- i A l?rfitfc ttupcrt Daily KJeUis Tuesday, May 7, 1946 Baseball Scores .. . SATURDAY .- Pacific Coast San Francisco 8, Los Angeles 5 Sacramento 2, San Diego 0. Seattle 4, Portland 0. Oakland" 2, Hollywood 1. SUNDAY Pacific Coast San Diego 3-2, Saeramento 7-3 Seattle 0, Portland 4. Oakland 4, Hollywood 5. Los Angeles 3, San Fran-clo 2. Western International Spokane 1, Salem 3. Yakima 5,- Vancouver 4. Bremerton 3, Wenatchee 5. Spokane 3, Salem 4. MONDAY NafioV-.af No games. American St. Louis 5-4", Boston 7-5. Plumbing nntf Heating Engineers OIL AND COAI. STOKERS Barr&Ancferson LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 CENTPAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates ' For your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms Cafe. ; In Conriecfinn LICENSED rREMISES (Renovated) . P II ONE 51 nnoiincing . Detroit 3, Philadelphia 1. Chicago 2, New York 1. Cleveland 4, Washington International Syracuse 7, Rochester 6. Rex Bowling Alleys NOW OPEN TO EVERYONE EVERY NIGHT! HOURS : 0-11 MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY 2-11 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 4-11-THURSDAY PHONE 658 for reservations The new building and contracting firm of U.S.) (I5.J.) GREER & BRIDDEN Consult us if you are planning a new home or repairs or alterations to the present one. We will endeavour to meet all your requirements in this field. Phone Red 5G1 P.O. Box 721 - J SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert 7. SHORT SPORT The Canadian Amateur Hockey Association has turned down an offer from the National Hockey League of $20,000 a year for all amateur players turning to pro ranks. Apparently the owner of Wee Admiral and the ho'rse's trainer did not get together beore the Kentucky Derby Saturday. Owner R'. S. McLaughlin of Oshawa, Ontario, says he was completely surprised that Wee Admiral ran In the race. He says he gave definite Instructions to trainer Arthur Brent that the horse was to be scratched because the animal was too valuable to risk on a muddy track. However, the horse did run because trainer Brant says he thought It was up to him to decide and he wanted to run him. The winner was Assault, a big chestnut from Texas, while Wee Admiral finished sixteenth. The Pittsburgh Pirates arc minus their star pitcher, Rip Sewell. for a few days, Sewcll collapsed In the clubhouse at Forbes Field, Pittsburgh, Sunday, shortly .after the end of the double-header between the Pirates and the Brooklyn Dodgers. Hospital authorities say the ball-flinger is suffering from an Intestinal disorder and will have to remain In hospital from three ' to lent' days. Ontario Boxers Won Seven Bouts MONTREAL Five of the seven bouts In the Canadian amateur boxing championsh.ps in Montreal last night were captured by Ontario pugilists. Ottawa battlers were the most Impressive with three wins of their four bouts. The meet completes Wednesday nLht and decides the Do m 1 n 1 o n championships In eight classes-ranging from fly-welht to heavyweight. BULKLEY CAFE chop sur.Y enow mein Our Specialty Open-Weekday 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sunday 8 a.m. to 9 p.rrf. Located at Kulkley Hotel SMITHERS, B.C. GENERAL 'CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS - LARGE OR SMALL PLANNINO AND DESIGNING ESTIMATES NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION Stone Block LLMITKD p.o. Box 1381 Phone WW Evenings: Green IS AFTER MEXICANS Brooklyn Prexy f akeS Action Because His Players aire Beine Lured Away EROOKLYN-President Branch Rickey of the Brooklyn Dodgers fs determined to get the scalp of the Mexican League executives. He says federal action against the down-seuth league Is only the beginning of his attempts to' stop the circuit from luring players away from his club. Says Rickey: "This thing continually happening upsets boys considerably, affects their motion and thinking. It isn't good for the club and I don't like It." BOSTON TAKES MIKE'S STAR T.a Harrison lo Train with Hershey for Bruins TORONTO Centre star Ed Harrison of tht St; Michael's College has signed to train with Boston Bruins of the National Hockey League next fall. Harrison says he will train at Her-shey, Pennsylvania. The youngster was tabbed first by the Bruins when he played Junior "B" hockey for St. Michael's a year ago. He' graduated to the Junior "A" circuit in the reason just closed. HAZELTON NINE BEATS KISPIOX HAZELTON-Hazelton defeated klspiox in ah exhibition baseball game recently when Howard Wale knocked a double in the final minutes of the ninth inning to break a three-all tie. Wale's hit to centre field brought in another player who had been lurking on second base with two down in the ninth Inning'. In a football match whi-h fbllowed the baseball, Klspiox and Hazel-ton were unable to break a one-all tie. IS BLAMED FOR STABLE FIRE CHICAGO, . Ah employee of the Maine Chance racing stable at Chicago is being held on a disorderly charge in connection with last' Thursday's disastrous fire at Arlington race track. Police ray the man is Gilbert Jones of New York who was employed as a nicthtwatchman. The police i ncm mat an electric heater was left burning on the night the fire destroyed 23 thoroughbred horses. Man "Old" at 50 Now Feels Normally Peppy, Youngei po M a illri. you rail wurn-um. axjtatitftnl lefl-ilt "brine fil,l"T ft how a little 'M-pl!uf uu"jtli Onirrt nur MP lull rmiun M-llmi vim, vliior, rl-taHty, I'uutalUA lilmid fontr. Iron, ttliftt luM hr nwu. wunirii ol 0, fill. (HI. Intmlm-torr tir unlit 3ftc! Try (Mr Tolilr Tablet lo nvaln .p, vim, ylulll)', ntwiitnllr