Motel. . . CI ean arrivals Prince Rupert o o ummox. Victoria; W. F. p Vancouver; D. W. Mur- Alice Arm; u. a. whbicu-Vancouver; H. A. Wells, . priicnara, nuuuuuu, mi. (j Ml W Williams, riv- ' mi and Mm. W. J. Pfeffer, , r Rapp, Vancouver. FfflO LARGEST RIVER ( .j. Viii:i,ii 2 300 miles long, li i fiver in Alaska and , anpst In North Am- J.H.Mair Auctioneer SALES ARRANGED anil Conducted at Vour Convenience SALES ROOMS 171 Third Ave. E. Phone Itlark '150 FOUR STAR TRANSFER "SERVICE WITH A SMILE" Phones: Blue Res. Green S20 PrP. L. Chrlstopherson Ex-Naval Vet.) Quality Repairs Economy Prices aT THIS AND THAT Up!! Paint Up!! Fix Up!! Gordon McKrlde Street - ...V " aitni:NiN(i supplies fencing SEEDS ANH FERTILIZERS See us for the. materials necessary to make y o u r home a credit to you rself and your" community. 11-11 ENGLISH HOUSE PAINT 100 l'ure. irTILAC The original, and finest 4-hour enamel. IMPEUVO The new high gloss enamel for Inside and outside use. FR ESCON IttTK-r-One coat velvet finish for Interior walls. .MI1RESCO The inexpensive finish to make your rooms attractive. Tools Huilders Supplies. Everything you need for fixinf your home. s Hardware PHONE 31 1 PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) hnumncemenl . . . W. M. MARTIN Has taken over and Is now operating the SEVENTH AVENUE MARKET r"L LINE OF CHOICE MEATS AND GROCERIES Your patrpnagc would be appreciated 538 Seventh Avenue East TIIONE UUi York General Construction See or Phone Us on a New Insulation KlMSUL Somethinff New and the Best Free Estimates on Any Kind of Construction You Name tt, and We Can Do It WE have our own shop - we can make anything n "lack 12C Day PJione Hlack 731 Evenings r- n 7 7 s y A 1 BRIDAL Cfwm M.lll.f A Jim. Mr, Ik. "I always have my dates meet me here!" CADH5 PREPARE FOR BIG PARTY Naval Drill Hall Busy Place as Weekly Parade is Held One of the busiest places in Prince Rupert last evening was the Navy Drill Hall where the weekly parade, of the Captain Cook Corps of the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets was taking place. The cadets were getting ready for tlulr big dance on Friday evening. ' The floor of the drill hall is large and it had to be swept. The duty division was soon organized and working in echelon. The floor was tackled systematically and In a short time was swept and well swept. The decorations called for careful planning. It was there. Flags were soon strung and hoisted aloft. And the hall began to look attractive. Then a whaler that had been recently painted was manhandled onto Ihe t entrC of the deck, thp mast slenped and wills raised. Hie nautical atmosptiere was .issiiredly vet. Outside the bnle band was practicing. And tfcey were not wasting time. They looked very smart. Also outside a squad with rifles was adding the flnishin, touches to their rifle drill. They were Retting little pamperlw from an instructor who knew what he wanted and was determined to get It. The lads responded and turned In a good job. Elsewhere the Wrcnncttcs were busy. Places were being dusted and things were being shone. There was the "tap tan" of manv typewriters as envelopes were belli" addressed by some while. owierii' 'we're getting particulars for an annarently very complete fil'n? system. Evervone from the eommand-tr" officer to the newest member of the 'tender" sound and even Including the oresident of the Navv League was making sure that everything would b? ready for the big dance. C. A. Kellell left on last evening's train for Terrace whence he will take to car for one of his periodical business trips to various' Interior points as far as Vanderhoof. This Is Our Business Take advantage of our many years of auto and general machine repair experience. The Terrace Machine Shop and Garage Is under the management of Bill Osborne and has secured the services of J. Campbell, who has had many years of experience In car and truck work. CONSULT US1 Terrace Machine Shop AND GARAGE Terrace KIN DRIVE UNDER WAY Service Club Anxious to Get takelse Camp Established May Queen Coatest Starts - "Our fight will not be won," declared Jack McRae, chairman of the Kinsmen summer camp committee, at a pre-drlve rally, "until we have purchased a site on the shores of Lakelse Lake and the first group of Prince Rupert boys are encamped there. We will not stop until the children have opportunity to have a real summer holiday away from the city streets with swimming, hiking and a score of other sports!" The drive will be officially opened tomorrow morning when the first tickets will go on sale for the five queen candidates selected from the city's schools. "It is believed." said President Dill Jannson. "that this Is the first summer camp to be established by the Kinsmen In Canada another first for Prince Ru pert!" Yesterday afternoon, Beverly Mats on, Margaret Strachan, Sonja Sorensen, Lydla Ponlch and Pat Stuart, five young princesses vying for the honor of being crowned Queen of May on May 24. posed for photogranhers tn the Canadian National Park. Pictures of