Items .CivicCen- day or , short, service. t tins . w October oM 29. and Mrs. mc- Cardcna to -fU;ra vlsitto Tormer fire visitor is a 1 Met M arrive plena from the UD and daugh-the city on erday to take up pithpr- KUP"1 ite Associations f Will 30th and 31st (252) ; tomorrow An-arp asked to itedrai Hal) for : to hear wnat 'prnvmciai Con- be rciresn 251' H. 0. Perry will pert for a couple sk on their way George after at-:ta British Col-a ot the Cana-!spapers' Asso-ja Hot Springs. xements j id this column it full month a word .1 Civif Centre, .sir October 31, fridge and Whist commencing i . Admission 50c Tea. Mrs. Georue ... . Not. 8, Civic Church fall sale. raeer Home 3, HOT, 8. a xx uazaar, tee. Masonic ''in li ah Elt 'Kit, Nov 22. a. xr30. fail Bazaar, ifed Churrh near Fulton St. U. Wilson, M.A 'rtanist: fcrte Hartwlg, October 27 -"tog Worship. B'nderson. Worship. Atflkk. 07 i DIRECTORY OF CHURCHES Times of Services Services In all churches at 11 a m and 7:30 pm. and Sunday School at 12:18 except a ahown. ANGLICAN CATHEDRAL 4th Ave. W. at Dunsmulr Bt. Holy Communion 8:30 a.m. Sunday School 2:00 p.m. Rector: Baall 8. Prockter, B.A., B.D. ST. PETER'S ANGLICAN Seal Cove FIRST BAPTIST 5th Ave. E. at Young St. Minister: Rev. Fred Antrobus (Red 839) ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN 6th Ave. at McBrlde St. Pastor: Al'O. Aanen (ElacK 922) FIRST PRESBYTERIAN tn Avenue cast Minister: A. F. Macs ween. DA. (Oreen 9821 SALVATION ARMY Fraser Street CO.: Adjt. P. L. Oorrle (Black 269) FIRST UNITED 636 6th Ave. West MlnUter: It. A. Wilson. M A. ipreen 613J FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE 221 6th Ave. West Pastor: Rev. J. Llnney (Green 620) First Baptist Church Youwr. St. and Fifth Ave. East Minister; Rev. F. Antrobus Phone: Res, Green 812 Sunday, October 27 11 a.m. Morning Service. Message: "The New Birth." Sixth in series on Bible doctrines. "Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he Is a new creature. 12:15 p m. Church School. Children of every age will find a place and a welcome in our School, and mid-week clubs for children. "Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth." 7:30 p.m. Evening Service, pre ceded by a rousing song ser vice. Message: "Joseph, a Christlike man. He was able to pronounce the most dlffi cult word in any language. No'. Fifth In a scries on Bible .characters. Tues., Oct. 29, at 8 p.m-Regu-lar monthly meeting of the Church School staff, at the home of the pastor. Don't miss this meeting. Regular Baptist Services I.O.D.E. Hall (5th Ave. and McBrlde St.) We preach Christ . . . CRUCIFIED ROWNED OMING "Believcth in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou SHALT be saved." -Acts 16:31. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27 12:15 p.m. Sunday School. 7:30 p.m. -Gospel Service. Subject; "SILVER FISHERS" (or "The Fishy Banker") Speaker: Geo. S. Weatherly WEDNESDAY 8:00 p.mPrayer Meeting. (Phone 369 or Red 701) THE WHOLE BIBLE FOR THE WHOLE WORLD u r ft New DRESSES and COATS ARRIVING CALL IN AND SEE THEM Take your cue from our latest x skilful interpretations of FALL AND WINTER STYLES BUY ON BUDGET PLAN No Carrying Charges No interest. Terms In accordance with W.P.T.B. Regulations. !lf" SATURDAY SERMON The Handmaid of Faith Evidence (By REV. W. F. RUSHBROOK, B.A.) "We have seen the (risen) Lord." "Except I shall see in His hands the print of the nails and put my finger Into the print or the nails ... I will not believe." John 20:25. I Thomas' assertion finds its echo in every heart that would believe in the living person of the crucified Jesus. . Jesus honored and respected that demand. A week later he said to Thomas: and behold my hands . . was sufficient for a full faith answered "My Lord and my God." "Thomas, because thou hast seen, thou hast believed. Blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed." With these words Jesus would teach Thomas and us also that the witness of others must be a factor in our faith. Nevertheless men crave the experimental evidence. Jesus himself did: "Whom dd men say that l, the Son of Man am." "Some say thou art . . . " "But whom say ye that I am." (He asked this of men who had lived, work ed and suffered with Him for the last three years, some had probably known Him from boy hood). "Thou art The Christ the Son of the living God." "Blessed art thou Simon Bar-Jona," is Jesus' glad retort. His Intimate companions had seen Ood in Him. Philip requested the concrete too when he said to Jesus: "Show us the Father and it suf-flccth us." Philip: "He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father, Jesus Is God Incarnate. John In his Gospel and also In his letters emphasises the great value to our faith in rea "Reach hither thy finger The concrete evidence Iizing the lull humanity of Jesus and so our understanding contact with him. "The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory." He begins His letters thus: . that which we have seen and heard ... and which our hands have handled . . . declare. we unto you." But he adds It Is the blood of this Jesus tnat cleanseth us from all sin and He Is the propltatlon for our sins." John's evidence becomes mora valuable to us when we recall that, apart from sacred history, he, through Polycarp and Jus tin Martyr, also speaks to us. The Christian religion asks us to accept nothing that Is con trary to reason or that denies the evidence of our senses. To do so would not be faith but credulity and there