Stimc Rupert Dally r-Jcuw Saturday. October 20, 1946 w aterrront Whiffs New Coastal Liner Coquitlam Due f Kovenihcr 10 New Missionary ml t i bsc xd i'or i nomas ltosov . Lorrg-deferred maiden voyage call at Prince Rupert of the Union Steamship Co.'s new coastal liner for the Vancouver-Prince Rupert-Stewart service the Coquitlam, converted Castle Class corvette--is now set for November 10. She will take the place of the steamer Catala which is being withdrawn from that run to undergo annual overhaul and inspection and to relieve the steamer Cardena on the Vancouver - Skeena River -Prince Rupert route. Later", it is expected the Coquitlam will make some special pre-Christmas voyages between Vancouver and Prince Rupert. Another of the Union Steamship co.'s convert-corvettes the Camosun has just had her trial runs at Vancouver and should be seen in the course of the next few weeks on the Queen Charlotte Islands run in place of the veteran Rev. Peter Kelly, veteran skipper-missionary of the United Church mission boat Thomas Crosby, Is getting an understudy In the person of Rev. R. W. Henderson of Burns Lake who is joining the Crosby here this week-end. The Crosby has been at Prince Rupert during the past week during the fall session of the Prince Rupert Presoytsry and will proceed this week-enci to Port Essington where Mr. Kelly will conduct Sunday, services, leaving at the first of next week for her base at Ocean Falls. Travelling south from here on the Orosby will be Rev. and Mrs. W. R. Cantelon of Hartley Bay, returning to their missionary post there following the Presbytery. On her regular fortnightly voyage on the Queen Charlotte Islands service, Union steamer Cassiar, Capt. Lome Godfrey, arrived in port at 7:45 yesterday morning from Vancouver via south Island points and left at 6 o'clock this morning for Masse tt Tnlet whence she will return here tomorrow to sail at SOLD IN PRINCE RUPERT ONLY AT ! HI. HUN. LEWIS SILKIN. British minister of town and country planning. midnight on her return south by way of the south islands. Union steamer Cardena, Capt John Boden, arrived In port at 4:45 o'clock this morning from the south and sailed at 9 a.m. on her return to Vancouver and waypoints. Three fish - carrying vessels have been in port overnight from Ketchikan with frozen halibut and salmon for trans shipment East over Canadian National Railways. They are the Sidney, which early this morning had completed discharging four carloads, and the Northern Queen and Kenmora which were in this morning. i BASKETBALL SCHEDULE - Senior "A" October 26 B.C. Packers vs. Savoy. October 2909 Taxi vs. B.C. Tackers. Novenbcr 2 Savoy vs. 99 Taxi. Senior "B" October 26 Co-op vs. High School. October 29Macey's vs. Co-op. C.irls October 29 High School vs. Rupert People's Store. November 5 High School vs. Rupert People's Store. Miss Sylvia M. Cantelon, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. W. R. Cantelon of Hartley Bay, has arrived in the city to join the staff of War Assets Corporation here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Crawford arrived on the Cassiar yesterday from Sandsplt and sailed this morning on the Cardena for Vancouver where ::iey plan to make their future heme. Mr. Crawford Is a veteran logging operator of the Queen Charlotte Islands and for years was locat -ed at Port Clements. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. FOR SALE 12 slightly used Dog-' fish nets and gillnet drum with gears; reasonable. 1307 Over ! look. (257 1 FOR RENT Housekeeping room 1 on waterfront. Phone Blue 815. (tf ROOM AND BOARD Table meals. Home away from home. Men preferable. 622 B'raser St. (257 MfflfflfflfflfflBfflm wmmmmmmmmmmmm :::::v.:: ::::::: Mr ,75 ,0 noo models For $37.50 . mm S&ft ' Tmiv the io" s,,il IS a m,H,c, i!' a ,or.,w-."-i-i r 111 w ""ik rapn m. t,.c -... .-- I W .ill You ,o dcirc mm ppo iwHHilH m , mm :::::::: 'v.v.v.v.v mm BnHBnBHBaBBBBaHHHaWBHBHHBBBailHBBHBHHBBBBHBBHBMBlinnWiiaBBBBIgBI COLD MEATS FOR O WARM WEATHER BULKLEY MARKET WE DELIVER DAILY THIRD AVENUE PHONE 178 REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Suey Chow Mein Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 6 ajn. to 2 a.m. ' PHONE 173 Junior October 26 High School vs. Orotto. October 29 Gyro vs. Watts & Nickerson. Tuesday 6:30-7:30 Juniors. 