Silver Mines. Ltd. (N.P.L.) United Empire Oold & Silver Mining Co.. Ltd Ditto 1 Mcl-ean. wuiiini; WrKhtibora U: ' Wright. ' Alf; McOlnnls, R. P. Ditto . Trltes. Amos B.; Wood, Roland; Wilson. William R Ditto Trltes. Amos B. Trltes, Amos B : Wood, Roland W.; willlm n McDonald, John A McDonald. John A Trltes, Amos B : Wood. Roland W.; Wilson. William R. Ben Bolt Mining Co., Ltd. (N.P.L.) Ben Bolt Mining Co., Ltd. N.P.L. V Ben Bolt Mining Co.. Ltd. (N.P.L.) McDonald, John A Jtleh Ore Oold Mining Co., Ltd. (N.P.L.) . . nigh Ore Oold Mining Co., Ltd. (N.Pi.1 . High Ore Gold Mining Co.. Ltd. (N PL.) . Hih Ore Oold Mining Co., Ltd. (fT.P.L.) . Hlh Ore Oold Mining Co., Ltd. (N PL.) . . High Ore Gold Mining Co.. Ltd. (N.P.L.) . High Ore Oold Mining Co.. Ltd. (N P.L.I Donald. Daniel;. Woods. Malcolm Julius; McLean. Norman Angus; Lundvall, Ralph Emmerson Ditto Lundvall, Ralph Emmerson Lundvall, RalDh Emmerson Le Sueur, Arthur W. Pavne I Bueur. Arthur W. Payne I Sueur, Arthur W. Pavne Ie 8"enr. Arthur W. Payne Ben Bolt Mining Co.. Ltd. (N.P.L.) Ben Bolt Mining Co.. Ltd. (NPL.) Ben Bolt Mining Co.. Ltd. (N.P.L.) Ben Bolt Mining Co.. Ltd. (N.P.L.) Ben Bolt Mining Co., Ltd. (N.P.L.) Ben Bolt Mining Co.. Ltd. (N.P.L.) Crawford, WHHam Jame Ben Bolt Mining Co., Ltd. (N.P.L.) Wn Bolt Mlnlnv Co., Ltd. (N.P.L.) George. Louise Helena Georee, Louise Helena Munro. John K.; Mrnonl. A'r. Mtmro, John E.; McDonald. Alex. N. . . Munro, John E.; McDonald. Alex. N Munro, John v.: Mrnonsld, Alex. N Munro, John !.; McDonald, Alex. N Munro, John F.: McDonald, Alex. N Munro. John E.: McDonald, Ales-, K Munro. John E.; McDonald. Alex. N Munro. John K; McDonald. Alex. N Munro. John E.; McDonald. Alex. N Munro. Jrtfm r.s Mi-Donald. Alex. N. Jones. Feverlev Farle Jones, Beverlev Farle Jones. Rever'ev Farle tines. Bveriev Earle Mavou Oold CoDDer Co.. Ltd. (N.P.L.) Mavou Oolrt CoDDer Co.. t.t1. INHil Mavou Oold Copoer Co., Ltd. (N.P.L.) Mavou Gold Copper Co.. Ltd. (N.P.L.) Mavou OoW Cnooer Co.. t.t1. fNPWl Mavou OnM Comer Co.. l td. (N.P.L,) Mavou Gold CoDDer Co.. Ltd. (N.P.L.) 'nnu GnlH Omner Co., T.W, (N.PT.) v()ii rvM rvntF Co TM (WPIi) '" OnW Conner Cy',' X.tr. (MFM Vwoti flold Conner Co., trt, WPI,1 Mavou Gold Conner Co. t.trt. (N.puj Mavou GHH fVnoer CVy T t.f, Mnvnu Gold Conner Co. Ltd! (N.P.L.) Maou fVit Gonrvr Co t.trt . Mavon Gold Conner Co" Ltd! (NPL.) George. T,onIw Vlna Geore. tonW Helena George. Louise Helena Skidegate Oold Mines, Ltd. (N.PL.) Skidegate Oold Mines, Ltd. (N.P.L.) Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C., with Indian Act ine Buy Canada Savings Bonds! by DOCKETTES R. Magnn 132 129 78 M. Montgomery .... 131 102 150 will F. Hallgrlmson ... 