dtiiuc Uupctt Dnflp J3cUis Monday, January 14, 1946 "SIR" BARRED IN ALL RANKS CLUB Social' Gathering? Hun by Wlnnipcggers Pleased' Soldiers ' arid Dutch Friends ' By WILLIAM BOSS DOETINCIIEN, Ilfllland, It was an offence punishable by grand whacks from the ceremonial cane to use "sir" In one of the Canadian Army's few "all ranks clu'"- operated by the Fort Gray Horse, armored brigade of Winnipeg in this town. Known as the "Coffee Club." it was originated as a recreational meeting place and conversational centre. Members were called "mister." Free coffee, biscuits and .sandwiches were served to officers, ether ranks and their civilian female and male guests in well-furnished lounses. Officers also helped serve in the club which : Wal luce m Yard Goods Department PRESENTS . 11 ajn. to 1 am. SCOTTY'S Old Country was run on "scrounge" principles with an initial membership fee of 20 cigarettes which were used as barter for extras. Lieut. Bert Forrester, Kel-vlngton, Sask., was "Grand Vizier" with Capt. Frank P. Davidson, New York City, as "Grand Potentate." Trf. Bob Wright, Sherritt Gordon, Man., was "grand steward" and "grand treasurer" was Tpr. Ralph Argue of MatUer. Man. Auxiliary Services supervisor was Stan Hill, Y.M.C.A., Toronto, helped furnish and supply the club. Riis Service Provided After evenings In the club, a unit bus service was provided which took the men and their I girl friends home, then retraced the route 30 minutes later to I pick up the. men. The bus was j operated by Lieut. Barney Dowl-I ing of Winnipeg. Dutch ptWice attended the i club lances and girl considered under age, or not 'fit company for the men, were courteously DRAPERY AND SLIPCOVERING We feel we've been lucky Jn securing a substantial selection of Drapery and Slipcovering Cloths. You'll be the .judge. ... We await your verdict. WALLACE'S Of Course! See Us for Your J NEW YEAR OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND ALL YOUK PIUNTING KLQUIUEMENTS SMALL CALENDAR PADS AND STAND, complete .51. 75 LARGE CALENDAR PADS AND STAND, complete $;.( small calendar pads (ideal) 7.v Large calendar pads (jumbo) .51.-5 DIBB PRINTING COMPANY Office Supplies, Il-I;bHding, Printing, Stationery Rirthday and Kvcry Day Cards BESNER BLOCK Waterman Pens THIRD AVENUE woooaoaacKiDooaDDOoooO0OoaoooDaaCHJooooooooooooo0n3 EMPIRE CAFE (Fccny Li).) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY Quality Repairs at Economy Prices 4 PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) Start The New Year Right BE SURE YOUR EYES ARE RIGHT! Make appointments now for Complete Examination. EYES EXAMINED GLASSES PRESCRIBED (only if necessary) Broken Lenses and Mountings Duplicated Telephone 503 for appointments, or write Box 1277 Cor. 3rd Ave. and 5th St. Optometrist Room 4 STONE BLOCK OPEN FROM 5 P.M. TO 6 A.M, Fish and Chips l , Corner of Third Avenue and Sixth Street FISH AND CHIPS TO TAKE HOME Phone 861 Paul Aivazoff Is Doing Well According to word received by local friends, Paul Aivazoff, pioneer local business man, who had the misfortune to suffer the loss of his left arm under painful circumstances in an industrial plant which he operates in Vancouver, Is getting along well. The accident occurred over a month ago and he is still In Vancouver General Hospital. escorted home. To answer questions on Canada the menwere divided into panels representative of each province and delivered talks on, their parts of Canada to the dlder folk of the town as well as children, invited to lunch in the men's mess on "talk days." Symbolic of the close co-operation between unit and town was the direct line between the burgomaster's office and that of the adjutant, Capt. A. II. Holmes of Asslniboine, Sask. Behind the whole undertaking was the commanding officer. Lt.