mi un mi mi mi mi mi mi mi uii iiil mi mi mi mi II fill HII HII II i t rnu F Mt'offlce or President s oiiice ui StacKIWonia cdtrk Room additions It IT? for the IBS c eater ... part Btack Room wm uc Terrace i Isses Away A well-known plo- Um. ot Terrace fv last Thursday In oi William Henry ,s -urvtved by his ar.o a son and Mi Burnett was a ' nafbe. m Terrace L -a u--eedcd In It-- Uaui'iand ana p-.ideo in Van- luncements Dancp Prairie Ram- :o Oddfellows' i. Telkwa Bar- pnv.c? Rupert Sat- Aue 31 return :. :s Farp $8.00 rc-:;:rmation and tlck- Tickets limited. (199) . . . . i . it .i-.: LKX.ISJLI l ait r i a i . uia uigagrmeni Announcements: iz. IXXOINCIIMENT R II Bob) i) and Mrs, J. 835 Ambrose daughter of i ii ie Harris, wuj : I ::ock OF THANKS MrtenrJ our heart- i.J appreciation to kLidly remembered i":: of a beloved ; fcilow workers at -huv p- l,Uiri IllfTl Association . and tore Johnson. room suite, fur- ouiw wasn- "oom front aD- 3in Ave F-ast (199) I EI) maenine. anv uc out, (2001 illd's tricvrlp nnnH im 7th Ave. East. (199) -uu musi be litlon ir p rn. (200) W'ANTKI) 111 '" drive truck: ' "iciiun uairy. (200) .-w.ciicca woman "ocery store No App y tf Experienced cook. ;:-en and nurses' 1 cants must be 18 necessary to Uve r Phone 635. mil splta' (ini LOST " contalnln.f: 00 cash. 491 (202) iu, Mrs U FEET! Cnrn Cortl and cniu... re pt e. U99) if .iJlll a w y k ans nave oeen reieiLsea the University of British Col-J recentlv. for the North to the library. The new North present bulldlns anrt will of the length. In addition, the J-J 1R foot in tVio Cict cahhuvh w" Local News Items Miss Audrey Wrathall sailed on the Prince Rupert last night on a holiday trip to Vancouver. Mrs. A. W. Llpsin was a passenger for Vancouver on the flying boat Halda Queen this morning. Attention Labour supporters. Listen CFPR Friday Aug. 23 at 6:15 pjn. when Canadian Congress of Labour presents Labour's views on current labor situation. (198) L. M. Felsenthal sailed on the Prince Rupert last night on a business trip to Vancouver. On his return to the city in ten days, he will be accompanied by Mrs. Felsenthal, who has been visiting in Montreal, and daughter, Judy, who has been camping near Vancouver. A Long trips or short, day or night, 99 Taxi at your service. (tf) L,lUiil(fL.Ll 1UUUI Llllllir ?ei wora jkt inBrmon, minimum cnarce. oi'o. Minn naocr I'On SALE FOR SALE Almost new dinette suite, wheatstraw finish, $75; 2 tables, $6 and $4; beautiful radio, 8 tubes, decorative light ing,, $45 u. bridge lamp. $4. Suite 2, Summitt Apts, evenings and week-end. (200) FOR SALE Davenport, chair, end table (set), trl-light, coffee table, congolcum rug, one occasional chair, kitchen table, chairs, utensils. Apply 611 5th East. Phone Red 326. (tf) FOR SALE Large 4 -room house with bathroom; excellent condition. 252 8th Ave. West. (203) FOR SALE 53,4 acres iand and three-roomed house In Cedar-vale, close In. Apply Douglas Marsden, Kltwanga, B.C. (202 FOR SALE 7-room house. Phone Oreen 973. (201) FOR SALE Beauty parlor: equipment and furniture complete. Reasonable price. Phone Blue 943 or call at 603 6th Ave. West. (tf) FOR SALE Sawmill with two-and-a-half million feet of timber; camp and kitchen utensils; equipment, tools, 4 horses, good condition. Price $5000. Apply Lee Jhn, Hazel-ton, B.C. (tf) VvE BUY AND SELL New and Used Furniture; also Hardware. See us before buying elsewhere. Used phonograpn records, 20c; 5-plece kitchen set, $16.50; electric ranges, McClary's, from $15; sewing machine, $24.50; 3-plece chesterfield In good shape, $69.50; radio, 9 tubes, $15; baby carriages, from $7; hassocks, from $2.50; beds, complete, from $1250; electric fans, from $7.50; new Gurney ranges, all-enamel; new scatter rugs, big assortment, $1.65 each. B.C. Furniture Co., 3rd Ave. Phone Black 324. "(tf) FOR SALE Radio tube and set tester; Multimeter and bench; Underwood portable typwrlter. Apply 1054 9th Avenue East. Phone P.ed 751. d99 FOR SALE Palm suitable for store or porch. Phone Green 903. tf) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and un-to-date tvne National Portable Sawiillls. manufac tured by National Machinery Company l.mlted.'Vancouver B.C. 'tf OILBUItNEKS RELIANCE OILBURNERS1052 6th Ave. East. Phone Black 897. (203) ill tffli til ..f wji':.4LIJ auDmw l uaiKUHU ... . 