157 141 123 with E. Asterbury 8t 153 111 E. Anderson 219 207 113 Handicap 99 1-9 99 Totals 819 891 674 Act. 6 Name of Chain, Z R. 4. Coast District (Skeena Mining Dlv.) Maybell No. 1 2567 I.X.L. 2591 Malachite .v. 2000 Casalar District (Portland Canal Mining Dlv.) Olga Mel or. Reirtim Copper King Hope Brown Constance Tunnel Fractional Summit , Elsie Jumbo Ben Bolt Speculator No. 2 Ruby , Miller Pontlac Northern Bell Little Pearl Fraction . Kootenay Boundary No. 4 ...... Boundary No. 1 ...... Boundary No. 2 Missing Link Fraction Ben Bolt Fraction Billy .lane Helen Mabe! Jennie Oo-Between Fraction . Gold Cliff No. 3 Fraction Cliff Fraction Margaret ......... 3old Cliff No. 6 David Copperfleld No. I, Silver Bell Fraction Cabin international Fraction Grub Lucky Boundary Group Daley Orub Stake wu- Eagle Bluebird Club Fraction Lucky No. 1 Fracttbn . . . Charles Charles No. 3 Fraction Vlrglnlr. Fraction Blue Jay Fraction High Ore No. 1 High Ore No. 2 High Ore No. 3 High Ore No. 4 High Ore No. 1 Fraction High Ore Fraction Nellie Fraction Ruth kllen Black: Bear Vivian Black Bear No. 1 . ... Carrie ....... Castle Hill W. Fraction Albert Pershing Pershing No. 1 Bta,' Stirling Alice No. 1 . . . . Alice No. 2 Alice Fraction Alice No. 4 Alice No. 6 Alice No. 1 Fraction November Fraction . . Alice No. 2 Fraction Allee No, 3 Fraction Dempsev Fraction . . . Olpaey Fraction Munro No. 1 . Munro Big Chief No. 1 Big Chief No, 2 Big Chief No. 3 Munro No. 2 Munro No. 3 Silver Dollar Munro No. 4 Munro No. 5 Boundary New World No. 3 B.J. No. 2 BJ. No. 3 B.J. No. 4 . . . Mayoi Fraction ... Mayou No. 3 ... Mavou No. 4 ... Ophlr ... Ophlr No. 1 . . . Ophlr No. 2 ... Gnhlr No. 3 ., Alberta No. 4 Alberto. No. ft Alberta. No. 6 ....... Albertr. No. 7 , '. Morgan No. 3 Run '. Bandy Dot . .. Dash ,, Oar: , Oak No. 1 Oak No. 3 Queen Charlotte District (yueen tnarioiie isiantra Mining Dlv.) South Easter Beaconsfteld 894 897 1384 1385 2313 2314 2315 2316 2325 2954 25S 2956 2957 2958 2959 3265 3266 3267 3268 3520 3521 3922 3923 3924 3925 3926 3D27 39 29 3928 4197 4277 4278 4280 4418 4419 4420 4426 4608 4609 4610 4611 4612 4613 4614 this 16th day of September, 1946. unable to sell fresh salmon caught In the native fashion on the Skeena, nor. to sell or ship timber cut on the reserves. Even the vegetables grown on the reserves cannot be" sold without permission at the Indian Agent, he asserted. Lacking the privileges ot enfranchisement, the natives are, nevertheless, required to pay taxes and to take un arms in defence of the country, he continued. Chief George H. Moore opposed the licensing of native trappers, arguing that this ancient form of livelihood should be left free and unhampered to the Indians. He recalled that, when a Royal Commission on .Indian cffalrs sat In Prince