vuiioitrr Timlin, Mil vwjr day. I or ik al all (nod drui norra rj liera. "(iOVKKSMI'NT Mrofi ACT" NOTICE OP APPPLICATION FOR. CONSENT TO TRANSFER OP BEER LICENSE NOTICE la hereby given that oh the 3rd day of June. next, the undersigned Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board lor consent to transfer of- brer lieerise. No. .7404 Issued In respect of premises being part of a building known tut Central Hotel, situate at the corner of lsx Avenue and 7th Street. Prince. Rupert. B.C. upon the lands described as Lots numbered Eleven (11) to Fourteen (14), inclusive. In Block number Ten' (10), Section One (1), Map No. 923. Prince Rupert Land Reglstery District, In the Province of British Columbia, from Albert Dixon, Harold Oarforth pixon and Sidney Waterfleld to Central Holdings Ltd., having Its. head office at 789 Pender Street West, Vancouver, B.C., the transferee. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 25th day of April, AD 1940. CENTRAL HOLDINGS LTD., Applicant and Transferee. (121) COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Warm comfortable' rooms with plenty of hot water. Reasonable weekly rates to reliable tenants. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No. 997 PHONE 676 G.'SELVIG General Contractor We do basements, reshlngllng, build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen Demolish or move buildings 100 Satisfaction duaranteed CALL BLUE OIO and we will give an estimate P.O. Box 054 WMm Smih'n Chuckles mm The former office lad had Just i of Agriculture. He save a list of been demobbed from the Air j all the remedies he had tried, Force and, thick with honors and and ended his epistle with 'What r'ank upon him, called to see his : shall I do now?" prewar boss. "My boy," said the boss, "I am very rlad to see you, and In appreciation of your urand record I am promoting you to chief clerk. What db vou think of that?" "It's frightfully .good of you, sir, and I am much obliged, but if you don't mind I would much prefer to have my old position back in charge of the petty cash!" He was rather small, and had been used to sleeping with a night light In his room, but his parents had decided -that he must start sleeping In the dark. When his mother put out the l!ht, he asked plaintively: "Must f sleep In the dark. Mummy?" "Yes, darling," was the reply. "you aro getting a.big bay now." "Well, may I say mv prayers over Again more carefully?" A man who was keen on his garden was justifiably proud of his lawn. But one year the lawn had a heavy crop of dandelions. He tried everything he had ever heard of f0 get rid of them, but without success. At last he wrote to the Minister mi In due1 course came a reply. "We suggest 'you loam to loye them." "What, fish again?" growled Peck. "We're always having fish." WeU. John," said the wife.'"it's good for yon. It feeds the brain.' "Bosh! Why should you thlnn my brain needs so much feed-Ins?" "Well, didn't your mother plvc you fish before you got married?" "No," he hissed, "f wish she had." A distinguished visitor to a lunatic asylum went to the tele phone and found difficulty ir. getting his connection. Exasper ated, he shouted to the ex change: "Look here, girl, do you know who I am?" "No," came bark the calm reply, "but I know where you arc." The English lane was dark and de.wrled and Jnnes was suddenly a reosted by I wo men the bigger of whom airl nolitelv: "Excuse me sir I wonder if yon could oblige me with the loan of a penny?" "Whv -er yes. I think so v re- plied Jones. "But may I ask for what purpose you require It?" "Oh, eerjalnly," replied the other. "My mate and I wish to toss the coin to decide our lrttre argument as to which one of lis shall have your watch and which your wallet!" A sugar planter In Halwall took a friend from the States t ' the edge of a volcano. ; "That crater Is 70,004 yr-an old," he explained. j "How do you get the exact j age?" asked the newcomer I , can understand the 70,000, biO- j how do you calculate the four'" "Well. I've been here in the , Islands for four years, and tlw crater was 70.000 years old when I arrived." In a little wayside station In Alabama, an old Negro shuffled to the ticket aRent. "A wants a ticket to Trlvlnla," he said. The agent consulted the time tnbl and the compiny records. Flnallyhc' asked: "Where is Trlvlnla? I can't find It." "Why," said the Negro in amazement, "dar she am, standing right over there," INFANT COAL Peat, believed the earliest stage j In the evolution cf coal, Is found in bogs. THIS AND THAT h HpH Tl Cror M.nhr.. J.m. Srnlrr, In, a ICH&JiX, "Oh, for goodness' sake, George, stop muttering to yswj LONDON, 00 Field Marshal i There aw mc;l viscouni Montgomery is writing 'nave me sjmo r his second war history "Normandy to1 the Baltic." ills first book, "El Alameln to the River Sangro," was distributed only to officers of the 8th Army lure on the f. . ' t-1 AdverU. i: Tft: Da.., 01! 1 Down by lh nt an Conorfa'i Coil Coaif. That window beside your sent on a Canadian Pacific trnin...it's a travelogue in technicolor. It's a window on natural grandeur... on horizon-spreading farm lands...on industrial vigour...it's a moving panorama of this great land of ours. And it's the way to travel in Canada. The comfort way... the friendly . way... the way tens of thousands of Canadians have learned to know their own Dominion better. :, Soon Canadian Pacific will bring you even finer travel luxury. ..in new, deluxe editions of Canadian Pacific's famous trains. ' For Information about vocaffoni in any part af Canada tontvlt an Canadian Pacific Railway ogtnf. SPANS THI ViOnLO