imounecmcnU I nridce. Whist, wid- Memorial meeting Sun-nuary 20, 8 p.m. Odd-Hill. nanauet, Friday, Jan. Presbyterian Church. . . i tUm n o n r n v f f! Hall. ry 0 n. w d w ft Tea, February 14. L ..nni..? everv Satur- ..v.. Kpprcauuii now, v" Admission su. BRITISH WOMEN GET MINIATURE FASHION TREAT By FLORA LEWIS LONDON, (AP) Tweedy, roughly-shed London, women whose clothes coupons provide for about one new dress a year have a new pastime. It's to stand in dewy-eyed IN HOLLAND THEY SAY SMAKELIJK! It may just be. Dutt li to linusc-it- but it lm-s mcuii TASTY! gYALClTY CANNED FOODS AVE YOU THOUGHT OF SELLING l YOUR HOUSE? THERE ARE STILL .MANY PEOPLE WANTING TO BUY List Your House Today With ... OLLART AND McCAFFERY LTD. COMPLETE RENTAL AND PROPERTY .MANAGEMENT SERVICES FORGE DAWES kuCTIONEUKh and VALUATOR KS CONDUCTED TO SUrr HOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS RICKED AND SHIPPED Imates Phone for ire Appointment Phone Red 127 DESCRIPTIONS- i EXPERT RADIO REPAIRS All Work Guaranteed ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES HOME APPLIANCES FLUORESCENT LIGHTING PUBLIC ADDRESS INTERCOM Mall Orders shipped same day as received RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC 313 Third Avenue West Phone 644 Box 1321 Compounded Accurately When your doctor sees our name on a bottle of inrdiclne he knows you have precisely what he ordered. Ormes ltd. "3iie Pioneer Dmqgtets IE REXALL STORE COMMERCIAL I HOTEL MPLETELY MODERN If this vour comfortable jnrne In Prince Rupert. st Ave. and Eighth St. ' No. 997 PHONE 676 keep your hders well Bhead for our uality Coals! Phone 81 and 82 ROBERTSON BOTTLE BUYERS Phone Red 29G after G o'clock. We will call for them. PHONES 116 117 ALBERT McCAFFERY wonder before a display of Pari sian wire-puppets, gowned in the newest Paris styles. The display may go to Am erica as soon as the thousands of English women flocking to this new type fashion shpw havJ had their fill of delight. About 20 inches high, the little mannequins show off every aspect of fashions decreed bj France. They've stitched leather pocket-books 'with shoulder straps, long, gathered silken gloves and intricate high-swept coiffures. Even the shoes arc precise miniatures of the brightly colored high-tiered wedges (made with cord or wood) that click down the Champs Elysees. From the settings a reproduction of the Inside of the opera house, "the' enchanted grotto," to the dresses, it is a fairy-tale show. Gibson Girl Most of the clothes, even gaily flowered garden prints and red and black checked morning suits, have the hnje sleeves. wasp-waists and enormous flowing skirts of the Gibson girl. The materials, especially for evening clothes, are luxurious heavy brocades, smooth satin with croix de lorralne watermarks,., crepes rich with pearl, sequin and delicately applied bugle beading. It's clear from the dlsulay which represents Paris' top designers, that liberated French women are going romantic and frou-frou. From the enormous quantities of oohs and ahs, it's Just as clear that war weary British women are ready to follow suit. Buy more War Savings Stamps. , JOHN BULGER JEWELERS Third Ave. (Opp. Post Office) NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Support "J.C.C Week" Jan 14-21 PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 FUNERAL OF MRS. ADCOCK Funeral service for the late Mrs. Jessie Adcock, wife of R. H. Adcock, was held Saturday afternoon at Grenvllle Court chapel of B. C. Undertakers. Numerous friends paid final respects to Mrs. Adcock who was well known throughout the city. Rev. Gordon Smith of St. Peter's Church officiated. Interment took place In Fairvlew Cemetery. During the service the congre gatlon sang the hymns "O Love That Will Not Let Me Go," and "Abide With Me." Mrs. J. C Gilker was organist. Pallbearers were Alex Gomez, Ernest Rus sell, David MacPhee, August Wallin, Jack Carr and Stephen Raplch. . Newsmen" find themselves in odd surroundings in their per petual hunt for news. Cones nondents covering the Nurm bure trial's were quartered in a medieaval castle complete with murals and gilt armour. Taxi, FOR SALE Fresh eggs, by the case. Dressed and liVe poultry. New Hampshire hens with brood of 14 chicks, week old, $4.50 per brood first shipments March . small deposit books order. Special mated New Hampshire breeding cockerels, $4.00 each. Write for prices on flour and feed sacks. Leroy's Ranch, Kitwanga, B. C. (1C) FOR SALE Chesterfield and chair. 