Rupert some years ago, the commissioner urged that Indian property and man-ner of life be not Interfered -with the whites. The resolution, which was proposed by Chief Robert G. Harris, be forwarded to Mr. Kelly instructions to have It presented to the Joint Senate-Commons committee now investigating revisions to the Indian i s I I I I LI C. c. I 8 c. 125001 27.17 13.731 165 92 130.0O- 28.23 13.751 172.00 112.501 24 46 13.76! 150,71 I I 436 103.604 20.17 13.7&j 137.43 437 92.25! 1798 13.75! 123.98 564 I 127.50j 27.72J 13.75( 168.97 665 ! 13000; 28.25 13.75. 172.00 566 I 130 00; 28.251 13.751 172.00 667 I 90.00 19 551 13.751 123.30 408 ; 17.501 382) 13.75! 35.07 569 I 13.50' 3.711 13.7SI 38 90 580 I 105 00! 22 631 13 75 141.38 581 I 130 00! 28.251 13.751 172J0 774 I 103 59! 20.171 13.754 13742 775 I 81.001 15.77! 1315! 110.53 886 I 120.001 2C.10 13.75! 159(5 887 ' 130.001 28.251 13.75 172 00 893 ; 117.001 22.791 13 751 151 54 , 117.001 22.79! 13.75! 15X54 ! 117.001 22.791 13.751 153.54 I 112.501 21.921 13.75! 148 17 ! 105.75! 20.611 13.751 140 11 1 117.001 22.79! 13.75! 153 54 I 117.(X 22.79", 13.75! 153.54 I 108.001 21.061 13.751 143 81 ' 74 25( 14.47! 13 751 Wl 47 15761 307, 13.73i 33.57 85 50! 16 66: 13.751 115 91 ! 114.751 22.371 13.75! 153.37 ! 103.501 20.17! 13.751 137 41 ; 10125! 19.741 13.751 134.74 ! 65 251 12.59! 13 751 91 59 i 6.75! 1.321 13.75! 21.82 130.00 2IU5! 13.76 172 CO 117.501 25.60; 13.75 156.73 102.501 22.28; 13.75 13853 62.501 17.941 13.75 HH 45 00! 8.92 13.75 67 67 76.50 14.85 13.75 105.10 I 105001 2263 13.75 141.38 70.00 J5.1J 13 75, 98 t8 I 130001 28 25 13 75 172 00 130 001 28.25 13.75 172 00 ! 60.00! 11.06 13.75 74.81 I 130 00 28.25 13.751 172 00 85.001 18.10! 13.75! 117 15 72.501 15.59) 13.75 101 M ! 62.501 13.58 13.75 8983 I 100 001 21.75 13.75! 13360 I 40.00; 8.70, 13.75 62.43 ; 102.60 22.28! 13.75 138.53 I 72.001 14.04 13.75 99 79 ! 112.501 21.92 13.75 148.17 22.60 4.38 13.75 4063 67.50 14.67 13.75 9392 105.00 22 63 13.75 141.38 130.00 28.23 13.75 172 00 12500 27.171 13.751 165.92 125.00! 27.171 13.75 165.92 32.60 7.001 13.75 53.31 12.60 2.70 13.75 2895 127.601 27.72 13.75 168D7 4753 85.50 16.66 13.75 11591 4754 112.50 21.92 13.751 148.17 4755 I 112.601 21.92 13.75 148 17 4756 117.00 22.79! 13.75! 151.54 4757 I 85.601 1666 13.75 115.91 4758 I 110.25 21.49 13.75 145.49 4759 940 18.221 13.751 126 47 4760 67.50 13.15 13.75 94.40 4761 87.75! 17.11 13.75 113.61 4762 130.001 28.25 13.75 172.00 4763 130.00 28.25 13.75 172 00 4765 82.50 17.931 13.75 114 18 4766 112.501 24.46! 13.75 160.71 5252 I 51.751 10.09 13.75 75.59 5253 1 112.601 21.921 13.75 148 17 5254 I 65.251 12.721 13.75 91.72 5255 96.75 18.86 13.75 12926 5256 I 63.001 12.26! 