3 -w nun 'mil 1 linn mill mm 1 , 'Hi Jf 'V throughout Its length. The total area of these additions Is approx mately 16,750 square feet. The total area of the present building is 12.250 square feet. The top floor will have a lunch room, complete with kitchen. There will be a staff FA$Sf- rm accommodatlon For that Port Edward Trip-Tommy's 77 Taxi. Orotto. (tf) J. A. Rutherford, BjCLS., was a passenger aboard the Halda Queen on yesterday's fllzht to Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Gcorce O.zston of Vanderhoof arrived in the city on last night's train, sail ing for Vancouver on the Prince Rupert. 1 Attcntionl Oddfellows and 'heir wives and Rebekahs. A banquet will be held in the Commodore Cafe at 6:30 p.m., August 27 in honor of our Grand Master. (201) Robert Reid sailed last nirfit on the Prince Rupert on a holi day trip to Vancouver and Kaslo. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright sailed on the Prince Rupert last night on a trip to Vancouver. Albert M,ah, who has been visiting his family here for the last two weeks, sailed last night on the Prince"upert for Vancouver on his way to San Francisco. He plans to return to China to continue flying. The Hollywood Cafe Is now open for business irom 11 a.m. to 8 a.m. (211) James Bremner sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver, onhls way to Medicine Hat, Alberta, where he wilt spend the next three months studying brick manufacturing processes. Miss Bernice Mah, who has brcn living here with her sister, Violet, since returning from China two years ago, is leaving on Monday night's train for To ronto where she will live with another sister, Daisy, while going to school. A Reward $100.00 Anyone seeing or finding the body of George Sankcy, Port Simpson, believed to have drowned at North Pacific Cannery August 13, 1946, please contact John Sankey, Port Simpson, B. C. Passengers for Vancouver on the flying boat Halda Queen this morning included Mrs. C. Llpsin, R. Gane, R. A. Jones, R. Kunz and Mr. Stensaker. Those arriving last night from the north were Charles Adam, W. Crawford, H. McDonald and J. Lehdo from Stewart, J. Gane' Jrom Anyox and Oscar Flint from Alice Arm, Flash! PRIORITIES OFF We can now sell Ford Cars to anyone IF we had any cars! Anyone can buy a Ford Truck, BUT we have none! We can sell you all the tires you want, BUT we have no tires! Our advice is this. Keep your old car In good condition, there are lots of miles in the old jalopy yet. Let S. E. Parker Ltd. inspect your tires, tune the motor, check the brakes, and lubricate your car. A $ spent now may save $$$$$$ later. S.E.PARKER LTD. Ford and Monarch Dealers 170 E. 3rd Ave. Phone 83 mi mi mi ,, ' f m( in inf mi mi mi uii I'ilH Ml HII INI li Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kempton returned on last night's train from Francois Lake where they spent a two weeks' vacation. Rev. and Mrs. A. F. MacSwe'en and family returned to the city on last night's train from Ter race where they have been va cationing for the past few weeks. C. J. Ashbury, formerly of this city and now residing in Ter race, arrived in the citv yester day from the Interior for a brief business visit and will be re turning to Terrace tomorrow. Rev. Basil S. Procktcr. rector of St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral, returned to the city on the Halda Queen Wednesday from a week's trin to Oucen Charlotte Islands on ecclesiastical duties. He conducted services at Massett, Port Clements and other Island points. C. G. Gllker, assistant general manager of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., returned to the city a few days ago from a two weeks' trip to such southeastern Alaska points as Ketchikan, Wrangell, Petersburg, Juneau and Sitka, on company business. AUCTION WINDFALL PRESTON, Eng. 0 Firms buying surplus R.A.F. crates from a dump here must buy "with contents." Five crates bought by one company were unpacked to reveal a complete gUcer, even to Instruments. - KEEP m SUM V I For Hvdiiciitfi Diet Hi) Be Sure and Attend The Civic Centre Carnival SUPPORT YOUR CIVIC CENTRE Philpotf, Evitt&Co.Ltd. Phone 651 or 652 MARRIAGE OF ALAN KERGIN Miss Thjllis Elizabeth Vojan Is His Brfd'e at Walkerton, Ontario In a setting .or pink and white gladioli, St. Paul's United Church, Walkerton, Ontario, on Saturday. Auzust 17. Phvin Elizabeth, Older daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Vogan, became the bride of Dr. Alan James Ktr-gln, only son of Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Kergln, Pnnce Rupert. Rev. A. K. Edmlson officiated. "At Dawning" and "God Hath Not Promised" were beautifully rendered by Dr. J. T. H. Robinson accompanied bv Mrs. Robin son at the organ. The bride, given In marriage by her father, was attired In dotted