v , ft 7 . ; v w "if U. 3rinrc Utipctt Dtiily ftcfosf Friday, March 22, 1W6 POLICE FINES 1 TOTAL $910 There were 51 cases in city police court during February, of which 38 resulted in convictions, -according to the monthly police "rCport considered' by the city couhcll's 'police committee. Fine iotal for the month was $910. There 'were no court costs leveled. Total of fines collected so far this year is $1,567. a decrease df more than $200 from the same period last year. Fine total in February Jast year was $945 and the T'wo-month aggregate was $1,795. Value of property reported stolen during the month was $1,042, of which $340 had been recovered. This did not Include the value of two cars which were recovered. Cost of maintaining the city Jail was $121. MATES SEPARATE Female turkeys keep away from the males during the incubating period. Wherever you can Travel or Trade . . . A Letter of Credit issued by this Bank will make your funds available to you or your customers, as and when required, wherever travel or trade is possible. Our Letters of Credit are adaptable to any requirements, whether for travel or for importing goods, and your instructions will be carried out with speed and efficiency. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Prince Rupert Branch: R. O. HOPKINS, Mamuer Ketchikan Lodge Arriving Today . In a special boat chartered for the occasion, 19 members of the Ketchikan Moose lodge sailed this morning for Prince Rupert to pay a fraternal visit to the members of the Moose lodge here. A small number of Ketchikan lodge members arrived here on the Prince Rupert last night and more are expected to arrive 1 IrmynvrrwiT mnrlllnff hfl Tlllin from the Alaska city. In honor of the visit, a special dinner and dance has been arranged In the Knights of Columbus Hall Saturday night. Rector Prefers Cottage in Wood CLAXBY, Lincolnshire, Eng. it) Rev. Austin Lee, bachelor rector of Claxby, moved out of his Victorian rectory Into a woodman's cottage. His new home, one mile from the nearesl house, Is so lonely that the foxes come and spend the night on the doorstep. "That," said the rector, "is the' only drawback. I prefer life in solitude in the middle of a wood to living in a mansion where there is not enough coal to light the kitchen fire and where I cannot have, a bath." The rector now travels to and from his parish on horseback as cars can only reach the cottage in summer. . PAPER KINGS The four kings pictured on playing cards are David, Alexander, Caeser and Charlemange. Advertise In the Daily News RUB OUT THAT COil WITH- 1 HE FIRST NEW FORD in four long years is on display with more advancements than most yearly models of pre-war days. For economy and performance, the 1946 Ford V-8 engine has twenty basic improvements. New crankshaft, connecting rod bearings and pistons . . . new carburetion, new distributor, new high pressure oil system . . . new oil filters and cleaners ... all these and other basic improvements add up to longer life, economy and smooth, effortless power at less cost. Tor smoother riding, the 1946 Ford cradles you with new multi-leaf springs and keeps you straight-and-level with new two-way stabilization. For extra safety, the 1946 Ford presents new self-centering hydraulic J.L.CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropracticl If nerve3-- doubly sol Smith Block Green 995 Improving Pr. Rupert Public Relations Council Has Plans for Brightening Up In Various Ways An active program of activities designed to make Prince Rupert a more attractive city was outlined by Mark Hill, chairman .of the internal relations committee, to the Prince Rupert Public Relations Council at its regular monthly meeting last night with President R. E. Montador in. the chair. One of the community Improvement projects is a plan to organize 'teen-age boys for clean-up jobs. Householders and others with odd Jobs to do would be able to secure such boys. Tho.se "giving siren employment would participate in a draw which would be held with paint and other materials as prizes. lly the time tlie tourtet season commented, Mr. Hill announced, it was honed to have dlp!ays of Industrial product'; of this district lirrangetl in the show windows of local stores. Co-operation or industrial firms in the providing of material for the Exhibits was now bejnj sought. The committee is also en-dravorln? to have some improved form of garbage collection in the city and is also asking the city CO' take ;steps to allay the dust nuisance on the streets. The possibility or more interest In gardening was mentioned at the meeting by Aid. E. Ar Natives Dislike Concrete Ceiling 'SELSPRUIT, South Africa 0 One hundred three-roomed houses--part of Nelspruit's ambitious sub-economic native housing scheme have been standing unoccupied for more than a year. Built of stone, with concrete floors and ceilings, the houses are complete with stoves, shower baths and other; modern conveniences. The rental is only 15 shillings ($3.50 a month, but the natives prefer to remain in their unsanitary wattle and daub huts. When C. G. Cottingham, the town clerk of Nelsprut, asked a deputation from the natives to meet him . irv .front, of, the town's administrative 'offices, nold who suggested that the co operation of the Prince Rupert Horticultural Society be enlist ed in the staging of competl- j fions. ! The internal relations committee reported that a new booklet. featu'ring PrinceiRupert and Central Uritlsh Columbia ' would be off the press of the King's Printer at Victoria with- . in n few days. This will be sup plemented with a pamphlet to be prepared locally dealing more especially with industrial possibilities. Steamship companies are to be asked to get out more publicity dealing vith Prince Rupert Vancouver papers will be aiked-to show Prince Rupert In tlieir daily tealher reports. The feelin; Was expressed by some that Vancouver was unwilling: to ail mi I the weather superiority of Prince Rupert, as would be indicated in these reports. It was noticeable that l'rinee'Kunert was beiilR omit-' led' from 'the 'list of "many cities which Was shown. The local dry dock situation came up for Incidental discussion at the meeting, the view being expressed that the rail way company hould be Induced to yield the plant to private interests which might operate it more aggressively. Disappointment was expressed that, apparently, no effort was bein? made to go out and get work for the plant. the leader told him why the houses -were unoccupied. "Voir have made the ceilings of concrete in order that you may cause them to fall at your1 will and kill us)" he said. 'Thar is why we won't live in them." The ceilings will not, however, be rebuilt with a substance lighter than concrete. Dut, when th remaining houses planned under the scheme are built, they will be altered in other respects to permit a lower rental. SKELETON IN ATTIC WALLlNGTON, Surrey, Eng. P In the attic of an empty house a plumber found the 3,000-year-old skeleton of an Egyptian priest. The original owner, who received it as a gift from Egyptologist Sir Flinders Petrie, said "I'd forgotten all about It." brakes that operate easily, smoothly, silentlyat the merest touch of your toe on the pedal. They're big, long-lasting brakes, and extremely simple to adjust. For all-round satisfaction, the handsome new Ford V8 comes in many tasteful colors. Smartly tailored, luxury interiors, with touches of chrome and plastic, complete a picture of a new car that's a standout in the low price field the 1946 Ford V-8. And when you're investing in your postwar car, don't overlook the fact that there's authorized Ford service everywhere you travel. Get in touch with your dealer and make a date to see this new Ford V-8. FORD AND MONARCH DIVISION FORD MOTOR COMPAHY OF CANADA, 1IMITED The expression "between the devil and the deep blue sea" Originated In 1637 when a 'Scottish regiment was trapped between the ocean and Swedish artillery fire. FQUR STAR TRANSFER "SERVICE WITH A SMILE" Phones: Blue (!!) Res. Green Still Prop., L. Christopherson (Ex-Naval Vet.) m m mtm mm mtmk m m ma The New rOHO is Here ! (fLJ , (ntnrnl COME IN AND SEE IT AT YOUR FORD AND MONARCH DEALER'S SATURDAY NEW 1946 FORD Now On Display Here Is the .most. beautiful Ford ever built mnrp nHvfinrpmpnt tVinn mow,, ... jue-war yewi, models. There's a new ride, improved economy oil and gasoline, longer life . . . and massive rw! new styling. We cordially invite you to come in and see the smart new ld4Q FORD. The. CAROL ELECTRIC Electrical Installations and Repairs Reasonable Rates Estimates Free Phone Blue 318 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branchis 206 4th Street : Phone 655 For Your FOUNDATION GARMENT Made-to-Measure MRS. PERREAULT representative of Spencer Supports (Canada) Ltd 131S OVERLOOK ST. Box 1177, Station "B" SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 ANDY ANDERSON PAINTING & PAPERHANGINO C33 Tatlow Street Phone Green 937 (After 7 p.m.) FOR PROMPT nd EFFICIENT SERVICt mail iOtir qltif to COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO.Ltf 1 I, Gordon s O sZ II Mnri(1e s,rfCt BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON my, tlfli S. E. PARKER LIMITED 170 East 3rd Avenue rnnce KupM B( Business and Professional GARDNER'S CONSTRUCTION Jacklngs - Building - Repairing Alterations and Cement Work PHONE GREEN 482 'House of Better Cleaning" EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY Authorized "FI.KXFORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses, Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE Mail Orders Box 99 BERT'S TRANSFER'hnd MESSENGER Stand 303 3rd Ave. W. Books, Magazines, Newspapers Phone Blue 810 (Res. Green 9551 MAVIS rm,r.Tm!r STUDIO OP DANCINQ Tap, Ballet. Acrobatic u InterpretatlveENROinrv Studio: 1126 East Ninth Phone Black Mil ifi.-.. If It's a Rock Job- ua.ii n hp can M. SAUNDERS Blue CC6 Concrete Rldewslkt ri I don't take work I ao myself, JOHN II. RULGEf Optometrist U 11 11 UULiUEiK 1. 1 Third Avenm PARTRIDGE, GUNSTON & RIG fjfnpr.nl f!nnfnrtnr P.O. Box 1489, Station E Phone Green 411 KxnprL worK on team o and re-assembling btJt House Repairs, all Kit Cabinet Work - FoundiS Estimates Cheerfully Of II. J. LUND uoinTinrr Kanpr a i intnrlnn nhrf IT VTANAF U n -v no 0 rtk.nDli 1 T7' t T 1 f ' I . ' I U i . n i lit i ii, ii ik 1 1 iii . . k..AUm I'UDIIC ACCOuniani, Auui. Besner Block PMM IMTITOMATIONAL 1 P 1 . nrraennnnun v .v Vvll VvjJwlluvuvv CANADIAN, LIMITS) Montreal, Canaca II. F. I.OVIN. Ph0DlSM PRINCE RUPEiiT.BC HANDYMAN GENKKAL uun inn- Building ana Kepa- Roofs, Chimneys anu j" - Phone Green 4 Evening Green 331 Thinking of Oardfnint? Then see us for )' GARDENING SUPPLIES Rennle's Seeds -r.ar.len,'; Hose and Fence NM Vlrnrn. Bone Mf-"' Mnnnre. Sulphate monla, Sulphate of ash, w Hardware rlionf rCMTDAI HOI! Weekiy and UW Z For your con venlence Transient R"11"" Cafct In Connection (Renovatfi' PHONE 'l