the girls will appear in the press at a Liter date. IMVF MacPHEE BOWLING HEAD The C.N.R. Lawn Bowling Association elected David Mac-Phee president at the annual election of officers last night. lit succeeds Roy Nichols, who Is president of the C.N.R. Athletic As-so-tatlon, parent body of the lawn bowling club. Vice-president Is George Hills, who sue-reeds O. P. Tinker. No one was elected to succeed ns secretary or treasurer J. S Irvln? who has resigned after ri'lin" ho'h positions for a number of years. Executive members are Dr. R, C. Bamfird, Nell Cameron .and Bert Moran. Greens Committee -J. A. Frew, Jack Judge and J. MeOreish. Match Committee--D. Mac Phee. J. Paul and W. J Ranee. It Is hoped to have the season under wav bv May-24, oUhou .it Is likelv that only half th greens will be used, .jiving" the other half opportunity to get In first class shape during the sum mer. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE 12 foot boat with 4'. -i h.n. Johnson outboard Phone 147 or house at 3rd and McBrlde. 109 FOR SALE Modern rive room house, manle floors, tile In kitchen, close In. S3 000 effsh Armstrong Agencies. Phone 342. (tfl FOR SALE New three-room house: modern, large glassed-in porch, on two lots, all cleared. Reasonable. 10C3 Ambrose Avenue. (112) l..M lll:niSTHV AI'T Re: Certificate or Title No. 22S98-I to Lot Thirteen (13), Block Four-tern (14), Townslte of Atlln, Map 078. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title Issued In the name of William Arthur Dodd has been filed In this office, nottre Is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof, Issue a provisional Certificate of Tltlo In lieu of said lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me In writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert. BC. this 9th clay of April, 1948 A D. Deputy Registrar of Titles. TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT. (II. SMITH) P.O. Box 1C7 TERRACE An Announcement To th.e Motoring Public ... NEW HOURS FOR SALE OF GAS AT LONG MOTORS WEEK DAYS SUNDAYS - 8 A.M. TO 9 P.M. 1 P.M. TO I 1M. This is a service for your convenience . . are invited to take advantage of it. Operator-FRANK MORRISON you Local News Items' . . A Moose meeting tonight at 3 o'clock In I.O.D.E. Hall. Initiation. Refreshments. (107) Resignation of Oeorte L. Rorle as secretary of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce was accepted with regret a the monthly meeting of the chamber last night and E. T. Applewhalte was appointed as his successor. X Notice Ladles' Bowling League banquet at Commodore Cafe on Tuesday, Mayv7, at 7 p.m. sharp. (107 Peter Postuk returned to the etly on the Princess Adelaide Monday afternoon from Vancouver where he has just completed his freshman year as a pre-medlcal .student' at the University of British Columbia. DANCE Friday, May 10. Oddfellows' Hall, 10 to 2. Auspices Ladles' Orange Ix)dge. Proceeds for Pioneer's Home. Come, and bring your friends. (110) Miss Betty Pullen, daughter of Mrs. H. F. Pullen, arrived home on the Princess Adelaide yester day afternoon from her studies at the University of British Columbia to spend the summer vacation. Dr. A. L. Prltchard of the bio logical station at Nanaimo arrived In the city on the Princess Adelaide last nlghi from Vancouver In connection with salmon surveys in the Skcena Itiver district this summer. The Prince Rupert Chtfiber of Commerce Is to have an overhaul of Its bylaws, it was decided at the regular monthly meeting last night. The matter was referred to the legislative committee for action. William Tnaln, son of Mr. and Mrs. George lhatn, 528 Ninth Avenue W., returned to the city Monday afternoon on the' Princess Adelaide from Vancouver where he received his discharge from the Canadian Army. After serving with a prisoner-of-war '?uard detachment at Seebe, Alberta, he now expects to tak1! "mp!oym?nt with his uncle, Ralph Matthews, who Is starting i. sawmill at Terrace. fiF. ..MAdamsof. Terrace. Vice-president of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia, had a report before the Prinre Rupert Chamber of Commerce at its regular meet- Ling last night nn a recent re gional committee meeting of thr Canadian Chamber of Commere in Vancouver which h attended The report told how efforts were being made to Interest farmers fishermen and primary produ." ers as well as business men in Chamber of Commerce matters. Nelson Young, local manager of the Standard Oil Co. of British Columbia, was welcomed as the latest new member of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce at the re.Tular monthly meeting last nleht. W. P. Elklns and Walter mlth were present as representatives of the Juplor Chamber- of Commerce. P. M. Ray, another former member, was welcomed hack after several years absence while serving with the Navy. A guest was Norman Nelson, well known canncryman from Vancouver. Modern EtiouHe By ROBERTA LKE Q. If one Is giving a tip to a servant who has been very attentive, would it be necessary to express appreciation? A. It Is not absolutely neces-h sary to do so, but would be very j kind and thoughtful and Is al-. ...... . 