-Col. Erii Wilson of Toronto, who masterminded the projec; om the clay the unit moved into Doetlhchem until Its departure November 30. HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I remove white itains from furniture? A. Dip a cloth in kerosene oil and rub the spot well. Then take another cloth, dip it in 'alcoho and rub quickly. Too much Alcohol will, destroy the,-varnish, Then moisten a .third' cloth iri furniture polish and rub thoroughly. Q. How can I keep cut flowers for a longer time? A. When placing the flowers in a vase, remove all the leaves that would be under water. The flowers will keep better and" it will mean much clearer water. Q. How can I tighten the ewin.g machine belt? A. The sewing machine belt can often be tightened by placing a few drops of castor oil on it. . TOOLS FOR ARTISANS LAGOS; Nigeria, i Among government schemes for demobilized men from overseas is a plan to provide tool kits for arti TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (H. SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERRACE St Welding and Body Repairs No Job is too large or too small for us. quality Style "Sia1 THIS AND THAT JlJS" The Cwrf Mlllifw AJ.m. jWtlw, Uf "He's got a nice voice, but I can't understand all the fuss they arc making over him. Can you?" Timely Topics from Terrace RED CROSS SEEKS INSTRUCTIONS VILLAGE HOLDS WEEK OF PRAYER Due to small attendance of members at the annual meeting of the Terrace and District Red Cros on Thursday evening in the Red Cross Rooms, election of officers was postponed. The present executive does not wish to continue in office for some of them have held the same responsible positions for six years. The secretary was in structed to write headquarters Terrace as the guest of his sis- to inform them of the sultation ter, Mrs. Emil Haugland. and, when word is received from the south, another meeting will be called. sans at the cheapest rate pos- ha mantf Mr. Colwell. In spite sible, enabling the men , to set of the weather there was a good up in private business. The gov- , attendance at the meetings and crnnient Is placing an order for $67,500 worth of tools, which will be made available for resale, hire purchase, or on credit terms through the Native LUMBAGO (Lame Back) j Can't strdslitcn up? .Back too tift and ; sore to touch? If tliat's liow Lumbago (Lame Back) affects you, do what thou- i Kinds have done and get quick, safe relief. i Take Tcmpleton'g T-K-C's. the remedy specially made to help you. Don't Buffer B day more than you have to. Get ' Tcmpleton'g T-R-C' today. SOc, It. T-21 The "Week of Prayers" was observed in Terrace by three meetings held on Monday,. Wednesday and Friday nights respectively. Monday night's meeting was held In the Anglican Church with Rev. J. Hayhurst, Rev. T. L. colwell and Rev: R. Graham, and' Friday night's In the Pentecostal with Mr. Qra- they are felt tb have beeri a spiritual .success. On Tuesday, Rev. Peter tfel-ley, chairman of the Prince Rupert Presbytery, was the .guest of Rev. and Mrs. T. C. Colwcll. With them, he attended a meeting of t he Citizen's Forum. The meeting was held in the Sunday School room of the United Church. Rev. J. Hayhurst of Kltwanga was the guest of Rev. and Mrs. T. C. Colwell on Monday. Brian C. Colwell. son of Rev. and Mrs. T. c. Colwell, after being Jn Burma for over a year and returning to England in October, is expected home Uils month. He spent Christmas with Mrs. Colwell's parents in L. E. Kells of Engen, who has Just returned after nearly four years service overseas with the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps, is spending a few days in Our mechanics arc -experts in body repairs. Dependable, prompt service i ERKACE MACHINE oHOP & GARAGE BOX 202 TERRACE ARROW SHOES FOR MEN Quality and Style at Popular Prices Now Featured at the Cut Rate Shoe Store JV Mrs. Doris Attree of Hastings, England, whose marriage to Eddie Finlayson of Terrace Is to take place in the near future, was guest of honor at a shower on Friday evening by Mrs. Emll ; Haunliinri. The retention room' I was tastefully decorated with pink and white streamers which radiated frcm the centre. On a table, the many lovely gifts were displayed, A pleasant social evening was "concluded by the serving of delicious refreshments. Those present were Mrs. C. L. M. Giggey, Mrs. S, Olson, Mrs. T. E Brooks, Mrs. B. Smith, Mrs. E. J, Maxsted, Mrs. J. Smith, Mrs. G. McAdams. Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. A. Brooks, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. I. Finlayson, Mrs. L. Johnstone, Mrs W. Richmond. Mrs. J. Frank, Mrs. W, Robinson, Mrs. C. J. Norringtoh, Mrs. W. Chanman, Mrs. S,.Kirkaldy, Mrs. F. Nash Mrs. C. :Michlel. Mildred Frank, Noreen "Oliver. Merle West, Dolly, Irene and Pearl Haugland. High Standing of U.B.C. Law Students VANCOUVER Students or the newly - established Law Faculty at, the University of British Columbia did extremely weh in their first written examinations, it was stated ny the president, N: A. M.. MacKenzle. Christmas exams in law were simply tests, It was stressed by 'Professor Curtis, dean of the faculty, and serve only as Indications of the first term work. The 73 students in first year law, most of whom are veterans achieved a high class average. Highest mark" was 84 per cent, which for law subjects, Is quite unusual. There are three women enrolled this year. For the 10 students in t he second and third years Law Society students completing their course at the university there was one final exam. All passed in this and other subjects; Two of these students are women. "We are very pleased with the work of the law students so far," Dean Curtis said. Military Orders 1st (R) Btn. Prince Rupert Regt. (JIG) C. J. Toombs, Maj. Commanding Parades: Battalion parade will be held tonight (Jan. 14) at 1930 hrs. The Band will parade tonight at 1930 hrs Instead of at 2000 hrs. Challenge (A) The Prince Rupert Regt. (MG) challenges any team or group to a shoot. (B) Any of the following weapons can be used: 22 calibre rifle 303 Bren gun 9 Mil. Sten gun 303 rifle 9 Mil. Browning pistol Medium Machine gun (Browning) (C) We would like tp have: 1 Active Force team 1 Returned Vet's team 1 Legion team 1 Civilian 'team (D) A meeting will be held at the Armories Jan. is at 8 o'clock. All parties interested are Invited to attend this LIVELY COMEDY ON SCREEN HERE "Pillow to Post" with Ida Lupino, Co mine; to Capitol Tuesday and Wednesday Gleeful story of a pert travelling saleswoman, played by Ida Lupino, and of her adventures in a soldier-packed army camp town, ''Pillow to Post," an hilarious comedy with William Prince and Sydney Greenstre?t in the ether leading roles, semes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Complications follow in quick and lively succession after Miss Lupino poses as a young officer's bride in order to get quarters, in the town. William Prince ,1s the young officer while Greenstreet has the part of an Army colonqlwhoets In on the play. AftetJiriKnyiamusing Incidents, te?f,cbftple finally go ta a parson and all ends happily Prominent in: the supporting roles are Stuart Erwin, as a per plexed fellow officer; Johnny Mitchell, as a young town busi ness man and Ruth Donnelly. ADVICE ON CRYSTAL To make crystal and cut gla ss sparkle, dip a small brush in lemon juice and scrub the glass with It. ARE SIIU IN SHORT I SUfHY-BUI-Wttl WORTH WAITING FOR s n liiil The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 AUCTION SALE Thursday, Jan. 17, 1946, 2:30 p.m. 120 Sixth Avenue West Favored with instructions from owner, J. Langvm, I will sell by Public Auction the contents of his well-furnished home. Consisting in part as follows:. ' r IWlnc Velour Chesterfield Occasional Chairs Two.9xl2 Congoleum Squares End Tables Smoking Stand Liquor Cabinet Trilight Four-piece waterfall design Bedroom Suite; Slumber King Spring; inner spring Mattress like new Twin Beds with inner spring Mattresses Chests of Drawers Single Bed Odd Chairs Six-piece Dlnnctte Suite Pictures, Dishes, Pots, Pans M.cClary Range complete with oil burner Garden Tools Other. Items too numeroiu to list. ALL GOODS IN PERFECT CONDITION Terms qash, l J . H. M A I R Auctioned LOWER SKEENA HAVING SLIDES Highway and Telegraph Services Interfered With Although Trains Are Getting Through Railway service Is still being maintained over the local line of the Canadian National Railways in spile of snow and slide conditions since arly g,,, morning 1 and late brought down anothj' slide on the highway neatj uau. iawy icpurm Here fc. highway slide was 600 1.," There are also two othe-1 this side of Terrace wh morning had lnvolvea icA services but. as far z; A had not blocked he nuA Buy more War Sav "SOULS AT SKA" J0 Also M ll "PAPA LOVES MAMA" jj- presents 0 I "BACK TO l--K'noo - 2:54 - 4:46 . 6:56 I JOBS" 1 I Mji'i.iiEfrnmgm. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASEK STREET Prlhce'-Rupert' i, 1 LADIES t 1 t wm nmm r 11 25 11 . a iiiiiiii .1 in mm n J nnMilP After 10 p.m. and Su: LADIES We arc giving you a chance to bu coat at a real saving! EVERY COAT IN THE STORE IS GOING' SALE FUR COATS AND FUR TRIMMED COATS '4 OFF CLOTH COATS Vi PRICE 50 0 1' m a I I Specializing in UU1V IVfiVJlu i PHARMACIJ KNOWS THE TAT DM I." 'AW OF FILLING . mi' r rl r mi can on us. McCUTCHEON PHARMACY Third Avenue at Sixth Street phof