is no room for that in Christianity. "Put your finger into the print of the nails." Today, Science, espcc'ally in the field of archeology, is giv ing the doubter .a splendid array torical truth of both Old and New Testaments. For Instance, "The pre-flood Sumerian his November concrete evidence of the hls- French astronomers have vtri-lied both time and place thu3 fixing the date lime of Abra ham. So one might take up the fall or Jericho or the intriguing Hittite question lor the Scien cries: "Come and see and not doubtful but believing.1 the New Testament read 7:1-5, then go to Tell-IIum, site of ancient Capernaum, home city of Jesus, and let Orfall a Franciscan Father you through and explain excavated ruins of the Synagogue built by the Roman Cen-turian and walk the pavement trod by our Blessed Lord "Be not faithless but be- TICKETS ON SALE AT ORMES LTD. N.B.C. POWER CO. CIVIC CENTRE DESK Proceeds to Civic Centre and Hospital Children's Ward 1st and 2nd ROTARY CLUB LIMITED for your Shopping pleasure . . . GORDON & ANDERSON PRESENT TWO NEW FLOORS STORE WILL BE OPEN BOTH EVENINGS NOVEMBER 1 AND 2 FOR YOUR INSPECTION FURNITURE - HARDWARE - GLASSWARE - CROCKERY WALLPAPER BEDDING "EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME" TO THE PEOPLE OF PRINCE RUPERT. Who Suffer With Their Feet You will be interested to know that there is a man In town who has had a wide experience in the correction of fallen arches, and can make Arch Supports that will relieve that painful and tired feeling that only foot sufferers can explain. Mr. BUI Terry, with many years of study of foot ailments, Is at Hill's Shoe Stort, and will be pleased to take an impression of your feet and let you know what can be done in your individual case. Mr. Bill Terry is also in charge of the Shoe Repairing Dept. where your repairs are executed neatly and promptly. Call around and see him for either reason. NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD. Expert Foundation Work and Interior Alterations CONTRACTS LARGE' OR SMALL Planning and Designing Estimates PA BOX 1381 5 STONE BLOCK Phone 563 Evenings: Blue 370 of tist be In Luke tory In which many of the old the Patriarch's names are given, the the Noahie flood (Wooley ) , the events Pere In Gen. 14. King Amraphel is lead now a well known historical the figure. We have his laws 120 of them. But what is perhaps more important, an account by once his astronomer of a hellac tran and sit of Venus. Both British and lleving." PRINCE RUPERT Presents . . . MICHAEL AND RAPHAEL KELLERT FAMED INTERNATIONAL CONCERT VIOLINIST & PIANIST CIVIC CENTRE AUDITORIUM WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, NOV, 13-14 8:00 P.M. CHILDREN'S CONCERT . . . THURSDAY, AT 3:30 P.M. A. Mackenzie Furniture "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" See us for MATTRESSES - SPRINGS BEDS and BEDDING Phone or send in your mail order Phone 775 -:- 3" Ave We are here to serve you and guarantee you will be pleased. FREE DELIVERY OF ALL ORDERS BLAIN BROTHERS "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" PHONE 547 : p- B4X 1,4 13rfncc Uupctt Daily r3cUis Saturday, October 26, 1946 Announcing CHANGE OF STORE HOURS e Beginning November 1, this store will OPEN at 9 A.M. and CLOSE at 5:30 P.M. Thursday Hours: Open 9 A.M., Closing 1 P.M. "THE MEN'S SHOP' CLOTHING 532 THIRD AVENUE Don't forget the Gyro Iloedown, Oct. 31 Business and HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture in all Its branches. 208 4th Street : Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roof s, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Green 48Q -- Red 894 PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST . A. R. LOCK . Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Bulbs Novelties MOnF.RATT! PRICES Prnmnt. attention to mall orders BOX 516, Pnone Til, JUU ora Ave JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth Street Red 808 ' W. H. 60RRINS Painting and Decorating FREE ESTIMATES Phone Blue 451 Buy Canada Savings Bonds! COASTAL CHARTER SERVICE BY SUPERMARINE FLYING BOAT '"Haida Queen" - is passengers MONDAYS Vancouver to Prince Rupert Direct. TUESDAYS Prince Rupert to Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Islands. WEDNESDAYS Vancouver to Prince Rupert via Queen Charlotte Islands. THURSDAYS Prince Rupert to Stewart and Return via Anyox, Alice Arm and Request Points. FRIDAYS Prince Rupert to Vancouver Direct. SPECIAL CHARTERS ARRANGED FOR PASSENGERS AND FREIGHTING 3 Types and Sizes of AIRCRAFT to Serve You From 3 to 18 Passengers, or 480 lbs. to 4,000 lbs Freight G. H. STANBRIDGE, Agent P.O. Box 1249 Fhoncs 521 or Red 878 Fresh Local Raw and .Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 . . . at m nil mi vw. w AND FURNISHINGS PHONE 345 Professional SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating .,, Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block - Phone 387 FRANK H. PARTRIDGE CONTRACTOR Estimates Given On All -Work Phone Grpcn 417 If its a Rock Job CaU a Rock Man: can M." SAUNDERS Blue 666 Concrete Sidewalks, Basements I don't take work I cannot' do myself. P. N Kilborn W. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baggage Freight - Express. Phone Blue 810 Night Calls Green 977 Prince Rupert FOR PROMPT and EFFICIENT SERVKI mail i our qUisat to COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO. 13 HO aaVMOUfiRWilCOUVVLftX. INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 mm .7 Mil ,