6 beds, 2 tables. 1344 8th Ave. East. (15) FOR SALE 32-ft. trolling boat. Phone Black 412. uu FOR SALE Quick turnover Four rooms wun Dam. aiso garage. Price $2,000 without furniture. Call 900 10th Ave. East. 15) FOR SALE Two houses on one lot, in good location, vacant possession; good rental Income. Terms. Apply H. G. Helgerson Ltd.' (14) FOR SALE One wood and coal range, cheap. Phone Red 44& FOR SALE Underwood typewriter, almost new. Price $70. Also 2-burner electric plate with 3-way switch. Apply, Box I 76 Daily News. w FOR SALE Office writing desk and chair, like new, $15.00. Call No. 2 Helgerson Block. (13) FOR SALE Miscellaneous furniture. Phone 239, mornings. (11) FOR SALE New and used furniture selling at lowest prices. 2 - p 1 e c e chesterfield bed, Khroler make, perfect condition. $65; used smoking stands, $1.75; used hassocks, $2.50: records, 25c; used battery cabinet radios; electric maotel radios; tools, some are Just like new; office desks; kitchen sets, slightly used; complete beds. B.C. Furniture, Black 324. FOR SALE Complete household furniture. Cneap. 1133 'fin Ave. East. (ID FOR SALE 6-room furnished house. 742 7tn Ave. west. uz for SALE Why pay rent? Comfortable 5'- room house with bathroom, in good condition. Partly furnished or un furnished. Reasonable price. 537 7th Ave. West. (ID RADIO SERVICE RADIO SERVICE For euaran Local teed radio satisfaction phone 6, and. jfirui Associated Radio ieFhnfteUUUcall. McRae Brs Ltd. News It Marie's Dining Room closed, for repairs for one month. J. B. Wilkinson returned to the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon- from a trip to Vancouver. A Annual Meeting of the St. Paul Lutheran congregation, at the church, Tues. Eve., 8 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Luth returned to the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon from, a trip to Vancouver. Frank Fitch returned to the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon from a trip to Vancou ver. William Beynon Jr., who has been In Vancouver receiving his discharge from the Army after service overseas, was a passen ger aboard the Catala last eve ning returning to Port Simpson, zrz ' i " i H'-lMrtTMTfni 1 IT 'I I 1 ' " v)vi QBSSsSL-& - I ftr. J TW Grorjir Mjt'lirw Vljntfl 5-ni. III. ' Classified Advertising and Engagement Announcements: 2. FOR SALE FOR SALE '31 Plymouth sedan, serial No. 9300944." 'Apply -32 (12) FOR SALE Six room house, centrally located, good buy. Immediate possession. 420 Sixth Ave. W. Phone Blue 806. (12) WORK WANTED ems . . . For a reliable taxi, pnone it. Open 7 am. to 3 ajn. (tf) Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Drysdale were passengers on the Catala last evening returning to Premier after a trip to Vancouver. A. Attree sailed this morning on the Cardena for a business trip to the Ocean Falls and Bella Coola district. R. C. Davidson, divisional' en gineer for Canadian National Railways, returned to the city cn last night's train from a trip over the line on official duties. Mrs. Garnet Watt, called here on account of the death of her brother-in-law, the late Norman A. Watt, will arrive in the city on tonight's train from Victoria. Princess Adelaide on a trip to Vancouver. All interested, in a Peoples' Bank welcome to social evening i and Annual Meeting Kaien Con- 1 sumers Credit Union, Valhalla Hall, Tuesday, 7 :30 pjn. (It) Mr. and Mrs. Edwin G. John-Son are leaving tonight on a trip to Vancouver. Mr. Johnson is employed with Whiz Fisheries here. James Nlcoll returned to the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon from Vancouver where he has been attending a Boilerr makers' Union gathering. Bishop