marquisette and basket weave lace, over slipper satin, with finger tip veil and carried a shower bouquet of white roses, stephanotis and maiden hair fern. Miss Haye Vozan was her sister's only attendant, wearing corai crepe, with a leghorn hat, carrying a bouquet of talisman roses. John Pequegnaut of Kitchener was groomsman and the ushers were Dr. Archie MacKinnon of Toronto, and Ross McGlllivray or port Elgin. A reception was held at Pleas ant Valley, where the bride's mother received the cursta. wearing a black crepe, dress with DiacK accessories and a corsage Of Dink 'rospji. and' stonhannt.ts She was assisted by the mother Oiir Summer CLEARANCE SALE ' - .1. r - REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE. OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Sucy Chow Mcin Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 6 ajn. to 2 a.m. PHONE 173 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FBASER STREET Prince Rupert Hotel. . . arrivals Prince Rupert G. V. Robinson, Shirley; Stanley Rces, Vancouver; A. McDon ald, Vancouver; E. Abramson, Annette Island; J. Gane, Van couver; Mrs. A. Robin, Pacific. of the, groom wearing a powder blue dress with wine and blue accessories and a corsage of dark red roses and stephanotis. F'or going away the bride chose a teal blue suit with black accessories, a silver fox fur and a corsage of stephanotis. Their honeymoon will be spent at Summerside, Prince Edward Island, and Boston, and they will reside in Halifax. The groom was born and raised In Prince Rupert and graduated in medicine from University of Toronto two years ago. He is now serving as a surgeon-lieutenant In the Canadian Navy. The bride was a member of the nursing profession. The couple will have the hearty congratulations of many friends In Prince Rupert. Advertise In the Dally ,Ncws. CHRONIC BRONCHITIS Dki t ntubborn bronchial cough, teithef phlcgmy or dry and hacking) make yoa choke, gjnp, wheeze, keep you avraka Blghtu? Relieve It now I Do at thou-nndi' have done get Templetoo't RAZ-MAH and atop that cough I P AZ-MAH hat helped otheri let ltjielp you. SOc 11 it druggiiM everywhere, R-14 JEWELLERY RSK FOR CCUinORfT BY DRfDC AT YOUR JOILLRS Continues Printed Silks and Jerseys JUST WHAT YOU WANT AT BARGAIN PRICE Tog Out for the Carnival BUY ON EUDdET PLAN No Intercbt No Carrying Charges W.T.P.B. Regulations -THE CREDIT HOUSE OF QUALITY" LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 619 220 Sixth Street Prince Rupert Bottle Collector Atsd messenger service Phone Blue 737 We buy ... all sizes Perfcx Hccr Whiskey, Gin and Bottles Bottles Wine Bottles PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE V l?i(ncc frupctt Datic X3cui5 Friday, August 23, 1948 Tweed FOR $J25 $(j.25 "THE MEN'S SHOP riOTIIIVG S32 THIRD AVENUE PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" TEHRAN BRITISH INDIAN CARPETS 1 Tehran British Indian Carpets, 8T'x9T' .. $18850 1 Tehran British Indian Carpets, 92"xll'10" 265.50 1 Tehran British Indian Carpets, OT'xO' 147.0U 1 Tehran British Indian Carpets, Wx&'9" 14G.00 With modern home-loving women, the carpet is chosen first. Most people only buy carpets once in a life-time. We invite your inspection. Phone 775 327 Thhcl WE INVITE YOU To drop in and see our selection of "Sunworthy' Wallpapers. You will find the patterns smart and modern, and will be surprised at what small a cost you can buy beautiful papers for your rooms. Gordon's McBride Street General We do basements, reshingling, build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings. 100 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL BLUE G10 and we will give an estimate. ' P.O. BOX 654 : PRINCE RUPERT GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL PLANNING AND DESIGNINO ESTIMATES NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION Stone Block LIMITED P.O. Box 1381 Phone 50JI Evenings: Green 103 Fine Wood for Sale! NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 100 Cords of Seasoned Scrap Lumber First class 11-inch lengths, free of nails $10 per cord Second class trimmings up to 14-inch lengths, $8 per cord Third class, various lengths uncut $G per coid FOR COURTEOUS AND RELIABLE SERVICE H EMMONS TRANSFER Phone Black 156 Night Phone: Black 665 P.O. Box 1131 Station B Pants Boys and Youths i Size ranges are now complete a6es 6 to 18 years. M HRUXIIUCS PHONE 345 NEWS CIRCULATION COUNTS Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. Hardware PHONE 311 On Contractor Office: J, II. Malr's Auction Rooms Third Avenue East saw "if- 'a