1... U I Q. In what way can one show 1 1 i-pmpmhrflncp nf nnnlvnrcnrlos I , s without buying expensive gifts? A. A note, an appropriate card, or a few flowers will suffice. ' Q. Is It correct to tell the week-end guests when they are expected to leave? A. Yes, the hostess has this privilege. IN THE SUPREirc COURT OP URIT1SII COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP JOHN EIXSWORTH OAR-LAND (otherwise known iw John Oarlond), DECEASED INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that by Order cl His Honor, Judge Fisher, made on the 12th day of April, A D. 1946. I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of John Ellsworth Oarland, otherwise known as John Oarland. deceased, and all parties having claims against the sold estate ar hereby required to furnish same, properly vrlfled. to me on or before the 22nd day W May, A D. 1946. and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B. C thld I2th day of April. A D. 1040. OORDON P rXJRllES. Acting orflclal Administrator, Prince Rupert, B. O COP. Meeting, Tuesday, 3 p.m., Metropole Hall. Convention delegates' report. (107) 9 Mrs. Lois Comer returned to the city Monday afternoon Or' the Princess Adelaide from n trip to Vancouver. A The Canadian National Tennis Association U open for memberships. Inquiries any day at the court after 5 o'clock, (107) Harry S. Ward, manager of the Ward Electric & Marine Supply Co., was elected a member of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce last night. Douglas Frlzzell returned to the city on Saturday night's rain after a trip of five weeks as far south as San Francisco where he met J. B. Roerlg, formerly or this city and now of Chicago, He drove as far as Terrace, accompanied from Vancouver by W. D. Smith, M.L.A. for Atlln. who arrived on Thursday night's train from Smlthers and sailed yesterday, on the Catala for a visit to his constituents at Stewart. Announcements Presbyterian Missionary Tea, Mrs. Peter Lakle's, May 8. . Cambral Sprlne Tea. May 9 Mrs. Sid Elklns, 216 5th Ave. E. C.W.L. Membership Ttea, May 9, 2:30 to C, K.C. Hut. C.Y.O. Bridge, Criabage and Whist, May 9, K. of C. Hut, 8 p.m. W.A. Canadian Legion Tea and Novelty Sale, May 10. ' Orange Pioneer Home Benefit Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, May 10. Lutheran Tea, Home Cooking and Apron Sale, May 11, Church Parlor. Norway Independence Celebration, May 17, Civic Centre. Everybody welcome. Program followed by dance. C. W. L. Bridge, Whist and Crlb-bage, May 23, KC. Hut, 8 pm. United Tea, Home Cooking, June 6, Mrs. George Rorle's, 220 4 th Ave. West. Presbyterian Broadcasts CFPR - - Wed. 10:30 1 LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Furniture Repaired Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes Expert saw filing and gumming. Small band-saws brazed Planer and Jointer knives ground. Phone Green 974 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre . I i mm faitkimt(ieU V ' fuiiiTu imtol V nom in mi 4 I imii - lomni Htiemx ituTil jUuVMi ia tomt riomj Rjj. vjlyl inn uootitl v!7 ocotna Q.4o L..JL... 0 1 l " 32-50 Wvjr j John Bulger j LIMITED " : Third Ave. Phone 122 L i viii-'lf'"v" '.if";11"1 ",J j -i Prhife ntiuert Dnflp 3cto$ Tuesday, May 7i 1946 FLANNEL SHIRTS I "THE MEN'S SHOP" LATEST MODELS For COMFORT and LONfi WEAR ; . . For the first time in some years we have a full stock of Wincey Flannel Shuts;- In sizes from 14Vi to n'b,' these grey and fawn. colored flannel shirts are famous for comfort and durability' and' are fcleal for either work or. sporty f '" ' wear. PRICED AT $3.75.0 PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY NEWS CIRCULATION COUlfTSi - r . .,i : ,. i v. v.... itfli Mother's Day MAY 12th o MOTHER'S DAY CARDS in a large varied assortment that is sure to please. SEE THEM ON DISPLAY AT ! THE VARIETY STORE 1 "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" A . Mac K en z i e Fu rn i t u re LIMIT i: D "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" FOLDING CARRIAGES j The Lloyd and the Gendron Easy riding, springs on all four wheels. tNo-draft curtafns on hoods. Streamlined body with removable footwell. -Maroon, blue or grey coverings. i Complete range from jjSll.."0 to !jtt..0 LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE Established 1010 LIMITED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AtfD SHIPPED TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA AND U.S.A. FOR QUICK, EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AND KII IAIILE SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or 68 MOTHER... ;: . . . Remember HER On SUNDAY-MAY 12th Send Greetings On Co utts Cards- UOX 13GC Oil Burnerf Installed rnoNiri08 Serviced & Cleaned PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING IU.1'A11& AND ALTERATIONS ESTIMATES Night Calls: Illue 170 Green 587 Itlark 861 CORNER SECOND AVE. and SEVENTH ST. WEST 1 ft 1 41 urn .KG m 1 " I- 5 J4i