J. B. Gibson returned to the city on the Catala yes terday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver on ecclesiastical business Miss Aileen Winsklll, physical training teacher In the loca; schools, returned to the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon from her home at Ladner where she spent the Christmas and New Year vacation season. Mrs. C. Brewertoi who moved from here to Vancouver about 10 years ago, arrived In the 'city on the Catala yesterday afternoon from Vancouver to spend the coming month visiting with her son, Len Brewerton. C. A. Berner, divisional superintendent, Canadian National Railways, U i leaving on tonight's WANTED-Work by truck or car driver, or in store. Apply Box 11C9, Station B. uoi ... . rrr.vrv TO.. 11 A nn.LHma nlYI train for Smtthers'on official business. Returning he will stop off at Terrace to attend the an school education. Try any-! Trade there on Wednesday thing. Phone Red 728 auer nignt, 6 pjn. PERSONAL (tf)j SOLDIERS', intelligent female dog needs home. Left behind off transport from Aleutians. Loves children, Phone Black 959 after 2 o'clock. 909 1st Ave. West. ' (12) " 1 WANTED WANTED TO RENT Farm in Terrace district. Apply Box 77. Daily News. (13) WANTED Four or five-room furnished house or apartment. Box 75 Dally News. (13) WANTED -i-8 ricks wood, 20". $7.00 per rick. Digby School. Apply J. Hadland, Dodge Cove. FOR RENT FOR RENT Rooms. Make- yourself at home at 909 1st Ave. West. U5) FOR RENT Warm bedroom. Apply 806 Fraser St. or Phone Red 243. (H.) FOR RENT Rooms. 622 Fraser Street. Phone 309. (14) FOR RENT Warm comfortable rooms with plenty of hot water. Reasonable weekly rales to re liable tenants. Commercial Hotel. (28) FOR RENT Cabin. 1144 '7th Ave. East. Blue 822. (11) FOR RENT Housekeeping room, oui uoraen i' FOR RENT One housekeeping rajm, and suite, m oner-brVokeAve. ' C16) LOST AND FOUND LOST Large long haired black and white dog, answers to name "Prince." Call Black 196. (11) FOUND AT LAST A brand new dance hall to rent for your parties and socials. It's the Recreation Dance Hall on 5th Ave. East. For Information Phone 846, ask for Fred. (12) LOST Norwegian flag brooch, with coat of arms on side. Finder please leave at Dally News. Reward. (12) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufac tured, by National Machinery Company LimitedVancouver, B.C, (tf) An artistic and interesting photographic study of McCly-mont Park in winter garb is featured in the Magazine section of the last Vancouver Sun day Province. The picture was supplied by W. W. Wrathall of Prince Rupert and makes excellent publicity. Constable M. L. McLeod of the city detachment, provincial police, is being transferred to the Albcrni detachment and expects to leave for the Vancouver Island town late this month with his. wife and small son. Constable McLeod has been stationed at Prince Rupert for the last four years. George Martin, vice-president of Northwest Construction Co. Ltd. Is leaving tonight on the Princess Adelaide for Ocean Falls to start preliminary work on the construction of buildings for Pacific Mills, at the paper town. Accompanying, will be 14 workmen, first contingent of a working force of some 60 men who will be employed on the project. Mr. and Mrs. Don Creed are leaving tonight for Prince Al bert to attend the funeral of Mr. Creed's father, H. D. Creed, tax assessor for the Saskatchewan city and a resident there for 30 years, who died suddenly, Mr. and Mrs. Creed expect to be away alpout a week. RESULT OF MOTION All heat is the result of the continuous motion of atoms and molecules in all substances. CENTRAL HOTEL Transient Rooms NEWLY DECORATED Weekly and Monthly Rates For your convenience ... Cafe In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 Prince Uupctt Daili? BcUjjs Mbnday, January 14, 1946 LOCAL MAN WEDS IN ENGLAND George Bagshaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Bagshaw, well known Prince Rupert residents, was married recently in England and expects to bring his bride to Canada soon. He was married to Miss Violet