7:30-8:30 Girls. 8:30-9:30 Senior "B." 0:30-10:30 Senior "A"." Saturday 6:30-7:30 Juniors. 7:30-8:30 Senior "B." 8:30-0:30-Senior "A." Mrs. R. E. Turner of Queen Charlotte City arrived in the city on the Cassiar yesterday from the Islands and sailed this morning on the Cardena for a trip to Vancouver. Here's Effective, Really Gentle CONSTIPATION RELIEF! Don't forget the same Phillips' Milk of Magnesia that is so widely used for the relief of heartburn, gas or fullness due to acid indigestion, is just as wonderful for constipation. Just take 2 to 4 table-spoonfuls of Phillips' with water. YouH be delighted with its effective, yet gentle action. And youH be ready to start the day feeling on top of the world, thoroughly refreshed and bright. Ask for genuine trumps' Mtfic of Magnesia at your : P.O. BOX C54 ONLY SINGLE ' LACROSSE GAME Last night's scheduled double-header lacrosse bill suffered a slight case of decapitation, ending up with only one scheduled game followed by a pick-up encounter when one of the senior teams failed to turn up. The Junior game, played between Canadian Legion and Merchants, resulted In a 5-3 score for Legion While the senior game was called off when the Merchants failed to field a team against the Legion. To fill in the time, the Legion seniors played a pick-up team from among the Juniors. Only a small crowd was in attendance at the Roosevelt Park gym. Buy Canada Savings Bonds! - ' - Mil f- - TABLETS !! i : Gigantic Auction THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31 at the AUCTION ROOMS, 171 Third Ave., 2:30 p.m. Complete contents of store No Reserve Four thousand dollars worth of goods that YOU want, with a COST Reserve. HLANKKTS, SHEETS and TOOLS, and I guarantee every article sold, over cost. J. H. MAIR Auctioneer TTTTTTTTTTTTT?TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT There is a value-I'LUS in shopping at THE VARIETY STORE. For our low overhead costs enable us to offer you the finest, largest stock of sundries . . . and still maintain our "low price" policy. And our service has earned for us the confidence and respect of hundreds of our customers. THE VARIETY STORE "WHERE YOUR DIMES ARE LITTLE DOLLARS" Phone Red 100 518 Third Ave. W. P.O. Itn 1118 General Contractor We do basements, reshingling, build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings. 100 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL BLUE 610 and wo will give an estimate. PRINCE RUPER1 Ice Cream . . . for DINNER Hazelwood Ice Cream NOW AVAILABLE IN BRICKS at McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LTD. 3rd Ave. at Cth St. (E. C. Wallace Mgr.) Phone 71) Tfn A DEANNA DUKiJiv - iiiftinaif 1 1 in hit p PHILLIPS' drug store today. Keep it on hand A """ -: always. Remember . . . .""PHILLIPS n in v Milium l Aim JUI1UHI I'M Mini I I fimi Mill -. nnu nil in COMPLETE SHOWS MONmv ,U' 1. 6:15 - 7:38 AND 8:50 pjur " TWO FEATUREttic. r?r A Mon t LANGFORD in LQXeeX Q 83 .....11 PAUL ALSO M J wh JOSEPH CALLEIA OSA MASSEN Capital Our INMVEIISAR) Wc arc now cclfbratinr our ihirlv.firih .... comnicncinc business at I'rlnce Itupert. You h bv drastic reductions we are niakl nw nn all mi j . . ioxcs, mniKs aim mariens. I'rices to suit hmv MOO to ,yj()(f() W. GOLOBLOO "The Old Reliable" s R 1 1 n aai ervi SATISFACT PHONE Pcrfex Uccr Whiskey, dm IfnfllAn IIaII Ia 11 infl Hfll 1 1 PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE Still Talking Watches. t 1 l II' TI ' V i ii ever we were auiu iu iy . lo iuuk saiisiaciion . ij Wc won't say anythinR about the cheaper Rradcs not this time. Hut startinir at $17.50, and up to aim"; any price witmn reason m , . certainly in a posuion to .rt XT THE WORLD'S STANDARD MAKES ONLY MOVEMENTS THAT wu-ntf AT? ANTEE. I I JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue ww . i fujfni ctvlo jippuracv checked i 'watchniaster . our electronic Briefly that is our waicn COME IN AND HAVE A L"u H 0 Tl A Home Away Rates 75c "P 50 Rooms, Hot water