13.75 89.01 5257 I 74.251 14.471 13.751 10247 5258 I 15.001 3.25 13.73 32.00 5260 74.25 14.471 13.73 10247 5264 96.751 18.861 13.75 129 36 6396 I 72.501 15.761 13.75 102.01 5397 I 73001 16.30! 13.75 103 05 5411 I 117.001 2279 13.751 153.54 6412 I 117.001 22.79 13.75 153.54 5413 I 114.751 22.371 13.751 150.07 5414 1 72.001 14.101 13.751 99.85 6413 I 72.001 14.101 13.751 P9.85 5410 I 66.251 10.961 13.75! 80.96 6417 I 45.00! 8.751 13.751 67.50 6418 112.501 21.92 13.73 148.17 5419 I 49 601 9.641 13.75! 72.89 5420 I 29.251 5.701 13.751 48.70 5421 I 54.001 10.53! 13.731 78.28 5516 I 130.001 28.251 13.751 172.00 5516 I 90.001 19.551 13.751 121.30 8517 I 122.501 26.63! 13.751 162.88 5518 I 110 001 23.941 13.751 147 09 5803 I 42.501 9.241 13.73! 65 49 M6 I 102.601 22.381 13.751 138 53 5867 I 127.501 27.721 13.751 168.97 5800 I 70.00? 15.201 13.751 8 95 6870 I 130.001 28.251 13.751 172.00 6871 I HTBOI 17.931 13.751 114.18 5872 I 127.501 27.721 13.751 168.07 t 6874 I 60.001 13.051 13.751 80 B0 6RT.1 I 110 001 23 901 13.751 147.C5 5876 I 05.0OJ 20 651 13.751 129.40 5877 I 82.501 17.931 13.751 114.18 6IM3 I 75.001 16.291 13.751 105.04 5888 I 122.601 26.631 13.751 16283 5889 I 122.601 26.63! 13.761 162 88 6HA0 ! 100.001 21JSI 13.751 135 50 5891 I 130.001 28.231 13.751 172 00 I M.75I 18.H6I 13.751 19.36 noa.i I ln.noi 22.791 13.751 153.54 6084 96.75! 18 861 13.73! 12D 36 I I 1302 97.601 21.201 13.751 133.46, 1303 I 122.601 26.631 13.75 1(2.38 Q. P, FORBES, Provincial Collector. i oresig !.J:.. 1 1 r inuHpensooie lor security Never in history has it been so necessary to taV rm i u4 ujc jcsvuices 01 loday, is exadlv whnl j jvu uu wnan . become a policyholder o! the SUN LIF UF I ANA TOM MrKPflU'v ...... ..jv, 4, SUN LIFE OF CANADA Phone Blue 216 621 Taylor Slrett nHArlAHA lis. u llf!il.. ft nepdirj iui miner u WINTER GRADE LUBRICANTS CAR HEATERS DEFROSTERS ANTI-FREEZE i.'iT.l.lf'Mrii S. E. PARKER LI Third Avenue For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CA , at Port Edward, B.C. CnOP SUEY CHOff 7:00 am. to 11:00 pin. NEW j RE j ru COMBINED FOR 'sia 1. 1 hi WE MAKE PAIR MCE ALL CANVASS PHONE B H I VI 111 Awning & rdnlTlc U Phone Blue 803 SPECIALIZING jtV.O RKMEN'S MEA final sllUfJ C:30 A.M. TO 12 MIDNIGHT COURTESY AND SERVICE JIV urn am flTHL Fine Wood for Sale,! NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMJiw""" 100 Cords of Seasoned Scrap tint .I... Il.tnrh UnttlH. tttt of nails Sernnrl rlaw trlmmlnM UD to lMnch I"1""' Third class, various lengths uncut - FOR COURTEOUS AND RELIABLE UCMMHklC TDAIH II L I'l 11 U 11 J li n Phone Black 156 Night Phone: Black CG5 P.O. Box 1131 Station B j, ii. m -Third A NEW CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS GREER & BRIP Builders and Contra PHONE RED 561 "(Vil V I 4 '