West of Essex, England, early in December, according to word received by his fam ily. He has been overseas for three years and has served in France and Germany. Born and brought up in Prince Rupert, he was a fisherman before he Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. When eating a piece of pie. isn't It all right to cue the Harry Blackburn, local hotel pie Into the proper sized bites manaser. leaves tonight on the before beginning to eat w A. No. Pie, or anything else that one is eating, should be cut one piece at a time. Q. Would It be permissible to ask a business acquaintance for a letter of introduction? A. One should ask only' a very intimate friend for a letter of introduction. Q. Is it customary to serve bread with a luncheon? A. Yes; either bread or rolls are served. OLD EGYPTIAN RING One of the oldest rings known was a gold Egyptian ring found at Ghlzeh bearing the name of Cheops, the Pharaoh for whose tomb one of the pyramids was built. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver V Monday ss Princess Adelaide, 10 pjn. Tuesday ss Catala, 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss Prince- Rupert, " 11:45 pin. Friday ss Cardena, 10:00 pjn. Princess Norah Jan. 28, Feb. 11. From Vancouver Sunday 3 Catala, 4 p.m. Monday ss Princess Adelaide. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert 10:00 a.m. January 24 Princess Norah. . For North Queen Charlottes Jan. 18. Feb. 1. For South Queen Charlotles-i- Jan. 20, Feb. 3. From South Queen Charlottes Jan. 18, Feb. 1. For Alaska Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, midnight. Princess Norah, Thursday Jan 24, Thursday Feb. 7. From Alaska ss Prince Rupert, 7 p rri. Princess Norah, Monday Jan. 28, Monday Feb. 11. BRn ISH TOOK OVER . The British took possession of Newfoundland in 1583. CARD OF THANKS I wish to acknowledge with, gratitude the kind thoughts which prompted the many kind expressions of sympathy in word and deed that we received In our loss. R. H. Adcock, Mary and Joan. Jd1TlAl 'til rimm rJt SUN. MON. TUES. WED.; THU. FRI. j SAT. Roast Curry Veqet- Beef- j Frank- j Fish Stuifed .Lamb of able-Egg steak & hirters j Dish' Flank Lamb Scallop Kidney i Steak ; Pie I ! Group left- unra- Group I Group unru- Group B over tioned B E ' tioiied B roast j 3 lbs. lb. !lb. j l2 beef j lbs. round I ; (kidney unra- 2 tiontd) I coupons ,4 tokens !3 token. coupon l token for 6 ounces of ccoked mecta Tho family's penchant for a Sunday roast could bo pleasantly msi by a thrso pound rolled shoulder of lamb. A tempting remake for Monday would be a tasty lamb curry. Asid-3 from thic,. you may hava some useful odds and ends for luncheon bondwiches. A vecjeto-ble-erg scallop can appetizlngly and satis-v fyingly solve the problem of u meatless meal for Tuesday. Just alternate layers of tho family's favored V6gstcb?s, hard coc&ed oggs, and ilavorsomo cheesa sauce, top with buttered crumbs, end oven heat until bubbling end. browned. Good companions for !t would, be hot scones and a crisp cabbagb salad. Steak and kidney p:e on Wednesday is an excellent dish to taslefully and nutritiously satisfy winter appetites. For Thursday, plump frankluricrs, along with sauerkiaut and jacket boi!ed potatoes, aro suggo-.tsd for appealing thrift. And.cii Friday unrationsd fish, done to your liking, will bring trw goodnsc.3 of the sea to your table. A flank steak oneirrling a savoury dressing 'will take care' of Saturday's oinnor. It should leave you with a comforting something to tuck away in the ice box. You may caw to dovoto the remaining token of the week to 6 ounces of cocked meats for luncheon menus, or to augment' tho cold sliced flank steak for Sunday supper. Now open for Business After Repairs and Alterations A. MacKertzie Furniture LIMITED DON'T KID YOURSELF It will be some time before you get your new car! AVOID TROUBLE Don't put off necessary repairs. HAVE IT DONE NOW! YOUR CAR PRHTFTT YOUR FAMILY YOUR NEIGHBOR Phone . 566 RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED DISTRIBUTORS OF CHRYSLER PRODUCTS V As Ml i 1 . VY r.